
Should I say anything? my daughter's bf bought her a..

Niel|1403874401|3702002 said:
Why are we calling it a dud?

Was it distinctly terrible looking when you saw it? Does it have a huge table or something? Slightly steep deep may be out of "ideal" to our over anilitical diamonf minds but doesn't seem like a "dud"

Have you seen an aset of it?

Ditto this. I'm not sure why you're assuming it's terrible. And - I mean this in the nicest possible way - what business is it of yours? You are an onlooker in this, no more. If my fiance bought me a ring and my FATHER inserted himself somehow into the mix, it would just be weird.

As for the stats - the pavilion angle is spot on, the crown is a little steep, and as for the depth %, I remember someone saying once on PS that, in their opinion, the ideal depth for RB diamonds was 61.7% - and a *bunch* of people were all over him/her, telling them that diamonds over 62% - and even quite a bit over 62% - could be completely fine. And I mean a LOT of people. I think, having looked at a lot of old cuts, it seems to me that stats are a great guide - especially if you want a H&A cut for which, granted, the parameters are strict, but diamonds do have personal characteristics. And on the plus side, the color and clarity are nice, and if this is the size she wants, at least you can mentally check that box too.

Anyway, all that to say - it doesn't sound bad to me at all, and I don't think it's your concern.
Please don't say anything Dancing Fire. This is such a happy time for her. Don't you want her memories of you from today to be that you were very happy and happy for her. If she finds out how you really feel she may be hurt.
DD call and said she is engaged... :appl: I said, congrats honey!

did the ring fit? she said yes!
she asked me...what do you think about the ring? I said...I love the H VS2 combo and that's what I would buy for myself to wear.

anyhoo, I heard the approx. price he paid for the ring was < 6K ,so at least he did not get screwed by his jeweler friend .. :appl:
Well done, DF! :appl: :appl: :appl:

And congratulations - you are now a father of a bride-to-be! :mrgreen:
Buying a less than ideal diamond is a lesson one should hope to never actually learn. Only reason I've learned it was bc of an engagement that fell apart and I eventually had to sell the ring for half what I paid for it. With that said, imagine a scenario in which you make mention of how poor of a choice your future son in law has made, and how it could possibly result in a positive outcome.....I don't know how good your imagination is, but mine certainly doesn't allow me to imagine such a situation. My $0.02.
vtigger86 said:
DD call and said she is engaged... :appl: I said, congrats honey!

did the ring fit? she said yes!
she asked me...what do you think about the ring? I said...I love the H VS2 combo and that's what I would buy for myself to wear.

anyhoo, I heard the approx. price he paid for the ring was < 6K ,so at least he did not get screwed by his jeweler friend .. :appl:

Congrats on her engagement! You handled it like a champ!!
Zizzy|1403908004|3702394 said:
Please, please stop and think!
If your daughter asks the question as you're hoping... - you have to choose which is the most important: diamonds or your daughter. I'm sure your daughter wins hands down. In that case you say it's gorgeous, he's a lucky man to have her but he's a great guy and the the rest of it. Believe me anything else will leave a sour taste and could spoil what should be the happiest of times for her.

Think about it: we happen to love diamonds, but this could equally be a petrol-head forum and you could be having kittens about the car your SIL thinks is the dog's danglies. It's not as if he's brandishing a CZ in tungston! By not seeking your advice before buying he's indicated that he thinks this is a matter for him and your daughter and it is.

If I were your future SIL I'd be nodding, smiling and thinking that you are a smug, interfering pillock.Don't do it!

* quick threadjack*

Are you a Brit Zizzy? Welcome! :wavey:
Dancing Fire|1403933556|3702635 said:
DD call and said she is engaged... :appl: I said, congrats honey!

did the ring fit? she said yes!
she asked me...what do you think about the ring? I said...I love the H VS2 combo and that's what I would buy for myself to wear.

anyhoo, I heard the approx. price he paid for the ring was < 6K ,so at least he did not get screwed by his jeweler friend .. :appl:

Well done DF, I am glad you were able to shut your gob in the end and he did well pricewise by the sound of it! :appl:
Congrats on her engagement!!!! And I think it worked out O.K, if she is really happy and excited that is all that matters, making them feel bad about the choice they wanted to make for themselves is not going to help anyone at this point in time, and I don't think it is worth impacting on your relationship with them.
Congratulations DF!
I hope they will be really happy. You won't regret keeping your trap shut, Mrs DF was on the button.
Much as I'm gripped by this thread, is it possible for you to have the whole thing removed?
It would be such a shame if after all your self-control, your daughter happened upon this thread, - perhaps with her interest newly roused by her new ring. She would be really upset and mortified.
I hope the next few months are a joy and the wedding a triumph. Steady with the FOTB speech, be sure to run it past the Boss.
Hi Lorelei! :wavey:
Yes I am a Brit, in fact as a Yorkshire-woman I'm a Brit on steroids. Impressed by your use of "gob" - are you a Brit in exile or still here in Blighty?
Zizzy|1403957224|3702715 said:
Congratulations DF!
I hope they will be really happy. You won't regret keeping your trap shut, Mrs DF was on the button.
Much as I'm gripped by this thread, is it possible for you to have the whole thing removed?
It would be such a shame if after all your self-control, your daughter happened upon this thread, - perhaps with her interest newly roused by her new ring. She would be really upset and mortified.
I hope the next few months are a joy and the wedding a triumph. Steady with the FOTB speech, be sure to run it past the Boss.
Hi Lorelei! :wavey:
Yes I am a Brit, in fact as a Yorkshire-woman I'm a Brit on steroids. Impressed by your use of "gob" - are you a Brit in exile or still here in Blighty?

Lol - thought as much, how lovely to have a Yorkshire lass here! :wavey: I am still firmly rooted here, no exile for me so far!
Congrats to your daughter, DF! :appl: You did handle it the only way possible! GIA XXX is better than what most people get. I would just forget about it and if she ever upgrades, you can be sure you educate her prior to that!
- I meant to say that judging by your comments about your daughter not being likely to want an upgrade etc. it sounds like you and your wife have done a top job of raising a lovely girl. I'm guessing that she has had exposure to a fairly privileged and sparkly lifestyle and she has emerged sweet and unspoilt. It's not always easy to get the balance right; we all love to support and treat the ones we care about but when it becomes entitlement it's never pretty.
Nice one! You must be very proud.
What a relief! Good job, DF! :appl:
That's the best gift you could have given these two young people - your positive response about the ring.
When I got engaged we went to visit my parents. We were driving to look at wedding venues and my dad piped up with "Let's hear it for the beautiful engagement ring - hip hip hurray," and my mom (wearing her 2.5 v. my 1.02) chimed in. It was so corny, but it made me happy and I still remember it 20 years later.
Congrats DF to you and your daughter! Glad to hear it all went over well and she is happy with her ring and happy to be engaged.
Congrats! Glad to hear that went so well! :appl:
Dancing Fire|1403933556|3702635 said:
DD call and said she is engaged... :appl: I said, congrats honey!

did the ring fit? she said yes!
she asked me...what do you think about the ring? I said...I love the H VS2 combo and that's what I would buy for myself to wear.

anyhoo, I heard the approx. price he paid for the ring was < 6K ,so at least he did not get screwed by his jeweler friend .. :appl:
Congratulations DF to you, your daughter, and the whole family!

You did the right thing. I'm sure it wasn't easy. You are so lucky to have so many people here who really care and who can give you support and great advice. :praise:
Congratulations DF. You did the right thing. She's happy, he's happy and the price was fair. But most importantly they are in love and going to have a happy life filled with love and the ring is such a nothing part of it all yanno? A win win because she loves her ring and she loves her FI and she loves her dear daddy...I mean, how could she not love you? There's a forum full of PSers who love their sweet DF. :appl:

Now should the opportunity ever present itself for a future upgrade well then all bets are off if you are asked for your input. Just sayin... :cheeky:
well done DF - and Congrats to your daughter!
missy|1403968801|3702827 said:
Congratulations DF. You did the right thing. She's happy, he's happy and the price was fair. But most importantly they are in love and going to have a happy life filled with love and the ring is such a nothing part of it all yanno? A win win because she loves her ring and she loves her FI and she loves her dear daddy...I mean, how could she not love you? There's a forum full of PSers who love their sweet DF. :appl:

Now should the opportunity ever present itself for a future upgrade well then all bets are off if you are asked for your input. Just sayin... :cheeky:

Congrats on your daughters engagement DF!!!!!! I knew you would do the right thing for your daughter. The love you have for your girls is obvious to anyone readying your posts.

I also agree with everything Missy said and her last sentence is priceless. Your daughter may know a lot more about diamonds in a few years and want her dad's help in finding one. She does have your genes....
Congrats! Now you get to be the father in law!
Congratulations DF. :appl:
congrates on getting a new son.
You did tell him now her credit card is his problem right?
Thanks, guys!.. :wavey: I can't wait to check her stone out with my I-scope... :naughty: I have never seen a steep/deep stone under the I-scope.. :devil: hope is not a leaker.. :bigsmile:
Karl_K|1403980959|3702916 said:
congrates on getting a new son.
You did tell him now her credit card is his problem right?
Yes, as soon as I bought the Octavia.. ;)) I told them Jon took me to the cleaners!
Dancing Fire|1403981780|3702922 said:
Thanks, guys!.. :wavey: I can't wait to check her stone out with my I-scope... :naughty: I have never seen a steep/deep stone under the I-scope.. :devil: hope is not a leaker.. :bigsmile:

Considering the diamond is now a keeper everything changes.
It is now the best and most beautiful diamond in the whole world.

I would not pull out Idealscope an unless you somehow get the diamond alone.
If either in the couple sees you examine it with an IS it may make them curious and result in education which may lead to disappointment with the stone.
Congratulations DF! I'm very excited for your family - and hoping the young man is "Ideal!" for her.

Regarding the boy's selection:

1. I didn't see table size mentioned but 40.8/36.0 is an AGS 0-1 candidate from 55%-58%.
2. He managed to find the rare 0.91 size, in the practical/popular H VS2 range for < $6K
3. Do know there are only 5 in-house GIA 3X or AGS0 graded 0.9X H VS2s listed by PS e-tailers...check the prices.

You might take it easy on the kid.


Unless you're playing intimidating-dad. For which I'm totally down... In that case, bring up GIA's averaging and rounding, link him to some old "GIA certifigate" scandal articles and warn him some extreme Pricescopers are coming to personally assess the diamond (show him some old posts by Aljdewey).
Congratulations DF on your daughter's engagement!
(And being able to keep your feelings to yourself.)
If you're feeling really bad for her you could always
Offer up your Octavia so she can have that stone
With perfect light return like you wanted her to have!