No such thing as "basic" VCA!! It's lovely on you. Classic and classy, perfect with a crisp shirt
I didn't expect to at all, but I've turned into a bangle stacker. It's always my clover, single row, signature, and a mikimoto station bracelet - either all four or none at all. I do want the pearls of gold bangle to finish the set but it's been on the no-order list for several months now, sigh. Kicking myself for not just buying it early last year - my SA did try to warn me!!
Oh, totally, yes - real life comes firstIf, y'know, you just happened to have a gob of cash burning a hole in your coat pocket, though.
Here's an old summer pic of my stack. Fancy car logo and all
The one I'm still missing:
I adore your pearl bracelet layered in with this Perlee stack. It’s these additional pieces that provide variety which I love. Your arm is goals for sure