
Show us your Chrysoberyls

ephsea|1408832344|3738246 said:
Nice, Marlow! The vanadiums are always a treat to see, but I like ol' Olive oil the best. Been looking for a darker chryso myself - seems a bit more "manly".

I completely agree, the olive color is very masculine. Had you seem the ones master cut has? seems to have a fair amount of those browner tones.
Great to see this thread still kicking. Took this picture last week.

Chrono said:
Great to see this thread still kicking. Took this picture last week.

I love your ring. It's unique and beautiful. It makes me think of my grandma because her favorite color was yellow and she always had such unique pieces. She's the one who turned me on to CS many, many years ago. I lovingly tell DH that she's the one "to blame." ;) In her honor, I want to make a piece of jewelry (not sure yet if it'll be a ring, pendant or bracelet) someday and your stone (and ring) will be my inspiration. Maybe I should start looking at chrysoberyl's now before their price becomes too expensive!
Thank you, SparkliesLuver. Yes, better get your chrysoberyl now before prices spike as they have done with spinels, corundum, some garnet and tourmaline varieties.
Well, if we ever run out of electricity, we can use Chrono's ring to light up our big cities. LOL!
Some cateyes....
She is dreaming....

Mammoth ivory netsuke
Marlow|1409161334|3740219 said:
Some cateyes....

Wow, I'm quite taken with the middle one.
Yes - my best! Love the color of the smaller greenish yellow but it is not very sharp.

It is only 1,30 ct but vivid green yellow
That one caught my eye first too.
This is an unusual chrysoberyl - from Brazil 0,49 ct with an extreme high Chrome content ( 1,36 - 2,23 % )

It is no alexandrite - no daylight green!

This is the daylight color:

The two stones on the left are Almandine and the two stones on the right Chrome Pyrope ( Anthill garnets )

Mixed light daylight / incandescent - right Chrome Prope and left Almandine
Marlow said:
Some cateyes....

Wow, I love those. How pretty. Are the catseyes harder to find?
I think cat's eye chrysoberyl is quite easy to find; just be wary of irradiated ones.

A red chrysoberyl? :eek:
SparkliesLuver|1409226408|3740608 said:
Marlow said:
Some cateyes....

Wow, I love those. How pretty. Are the catseyes harder to find?

Good ones are hard to find. Meh and average ones, not so much.
Hard to find is a top color with a sharp and well centered eye - and exc. body ( no cracks and visible inclusions) and good cut.

Not a 6-7 ct stone looking like a 2-3 ct one. And they are really expensive when larger ;(
Marlow|1409246887|3740843 said:
Hard to find is a top color with a sharp and well centered eye - and exc. body ( no cracks and visible inclusions) and good cut.

Not a 6-7 ct stone looking like a 2-3 ct one. And they are really expensive when larger ;(

Yup, and like your netsuke too. I didn't know they made them out of mammoth bone. :shock:

I have one as well, but its a devil face. :Up_to_something:
Yes - it is a vendor from Belgium - a nice chinese woman ( a very active seller :D )

30 % are only for adults ( :oops: ) and 40% animals - the carving has a very high quality. Not cheap - I would collect them but not enough money for gems and netsuke. The rest are dragons, skulls and typical ancient japanese people.

I have a custom declaration that it is mammoth ivory - not bone - fascinating material ( Jurassic Park-like) from Russia. Untreated - only a bit ink.
Marlow|1409248438|3740860 said:
Yes - it is a vendor from Belgium - a nice chinese woman ( a very active seller :D )

30 % are only for adults ( :oops: ) and 40% animals - the carving has a very high quality. Not cheap - I would collect them but not enough money for gems and netsuke. The rest are dragons, skulls and typical ancient japanese people.

I have a custom declaration that it is mammoth - fascinating material ( Jurassic Park-like) from Russia. Untreated - only a bit ink.

Mine was antique, before the regulations were in place against the importation of ivory to the States. Well,we're getting a bit off subject now, back to chrysoberyls. :bigsmile:

Fun looking at all of these chrysoberyls. It is an under-appreciated gem. I cut this gorgeous deep golden yellow chrysoberyl for a customer last winter. It shifted to a more neon greenish-yellow in fluorescent lighting. It came out at 5.2 carats.



Super size too!!!

As long as Chrysos are untreated they are like spinel worth to buy - durable with beautiful colors and make you happy course you need no exp. lab to detect all these things corundum or topaz happens.

Alnitak said:
Fun looking at all of these chrysoberyls. It is an under-appreciated gem. I cut this gorgeous deep golden yellow chrysoberyl for a customer last winter. It shifted to a more neon greenish-yellow in fluorescent lighting. It came out at 5.2 carats.

Chrono|1408968917|3738874 said:
Great to see this thread still kicking. Took this picture last week.

Gorgeous photo, Chrono! And the setting is just perfect for your stone.
So I bought this...
Brad made me an offer I could not refuse.
This pear is a "color twin" to my Richard Homer stone (photos earlier in this thread). So much so that the Homer stone and the pear may end up in a pendant together!
So I now own three chrysoberyls -- my Richard Homer portuguese cut, my cats eye from Brad and now this gigantic pear, also from Brad -- all from Orissa, India. And to think that just a few short years ago I wasn't sure I even liked chrysoberyls...

I have to get serious about setting my stones! No more new purchases (well, except for side stones).
The pear is wonderful - impressive size and color. Hope you got a better price but I understand that this stone was not cheap.

You have a picture of the cat eye?
Marlow - thanks for showing those, I too had no idea chrysoberyls came in red!

Lula - *gasp* Please do start a thread of your own with pictures of all three together when you get it, it looks to be a beauty!
This chryso is just over 3 ct. from Prima Gems. The photo is by Jenny @ PrimaGems and is very accurate with respect to the color. It is now at Quest Jewelers waiting to be set in a ring.

Normaly I don't like hearts - but this one... :appl: :appl:

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