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Strawdermangrl|1289578042|2763380 said:B.E.G- Good luck, girl! I know you don't NEED it but sending you lots of dust.
My ex-hubby's sister requested me as a friend last night. I accepted, just because we got divorced doesn't mean that I can't talk to her, right?
Strawdermangrl|1289578042|2763380 said:B.E.G- Good luck, girl! I know you don't NEED it but sending you lots of dust.
My ex-hubby's sister requested me as a friend last night. I accepted, just because we got divorced doesn't mean that I can't talk to her, right?
princesss|1289595278|2763682 said:Game cleavage was a success! Met a cute engineer last night. Tall (6'3"?), red hair, kind of reminded me of Carey Elwes in The Princess Bride. Good night.
Will reply later - work is NUTS!
MissPrudential|1289622330|2764045 said:... I just returned from "The date" a minute or two ago. Things were lovely, as expected. We grabbed a drink, chatted a bit, picked out a movie to see, went to said movie, and then off to dinner. He's really cute. haha. Things were generally affectionate--cuddled in at the movie theater, few kisses at various points in the evening. Lots and lots of joking around AND he proposed a follow up date. Not a specific time/date but a specific event.
Things went perfectly but for some reason I have a "meh" feeling about this going anywhere. Not sure why. I really do fancy him-- and he seems just as interested so I'm not sure my basis.
B.E.G.|1289624015|2764060 said:As for the second - the meh feeling - hmm....maybe you just need another date or two to figure it out? He seems awesome - nice cute guys you connect well with who are interested in you should get a second shot![]()
MissPrudential|1289669285|2764492 said:B.E.G.|1289624015|2764060 said:As for the second - the meh feeling - hmm....maybe you just need another date or two to figure it out? He seems awesome - nice cute guys you connect well with who are interested in you should get a second shot![]()
I think the "meh" thing might be me just being cautious and not getting my hopes up-- you know? Once (recently) burned, twice shy?
I got a sweet text this morning from him.![]()
miraclesrule|1289691868|2764973 said:Yayayaya for sweet texts the next day. But you are right to be cautiously optimistic. It keeps you in tune with your intuition. That is where I went wrong with the last guy. Granted it had been over four years since I had been on a date and was he'll bent on getting a kiss on my first date with said crazy a$$, but that was no excuse for not listening to my gut.
I think this is a great thread because gawd knows I need the dating advice. I stii haven't had the nerve to call that guy back yet from eHarmony. ugh....
miraclesrule|1289694825|2765087 said:He doesn't have my number and I am not comfortable giving it out yet. I just sent him another email so we can setup a time to talk. He emailed and told me he would have to start answewring blocked calls from now on. Like you, if left to my own devices, I would never ever date.
miraclesrule|1289755043|2765630 said:3.5 hours on the phone last nigh!!!![]()
It was surreal. He was everything that I liked about a lot of past partners but without the things I didn't like about the others. Rather, the things others didn't like about me...he actually does!! It's clear we have phone chemistry and that is a start. I won't be able to meet him until after Thanksgiving due to my work schedule but I'm sooooo okay with that. Woohooo for Hope!
miraclesrule|1289755043|2765630 said:3.5 hours on the phone last nigh!!!![]()
It was surreal. He was everything that I liked about a lot of past partners but without the things I didn't like about the others. Rather, the things others didn't like about me...he actually does!! It's clear we have phone chemistry and that is a start. I won't be able to meet him until after Thanksgiving due to my work schedule but I'm sooooo okay with that. Woohooo for Hope!
B.E.G.|1289614114|2763947 said:Strawdermangrl|1289578042|2763380 said:B.E.G- Good luck, girl! I know you don't NEED it but sending you lots of dust.
My ex-hubby's sister requested me as a friend last night. I accepted, just because we got divorced doesn't mean that I can't talk to her, right?
Right! And thanks!
Btw, are you excited for your Australian adventure???![]()
princesss|1289833510|2766566 said:S - An overnight date sounds like a lot this early, KWIM?
MR - So happy to hear about your awesome phone date! It sounds like this has serious potential.
BEG - How are things going?
Had a good weekend. Hold onto your hats, because this might get a little confusing.
Heard from E (the good date a week ago) - he apologized for being MIA, said he's in Puerto Rico, and he gets back today. Soooo...I'm thinking this is good, yes? Means he was thinking about me and maybe a little worried that I was getting worried/upset? You don't just apologize for being MIA if you're not planning on calling again.
Also, heard from cute engineer that I met on Thursday (E2 - of course I pick guys with the same first initial!). We had a fun talk on the phone yesterday, and he asked me out. I gave him the days I was free and he took the first one, lol! So we're going to play billiards and walk around this really cool part of town tonight.
So that's about it. Oh - the ex finally moved. It's kind of a bizarre feeling to know he's not here anymore.
princesss|1290020795|2770158 said:The date was awful. Really, truly terrible.
E2 is not so cute, actually. Every idea he had didn't work. Conversation was stilted at best, and dead most of the time. The waitress came by to tell me what a jerk she thought he was when he went to the "litt.....the restroom." (I think he was going to say "little boys room". No joke.)
No word from E1, but I'm not stressed. I don't know. I get excited when I think about him, and the date with E2 definitely cemented just *how* fantastic the date with E1 was, but I'm pretty calm about hearing from him. It'll happen...and if it doesn't, there are other awesome guys out there. (I just happen to want to hear from THIS awesome guy.)
princesss|1290020795|2770158 said:The date was awful. Really, truly terrible.
E2 is not so cute, actually. Every idea he had didn't work. Conversation was stilted at best, and dead most of the time. The waitress came by to tell me what a jerk she thought he was when he went to the "litt.....the restroom." (I think he was going to say "little boys room". No joke.)
No word from E1, but I'm not stressed. I don't know. I get excited when I think about him, and the date with E2 definitely cemented just *how* fantastic the date with E2 was, but I'm pretty calm about hearing from him. It'll happen...and if it doesn't, there are other awesome guys out there. (I just happen to want to hear from THIS awesome guy.)
B.E.G.|1290030316|2770395 said:MissPru - Aww. That's always tough. I mean, let's face it - we're a group of pretty smart, modern women here. If a guy has an issue with that...well he better get over it, or get out. At least IMO. I hope BDG will get over it! (Btw, I looked to find this but I might just be missing it - what does BDG stand for??). If he doesn't, there are guys out there who will appreciate, admire and love you for that same intelligence.
Speaking of blogs, I just spent an hour reading this former-lawyer-turned-psychotherapist's blog. It was incredibly depressing (he blogs a lot about the horrors of Big Law, which he was in before leaving law altogether), fascinating (seriously, it's like another awful totalitarian world - total train wreck), and liberating (because I am GETTING THE HECK OUT!).
MissPrudential|1290045686|2770819 said:B.E.G.|1290030316|2770395 said:MissPru - Aww. That's always tough. I mean, let's face it - we're a group of pretty smart, modern women here. If a guy has an issue with that...well he better get over it, or get out. At least IMO. I hope BDG will get over it! (Btw, I looked to find this but I might just be missing it - what does BDG stand for??). If he doesn't, there are guys out there who will appreciate, admire and love you for that same intelligence.
Speaking of blogs, I just spent an hour reading this former-lawyer-turned-psychotherapist's blog. It was incredibly depressing (he blogs a lot about the horrors of Big Law, which he was in before leaving law altogether), fascinating (seriously, it's like another awful totalitarian world - total train wreck), and liberating (because I am GETTING THE HECK OUT!).
BDG=blind date guy
Things are cute and I think he's quite entertained. I just don't think he's used to having deep intellectual conversations with dates. Ya know? He joked that he's not sure how to proceed because he knows his typical moves won't work on me. So I don't think it's that he *doesn't* like it, he's just not used to it.
I've been far too into reading about the value (or really, poor value) of higher education right now. Law isn't the only bleak area. America is overeducated and underskilled. We get degrees but fail to actually learn. Sigh...and I'm stuck right in the middle of it!
Strawdermangrl|1290123419|2772100 said:B.E.G- Rooting for you, I know what ever you choose will be the right choice. Plus? There is skiing/snowboarding on the East Coast..just saying.
So...Out of town concert date....... We get to talking last night and I have to run so we revert to texting. I text HFF and say 'So what is the plan for Saturday night?' Wanting to see what HIS response is knowing full well that I have a friend that lives down the street so I can totally crash there but I wanted to see where HFF head is with this whole 'date' scenario. He responds 'Steve's house' <---married friend who is coming to concert with his wife and the two of us. A few seconds later another text from him that says 'Don't worry, you have your own room'. I accepted the out of town concert date, I approved of the response.
Princesss- Have you heard from E1?
Strawdermangrl|1290123419|2772100 said:B.E.G- Rooting for you, I know what ever you choose will be the right choice. Plus? There is skiing/snowboarding on the East Coast..just saying.
So...Out of town concert date....... We get to talking last night and I have to run so we revert to texting. I text HFF and say 'So what is the plan for Saturday night?' Wanting to see what HIS response is knowing full well that I have a friend that lives down the street so I can totally crash there but I wanted to see where HFF head is with this whole 'date' scenario. He responds 'Steve's house' <---married friend who is coming to concert with his wife and the two of us. A few seconds later another text from him that says 'Don't worry, you have your own room'. I accepted the out of town concert date, I approved of the response.
Princesss- Have you heard from E1?
princesss|1290129791|2772287 said:Awww, I like that HFF said that without you asking about separate rooms.
No word from E1. Despite myself, I'm upset. I want to be totally okay with it, but damnit. A) I'm awesome, he should want to spend time with me. B) He's awesome and I want to spend time with him. But whatever. It was super mean of him to text me from PR if he wasn't going to text/call again. Of course, I'm being melodramatic and he is probably super busy with work (he works 12 hour days and has to catch up from being out of town). So I need to just chill.
So to keep myself from moping, I'm going out tonight! Will report back with any funny stories later!