Interesting.Date: 12/19/2006 5:15:37 PM
Author: ladykemma
i am of irish descent with fair, freckled, rosey, pink skin. Yellow gold looks good on me.
you can TAN? wow!.....Date: 12/19/2006 9:30:48 PM
Author: Ellen
Interesting.Date: 12/19/2006 5:15:37 PM
Author: ladykemma
i am of irish descent with fair, freckled, rosey, pink skin. Yellow gold looks good on me.
I am of Irish descent also. Fair skin, no freckles, med. dark brown hair with auburn highlights (well, now they''re fake, but they WERE real), light blue eyes. YG doesn''t look so good on me (except with a tan), which is ok, cuz I prefer WG and sterling anyway.![]()
Date: 12/20/2006 9:05:18 AM
Author: mtrb
Pretty standard... the lighter the skin the whiter the metals, the darker the skin the more yellow the medals. Do you ever see the inner city gang bangers wearing white gold?? ..nope only yellow.
Date: 12/19/2006 7:49:42 PM
Author: strmrdr
Gold gold looks better on almost anyone for a necklace the exception being light skinned blonds on who it stands out on too much.
I dunno, Marcia Cross on DH looks great in pink - one of my 2 best friends is a redhead and she has always told me (I"d never noticed before) that red heads and pink are a no-no but then I saw that DH and went well that certainly must be the exception because she looks great in pink - albeit light pink.Date: 12/20/2006 2:30:54 AM
Author: Galateia
White gold looks ''off'' on me, much like bright pink lipstick looks terrible on redheads. White gold really sticks out (and not in a good way) whereas yellow gold blends in with my skin.
yes yes yes!!! y''think they''ll make it just for us??? LOL!!!Date: 12/20/2006 8:49:23 AM
Author: IslandDreams
This is an interesting thread. My skin is ''peaches and cream'' but as I get older I seem to look more pink, my eyes are blue-blue grey and my hair is currently blonde although my natural color was medium brown. When I was a teen I wore mostly yellow golds and also more peachy make-up. But now, I wear think the white gold looks better with my more ''pink'' skin and blonde hair--I also now tend to wear my rose-pink makeup.
Ideally, there is probably a pale creamy pinkish yellowish gold shade that would look white gold although not so ''chrome'' looking. The yellow gold does tend to ''warm up'' my skin which can be a good thing. I actually like the 10 karate color better than the higher karat colors. I have a whiteflash martini set pendant in white gold and lately I''ve been dreaming about one in yellow gold too. My husband thinks I''m nuts wanting a 2nd pendant.
the friend I was just talking about tans pretty well!Date: 12/20/2006 6:11:43 AM
Author: ladykemma
you can TAN? wow!.....Date: 12/19/2006 9:30:48 PM
Author: Ellen
I am of Irish descent also. Fair skin, no freckles, med. dark brown hair with auburn highlights (well, now they''re fake, but they WERE real), light blue eyes. YG doesn''t look so good on me (except with a tan), which is ok, cuz I prefer WG and sterling anyway.![]()
hah!! I''m 1/4 danish - I say mostly because I''m more than than anything else LOL The rest of me is almost exclusively anglo except I''m 1/16 blackfoot. Other than that it''s all german, english, irish, scottish, etc. to unknown and intermixed quantities lolDate: 12/19/2006 3:31:34 PM
Author: JCJD
Moderately-fair with yellow undertones with dark brown hair and eyes - I''m half Chinese. I''ve been told that both yellow and white look good on me and will wear both, but I prefer white metals.
Cehra - I''m half Danish!!
its funny because I *envy* those undertones!!!!Date: 12/19/2006 4:07:57 PM
Author: Hopes
I am Asian, with a slight tannish look most of the time, and I prefer white gold for my rings. Yellow gold would accentuate the yellow undertones in my skin way too much. >_<
oh see I think many gemstones look better in yellow gold - rubies DEFINITELY look better in yg as well as all of the other warm red stones.... even pink stones.... the only onest that might look better IMO are sapphires.... they can go either way. Yellow gold gives a richer look, white cooler.Date: 12/19/2006 6:50:40 PM
Author: colorkitty
Deb, you seem to be the yg go-to-gal. Is there a difference in color between the karats in yg? All the pieces I have from childhood are 14K and they have all dulled. I''m not sure how to get them looking good again. My local jewelry store carries, literally, no yellow gold. I''ve been looking online.
I''ll probably get the rose gold band... and a yellow band... and a tri-gold band... I''m seriously addicted to wedding bands. I like to change up my routine. I don''t have any qualms about mixing white and pink metals. I think they get along well. Yellow and white is different, though, because they represent two different styles. Most gemstones, imo, just look better in white, and I think mixing will become more common and accepted.
Edited: can someone please envision me on the Greek beach? if we''re going on virtual vacations, what''s fair is fair.![]()
yeah except if the rings and watch and bracelet are on the same hand... I have gold watch, two gold bracelets, and gold ring I wear on my left hand (nothing on my right unless I''m going out and wear a rhr - also gold) and by gold I mean YELLOW gold for all of the above. Anyway.... I''m having my ring made in white gold and I can easily replace the watch and one of the bracelets I have no issue rhodium plating if I have to but I don''t want to touch my mom''s bracelet so I''m wondering how much I can get away with mixing the colors.... should I get a two tone watch? I''ve never been overly fond of the two tone look but out of necessity I might just have to get used to it lolDate: 12/19/2006 7:49:42 PM
Author: strmrdr
2c from a guy with no fashion sense :}
Gold gold looks better on almost anyone for a necklace the exception being light skinned blonds on who it stands out on too much.
Rings it doesn''t really matter much because there is a lot of open air around them.
Watches and bracelets its a little more important but necklaces its very important.
hah, I''m greenish. interesting.Date: 12/20/2006 8:06:46 PM
Author: Christa
OK, Colorkitty, here''s what you do: look at the underside of your arm where the veins show through the skin. Do they look more blue/purple or greenish? Blue/purple means you are cool-toned and will probably look better in white metals, greenish means you''re warm and gold may be better on you. If they are blue/green or you have a hard time telling what color they are, you may be neutral (this is me!) and either one should be fine.
Or, put a YG ring on one had and a white metal ring on the other. Look in the mirror (easier to be objective than looking directly at your hands) and see what the skin on each hand looks like to you.
Or . . . you could just pick what you like best and not worry about what is supposed to be most flattering.![]()
Not really--lots of Latin girls are warm-toned, and for that matter I think YG usually looks best on African skin.Date: 12/20/2006 8:34:03 PM
Author: ladykemma
hah, I''m greenish. interesting.Date: 12/20/2006 8:06:46 PM
Author: Christa
OK, Colorkitty, here''s what you do: look at the underside of your arm where the veins show through the skin. Do they look more blue/purple or greenish? Blue/purple means you are cool-toned and will probably look better in white metals, greenish means you''re warm and gold may be better on you. If they are blue/green or you have a hard time telling what color they are, you may be neutral (this is me!) and either one should be fine.
Or, put a YG ring on one had and a white metal ring on the other. Look in the mirror (easier to be objective than looking directly at your hands) and see what the skin on each hand looks like to you.
Or . . . you could just pick what you like best and not worry about what is supposed to be most flattering.![]()
i think there is an ''able to tan/ not able to tan'' thing going on here. I do not tan -> yellow gold.
see I think tanned people look better in yellow.... hee - but you know what I *really* think? I think our own personal preferences and bias cloud whatever sort of objective reasoning there might be.... not only for ourselves but for ohers as well lolDate: 12/20/2006 8:34:03 PM
Author: ladykemma
hah, I''m greenish. interesting.Date: 12/20/2006 8:06:46 PM
Author: Christa
OK, Colorkitty, here''s what you do: look at the underside of your arm where the veins show through the skin. Do they look more blue/purple or greenish? Blue/purple means you are cool-toned and will probably look better in white metals, greenish means you''re warm and gold may be better on you. If they are blue/green or you have a hard time telling what color they are, you may be neutral (this is me!) and either one should be fine.
Or, put a YG ring on one had and a white metal ring on the other. Look in the mirror (easier to be objective than looking directly at your hands) and see what the skin on each hand looks like to you.
Or . . . you could just pick what you like best and not worry about what is supposed to be most flattering.![]()
i think there is an ''able to tan/ not able to tan'' thing going on here. I do not tan -> yellow gold.
ITA and in those cases I think it''s pretty obvious. OR - the person just doesn''t care and that''s perfectly fine to!!Date: 12/21/2006 12:39:07 AM
Author: Tacori E-ring
I agree Cehrabehra. I think you should buy jewelry in the color gold you like best not what you think looks best on you. I think there are very FEW cases where someone can''t pull off a certain color gold.
Date: 12/20/2006 8:20:16 PM
Author: Blenheim
I have pale, freckled skin and auburn hair, and I think that yellow gold looks best on me.
By the way, that's me TAN.I'm even paler now.![]()
There are exceptions of course but I do think that hair color has a lot to do with it if one has long hair.Date: 12/20/2006 1:21:21 PM
Author: AGBF
Date: 12/19/2006 7:49:42 PM
Author: strmrdr
Gold gold looks better on almost anyone for a necklace the exception being light skinned blonds on who it stands out on too much.
When it''s around your neck, Storm, hair color doesn''t matter that much! I also have to disagree based on personal experience as a light skinned blonde! I wear only gold necklaces!
LOL Yes, but not NEAR as easily as some.Date: 12/20/2006 6:11:43 AM
Author: ladykemma
you can TAN? wow!.....