
Some kind of hiatus

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Feb 13, 2006
Well I haven''t been around much in the last week or so because of my new internship. However, a few things have also happened this week and I think I am going to take a small hiatus from PS. I don''t want to be taken off the list or anything, we are still kind of together I guess. But he needs some time to himself to think about a lot of things. He has been really depressed lately and just doesn''t know anything, what he wants, how he feels, etc. I am a pretty big wreck and have been thinking about Blueroses. Wondering how things are going today. I may pop in and out but I just don''t want to get upset watching others be so happy and all.

Maybe if Blue pops in here and can give me a few tips for getting through this, I''d appreciate it. Thank you everyone for always being so supportive and wonderful. It has truly helped in the past and I don''t doubt it will continue to do so.

I''m sorry for what you are going through Sparkles. I hope that with time your man can sort through any struggles he is going through and work things out with you. I''m new, so I don''t know your background at all or anything, but I wish you the very best!

Oh..and I LOVE your avatar (I think that''s what it''s called) pic! Is that your doggie?? I just love pups.
Big (((HUGS))) from one Amanda to another, sweetie. I''ll see him in 2 1/2 hours, so it remains to be seen how it goes.

Anyway. I really feel for you and I know how painful it can be for your honey to seem to make a 180 from right there on the same page with you to being confused, depressed, unsure of feelings, etc. The only thing I can offer is LISTEN to him when he says this--his honesty right now is a gift b/c a big part of the limbo in mY relationship was him not being honest with me OR HIMSELF about not being ready yet--it was like, if he said outloud how he thought he''d feel LATER that it would just make it happen sooner. It didn''t! We went through a patch (before all of the LIW limbo) a few years ago when we first moved in together. In hindisght, I think he was also depressed. Anyway, he was unhappy with his job, where we were living, a lot of things--and all that uncertainty in other areas just amplifies anything in the relationship that could be uncertain too. If he has things in his own life to work through and is unhappy with himself, then he can''t be happy with you until that''s really worked out. (And by that same token, he''s no good to YOU when he''s unhappy with himself.) THe other thing I''d say (and this is something I''ve ONLY done in these last months) is to look at whatever this time is as a chance for YOU. If he is taking time to figure out his own issues, than really do your best to not look at this as your "waiting for him time." Make it, instead, your "reevaluating MY NEEDS time." This is your chance to do some real soul searching about what you want, what are your priorities for a relationship, what you will accept and what you won''t. And i know it is SO HARD to look objectively at it b/c all you can probably think (I''ve been there!!!) about that is that you "want him to be sure" or want him to figure it out so that you can just keep moving forward together. BUT......if that''s not how it''s going to be NOW, then really (after all the good cries and ice cream and crawling into bed that you need) sit down with yourself and let this be some YOU time. THEN, when whatever resoution he comes to happens, you can see if that''s all right for YOU. NO COMPROMSING!!!!!

ANyway, hope that wasn''t a lecture. Hang in there, keep the lines of communication open, stay off PS if you have to (I have for weeks at a time!,) and put yourself FIRST here. Try to make it about self exploration rather than waiting.

BIG ((((HUGS)))))!!!
iluv i was just thinking about you last nite wondering where you had gone...

i have kind of followed your relationship as you posted it with your long distance online love...and i always can''t help but think that you are so young to be in such an intense relationship esp with an older man who still has alot of figuring out his own life to do. but what do i know, i''m not in the relationship, it''s just the vibe i get from reading.

anyway...hang in there and the only real advice i can say is maybe take a break from the relationship, and let him figure HIS stuff out. and don''t lose yourself in his drama. you gotta look out for #1 especially when that is what he is doing. i really feel like two people can''t be happy together if one person is not happy with themselves, and sometimes you have to step back and let that person figure stuff out before you can proceed on together. also i really do believe that distance in a relationship can either make you or break you...having been there and done it myself. one time it broke us (and it was meant to, we were not meant to be together) and the next time it made us and now we are married.

i hope you don''t go away entirely, i will miss your lemon wishes and keep us posted.
I''m sorry to hear about this, Sparkles. I hope that everything works out for the best. Focus on YOU, like BlueRoses said. Also, as far as depression is concerned -- do you think he might benefit from professional help? It can really do wonders.
Date: 6/17/2006 1:51:17 PM
Author: Mara
i really feel like two people can''t be happy together if one person is not happy with themselves, and sometimes you have to step back and let that person figure stuff out before you can proceed on together.

Hey Miss Mara!!

I couldnt'' agree more, WELL-SAID.

I also concur w/ Blenheim. If he really is depressed, it would help him so much to talk to a pro. "believe me, I know''
Aw hun. I don''t really have any advice on top of what has already been give--which I will ditto as good advice--I just wanted to let you know that I''m thinking about you and hoping for the very best! hang in there!
Im so sorry to hear that ilovesparkles-it must be heartbreaking to hear that from someone that you love. The only thing I can suggest is just to give him space and let him have the time to decide what it is he wants. I agree totally with Blueroses, in that this is a time for you to decide what you want also. Get together with your girlfriends, get support from them, go on a trip that you''ve always wanted to go on and when the two of you get back together you can both be happier after the break
Hi Sparkles ---

I''m sorry to hear you are going through this, but I''ve rarely known a couple that didn''t have times like this... sometimes you need to step back and reevaluate, get perspective, discover where you are. In this case, since you''ve been long-distance the whole time, I can see why it is even more distressing because you don''t have the strong background to lean on. I wish you the best, however it turns out. I know this was a fast relationship, age difference, distance, etc... those are all reasons to step back and make sure its something YOU want to continue. If he''s depressed, he needs to seek help, but that''s his decision to make. I''m not going to preach to you... I know you''ve gotten a lot of that from PS in the past... but I will just ask if you''re really sure you want HIM or you just want SOMEONE? There''s a huge difference.

O, girl I''m sorry to hear this. I ditto Mara on her entire post (just can''t seem to get the "quote" feature right!).... these tough patches are HARD. Trust me, just been there, done that myself. We came out stronger, and if it''s meant to be, you 2 will also. Best of luck and we hope you are around when you can be! We''re all rooting for ya, hon...
I''m thinking about you, sparkles! Just remember that it''s NOT selfish to thnk about yourself first, so take care.
THanks ladies! You support means so much to me right now you have no idea! Friday so many things just came to a head and crumbled for me its unbelievable. The first week of my internship did not go as well as I hoped. I can''t read my supervisor and there are just some weird things that make me wonder if she doesn''t like me or what. On Friday, I was left in my office from 1pm for the rest of the day to do whatever I please. Everyone is supposed to leave at 4:30, she left sometime before 3:30 without even saying bye to me. Which ok its Friday, but this is the second day this has happened and you have to walk by my office to get to the stairs that lead to the parking lot. So is she avoiding me?

So whatever, move on with my weekend, start over on Monday right. Then I get a completely incoherent voice mail from my father (he is a major depressive, alcoholic) saying he checking himself into an ER. I think he drank himself into a drug induced psychotic episode. Scheduled to have brain scans tomorrow I learn. He has been havingan incredibly bad relapse since last December, its just never ending. So I wouldn''t normally share this on PS, but I am seriously scared that he is killing himself and may never come back from this relapse. Enough for my plate right.

Then I come home to get the email from K. I read it again last night again. I don''t know what to make of it. I have somewhat come to terms that he needs time to himself to figure out a lot of things. Two things are just really getting to me right now. One, that I somehow believe that if I talk to him I will be better and more able accept this "break" he has put us on. But moreover two, everytime the phone rings or I see I have a new email, I wonder if its him. As soon as it happens I say "thats not K its my mom or X" but I am still let down when its not him. He said he doesn''t know if he needs days or weeks, so how do I just move on? I don''t know how to go about day to day business. And I know people will say stay busy, do this do that. But I don''t know how to do that. All I want to do is lay in bed and wallow and cry. I have two goals this week to one focus on my internship and just do my best there and two, to call and set up an appointment with a therapist. Because I don''t know that I can get through this with the help of just my mom bless her heart.So with that I just promised myself I have to take a shower and then I can go back to reading and sleeping if I really want.

So thanks to everyone here. I might not be as absent as I thought when putting this up yesterday, because really you are all so wonderful. But we shall see.
I really feel for you that you have to go through all this at the same time-that''s awful. I dont have any advice that I can think of but just know that I am thinking of you
hang in there .... your plate is definitely full right now but what doesn't kill us will only make us stronger, cold comfort i know when it seems like everything is going wrong but in the end it always seems like things make :the thing with your supervisor, don't read too much into behaviors that are not your own, it's easy to try to imagine what others are thinking by behavior, but most of the time you end up being wrong. i go through this all the time with my boss too.

as for the relationship thing, of course it is hard but you HAVE to think about yourself and stay busy for yourself. i know what you mean about waiting for a call or an email or something but you have to get out of that or else you'll continue to be disappointed as the days go on. who knows what will happen, but just remember that you were able to have a good life before him, and if it is the case that he is not around in the future, you WILL have a good life after him too. we make our own destiny.

sorry to hear about your dad, you have good vibes from all of us here of course.. good luck gal!
It''s hard to add much to Mara''s pearls of wisdom here so I''m not even going to try. I think she has given you some great insight and perspective to think about....but I also wanted to add that I''m thinking about you and hope that no matter what the outcome or the timeline of it that this experience shows you how strong you can be. It''s okay to want to wallow and cry a little bit. It''s the fact that you still pick yourself up and go on that matters. I''m also sorry to hear about your dad - your plate certainly is full and you deserve a break!
Big big hugs. I''m so sorry that you''re going through so much stuff right now.
Sparkles I''m so sorry you''re going through all this... for somebody who is always so upbeat and supportive of everyone else, it''s hard to watch you go through this "down" period.

With the internship, all I can really say (as somebody who has gone through several, good and bad) is that internships are for learning... and if one of those lessons is how to deal with less-than-ideal supervisors, that is sometimes just as important as the other training you''re receiving. Do the best you can, accept each lesson for what it is... a lesson, allow yourself to make mistakes, and recognize that your supervisors are sometimes fallible too... she may have personal/professional stuff going on that you''re just not aware of yet. You, alone, have the ability to get what you want out of this internship... so have faith in yourself, and be willing to connect with other people at your site if you feel they may be more helpful to you professionally. And give yourself a little more time to get settled in before you start to get too concerned... things often become clearer after you gain a little more time and perspective.

As for K, without knowing him or his circumstances, it is hard for us to really say what the end result of this will be. If he says he is confused and needs space, remind yourself that he knows what he needs, and it''s not up to you or anyone else to try and save him or interpret his words/actions for anything other than what they are. I''ve gathered that you are the kind of person who feels a natural urge to help people... which means you are the kind of person who needs to be very careful of becoming involved in relationships that are more about "saving" a lost soul than being part of an equal, fulfilling partnership.

I very much respect your love for K and certainly understand why he would love you back... but sometimes that is not enough. For what it''s worth, I learned that lesson the hard way myself... which never became completely clear until I fell in love with someone who was truly happy, whole, and confident in himself and what he wanted, and didn''t NEED me to save/help/take care of him. As other have articulated, both partners need to be complete and content as individuals before they can fully contribute to a healthy relationship. Just something to consider... there IS a right person for you out there... maybe K, maybe not... but no matter what, don''t forget that.

This, too, will pass... and someday you''ll look back on this time knowingly and smile at your young, uncertain self... and then smile at the wonderful, loving husband beside you... whoever he may be!!
Date: 6/18/2006 2:13:41 PM
Author: ilovesparkles
I come home to get the email from K. I read it again last night again. I don''t know what to make of it. I have somewhat come to terms that he needs time to himself to figure out a lot of things. Two things are just really getting to me right now. One, that I somehow believe that if I talk to him I will be better and more able accept this ''break'' he has put us on.
Maybe I''m not understanding -- and I don''t want to add to your unhappiness, Sparkles -- but are you saying he put your relationship on hold VIA EMAIL? And that you haven''t talked to him or been able to reach him on the phone since? I certainly, certainly hope not.
Great advice so far and some ((((HUGS)))) to add. I am sorry to hear about the trouble with your dad and your man recently. I hope that everything works out for the best, sweetie. I hope you keep checking in with us, too. We''re all here to help if you need us.
Oh girl. I''m sorry your week has been a whammy of pooptasticness. That''s no good. I hope your dad is feeling better soon, and just maybe something will click and he''ll see that he needs help. It happens sometimes that rock bottom sinks in and aids a person to getting the help and support they need. I''ll be praying for him.

As for the Kevin thing, actually, I don''t know if he''s a Kevin, but that''s the name I connected to *K* so if I''m wrong, I apologize. Anyway, I think that my relationship prior to the one I''m in now was a bit similar to yours. I was a good bit younger, and tons more naive, not that there''s anything wrong with that, as I''m still fairly naive, and I was dating a man in his mid thirties, who really was lost himself in life. What I found, WAY too late, was that he was phobic about anything new, taking any chances, and because I was younger, he figured he''d have more *time* to sort things out, and well, basically, leave me dangling. He also had SEVERE issues with being stuck up his mom''s behind, but that''s not related to your scenario, so I''ll leave that alone. So, here I was totally loving him, bending over backwards for him not because I had to but because when I love, I love with all I am, with all I have *which I sort of suspect with you, too.* He didn''t know how to take that. He liked it, sure. But it also scared him. Never had it before, maybe. I don''t know. Thought I was trying to tantalize him in, just to screw him over, maybe. I never figured it out. But he was always leary of things. Anyway, I can totally relate to the "I need a break" thing. My advice: give it to him. It sucks, makes you feel like you''re left hanging, but if you don''t give it to him, you''ll only end up prolonging it, which sucks all the more. I too thought I could talk to him, help him through things. Didn''t work. Just added to what I had sifting around in my head, and it made me all the crazier.

Did I do this stuff then? Nope. I pushed, I called, I tried to play healer, and I got my ring. Only within two weeks, I knew it wasn''t real. I wasn''t excited, happy, eager. I was freaking out over having to spend the rest of my life with a man who just wasn''t as into it as I was. And I also realized that I really needed a man who had it more together than he did. It hurt like hell to leave; I felt like I was deserting him when he just really needed support so much. I felt like a horrible person, but I also had to think about the support I needed, but never got. I don''t know much about your relationship, but I do hope you''re able to, during this *break,* think about the strengths and weaknesses in your relationship, the give and take, and stuff.

Not that *breaks* always come from bad guys, though. Paul needed one early on, because I knew *so* soon that he was everything for me. It did scare him a little bit, but for different reasons: he was scared because he wanted to make sure he''d be for me everything I needed, and not just that I''d be what he wanted in a wife. It was very sweet to hear, but still hurt. A lot. The *break* was short, and we still talked every day, but just for brief amounts of time and not about anything "deep." I think sometimes men just freak out for a moment when they think about the commitment and depth of marriage, and even with a totally great man who has awesome qualities and a good head on his shoulders, who''s totally *together,* he still needed a little bit more time than I did. But he wanted that time for the sake of my heart, which I appreciate. Now. I was a bit grry then. A lot grry.

I hope things at your internship go well this week. Maybe you can focus on a project after work, like doing something around the house with your mom, a craft, gardening, or volunteer. Scrapbooking takes me worlds away from my grriness, if even for a little bit, the break does wonders!

Praying for your sanity, girl!!!
***Hugs*** Sparkles!!

I''m sorry to hear you''re going through a rough time

I ditto what Mara said too...

The best thing you can do right now is keep busy...with anything!. I think it''s good for you to take a little time off much as I enjoy posting and I always have so much fun here in PS, I think sometimes with all the waiting hapenning around you, your head can get a little "fuzzy"....for lack of a better word

Anyway, hang in there.....and try to use this time for YOU to also think. Take care of yourself!

Big hugs!

So sorry to hear you''re going through relationship troubles. I agree w/what others have said and think it''s best to not forget YOU in all of this and what you want. He is going to think about him first so you are the one that has to think about you first. How do you feel about this break? How long are you ok w/the break? What always bugs me is when one party is making all the decisions in a relationship. It''s not his relationship or your relationship, it''s yours together. So you have the right to have a voice too. Not that forcing yourself on him is useful but at least, if you know what you want in the relationship, it will give you a little guidance to stay on that path and not let him create this other unknown path that doesn''t make you happy. Not sure if that made sense but I hope so...

Take care!
I''m so sorry to hear that you''re going through this-- I can only imagine how much pain this must be causing you. You''ve gotten excellent advice, so all I can do is add my sympathies and best wishes as well. A friend of mine recently had all her hopes and plans crumble the same way when her (older as well) FF suddenly decided that he aslo needed time to ''sort things out''... and then broke up with her by text message at 3 am while drunk. *wince*

I''m sorry to hear that his communication was limited to email, although I have the impression that it''s not uncommon for some computer enthusiasts to use email to write on heartfelt and difficult topics, when they pour their hearts out in a letter-- it just happens to be sent electronically. The trouble with written correspondence, in my experience, is that you can''t read the tone easily, which can be disastrous. And I, personally, tend to read the worst into things when it comes to things that scare me, which is a bad combination. While long-distance issues can make face-to-face discussions difficult, when it comes to something as huge as this, I think every effort needs to be made to have real communcation happening. Otherwise, you are at the mercy of your worst fears. At least I would be.

I don''t have much else to say than I''m praying for you to pull through this, no matter what the outcome.
Sparkles, I am sending out positive vibes your way. I hope everything works out the best FOR YOU regardless of what that means for K. Look after yourself. We are all rooting for you!!!
Well I am very tired and need to be heading to bed but I thought I would provide you all with a little update since you have been beyond wonderful! He called last night. I stuck to my guns pretty derned well! I was angry, I told him what happened was immature and disrespectful.He knows that he broke a promise to me and that there is a lot he has to prove to me now. What came out is that w\hat has been bugging him lately is the difference between our religious beliefs. I was absolutely floored! I mean I was practically speechless and that never happens. I thought we had discussed that and he had a full understanding of my beliefs and how my children are going to be raised and blablabla. This is NOT a point I am willing to compromise on and he knew this upfront before things turned into a relationship between us. So I guess he has some more thinking as well as I do and we have more discussion ahead of us. Things are not near mended yet, and we don''t know where they will end up.

So I am at a really sticky icky place right now. I was pretty gung ho he has a lot of things to prove to me until things are back the way they were if ever. And that I needed this that and the other. But tonight I am feeling pretty gushy inside and just want my K back. It has been beyond difficult to not pick up the phone and call him. I almost had to delete the number again and still know that may need to happen. Because right now he needs to be the one contacting me, taking the initiative and doing the work. But then my mind wanders back to how much I love this man and how wonderful he can make me feel and I almost crumble. I had a really great conversation wiht my aunt yesterday and well, shes not too fond of my boy to say the least. So I think a call to her over lunch tomorrow may be called for to give me a little punch. But I am sure there are plenbty of you that will do the same after you read this and his attempt from last night. I guess right now I just need a swift kick in the rear to stay strong, stick to my guns, and not give in to those tender heeart strings which are so easily pulled by a simple I love you.

I haven''t ventured outside of this thread for a couple days but I cannot express to you all what the welcome of email each day is like from all of you. When there is no one to talk to or I need a quick pick me up during the day I just check my email and there is almost always a PS reply. It has been just phenomenal! I cannot thank you enough!

Here''s to another day!
i luv ... the only thing i can say is that love does not conquer all.. if there is a religion issue on the table then that could be a big deal. he may not want to conform to whatever you feel regarding raising kids in a certain way etc. and if so, that can be a deal breaker. it's very hard to feel gushy and all that love, but if you can't reconcile a future together, that could be a problem. stick to what is important with you and you will be fine. better to learn about this stuff and work through it (or not) now rather than later.
ilovesparkles: I''m so sorry you are going through a bad time, I had read your post briefly before but wasn''t alarmed, now I am. Sometimes, things that you say you are ok with, and can live with before, or accept become an issue as the relationship progresses. For example when my boyfriend and I was young (20 and 21) he dropped out of school briefly, and was basically doing a dead end job in a factory. In any case, at that point, I would say "doesn''t matter, I''m still going to marry him, I don''t care about that stuff." Now I 26, I kind of reflect on that and realize how silly it all was. Because I''ve changed, grown up, and realized that things like that matter to me A LOT. And people kept telling me that things would never work out as they were, but I kept thinking that we are different. Now we did break up for a while, and my boyfriend went back to school and became an electrical engineer''...but I''m sure that things would have been much different if he hadn''t taken that course in life. For me, this type of education is extremely important for me, it may not be for other people, but I''m glad I matured enough to know that.

SO what I am saying, is that if he is bringing up religion, then this is a MAJOR issue. When religion is a prominent part of your life, it''s something that is as fundamental as "do you want children?" You really need to have an open and frank discussion about this when you aren''t missing and needing him. It''s possible that he agreed to the way you would raise your children etc., before hand, and on furthur reflection, it''s not something he can live with. Or he simply changed his mind about this issue. In any case, at this moment you are doing the best thing for yourself in taking a little time off, so you can reevaluate.

All that aside, I know how hard it is, and you will have some up and down moments. Sometimes you''re going to feel totally strong, and able to handle things...and other times you''re going to miss him terribly. It''s completely normal.

Hang in there!
Oh girl, Sparkles. Please, during all of this *including conversations with him, reflection time, talking to family* remember that what matters to YOU is okay to MATTER to you. There are some things you compromise on, let go of, move on from, but there are some things you DON''T. I''m sure you know that, and where that line is for YOU. But in the midst of *love,* especially the "gushy" part of love, that can be forgotten or pushed aside. Don''t do that.

At the same time, don''t let your aunt or anyone else convince you that he''s a jerk pot. Maybe during this time of talking less, you can evaluate for yourself why people have that impression, if you value what they''re saying, that is.

Again, my past bf really WAS a jerk pot, and everyone knew it but me. I was stuck in the *gushy love* stuff and I missed a lot of things and let things slide that were not okay to let slide. And I couldn''t figure out why I wasn''t happy excited because I''d found this great guy. Looking back, it all makes sense, he wasn''t that great. For me, anyway.

I think maybe you''re a woman who likes to please and cater to people. I have the same gift/curse. It''s hard to differentiate between when to give in and please someone else instead of being head strong and when to *stick to your guns* about things. But really, anything that matters so much to you that it makes you sad or tearful to imagine it being absent from your life as a married woman, is something you need to SERIOUSLY think about. My religon is the absolute heart of who I am, who I want to be, how I want to raise my kids. There would be no way I''d be able to backdown from my ground on this topic, either. While I don''t know what differences you''re talking about (some are small--denomination, practicing beliefs, etc) and some are huge (completely different realms of beliefs, not wanting to be involved in a church at all, etc). The point is, I''m proud of you for taking this time to evaluate for yourself, too. Don''t feel helpless or powerless in this situation; you have just as much to evaluate and figure out as he does.

I''m hoping the very best for you, and for your dad, Sparkles!!
Oh Sparkles - -

I totally agree with Fisher on this. If people you are close to are telling you that they don''t like him, don''t automatically accept that, but do try to find out why. Is it this distance? The age? or something else entirely? Sometimes family members aren''t the best people to turn to for advice, but if you''re close to your aunt, if you value her opinions, you need to find out why she feels that way.

It could be that he didn''t think the religion issue was important to him before you started dating because he didn''t think it was going to be a long-term thing. You can deal with anything in the short term... he might not have foreseen the future so the idea of how to raise the kids wasn''t an issue. But now that you are talking long-term, it IS an issue, and it can be a dealbreaker. You really do need to discuss it and if it''s an issue of no-compromise for you, then don''t compromise. You can find somebody with the same beliefs out there, I promise you that. And it''s better that you discover this now, even though I know it hurts.

One of my friends is in the middle of a divorce from her husband of 5 years. They dated for 6 before they married. He got to the point where he couldn''t handle her not going to church with him, and she had never realized it was a big deal to him. They hadn''t discussed it... they had both just made assumptions about the other. And they were wrong. In the end, the divorce is really good for her because he was wrong for her in other ways too, but this was the breaking point. She''s having fun dating now... he was her first real boyfriend and she just sort of fell into it not knowing there could be someone better for her. She''s finding that out now at 30, and I''m glad she is.

Good luck to you, and good luck in resolving this issue!

Hey Sparkles~
I read your thread the other day but didn''t respond because I was (and still am) sick...but I''ve been thinking about you. I am so sorry you''re going through this uncertainty in your relationship, but keep your eyes on the prize. One of two things will happen. Either you and K will come out of this stronger than ever, or your relationship may sadly come to fruition which, over time, you''ll realize will be the best thing for you. Whatever is meant to be will be, and we all hope you can see this no matter what happens. Please don''t run away, because we all love your posts. =) I wish you all the luck in the world that you will find true happiness because you deserve it. Please keep us updated and if you ever need a pick-me-up, you know where to go!
~Megan =) xoxo
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