
Stalker Kitty Update

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Oooh, yay! This update makes me so happy. I''m thrilled lovely little (well...not so little as I thought) Victoria is getting such a loving home.

Big hugs to you, Gypsy, John, and your mom! (and head bonks to Victoria and Albert)
Aww, this just warms my heart! I''m so glad little Victoria had a new home and a new brother! I''m sure that once she gets used to him, they will get along swimmingly.
What a wonderful ending! I''m so happy that the cute stalker kitty found a home. I had a feeling that another PSer would find a solution! Big hugs to all of you for helping another animal in need!
Amber you are welcome - Little Diana touched my heart and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she did send Victoria your Mom's way through Gypsy! Victoria looks like she is settling in beautifully, I am truly delighted!
I am so ecstatic, I can''t even begin to express it.
Oh my gosh! I am SO happy for you! WHen Gypsy posted about that little darling I wanted her to have a good home (she looks like one of my babies, and my heart went out to her). She looks so happy with you guys!

God bless all of you. This just made my day.
HOW AWESOME!!!!! Bless you for taking in that sweet baby.

Gypsy- you must be thrilled!
Gypsy and John and beyond thrilled!

Gypsy is currently severely under the weather however and hasn't been on here, though I have been in touch with AmberG. Sorry I've been MIA, I'm just really sick.

Thank you all for your good wishes-- all our best wishes are with Victoria, Albert, AmberG's mom and family. Amber she never growled at my boys (or Hally), but she's very smart and she knew there was a screen there keeping them apart (cause she kept trying to pry it open), so I'm hoping she bears out to be friendly to Albert. *Fingers, eyes and toes crossed*

Thank your mom profusely for me, and all my thanks to you as well.

I'm gonna go take a nap as I'm finally home (though I still have work to do

Love the new pics. She's one of the few cats I know who actually sleep in the place you provide her. We had beds with high walls to protect her in both our patio's and she used them both when she slept. We do miss her, she wormed her way quite deep in our hearts, but we know this is best for her and want only best situation for her (without Hally

As for size difference... Amber's Camera is better than mine. Victoria is thin, she could stand to put on a couple of pounds, but she's not teeny tiny. Sorry if my pics were misleading. Amber's pics are with her relaxed too. I don't think she was ever really that relaxed and safe in our patio, so I think the tenseness communicated itself. I'm so happy to see her looking all sprawled out and safe.
oh, i am so happy. thanks
Oh yeah!!! GROUP HUG!!!

Seriously, I am sooooooooo happy and SO excited for this outcome!!!

Like someone said earlier in the thread, PS is amazing, and this is the Internet at its best. OH! I LOVE happy endings!

AG, please give your mom (and beautiful Victoria
!) a big hug for me. I wish them many wonderful years together. And oh, yeah, *head bonks!* from Boo (who said, "Oooooooohhhhhhhhh, she''s PREEEEEETTY, Mom!!!!"
What a wonderful story! This is a great demo of what can be accomplished on PS community.

I hope the cute kitty adjusts easily to the new environment. The poor dear, she has been through so much!

Brava to Gypsy and AmberGretchen.
Ooooh, it''s too cute - what a nice story! Such an incredible example of what an internet community can achieve in such a short period of time - amazing

Congrats and Best Wishes to Amber and her mom and Gypsy and John - what a wonderful thing you did for that little kitty- i hope she has a super life now! Gypsy and John - hope you feel better and warm wishes for a lovely day this weekend! I''ll be thinking about you guys!
Thanks so much for the well wishes everyone - so far they seem to be working like a charm, so keep it up! Victoria continues to settle in beautifully - she had a well kitty check up at our vet so they could meet her and just make sure everything is OK, and also so if something happens her first visit wouldn''t be for something bad. The vets loved her, she was perfectly behaved, and she is a healthy little girl, though as Gypsy said, she could stand to put on a pound or two. But we''re working on that

Anyway, I thought you all might enjoy some new pictures of the little girl happy in her new home. Here she is enjoying a feather toy:

And again with the toy - she really likes this toy. My mom commented that she''s like a model kitty - you give her a toy, she plays with it, you give her a bed, she sleeps in it, you hold out your hand, she wants to cuddle, etc...

And here she is enjoying being petted

And again - she is such a love bug

Are you all sick of the happy kitty pictures yet? I hope not because I have a few more

such a pretty girl

she eventually decided she just wanted to rest - look what a cute little loaf she makes all tucked in like that

OK, last one, happily relaxed Victoria kitty. She actually likes to snuggle next to or with her toys - its super cute

Awwwww! Amber, she is just beautiful! What a cutie! And she looks like such a little purr-box too!

ETA: I love the pic where she is "meatloafing"! LOL!
Oh my god, she''s just too cute! Looks so much like my little male Siamese mix that stalked me because he had been injured!

So glad to see she''s adjusting well.
The internet at its best indeed. Thank you so much, AmberGretchen and Gypsy, for making this happen. I hope Victoria rewards you with years of purring!
ah, the power of ps.
this is a wonderful update indeed!
AG, thank you for posting updated pictures of Victoria (love her name, btw). From your pictures, it seems like she is acclimating nicely to her new surroundings. She has such a pretty coat color, almost dilute torti-ish and totally reminds me of my mother''s cat. Such a happy ending for this kitty!!

Gypsy, sorry you are not feeling well and I hope you have a speedy recovery!
WONDERFUL!!!! This so warms my heart to see such good people do incredible things for animals in need. May you, your Mom and Victoria have many many happy years together! And such thing as too many pics, especially of Victoria, so keep them coming please!

Gypsy - feel better
Oh she looks soooo happy and at home!!!! What a wonderful outcome for everyone!
She looks so happy that I just want to cry. Just looking at her makes me tear up. I am so happy that your mom took her AG, she looks like she is going to have such a happy, loving home. I''m sure she appreciates it so much.

I wish I could take in every last one of them. It tears me up inside whenever I see one in search of a home and a family. Yay for this happy ending!!!!!!! I could look at a thousand pictures of her!!!

You did great work, Gypsy and AG!!!
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