
Stalker Kitty Update

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Thanks FG - I know just how you feel. Most of the time I''m fine at the shelter but every once in a while it gets to me...

Anyway, we actually had our first meet and greet tonight with Victoria and Albert since everybody seemed so relaxed. It went about as expected. There was some hissing (him) and some serious growling (her), but it seemed to taper off gradually. Its clear that she will be the alpha kitty - he just wants to be friends, but she''s not so sure. Anyway, I didn''t want to stress them out further by taking pictures, but when I left they had both retreated to safe but exposed places - her on my mom''s office chair and him on my mom''s bed and were both napping, so I think that''s a good sign.

OMG OK, and as I was writing this post, my mom called to remind me that I left something in her apartment and to tell me that Albert had gone and curled up at the foot of the chair that Victoria was napping in
I don''t know the story...but I get the feeling there is a lot of kindness + kitty involved here and I love it! WHAT a beautiful kitty with such a sweet face! There has got to be some siamese in there, right? Congrats!
mmm - this little girl adopted gypsy and her FI a little while ago, but they couldn''t take her in (they have three already including a female who is aggressive towards other females). They kindly sheltered her on their porch until they realized they couldn''t find the owners, then they took her to get vetted and she is all healthy and spayed but needed a home. Well, my mom needed another kitty (she''s been looking for a while) to keep her existing kitty (Albert) company.

So my mom and I drove down to where this little girl was being boarded, and now my mom has Victoria and Albert
what a wonderful happy ending! victoria is gorgeous! i wish your mom many many years of happiness with her!!!!
That''s a great ending for everyone involved. Victoria looks very sweet.
What a great ending, such a beautiful girl. I have two adopted babies myself, so I felt a little tug at my heart when I read the first story.

Best of luck!
What fantastic news.


I love happy endings especially when they involve kitties!
. A big thank you to Gypsy, Amber Gretchen and AG''s mom for making all of this happen.
Awww I just loved the update pictures! Victoria looks soooooooo happy in her new home wth her toys!

What a sweetie.
Date: 9/19/2008 9:15:20 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Thanks FG - I know just how you feel. Most of the time I''m fine at the shelter but every once in a while it gets to me...

Anyway, we actually had our first meet and greet tonight with Victoria and Albert since everybody seemed so relaxed. It went about as expected. There was some hissing (him) and some serious growling (her), but it seemed to taper off gradually. Its clear that she will be the alpha kitty - he just wants to be friends, but she''s not so sure. Anyway, I didn''t want to stress them out further by taking pictures, but when I left they had both retreated to safe but exposed places - her on my mom''s office chair and him on my mom''s bed and were both napping, so I think that''s a good sign.

OMG OK, and as I was writing this post, my mom called to remind me that I left something in her apartment and to tell me that Albert had gone and curled up at the foot of the chair that Victoria was napping in
Sounds like he is rather taken with the pretty Victoria!!
I''m late to this thread. I''m so happy she found a loving home with you
Date: 9/21/2008 4:21:03 AM
Author: Lorelei
Date: 9/19/2008 9:15:20 PM

Author: AmberGretchen

Thanks FG - I know just how you feel. Most of the time I''m fine at the shelter but every once in a while it gets to me...

Anyway, we actually had our first meet and greet tonight with Victoria and Albert since everybody seemed so relaxed. It went about as expected. There was some hissing (him) and some serious growling (her), but it seemed to taper off gradually. Its clear that she will be the alpha kitty - he just wants to be friends, but she''s not so sure. Anyway, I didn''t want to stress them out further by taking pictures, but when I left they had both retreated to safe but exposed places - her on my mom''s office chair and him on my mom''s bed and were both napping, so I think that''s a good sign.

OMG OK, and as I was writing this post, my mom called to remind me that I left something in her apartment and to tell me that Albert had gone and curled up at the foot of the chair that Victoria was napping in

Sounds like he is rather taken with the pretty Victoria!!

Hehe Lorelei - we think he may have a bit of a crush
But really, who could blame him, after all, she is quite the little looker
Gypsy, where did you end up boarding this kitty? I have had trouble in the past getting anyplace that has an opening.

[Threadjack] I went for a walk yesterday morning and came upon a black and white cat just sitting near the sidewalk. I came up to her and let her sniff me, and she started rubbing against me and letting me pet her. It was then that I realized I could feel every vertebrae in her spine and she was very underweight. I just wanted to cry. She is very friendly but it doesn''t seem that anyone owns her or feeds her. She was pretty dirty too. I got so upset I walked back home (which took about 30 min) and got in my car to bring a can of food back to her. I couldn''t find her anywhere. This street has a park next to it so I thought maybe she ran off in there somewhere as people were starting to buzz around and the street was getting busy.

I went on the same walk this morning in the hope of finding her, carrying a can of cat food with me the whole way. I was SO HAPPY she was in the same spot I found her the previous morning. I petted her again and started to wonder if she really was someone''s cat but she is SO underweight. I opened the can of food and gave it to her and she started to wolf it down like she had never seen food before. Then I DID start tearing up. I watched her eat for a few minutes but then left because I didn''t want her to follow me (she had followed me a little bit the day before) as I didn''t have a carrier, don''t know if she''s someone''s cat, don''t know if she''s got any illnesses, and there were busy streets between this place and my house. It just makes me so sad. [End threadjack]

AG, if they are already getting along I will be SOOOOOOO jealous!!!
AG I also just realized you know where it is, so if you want to let me know that would be great too!
FG - it is called Ace Animal Hospital, in Fremont - they seemed super nice there. If you can''t find the website let me know and I''ll dig it out.
Date: 9/21/2008 2:03:07 PM
Author: FireGoddess
Gypsy, where did you end up boarding this kitty? I have had trouble in the past getting anyplace that has an opening.

[Threadjack] I went for a walk yesterday morning and came upon a black and white cat just sitting near the sidewalk. I came up to her and let her sniff me, and she started rubbing against me and letting me pet her. It was then that I realized I could feel every vertebrae in her spine and she was very underweight. I just wanted to cry. She is very friendly but it doesn''t seem that anyone owns her or feeds her. She was pretty dirty too. I got so upset I walked back home (which took about 30 min) and got in my car to bring a can of food back to her. I couldn''t find her anywhere. This street has a park next to it so I thought maybe she ran off in there somewhere as people were starting to buzz around and the street was getting busy.

I went on the same walk this morning in the hope of finding her, carrying a can of cat food with me the whole way. I was SO HAPPY she was in the same spot I found her the previous morning. I petted her again and started to wonder if she really was someone''s cat but she is SO underweight. I opened the can of food and gave it to her and she started to wolf it down like she had never seen food before. Then I DID start tearing up. I watched her eat for a few minutes but then left because I didn''t want her to follow me (she had followed me a little bit the day before) as I didn''t have a carrier, don''t know if she''s someone''s cat, don''t know if she''s got any illnesses, and there were busy streets between this place and my house. It just makes me so sad. [End threadjack]

AG, if they are already getting along I will be SOOOOOOO jealous!!!
Oh, FG... what a heartrending story.
I can''t stand the thoughts of that poor sweet hungry baby out there alone, fending for herself. How kind of you to look for her and then feed her. I''m with you, I want to save them ALL.
I''ve got chills......I''m going to go hug Coco, our shelter cat that we adopted in February of this year.....

Victoria is an angel!

Thank you for the happy cat pictures-they make me smile and I keep coming back to check them out again.

I love this kitty Cinderella story so much. The world needs more of these happily ever afters.

Bump for AG, how is Victoria getting on?
Hi Miss Lorelei - I''ve been realizing I''m overdue for a Victoria update. Things have been a bit crazy for me here, with an injury (torn muscles in my ankle - crutches and a huge ugly walking boot thing ick
) plus lots and lots of job interviews (and associated preparation).

Miss Victoria has settled in beautifully, and it turns out she is a bit of a diva. She tolerates Albert, but is clearly the boss. My mom says they chase each other happily around the apartment at least twice a day, and are both happy and relaxed most of the rest of the time, with only occasional moments of tension. She is putting on weight and her coat is looking softer and shinier, and she has really bonded to my mom.

I will try to get some updated pictures soon to post
Date: 10/21/2008 1:32:22 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Hi Miss Lorelei - I''ve been realizing I''m overdue for a Victoria update. Things have been a bit crazy for me here, with an injury (torn muscles in my ankle - crutches and a huge ugly walking boot thing ick
) plus lots and lots of job interviews (and associated preparation).

Miss Victoria has settled in beautifully, and it turns out she is a bit of a diva. She tolerates Albert, but is clearly the boss. My mom says they chase each other happily around the apartment at least twice a day, and are both happy and relaxed most of the rest of the time, with only occasional moments of tension. She is putting on weight and her coat is looking softer and shinier, and she has really bonded to my mom.

I will try to get some updated pictures soon to post

I am so pleased for you all! How could such a glamorous and beautiful kitty NOT be a diva?
Thats great that she tolerates Albert and that she adores your Mom! I would love some new pics when you can but look after yourself with those torn muscles - OUCH!! What happened?
Unfortunately, just a random freak thing - I was doing a sprints workout on the treadmill at the gym, and then had a sudden, sharp, tearing feeling and pain. No fun at all
Oh I''m so glad to see this update! And what a naughty little diva, bossing Albert around! Hilarious! I can''t wait for more pics if you''ve got them!

P.S. Sorry about your ankle-I''ve sprained mine several times so I know the feeling!
Date: 10/21/2008 5:46:27 PM
Author: AmberGretchen
Unfortunately, just a random freak thing - I was doing a sprints workout on the treadmill at the gym, and then had a sudden, sharp, tearing feeling and pain. No fun at all
Blast....that must really be painful.....You poor thing!!
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