I am sorry to hear about Strm''s tough road to recovery but hopefully the end of the road is in sight! I hope that he will improve by leaps and bounds and be out of that hospital asap.
Ok, last update for tonight - everyone ready to do the happy dance? Strm is off the ventilator and has been since about a half hour after my last call - she said he just went to sleep or she would have let me talk to him. He is doing fine, and probably tomorrow be put onto a floor and so will try to talk to him tomorrow before I go away.
Yipee - ok - NOW I can sleep giggle :}
Thanks every one :}
Just have a minute, but was talking to Strm himself this morning. He sounded good and is getting better - he was in a lot of pain, and had asked for pain meds but they hadn''t brought him any. The pain meds are still making him feel sick, so am not sure if they will put him back on some morphine or not.
Anyway, he is coming along and will maybe be moved to a floor sometime today! :}
Will let you know more when I know more
Just talked to Strm...oooooooooooooooh he sounded soooooooooooooo gooooooooooodddddddddddd
He said to tell everyone that Strm is riding ...methinks a little high right after he gets his morphine shot - giggle
His pain level is tolerable with the meds, because he is up and doing more today...walking and moving around. He ate some supper - half of a grilled cheese sandmich and some chocolate pudding...so far so good - but his tummy is a little queasy...so just praying he can keep it down, cuz then he be headed in the right direction for recovery. When I called the first time his nurse answered and asked me to call back in about 15 minutes cuz he was doing a respiratory treatment...but my - he sounded just awesome when he answered the phone I think chickie will sleep even better tonight
So everyone - let''s wish Strm a Merry Christmas with prayers and vibes of getting out of the hospital tomorrow
Night all :}
Oh that is good news indeed!!! Storm is a fighter, sounds like everything is going A OK. My best wishes to you wifey2b on this Christmas eve and well wishes to our Storm. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas and Happy holidays!
Another Update on our dear Strm... :{ Unfortunately, Strm is not feeling very good this morning. They are after him to eat, and my poor darling will eat, but he cannot hold it down. It seems that when they put the tube in his stomach to give him his pain meds, that they have messed up his esophagus and everything is making him feel sick or be sick.
He sounded really weak this morning, and really tired. I didn''t talk to him long...wanted him to get some sleep. So it doesn''t look, to me, that he will be getting out of the hospital today either. I suppose the only good thing is that he will not be alone for Christmas...if you can see that as good.
He told me last night that if he had of forseen all that happened he would have had me down there with him...methinks he wants his sweets :{:{:{ which makes me feel good that I am that important to him, but bad that I am not there for him. But as my darling says, "We will survive!" I have told him that seems to be our motto - giggle...wonder what people would think for that on a wedding cake - lol
So everyone have a very special day with your loved ones. I must go and help mom with the rest of the dinner :}
Date: 12/25/2006 11:16:56 AM Author: wifey2b
He told me last night that if he had of forseen all that happened he would have had me down there with him...
I feel bad that it has been so awful for him and I wish he could have had the comfort of the person he needed most. I hope he gets better every day and that this will soon just be a memory of a hard time endured when you were young.
Storm says hi and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas. He sounded pretty good and his pain is much better. He also said he expects to see pics of everyone''s bling that they got for Xmas when he gets out. His sense of humor is still very much in check. He hopes to be released tomorrow.
Gosh I am so sorry he is still having complications. I am sure he will be better shortly. He''s been through so much with this and so unexpected! I am really, really sorry.
I am glad he can keep his humor up. I can easily see how the tubes in the esophagus can causee so much irritation and maybe stimulate some nerves unwantedly so he feels sick when eating.
Hope he gets better soon and can make up for the lack of a decent Christmas dinner! It''s just a question of time; here''s my wish that he''ll be back in order shortly.
Poor Storm! I feel for him because pain medication makes me sick, too. I can''t take it at all. So hopefully they will realize that they are making him sicker with the pain meds. I hope he is much better very soon!
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