
Summer Healthy Living Thread

Hi everyone. It’s almost Friday.

Marty had a business dinner tonight so I went over to a friends house to have supper with her family. We all had mini pizza. They weren’t bad. Her little 3 year old daughter likes to talk to me so that’s always fun.

Deegee, I think you’ll really like the iPad. I like that the Kindle app makes your ereader a touch screen. I really like that. It doesn’t do well in really bright sunlight like your iPhone but of course if you get it out of sunlight you are fine. My work laptop is about 6 to 8 pounds and is a pain to lug around. I hope they get you one of those little notebooks. If you can hook it up to your monitors that would be great. I’ll make sure not to try the Kohl’s brand of towels. Thanks. I agree, the personnel issues are the least favorite part of my job too. Yes, I am sure we’ll be exchanging sob stories. I don’t understand the “slackers”. I will probably get a lady transferred to my department next week so that will fill one of my slots. She’s in my department and has only been there about 5 months. The 2 girls they put her with are absolutely horrid to her. She seems very nice so I think she’ll be a good fit on our team, I don’t know how well she’ll do our job but I think she’ll be good. Then I have to find someone willing to work swings. I am glad the meeting didn’t put you in a coma.

Zoe, Rod drops in occasionally to say hi. I don’t know what happened to everyone else. Some of them are still on PS but don’t post here anymore. I hope your mom gets better and stronger every day. I am sure she appreciated you coming home to help her for awhile. I bet the calorie counting plan is pretty comparable to the plan from the clinic. It’s always fun to mix things up and try something new. Did you get your husband to do your shopping on the way home? I have gotten to the point I hate grocery shopping anymore. The store is too crowded on Saturday when I go shopping.

Well, I’d best get a few things done around the house and fix something for lunch tomorrow.


marcy - I'm so excited about getting an iPad. I'm usually not a gadget person, but working on this project and talking computer talk all day is turning me into one! I have to bring my work laptop home this weekend so I'm going to take that opportunity to weigh the thing. Even Matt says it's ridiculously heavy. It's not that old. I'm assuming they got a good price on them so that's why we're stuck with them. Good luck with staffing up. I hate the whole hiring thing. I have hired 2 awesome people, I inherited my problem child, and my new person just isn't working out.

Hi zoe! I hope your mom is doing well in her recovery.

I made it through day 2 of the all-day technical meetings. Yay! I don't know that I've ever been happier to see Friday get here!! I had an egg beater and ham sandwich for breakfast, salad and a fiber 1 bar for lunch, and homemade pizza for dinner. We only walked 2 miles tonight because we were both really tired, but I think I'm okay since I didn't eat a whole lot today. No beer either. Queso got out of quarantine today so we picked him up after work. We found out the lady he bit had to go to the dr for a shot and antibiotics because she had quite a bit of swelling and red streaks running up her arm. They kept telling us that it was one of the hazards of their jobs and not to feel bad, but I feel really bad. My countertops are being installed tomorrow and I am so excited! I wish I could stay home with Matt, but I have too many meetings scheduled. Maybe I can get out early. Have a great day. Yay - Friday!!!!!
HI Folks:

Hope everyone is well. I work with a gal who told me today she's lost almost 50 pounds by running on her treadmill, and "portion" control. Eats what she wants, but smaller servings. No snacking and no eating after supper. Almost 50 pounds since Jan--I was so proud of her! She says she has 20 more to go....

I have been back at yoga and in the pool, biking and running since my return from Cali. My legs are sore.....

keep well--Sharon
Marcy -- my husband does most of our food shopping, but he didn't go the other night. We need protein and fruit, so we're planning on going tomorrow.

Deegee -- I can understand feeling bad for what happened, but I'd try not to let it get to you too much. That's exciting you're getting new counter tops!

Canuk -- Wow, good for your friend for being so dedicated. That's a great accomplishment and she should feel so proud of herself. I'm impressed at how active you are.

The more I read about the iPad, the more I want one. I'm going to hold off for now though. Maybe I'll be able to talk my husband into getting one for our Christmas gift to each other. He's the computer guru in our family, so I don't think I'll have any trouble.

My mom went to the doctor yesterday so he could check on her progress. She's doing much better but still very sore. She had knee replacement surgery 2 weeks ago, and the recovery has been kind of rough. She needs to get the other one too, but at least now she knows what to expect when the time comes.

I went to the Y for my first appt. with a trainer. Oh, how I hurt now! I kind of thought he'd go easy on my since it was my first day but nope. I felt really good afterward though. For now, I'm going to work with him once a week for an hour but I may add in another day. I need the structure of working with someone and I don't trust myself to go it alone. I know I'd find excuses. I'm also planning on going swimming once per week for 30 minutes. I did 10 laps the other day, and I was happy with that for now.

Have a great weekend!
Happy Friday! The counter tops are installed and look awesome. I'm tickled with them. I had a hard time staying at work all day. I had hoped to leave early, but ended up working about an hour late. Bummer. We went to Best Buy tonight to look at iPads, 27 & 32 inch tv's (Matt plans to buy one to put on his desk to use for a monitor), a laptop for Matt (he doesn't want my macbook), and a new camera. We have a big gadget list! I had cottage cheese & blueberries for breakfast, broccoli and rice for lunch, and spaghetti for dinner. My allergies have had a bigtime flare-up this week and I'm a little headachy and nauseous, so I haven't had any snacks this evening. I'm actually really tired and plan to head to bed. Pretty bad that I'm going to bed earlier on a Friday night than I do during the week when I have to get up early for work the next day.

zoe - I've heard knee replacement recovery is really rough. Matt's dad had that done last year, and my dad really needs to have it done but is trying to hold out as long as he can walk. I've always heard that it's really rough to go through but totally worth it in the end. That's great that you got to work with a trainer. My parents have a pool and I used to swim lots of laps in the summertime. I think that's why I stayed so thin in those days!

sharon - I really believe in eating what you want but watching portion size, which is sort of how weight watchers functions. Matt has joined and is doing great, and loves it because he can still have what he wants as long as he accounts for it. We do a lot of walking too, which is a huge help. I hope you had a great trip to California. We went two years ago and stayed in Huntington Beach and drove along the coast to San Diego one day and up the coast in the other direction the next day. I loved it!

Howdy marcy! I hope all is well with you today.

Have a great weekend.
Deegee, I hope you are out getting your iPad today. I think you’ll love it. Last night a friend of ours just got one of the HP touch pads and he and Marty were talking about seeing them outside and I found out all I have to do is brighten my screen and I’ll be able to see my iPad in the car. I thought you’d want to know that since you like to read on the porch. I might have my new people in place by next week from the inside and I would be so happy if that works out. They are both nice and hard working people. If they can do our job will remain to be seen but it sure looks promising anyway. That is terrific to hear your countertops are finally installed and look great. You’ll sure enjoy having that project done. Fall allergies are awful. I am setting here right now with my eyes running and I am sure that is why.

Sharon, that is wonderful news about the lady at work who has lost 50 pounds using the treadmill and portion control. Glad to hear you are home and back to your routines.

Zoe, that is very nice of your husband to do the grocery shopping. Marty goes with me quite often but not usually during golf season. I am glad to hear your mother is doing better. My aunt had her knees replaced at the same time and took awhile to recover but she is doing much better walking now. Good idea seeing a trainer and planning your exercise routines out.

Yesterday was sweets and junk food every where day at work. Since it was one of my team members last day every body brought in treats. We had cupcakes, ET bars (chocolate and PB), cookies, muffins, and scones. I had some and then felt yucky for eating that kind of food. One of my guys had on thongs and he rarely eats sugar and was so hyper I swear he was even walking faster. It was kind of funny. Last night we had our astronomy club meeting and I gave a talk on sundials. After the meeting some of us go out for coffee and pie. I ordered apple pie and just picked out my apples.

Speaking of astronomy I never did hear from the lady at our college on teaching astronomy classes for the life enrichment section so I sent her another email. I want some jewelry spending money again. LOL.

Marty is going to meet a buddy in Denver today to play golf. I was going to go with him and go shopping at my favorite jewelry store (they have 2 in Denver) but I decided to stay home and bake cookies and cupcakes for an alzheimer’s bake sale we are having at work. I figure after all the sweets I ate yesterday I won’t be tempted to eat anything today. Last year we raised over $200 to donate to the local Alzheimer’s walk. This year we have more people volunteering to bake so we should raise at least that amount.

I am going to meet Marty and my family for supper at our favorite steak house later today.

I hope you have a great day and a wonderful weekend.

Ooh I tried on a very pretty sapphire and diamond eternity band with my solitaire this afternoon. It it wasn't a full band I might have worn it home. It looked good with my ring. Sweet. I don't think I'd like wearing an eternity band.

Marty ordered some new golf clubs today. They needed to add 1/2 inch on his clubs. He'll get them in a few weeks.

Dinner wasn't bad tonight. We got home about 8:30.

I've just been playing Angry Birds tonight. Fun.

marcy - I got my iPad today. Woo-hoo! I don't think we have any commitments tomorrow so I'll be playing with it all day! :appl: I downloaded the kindle app first thing and moved the book I'm reading from archive to my home page. We ran into our neighbor and his kid at Best Buy. The kid worked as a lifeguard all summer to save up money to get a macbook pro. He and I were both really excited with our purchases! I totally didn't think of allergy season until last night...I think I forget that I have allergies. After it dawned on me, I took allergy medicine last night and today and am noticing an improvement. How nice of you to bake goodies to sell for your Alzheimer's walk. You must really like to bake. Me - not so much. Someone asked Matt if I had planned on spending lots of time in my newly updated kitchen. Hah!

We just got back from our walk tonight. It is super muggy outside, so it feels like we did double duty getting up the hill. I had grapes and a banana for breakfast, a fiber bar and watermelon for lunch, and then grilled chicken, steamed broccoli and beer for dinner. Since I had a ton of points left over, including all of my weekly points, we stopped for a peanut butter sundae on the way home. I wish I had never found the place with the peanut butter topping! One of my co-workers lives within walking distance of it, and me living that close to it would be the end of me eating healthy! Have a great day tomorrow!!!!
Hi everyone!

Zoe, I hope your mom is continuing to get better.

Sharon, is it starting to feel like fall there yet? We sure are cool in the morning these days.

Deegee, I am sure you’ll be having a great time with your iPad today. DId you get the 16 or 32 GB? White or black? What color cover? I am so excited for you. Did I mention the free app Flip Board? I really like it. You pick which app you want in it and it shows everything to you in a magazine format. I have things in it like Facebook, Apple News, Apps, TV Guide, Tech News, Universe Today, etc. I use that app every day. I love to bake but shouldn’t because most of it isn’t good for me to eat. I have trouble hitting the space bar hard enough - I get a lot of n and b in my words. I am sure the neighbor kid will love his Mac Book Pro. How cool he saved his money all summer to get one. MMM to PB sundae. We have some PB pie last night. That place we go has huge pieces of pie so I cut some off for my parents and then ate some of what we had left.

I made pancakes, eggs and bacon for breakfast. I am making mini meat loafs for lunch with mashed potatoes and we’ll graze for supper. I am getting my hair cut at 5 today. I want about 2” cut off, more layers added and bangs cut back in. I need to work on laundry today and work on the club newsletter. I think I’ll start a new book too. I have 2 more Vince Flynn books to read.

Have a great Sunday.

Hi marcy! I've been playing on my iPad all day reading my kindle book and downloading apps. I'm boring-I got the black one with a black case. I usually try to buy dark colors because I'm prone to leaving stains on everything. Black kind of hides lots of stuff! I bought the 16GB with 3G for the times I'm away from a wireless signal. I don't intend to put music or videos on it so I think the 16GB will be fine. I can't wait for the iOS 5 update to come out. I'm really impressed with my neighbor. They make good money and help their kids get cars when they turn 16, but the kids have to get jobs, pay half of the car payments, and learn to be responsible with money and spending. I have a 20 year old niece who gets everything she wants and has never worked a day in her life. That kid doesn't want cheap stuff, either. By age 20, I had already worked 4 years in a grocery store both during high school and college!

I have done nothing but play on my iPad all day. I had watermelon for breakfast, a sandwich & banana for lunch. I need to get my lazy rear off the couch and in the shower so we can go eat dinner and get groceries. It sure felt nice to have a day to unwind. I brought work home but haven't touched it. It has been storming on and off today and is supposed to continue, so I doubt we'll get a walk in this evening. Matt has been watching old movies this weekend and is watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid right now. The song "raindrops keep falling on my head" came on and I sang along not missing a single word. I got the strangest look from Matt. Mom had the 8-track. Boy, that dates me! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!!!
Hi Marcy and Degee! :wavey: I joined WW; I have 10 lbs to lose. I gave birth 4 months ago. I did ONLY have 7 lbs to lose but having to babies caused a bit of stress eating so I rejoined.

Degee are you still doing WW? It has really changed. I like that we can eat 5 servings of fruit a day for free and free veggies. The bummer part is the carbs. I didn't eat a lot of them but now they seem to push protein. Are you liking it? do you have any good recipes or snacks you like? How are you!!!

Hi Zoe and Sharon
Thanks Marcy. My mom feels better every day. There have been a few days when she's been down, but she needs to remember that after just 2 weeks out of surgery, she's doing GREAT. We stopped over at my parents' house yesterday to drop something off and she was her old self. The doctor told her she can start driving any time she wants to but she can't swim (for favorite form of exercise) for another month. She's not excited to drive anytime soon though. She's looking forward to getting back in the routine of doing laps when she's able.

Speaking of doing laps, I did 10 laps this morning. My husband came with me to the Y and he did laps too. My legs are still SO SORE from my workout with the trainer on Friday. My husband thinks the trainer pushed me too hard considering it was my first day with him (and my first workout in a LONG time). Maybe I'll ask him to go a little easier on me next Friday.

Deegee -- I'm glad you like your iPad! I could go for a PB sundae right about now. Mmmmm... :lickout:

Skippy, my friend! How are you? :wavey: I lurk in the mommies thread, and M. and E. are adorable! You sound so happy and in love with them.
Yay for doing 10 laps and being sore!!! I am glad your mom is on the mend; you are so sweet to go visit her! I bet it is so nice to be back in your home state! Thanks about my boys; they are super sweet! They do keep me uber busy though. hehe
Howdy skippy! I hope all is well with you and your little ones. Yes, I'm still counting ww points. We got another group going at work but I haven't been able to attend meetings because I'm not around the office much due to working on a project. My junk food addicted husband joined ww at his workplace as well. I'm so proud of him! He has lost 10 pounds in 4 weeks, and has been really good about keeping track of everything. I think the thing that snapped in my head over 2 years ago about being tired of being overweight has snapped in his head too, and he's taking it very seriously. His goal was 40 pounds, so he's 1/4 of the way there. Woo-hoo! I didn't like the new plan at all to begin with, but now that I've got the hang of it and Matt is following it with me, I really do like it. I'm still maintaining my loss, which is good. I was afraid I'd gain with the new plan, but I have actually lost a little. I really miss attending the meetings with my coworkers. You build a really good camaraderie in those meetings.

Hi zoe! Sounds like your mom is getting along pretty well after a really tough surgery. I bet your trainer did make you over-do it at your workout if you're still sore. I would love to do something more intense than just taking a walk every day, but I have a back flare up every time I try.
Skippy123|1313964384|2995956 said:
Yay for doing 10 laps and being sore!!! I am glad your mom is on the mend; you are so sweet to go visit her! I bet it is so nice to be back in your home state! Thanks about my boys; they are super sweet! They do keep me uber busy though. hehe

It's so nice, Skippy! There are so many things we loved about NC but it is good to be back home. We're closer to family and long time friends, and the ocean. I didn't realize how much I'd miss the water.

Hi Deegee! I can relate to having flare ups, although mine tend to be in my right foot. My toes go numb and my whole foot throbs after about 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill. I'd love to be a runner someday once I lose a good amount of weight, but I'm not sure that will ever happen. I can also relate to being addicted to junk food like you described your husband. I have a major sweet tooth, and I love all carbs. I'm an equal opportunity addict. I envy those who don't snack and those who don't like "bad" foods. I need to adopt the thought that food is fuel, first and foremost. I'm still working on that.
Hi everyone. We had a rainstorm roll through here this afternoon so it cooled down the house. We had our mini meatloaf, veggies and mashed potatoes for lunch. I had a hair appointment at 5 and picked up an appetizer we like at Olive Garden for us to split for supper.

I had the beautician cut about 2” off the length of my hair. I asked her for more layers. Now that it’s dry I don’t think she did it. Sigh. If I don’t like it tomorrow after I fix it myself I might go out and ask her to cut in more layers. It looks like there is only 3 lengths there - I have too much hair for that few of layers. It’s rough finding someone you like to cut your hair.

Deegee, I am glad you’ve been playing with your iPad all day. You will love it. How much is the 3G service per month on your iPad? Marty has a hot spot on his phone that he sets up to use for his iPad if he isn’t on wifi somewhere. I should get black cases and purses since I get everything dirty too but I still tend to go for blue, pink or green. That is wonderful to hear about the kids next door. I think kids who know and appreciate how to work for things are becoming a rare bread. Marty sure runs in to employees that want to start at the top. They want the house, nice cars, etc right off the bat. Too funny about singing along with Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head. Now I have that song going in my head right now.

Skippy! It’s great to hear from you. My mom doesn’t like the new WW either. She is still maintaining. I am sure your boys keep you very busy. I’ll have to go hunt down pictures of them in the Mommie’s thread. I am sure they are adorable.

Zoe, that is great to hear your mom is coming along so well. She’ll be back swimming laps before she knows it. That is great you and your husband went to the Y and swam laps today. It might not be a bad idea to ask the trainer to ease you in on his sessions with you. I have a sweet tooth too.

Well, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Hey all,

I'm attending a series of workshops this week, and since the place isn't offering us lunch, we were on our own. I should have brought my lunch but I didn't. I ended up having a RF blueberry muffin and a med. coffee (with 2 sugars and extra skim milk) from DDs for breakfast, and Cheetos, a small chicken salad sub with pickles and tomatoes, and a diet coke for lunch. Then, for some reason, I was in the mood for white rice when I got home (random, I know!), so I just made some (roughly 1.5-2 cups) with butter. I'm feeling really, really guilty though. It's not as if I inhaled 2 large pepperoni and sausage pizzas, so I know I should lighten up about it. I have such a love/hate relationship with food though. I love it one minute and can easily overdo it, and then the next, I feel horrible and wish I could get rid of it. :(sad And didn't I just say yesterday that I should think of food as fuel, first and foremost? Ack.
Hi everyone. :wavey: The bake sale at work today tempted me but I resisted. I just put a few $$ in the jar and moved on.

I interviewed 3 people today. I don’t think any of them will work for my department. One guy was rather interesting. He didn’t listen at all to us talk about our department or the jobs we had open. He was very skittish, kept putting his hand in his right pocket, kept looking out the window and didn’t directly answer questions. My boss cut that interview short.

As for my two slots I am getting a girl from another one of our departments tomorrow. I am excited to get her off the team she is on now. She started last spring sometime and the 2 ladies she worked with never gave her a chance. They don’t talk to her, they make fun of her behind her back and lately they’ve even been telling her the wrong ways to do things. She is very nice and I am glad to give her a chance on my team plus get her away from those petty, mean #(@!@$$ ladies. The guy I want for my swing shift just got a promotion about 2 weeks ago and our company has a 6 month waiting period after a promotion to move to another job. Of course they waive it when it suits them and HR told me they could “work” it but this guys boss said I couldn’t have him until the end of the year which is over 4 months and I can’t wait that long. Darn it anyway. Finding someone for the swing shift position is challenging.

We had leftovers for both lunch and supper today so it was easy cooking and dishes for me.

We watched the new Top Gear on BBCA tonight. We both really like that show. Those guys really try some crazy things.

Deegee, did you take your iPad to work today? Marty downloaded a program to track tasks and projects. You can categorize them, assign them and check them off when finished and set a reminder for due dates. He thinks he’ll really like it since he has so many departments and projects going on. I don’t know I’m that busy. It was $40 but since I can log on and get his programs I might try it.

Skippy, I did go find pictures of E and M. They are adorable. :appl: :appl: :appl:

Zoe, don’t be hard on yourself if your eating doesn’t stay in line with your plans or intentions. The key is you continue to try to eat healthy more often than not and even if you eat something unhealthy you do so in moderation. Slow and steady wins the race and tomorrow is a new day. Have fun at your workshops all week.

Hi everyone! I hope everyone had a great day.

I spent a lot of time interviewing people. I found a lady I liked so maybe I'll move forward with making her an offer and get the interviewing process over with. Sweet. I'll see what my boss thinks tomorrow.

Marty stayed home sick today. I went to lunch with a friend. I worked about 30 minutes late today. Bought us fast food on the way home. I realized I left my iPad at work so went back to work and visited with my swing shift gal for awhile. She has a great EC wedding set so I took a picture of it to post in our EC and Asschers thread on the way out the door. Since I got out my camera I sat down my phone. Anyway, I get home with my iPad and realize I can't find my phone. I call it. No answer. I call back to work and yes it's setting there on the counter. It didn't ring because I had it on silent. So back to work I went. I didn't set down here until 8 pm.

We had a great 100 treat at work today. It's called Luigi's Real Italian Ice. It comes 6 to a box with either lemon or strawberry flavor. We had them a few weeks ago but I don't remember if I told you or not. It takes awhile to eat them so it seems like you get a lot for a little frozen treat.

Have a great evening.

marcy - I didn't go to work yesterday because it took longer for the plumbers to reconnect our kitchen plumbing yesterday than it took for the installers to install the countertops on Friday! I did take my iPad today and I can see I'm going to use it a lot for note taking throughout the day, especially if I don't get the notebook computer for work. I had a hair appointment after work, and used my iPad to develop a work improvement plan for my new employee who isn't catching on. I can tell I'm going to use that thing a lot! I downloaded the Pages app since you can export your documents in Word or PDF format. Good luck with your new employee. I hope she works out really well. I never have the ringer turned on for my phone (or vibrate), so when I misplace it, I have to search everywhere. Did I tell you that we get to turn in our work crapberries for iPhone 4's? I wish they could just configure mine to use for both work and home, but noooo - I will be carrying around 2 iPhone 4's.

zoe - I totally understand you with having to eat something and then feel guilty later. Sometimes I'm determined to have a snack of some kind - chips or something, and then feel really lousy later that I ate it even though I usually do really well. I hope your workshops are going well! I remember those from my teaching days.

Our building shook really hard today during the earthquake in Virginia. I have an ear infection complete with vertigo and dizziness, and thought I was just having a spell until I looked around the room and saw the pictures on the walls moving, the tables jumping, and panicked looks on faces. I ended up having to take a Dramamine about a half hour later because my head wouldn't stop swimming! We got home late due to my hair appointment, so we picked dinner up on the way home. I had spaghetti and salad, and it was super yummy. I had an egg beater sandwich for breakfast. Since our computer work group is in close proximity to our IT department, we were invited to their group lunch today. I had taco soup, 6 tostito scoops, salsa, and veggies for lunch. Definitely super tasty. No walk tonight because of my lousy back and swimmy head. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi everyone. I hope everyone had a great day.

Deegee, that is great you are using your iPad so much already. I need to start utilizing mine more all the time. I need to get more things on it for work. I am still using sticky notes for things. I notified HR to move forward with an interview with one candidate with me and my boss and his boss. Hopefully I can get her in there in a few weeks. I think the other lady that started earlier this week will do fine. Tomorrow will be the first time she repeats doing something so we'll see how it goes. The earthquake sounds scary. They had one about the same magnitude in Colorado the same day. I just watched 2012 this weekend. LOL. Speaking of TV - did Matt get a new TV yet? I know you mentioned he was looking at them.

We had pasta for supper. I made 1/2 of a box and we ate is all - so I had to boil the other half of the box up for lunch tomorrow. I had lite alfredo sauce and Marty had pesto.


:wavey: gang!

Sorry for your ear infection Degee--that gotta hurt! Shout out to Miss Skippy & Zoe & March--and everyone else who posts that I've probably forgotten.

I am working a bit more so I must exercise around my schedule. Think I'll run/walk a bit this morning as it is too late to get to the pool before lessons start. Then do a yoga class at noon. Hop on my bike this afternoon if I can manage it! Need to take advantage of the nice weather and get outdoors while it lasts....

Deegee -- I hope you feel better soon.

Marcy -- I hope everything goes well with the new coworkers.

Canuk -- It sounds like you've had a great day exercising. Good for you!

My back has been hurting for a couple of weeks now, just one particular spot. I hurt it last summer while clearing out my old classroom (the day before we were supposed to move back up north). I did PT all summer last year and it still gives me problems occasionally. After yelping in pain while I tried to walk and get ready this morning, I decided to take the day off and not go to school to work on my room. I found some pain pills and I've been taking them throughout the day. I have to go to a workshop tomorrow and then I'm supposed to drive 2 hours south to meet my college roommates at a restaurant for dinner. I might cancel on them but I'd feel bad since we don't get to see each other often. I just don't know that it's worth it to drive so much in one day with a bad back.

My husband might have to go to work on Sunday into Monday during the hurricane. He works at a hospital and although he doesn't count as essential personnel and he doesn't work with patients, they might need his department (IT) to go in.
Hi everyone. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We went out for supper then did a little shopping.

Sharon, glad to hear you can work in your exercise even though you are spending more time working. It is still pretty nice here too but I know that is going to not last.

Zoe, thanks for the well wishes for my new employees. I know it will be rough for awhile but it’s nice to change up the team. I hope your back gets better soon. I hate to hear the hurricane is coming your way. Good luck and be safe.

Hi everyone. I left work an hour early. It was a long, busy, hectic day. I believe our slow days are over for about 9 months. I got my assorted chores done. Now I just need Marty to get home. I think I'll go pick us up a quick supper while he does his chores. Then it's the weekend. Sweet.

I hope everyone is safe and sound from the hurricane. It looks like a lot of territory will be in it's path.

Have a great weekend.

Hope everyone is safe/out of the way of that nasty weather....... :wavey:

Ran/walk 15K yesterday. Ran 10K and biked the same distance. Feel energized!

Hi! I hope everyone is doing okay and out of the ugly weather outside. It's just very windy here and I think that's all we're supposed to get. I broke down & went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I have an inner ear infection in both ears as well as a sinus infection. I'm flat on my back using my iPad right now because I get really dizzy when I try to sit up! Needless to say, I haven't eaten much and I haven't taken my walk in days. I have to fly for work in 2 weeks (4 different cities/states in 3 days-4 flights), and I'm a little worried about everything not clearing up fast enough. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it but take my meds and hope for the best. It's back to sleep for me. See you next week!
Hi everyone.

Sharon, it sounds like you got in a lot of exercise this weekend.

Deegee, I sure hope you are feeling better soon. I am glad you have the iPad to keep you company in bed.

We went camping this weekend and used the telescope a few nights. Clouds rolled in both nights but we saw many cool things.

Today we took Martty's nephew to supper then he came he for awhile and played games with Marty. He is in town for 2 weeks visiting my inlaws.

I am off to get some things done before bed. Marty is heading to California for a few days tomorrow.

Have a great week.
Welcome to the last week of August. Wow, I can't believe Labor Day is next Monday. Things are picking up for us at work. The lady I was going to call back in for an interview won't return our phone calls so I guess I am back to interviewing. Rats.

I had 2 one on one's with employees today. I moved all my notes on them from this year to my iPad so I can keep better track of what we talked about last time. I can take notes right there. I think that will help keep me organized.

I had leftover spaghetti for lunch and a sandwich with a glass of wine for supper.


Cooling off here; 30 C today and tomorrow is predicted to be 15C with rain. YEOW! Good thing I am working!

I was very tired and got a sore hip from two days of running longer than my norm. Won't do that again--must space it out and I am really "not" a runner....

Won't be able to get to the gym til Friday given my work schedule..... :((
