
Summer Healthy Living Thread

Zoe, I hope your back feels better!

Degee, I decided I like the new program. I just miss having a pocket points finder!!! I love the free fruit and veggies!

Marcy, is your mom still a WW? Did you do your walk this year for breast cancer?

Sharon, wooohooo for so much running and biking. hope your hip feel better soon!

I lost 4 ish lbs at WW!!! I need to lose about 6 to hit goal but I might and try to lose more and see how that goes? the babies are keeping me buuuuuusy! I haven't had time to exercise, someday I will again! :cheeky:
Hi everyone. I had leftover spaghetti again for lunch and threw the rest of it away. It was Marty’s portion so it was way too much for me. I went over to a friends for supper. She made london broil, mashed potatoes and I brought corn on the cob from the farmer’s market. He little girl (she’s 3) loved the corn so much she kept trying to get mine. It was funny. She calls Marty my “dad” so she kept asking me where my dad was. I told her he’s in California so she kept trying to get me to sleep on their couch. Too funny. We played cribbage - a game I am generally lucky at but my friend double skunked me and then proceeded to beat me 2 more times. I told her I was leaving since she kept beating me.

Marty sent me a picture of a banana split they were having for supper. It looks like it could feed 8 people It’s huge. They went out for sushi.

The lady I wanted to bring in for another interview did finally call back to our recruiter and was very excited to be asked in for another interview. Hopefully she’ll work out for us.

Sharon, we are getting chillier in the evenings and morning but the days are still pretty warm. I think we are going to all have an early winter. I hope your hip feels better soon.

Skippy, congratulations for losing 4 pounds. :appl: :appl: :appl: I am sure you are getting plenty of exercise taking care of your twins. My mom is still on WW and maintaining. She usually gets a free month when she weighs in. She was not able to do the walk with me this year but Marty had a late tee time that day so he put on her shirt and walked with us. I was very happy to have him join in this year. His mom walked with her friend on another team and she was pretty tickled to see him show up that morning too. My mom’s balance continues to get worse and she didn’t practice walking this summer so she gets worn out pretty quickly. My dad continues to take good care of her. She is tough and hanging in there. How are your parents doing? And you nephew? What does your nephew think of the twins?

I am off to read my book.

Marcy, your story was adorable. How cute she wanted you to be comfortable and the corn thing made be smile! Yes, it is cooling off--but here is to hoping Sept will be kind. I am NOT ready for cool--altho we still have to deal with the early darkness...oh hum.

Congrats Skippy on the weight loss! I was looking at the pics on the age specific threads and your boys are perfect! :love:

Keep well everyone--I will try and do something constructive on Friday regarding exercise. Stressful day at work and I am a stress non-eater; oh well.

Hi everyone. Marty got back from California today. He enjoyed sushi last night so he had fun. We went to supper with his parents tonight. I am working on laundry.

Sharon, that little girl is adorable and she is always so excited to see me. She makes my day. I hope September is kind to both of us. We usually get a small amount of snow late September but the weather is pretty nice then. Sorry to hear work has been stressful for you.

The dryer is calling my name. I hope to finish my book tonight.

Sharon, aww, thank you so much!!!! That is such a sweet thing to say!!! Yay for your workouts!

MARCY, yay for doing your walk. I am sorry about your mom. I am glad she is still w/WW; it is a great program and the people are fun too! thanks so much for the congrats!!!!!

Okay, so my friend who is a WW bought me these Pita Chips called Reduced Guilt Trader Joe's brand. They are suppose to be low points but over the past couple of days I finished the bag; the bag says 6 servings. I think I had 3 today and 3 yesterday. I do have bonus points so I guess that is where my bonus pts went.

thanks about the 4 lbs :wavey: hugs to all of you!!!
Hi everyone. :wavey: We had a crazy busy day at work today. Marty and I went to lunch with friends to a Mexican restaurant. I ate more than normal so we just went out for supper and had a few appetizers and a glass of wine.

Leaving work I was in a hurry and distracted and missed stepping off the curb and you guessed it I fell down. Sigh. My elbow is scraped up and bruised. My knees and neck is a bit sore. I took advil right away. I will not feel great in the morning. Deegee, we need to stop hurting ourselves. LOL.

Skippy, I know ww is very supportive and I am glad my mom has done so well with them. Your pita chips sound great. I'll have to look for something like that.

Laters. I hope I sleep well tonight. :snore: I had a very short night - my mind didn't want to shut down.

Hi. I hope all of you are excited for a long weekend. We headed off to the ski resort areas in Colorado. Traffic was bad getting here ut it is so beautiful. We got here about 6. We wandered around the local mall and then had a few drinks at the fireside bar outside. We split some buffalo meatballs and a cheese fruit platter for supper. Marty sure needs to relax and have fun so hopefully this weekend will help. We are very busy at work so I hated to leave at noon but Marty comes first.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Skippy-yay for losing 4 pounds! Matt lost 3 last week and is up to -13. I'm so proud of him. He's loving ww because he can still eat what he wants as long as he stays within his points. He really budgets those weekly points.

Marcy-your friend's little girl sounds too cute. That's sweet she wanted you to spend the night since your "dad" was out of town. Are you doing okay after your fall? It's good to get advil in you as soon as possible afterwards...I try to do that too. I hope You & Marty have a relaxing weekend. Sounds like a nice place you're staying! I'm glad to hear you heard back from the lady you were interested in for your open position. Hope it works out.

This week seemed to take forever, probably because I'm sick but had to work anyway. I guess I've never had an inner ear infection and I can't believe how dizzy I am. Vertigo for an already balanced challenged person like me is really unhandy! One ear is doing much better, but the other is ringing very loud and hurting pretty bad so I think it's back to the dr for me. Food has been really light this week since I'm a tad nauseas, and I have only walked one time this whole week. That was only for a mile, and I felt like a drunk lady stumbling around the whole time. Matt finally accepted the promotion last Thursday, and they made it effective immediately. He moved into his new office last Friday and has already begun working in his new position. He's super excited about having a real office with real walls & furniture (no more cube). He wants to go picture shopping tomorrow, and I think he plans to put a mini fridge in there too. He's like a big kid. Have a great weekend!
Deegee, I sure hope you get over your ear infection soon. I understand they are miserable. Congratulations to Matt for his promotion. :appl: :appl: He sounds very excited for it. Sweet. The place we are at is gorgeous. They have October festival going on tomorrow so Marty is excited for beer and sausage. It should be fun. We probably will ride a gondola odor sight seeing and drive around. Marty did a name your price deal and got us a 4 star hotel for $122 a night. I think they made back thier money tonight on our drinks. Lol.
Hi everyone. We had a great time today and walked a lot. Octoberfest was quite busy but it was fun wandering the stores. The band they had was pretty good. We had a small breakfast at the hotel. Then wandered to the mall area. We had one slice of pizza each for lunch and split a cookie. For supper we picked a restaurant near the music and had a bottle of wine and split a few appetizers. I feel like all we have done here is eat and sleep. The town is at 8100 feet. I notice the altitude kind of bothers me but just barely. Tomorrow we are taking the car on a sight seeing trip. Marty sure needed some R&R so he is enjoying this.

Take care. I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.

Marcy-sounds like you guys are in a swanky place! Have fun!!! I love Oktoberfest beers. I have some in the fridge right now, but can't drink them because I'm on too much medicine. (although I'm so dizzy I feel like I've been drinking) it sounds like there's lots to do there. I hope you guys can unwind a bit.

I haven't done much today but sleep. We did go out for dinner (spaghetti at a local Italian place) and then to Home Depot and Lowe's to look at mini fridges for Matt's new office. We stopped by the mall and I found a couple business type jackets to take on my work trip Sept 14-16. Now I need to find some comfy flat black shoes and I'm all set. We dress very casually at work and this trip requires more professional attire. We're heading to mom & dad's for our Sunday thing and my sister is bringing her famous whoopie pies. Yummmm. I haven't been able to eat much all week, but I'm determined to eat one of those. Have a great Sunday!
Hi! It's a cool, super soggy day here today. We had 100 degrees on Saturday with a heat advisory, and today it's 60 and we have flash flood warnings. Really strange weather. We went to KY yesterday for our regular Sunday outing. I'm still too dizzy to participate in the wiffleball games, but they ended up getting rained out anyway...although the kids (led by the biggest kid of all-Matt) continued to play in the rain until the lightening started. I had fresh corn on the cob, fresh green beans from the garden, a piece of grilled chicken and 2 whoopie pies. Unfortunately I brought one home and I've been thinking about it all day! I'm trying my best to save it for dessert. We're getting ready to head to the grocery store and then to eat. I haven't eaten anything except grapes today and I'm getting pretty hungry. The medicine I'm taking is really messing with me. I go from nauseous to starving back to nauseous in a matter of minutes. Matt wants to head to Kohls to look at pictures for his office walls and to Sears for a mini fridge. Who knew picking out a mini fridge would require so many stops? Have a great evening!
Hi everyone. We made it home about 6 today. We were in Beaver Creek, Colorado. Yesterday we went sight seeing and drove through Aspen. Wow, that’s a ritzy place! The local airport has dozens and dozens of private jets; it was amazing. We stopped downtown but didn’t walk more than a few blocks; they have bricks for sidewalks which I found very uncomfortable on my tender feet and since I am klutzy anyway I just wanted to get back to the car. We stopped at the Outlet stores ion the way back to our hotel but didn’t buy much. Supper was exceptional last night; it was a steak house but the steaks were phenomenal as were the sides (asparagus, garlic mashed potatoes and carrot cake for dessert.) The hotel we stayed at has an outdoor fireside happy hour every day so we’d set on the patio, by the fire having a drinking and just visit with people. We sure had a nice time spoiling ourselves and just relaxing. Today we drove home through Estes Park, Colorado and took in some more scenery. I am working on laundry now and sadly tomorrow is back to reality. Rats. Once I go through my pictures I’ll post a few of my favorites.

Deegee, I hope that nasty medicine is making you better? Get well soon. How long do you have to take the meds this time? How fun to pick out clothes for a business trip and new things for Matt’s office. I am glad you guys had fun with the family this weekend. The weather does sound like real extremes. Our weather was gorgeous in the mountains; in the 70’s in the day and about 50 at night. We had a little rain the first day but that was it.

Take care.
Here are some of our photos from this weekend.




Some of the scenery pictures




marcy - it looks like you guys stayed in a gorgeous area. That looks like my kind if place.I have flown over the Rockies a few times on the way to CA, and I swear it looked like the plane barely cleared the peaks. So did you and Marty splurge on the hamburger special? I bet reality hit you hard today! A few years ago we stayed at a resort in Huntingtin Beach for a week, and I was so sad to leave!! Unfortunately I found out that inner ear infections don't necessarily respond to antibiotics. It should clear up within 6 weeks, and in the meantime I'll be dizzy, nauseous, off balance with vision disturbances and ringing in my ear. Flying 3 days in a row next week will be a treat. I'm taking a prescription decongestant, an anti-inflammatory, and something to help with the dizziness.

I was in a meeting all day from 7:30am through 6:30pm with 1/2 hr working lunch. I have to do it again every day for the rest of the week. Ugh! I'm not cut out for that. Matt made chili & grilled cheese for dinner and we walked 2 miles after we ate. I was hoping to get to bed early but it's nearly 11 and I have stuff yet to do. Have a good day tomorrow!
Good evening! Quick check in. I'm in bed but I can't stop playing with my iPad. Matt and I stopped for dinner after work. I had chicken & dumplings, carrots, & green beans. I had a weight watchers ice cream bar for dessert. We only walked a mile tonight because we heard lots of gunfire nearby. We live in a valley and couldn't tell exactly which direction it was coming from, so we turned into big cowards and came home. Do people hunt at night? Tomorrow is another 7:30-6:30 meeting day so I absolutely must make myself go to bed!

Marcy- the iPad cover I bought is already falling apart. That darn thing was $50, so I'm taking it back this weekend. Why kind do you and Marty have? I'm trying to decide whether or not to buy the one designed for it by Apple (the magnetic cover). Matt is warming up to using my MacBook pro, and I told him he should go ahead with the operating system upgrade. He refused to use it at first, but I think it is growing on him.

Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi everyone. I need SLEEP. Maybe tonight, huh?

We ran down to Denver right after work yesterday to pick up Marty’s new golf clubs. Funny thing was they called our house Friday afternoon saying they were ready to pick up and we went through Denver on our trip. Rats. We were done at the golf store by 7; my favorite jewelry store is open till 8 and I sure thought of going there to try on sapphire bands but I was starving so we went to eat first. Marty picked a place about 2 blocks from the jewelry store and we got out of the restaurants with 10 minute to spare but Marty didn’t take me seriously I still wanted to go there so he headed home. He was completely correct that I could not try on rings, make and decision and pay for something in 10 minutes. But I was sad not to get to go try on rings. It’s just as well I have to pay for the 5th wheeler plates, 5th wheeler insurance plus we just had our vacation so I shouldn’t be buying anything right now anyway. I’ll be able to go back in a few weeks and see what I can find.

We were pretty busy at work today and some last minutes things came up so I worked about 45 minutes late. Marty got supper cooked for us. Sweet.

Tomorrow night we are meeting the in-laws for supper. They want to get together once a week for supper till they go back to Arizona.

Marty missed a dental appointment (a cleaning) the other day and they sent us a bill for $35. Grr. The same bill had my charges when my teeth were really bad a few weeks ago too and my insurance company denied the claim because I had the exact same service and area checked a few months ago - too frequent of service Double Grr. I used my health debit card to pay that but I hated to use Marty’s to pay for his charge.

Deegee, watching the planes fly over the mountains when you are up there is kind of freaky too. There are many pretty places in the Rocky Mountains. We did not splurge on the burger but now I want some champagne. Wow, I hate to hear your infection won’t clear up in a week or two. Get better soon. I bet flying will really bother you next week. Only 2 more days of meetings left. I am glad to hear you are enjoying your iPad so much. I was playing Angry Birds in the car last night coming home and Marty finally asked me to turn it or put it up because he kept looking at it while he was driving. I was getting fire and flashes off my diamond about 40 miles out so I started trying to flash him in the eye with it while he was driving. I got him and I was in trouble. I got my “distracto” lecture about not distracting him while he’s driving. I waited till there were no cars around us. Gunfire? OMG! Yes, people hunt at dusk but still that is scary it is close. How awful your iPad cover is falling apart already. I’d take it back too. Marty got the Apple magnetic cover and then the hard back piece. They are both holding up very well. I bought a $20 plastic cover from and it’s already getting a bit sloppy and tacky looking plus the one slot I use all the time to prop up the iPad is breaking down. Good thing it’s sturdy and padded though because I knocked my iPad on the floor yesterday and it was fine. That’s good Matt is warming up to your MacBook Pro. I generally like Lion. I didn’t notice they recommend more memory than I have but most things run fine on my Air.

Tomorrow and Friday will be crazy at work. I am down one person, another person is on vacation for 2 days, a third person is training my new employee and we are really busy. Should I pack wine in my lunch?

Greetings. Happy almost Friday. :appl:

Work was busy and hectic today but I made it out by 5. We met Marty's' folks for supper. I ordered a medium pizza, had 2 pieces and we have lots left for lunch tomorrow. That's good since I don't have anything here at home for lunch.

I need to clean house this weekend but since Marty has new golf clubs I am sure he'll be out playing golf a lot.

Laters, :wavey:
Happy Saturday!

I haven't had time to catch up with this thread in about a week, I think. I hope everyone is doing well. Work has begun again and I've been really swamped. I've reformatted my lesson plans and they take forever to type up now, so that's been keeping me pretty busy. I've been going to the gym a few days a week, and I've even managed to go before school. It stinks getting up at 4:45 just to pack for the day and make it to the pool by 5:15, but it's worth it when I realize that I don't have to go after school. The funny thing is, the pool is pretty full that early in the morning. My trainer told me last night that there's a large population of triathalon trainers who work out at the Y, so they must be the other nuts I run into that early in the morning. :bigsmile:

My trainer is moving to across the country to open up a franchise of gyms with a relative. Yesterday was his last day. I don't know who I'll work with from now on, but it must be one of the two women who are there during my sessions. My now former trainer kicks my butt every time I go, so I kind of hope for the same thing with my new trainer. I never thought I'd say that. The soreness and inability to move the next day seems sort of worth it. Am I crazy?

Have a great weekend!
Hi everyone!

Zoe, I would say the soreness is worth it. I am sorry you are losing a good trainer; I hope whoever you end up with will be as good. Interesting about your comment of getting up early to go to the gym. We've been thinking about joining a gym and that's been the stopping point for us. I'd rather go after work and DH would rather go before work. I hate to pack all my stuff to the gym then shower there and get ready for work. I also don't go to bed at a decent time so I hate to get up earlier. Decisions, Decisions. I hope you'll catch up on reformatting your lesson plans soon.

We had alcohol and bar popcorn for supper last night. Ugh. I felt awful this morning. I made us waffles and made Marty eggs and bacon to go with his. He played golf this morning I got to the grocery store by 7:45 and loved having the store mostly to myself. I went to see my sister for awhile this morning at my parents house. She was in town for a funeral. I went through her doll clothes (she makes gorgeous Barbie and American Girl doll clothes to sell) and ended up buying some from her for some of the kids of my co-workers.

I met Marty for a drink at the club then we had lunch. This afternoon we wandered around a local classic car show. We are playing cards with friends tonight.

I hope you are having a great weekend.
Hi. I hope you all had a very nice Sunday. I made homemade biscuits for us for breakfast, had raw veggies for a mid day snack then made "lazy" lasagna for supper. It turned out pretty good. I bought the mini cheese raviolis, browned some 96% lean hamburger, 2 cans of diced tomatoes with basil, garlic and oregano and some mozzarella cheese. I put a layer of raviolis in the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan, sprinkled half the hamburger on top, some cheese and one of the cans of tomatoes then repeated. I covered the pan with foil and baked for 60 minutes at 350 then about 10 minutes at 375. It was sure a boat load easier than making lasagna. One of my employee's wife came up with that recipe a few months ago and every time he has it for lunch it looks good.

I got my laundry done. Marty played golf this afternoon so I played with my iPad and watched some movies.

marcy-your dinner the other night cracked me up. Your lasagna sounds much better. I'm thinking that even I might be able to make that! I bought the black leather magnetic iPad cover and the clear hard back, and so far I'm really liking it. It does function better than the cover I originally bought.

zoe-good luck with your new trainer! I hope you like the replacement as well as your current trainer. I admire people who can get going early to exercise before work. I've never been able to make myself do that.

The weekend went way too fast. I dont have any ridiculously long, 11-hour meetings this week, but I do have to fly 3 days in a row and I'm not looking forward to that. I was in a lot of pain on Thursday with my ears and was able to get into my doctor after work. I now have a nasal steroid, ear drops to numb the ear canals, medicine for nausea, meds for vertigo, pain meds, and a decongestant. I told my boss (who is flying with me) that she's in charge of putting my ear drops in everyday while we travel. I feel like a big goof! I think the steroid is helping because the pain is much less today. Matt and I were able to walk 2 miles tonight before it started raining again. I'm off to bed. Have a great week!
Deegee, our supper Friday night was different anyway. LOL. The lazy lasagna went together pretty quick; browning the hamburger too the longest time but I worked on opening my cans and laying out the raviolis while it cooked. I like easy recipes plus enjoy having leftovers for lunch. I am delighted to hear you felt better today but it sounds like you are on lots of medicines. I hope you do okay flying and have a nice time on your business travels. I am glad you like the Apple iPad cover and hard back. My pink one isn't working for me so I need to find something else. I have Marty's original suede one from Apple I can use but it doesn't work well on my lap. I am too short for the angle it has to set on my lap.

Well, I swore I was going to be in bed by 11 so I'd best get on my PJ's and get to bed. :snore:

Hi everyone. I hope the start of a new week is going well for you. We had cereal for breakfast, leftover lasagna for lunch and tacos for supper. We are watching Top Gear now then in hope to catch some Monday nighht football.

Not much else going on with me.


Marcy-I like the title of the recipe...lazy lasagna. I need a whole lazy cookbook! After being at work all day, the last thing I want to do after the hour commute home is cook. Everything I make is really quick.

I'm trying to get ready for my trip on Wednesday. I'll be in Albany, Des Moines, Baton Rouge and back home in the span of 3 days. 2 of the 3 cities are pretty cool right now, but it's still hot in Baton Rouge. I'm leaving work a little early tomorrow to make a last ditch trip to the mall to find something business-y yet weather appropriate for that city. I may end up looking like winter and wearing what I have if I can't find anything. I had oats for breakfast and biscuits & gravy at a restaurant for lunch. I ended up with heartburn after that, so dinner was a salad and some veggies. No walk-I'm already in bed. Have a great day tomorrow!
Hi everyone. What a day. I don't know whether to drink or cry or take a sleeping aid and go to bed for a long nap.

Here is how my day went. I started out at the dentist. Of course there is my potential root canal area well they have a new dental hygienist and she keeps scraping on this rough spot above am upper right molar. She checks my Xrays and asks me a few questions. Shows it to the dentist and it's a nerve that died, is sticking out of my gum and it'd been visible on Xrays for years. I need a new dentist. Apparently they can't save the tooth now and were shocked it doesn't hurt. I need a new dentist. And of course after them poking on it now it does hurt.

I mentioned all the fighting at work and how we moved a girl in to my department because these other girls are mean to her. Well the saga continues. Why are people so nasty?

Then I start to get a migraine from stress and teeth pain.

What a day. We went to supper with one of the ladies who works for Marty and is leaving Friday. I had more wine than they did. Lol.

Deegee, good luck on your trip. That is a quick trip to lots of places. I should write a lazy cookbook. Maybe I could get rich and famous from it. Ha ha.

Marcy-oh my gosh, you have to be in such pain! I'm so sorry!!! And yes, you do need a new dentist. I recommend mine...he's awesome. Maybe a little too far for you to drive though. I feel so bad for you. Tooth nerve pain is the pits. I think I'd go for the cry, sleep aid and bed. I hate to hear of your work drama too.

I'm packed and ready to head to the airport at the crack of dawn. I have a ziplock bag stuffed full of medicines for my ear and ear related issues. I'm hoping the pain won't be as bad as I'm fearing. My doctor told me last week that she flew once with her ears in similar shape and she felt like her head would explode. My goofy staff drew their interpretation of me on the plane with my head exploding on our "woo-hoo's and boo-hoo's" board today. It was really pretty funny. I'd post a picture but don't know if I can with my iPad.

Marcy-I so hope you feel better tomorrow.
Deegee, your co-workers giving you a hard time made me laugh. Thanks I needed that. :bigsmile: I hope you don't have too much extra pain from flying, I will be thinking of you. I think I'll take some Advil and go to bed early. :wavey: Have a safe flight and good luck with your meds and head.
Hi everyone. We sure have fall weather here today. It's in the 50's and rainy. I guess Colorado had some snow in the mountains.

My mouth is better tonight but my dry cheerios were a challenge this morning. It was hard to find a spot to chew that wasn't sore.

We had an office luncheon today and went to a pizza buffet. They had my favorite one out which is thin crust Canadian bacon and pineapple so I had 2 pieces of that. Supper was a burger, corn on the cob and some cottage cheese. We are going to supper tomorrow with the in-laws.

Marty was up most of the night with work. Poor guy.

Later. :wavey:
