
Tell us more about your username!

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Mine is very boring and self-explanatory, but I'd love to hear how you came by yours!
One day, I gave the barista at Starbucks my name for my drink order, and she somehow heard Lala, which is...not my name. One of my friends loved it so much it's now her nickname for me.
My first husband’s college nickname was Zippy the Wonder Slug because he walked slowly. Hence, MrsZippy, which also sounds like the river!
Dreamer was my beautiful red long haired dachshund, hence my original user name “dreamer_dachsie”. This user name doesn’t suit me at all. It’s too romantic (I didn’t name the dog either lol). But this was my first time really participating in an online forum, way back in 2007, and I chose it spur of the moment! Who knew it would stick for so long! I can’t possibly change it now.
Many years ago, I used to frequent a particular jewelry store. A person working there dubbed me ‘MissGotRocks’ as she knew I loved diamonds. When I joined PS in 2005 and had to come up with a name, that came to mind. Would have used my real name but it was already taken!
I picked up my partner from the dentist after some extensive work and he claimed he was starving, so we went to a buffet so he could get a mix of soft foods. He was absolutely blasted on pain meds they gave him and I had to suggest some foods, one was sushi and with a glazed/totally stoned look he said "Mmmmooshi?" as he was on another planet and didn't understand what sushi was at that moment. He has no recollection of this now, but loves the story. I howled at the poor guy during this dinner out, but at least he couldn't really feel anything as they gave him so much pain medication!
What a cool idea for a thread! I should have thought of something bling like, but I was stumped and I love to read. My first name starts with M so I picked MReader for that reason.
Mine's 'cause I caught the "sparklie bug" when I was a youngster. LOVED to see the diamonds that my parents' friends wore (my mother's jewelry as well) they moved their hands/heads, the diamonds twinkled and sparkled like stars at night. I still love that!
Isn't there already thread like this?

I'm very little and my name is Alex.

No, that's not right. I stumbled across this forum to inquire about the color and quality of a little alexandrite that had been sent to me by mail. (My very first post!) I did not plan to stick around but I kept learning more (and, occasionally, teaching a little). Like every single username I have ever created, had I known something would be a recurring part of my life or had I been a little more patient after my first dozen username choices were rejected, I would have been more clever or imaginative.
i am Daisey Jeep on my Springsteen forum, our Jeep wrangler was called Daisy
i am Princess Daisy on the court Jeweler after Queen Margrethe of Denmark
i tried so hard not to make a typo here, but i still did

the black lab that lives next door to work is called Daisy
i wear a Daisy cap at work,
one day i will finish my daisy pearl necklace
There is a river in Scotland called Avon.
Avondale is the valley (dale) of the river Avon.

Also, Avondale is a name used for many many many many many places. Used by businesses. Used by people (including a title of the Scottish aristocracy). There are a bajillion folks out there who go by Avondale on the internet.

So no one can ever trace it back to me. :whistle:
Mine is self explanatory. My family have always called me Ally (I’m Alexandra) & T is the initial of my surname. People refer to us as Team T, at school the children call me Mrs T & others refer to Mr T as, well, Mr T…. :lol-2:
Fun thread … I used my initials to make a “word.” Initially, I wondered if it sounded like I was a slick scammer. :lol: It’s my 2nd username here, being it was my 1st forum, I didn’t think I would stick around this long. I changed it to be more anonymous.