
Tell us more about your username!

When I came into the group years ago to ask a question, I used a nickname I picked out when I worked in banking: moneymeister. At that time, I didn't think about staying (2009) and didn't put too much worry into it. Over the years, I realized it sounded too much like "gold digger" :D. Out of context, it has the wrong implications. So it was shortened to MMtwo. I have no "M" in my name at all.

I have always been horrendous at picking these things. I am "Lauraneedsanickname" on IG.
Sunrises and sunsets light my soul. I love them more than diamonds and they bring amazement, peace and introspection to me... sunsets most of all.

BTW, love the question, Kim. The responses have been interesting.
I actually started out as a different name, my real first and middle name, but it sounded so prissy and formal that I wanted to change it.

So I picked YadaYadaYada from a Seinfeld episode :)
I need to know what prompted work colleagues to call you Bonfire!

Lol, you’d have to ask my airline buds!
(No I wasn’t a big partier because I know that’s what you’re thinking! :lol:) I had a lot of responsibility and I was pretty intense about it I guess.
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Lol, you’d have to ask my airline buds!
(No I wasn’t a big partier because I know that’s what you’re thinking! :lol:) I had a lot of responsibility and I was pretty intense about it I guess.

lol I was thinking you were "hawt" lol Or maybe just super efficient. Or you liked roasting mashmallows.
Boring here. I'm a professional musician - what's called a "woodwind doubler," to be exact. I specialize in playing multiple different woodwind instruments competently, instead of specializing on just one, which is.......reeeaaally challenging, especially practice-time-wise. Started life and got my degree as a saxophonist, while picking up the clarinet family along the way, and then just out of college fell in love with the oboe (and English horn), having no idea how stinkin' hard the double reeds are. I've made a career on them all, but if I had to pick just one, oboe would have my heart.
I got my name from a scene in the movie Titanic. Jack tells Rose about his drawing of an old lady he calls Madame Bijoux: "

"She used to sit at this bar every night wearing every piece of jewelry she owned just waiting for her long lost love."​

I got my name from a scene in the movie Titanic. Jack tells Rose about his drawing of an old lady he calls Madame Bijoux: "

"She used to sit at this bar every night wearing every piece of jewelry she owned just waiting for her long lost love."​

brilliant username
Well, I'm a Bass guitarist that has played in a lot of bands over the years. Whenever the vocalist of one of the bands introduced who we were to the crowds we played for, he would always say 'and over here holding down the low end and making this place rumble we have got Jordy on Bass'

So that kinda stuck as a nickname for me.
My "favorite" engagement ring. It wasn't what I started with but it was what I had when I got married (after learning so much). It was my ring UNTIL I really had to have it sized and it started losing melee. I had the halo lasered off and it's now my diamond necklace with a new ring in it's place.
The real Natasha-Cupcake was my beloved kitty of 20 plus years, who passed away a short while ago. I'm lower case "natasha-cupcake" because I'm just a shameless imposter. She was a four-month-old Russian Blue kitten named Cupcake (by the animal shelter staff) when I adopted her. I thought she needed a more dignified name because she had a very royal demeanor. But my daughters loved her original name, so we compromised. It ended up being a perfect fit for her, and me.
Piper was my beautiful Chocolate lab who was my constant companion for 14 years. I reused this name from a college football forum that I joined where my son was a player. I of course wanted to be anonymous because I was just a lurker and I didn’t want them to know that Chris’s mom was on the forum. I was outed eventually and, mostly, treated very kindly. His uniform number was 70 so I became Piper 70 on that and I just recycled it for this one. In retrospect, using his number maybe wasn’t as secretive as I originally thought. Though it’s only two years off from my birth year so that could’ve been it.
Mine's 'cause I caught the "sparklie bug" when I was a youngster. LOVED to see the diamonds that my parents' friends wore (my mother's jewelry as well) they moved their hands/heads, the diamonds twinkled and sparkled like stars at night. I still love that!

I have a granddaughter ( had 2 sons ) and I am so excited to play in my jewelry box with her! We already had a necklace made for her with a small diamond from my husband‘s grandmother‘s engagement ring. She’s only 15 months old but she seemed to really like it!