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LaraOnline|1394941455|3634979 said:Cynical LOL. Freeloading on the system is annoying!!chemgirl|1394940084|3634966 said:Ugh this came up at a party last week. A friend isn't going to vaccinate her child because her Mil thinks it causes autism.
An 'aquaintance' of mine had her children 'immunised' with natural vaccines.
Homeopathics!! What an 18th century idea that is! embarrassing.
Unfortunately her child nearly died of whooping cough.
And I was annoyed that she wanted my children to play with her child.
kenny|1394930432|3634849 said:momhappy|1394929684|3634841 said:I know. It sucks. I hated vaccinating my kids, but I felt that it was the responsible thing to do not just for my family, but for the greater good.
So why did you hate it?
iLander|1394980551|3635170 said:I don't get how people manage to Not vaccinate their kids.![]()
Every school my kids have ever been to demand vac records on hand on day one, or they won't let the kids in. Every year they check the records. From elementary all the way to college, officials WANT those records, signed by the pediatrician.
How are they getting away with it?
iLander|1394980551|3635170 said:I don't get how people manage to Not vaccinate their kids.![]()
Every school my kids have ever been to demand vac records on hand on day one, or they won't let the kids in. Every year they check the records. From elementary all the way to college, officials WANT those records, signed by the pediatrician.
How are they getting away with it?
Circe|1394992126|3635281 said:I know it's going to be seen as hyperbole/hurting people's feelings/extremist, but I don't care. I think it's child abuse to skip vaccination, and not just of one's own child but also, as people have noted, abusive of any immuno-compromised, elderly, newborn, premature, or gestating people in the vicinity.
I also think it's a problematic extension of the way that children aren't legally seen as people, but as possessions of their parents. How many cases have there been recently where people have beaten their children half - or all the way - to death on the grounds of philosophical or religious belief? It makes me sick to my heart.
ksinger|1394998018|3635336 said:Circe|1394992126|3635281 said:I know it's going to be seen as hyperbole/hurting people's feelings/extremist, but I don't care. I think it's child abuse to skip vaccination, and not just of one's own child but also, as people have noted, abusive of any immuno-compromised, elderly, newborn, premature, or gestating people in the vicinity.
I also think it's a problematic extension of the way that children aren't legally seen as people, but as possessions of their parents. How many cases have there been recently where people have beaten their children half - or all the way - to death on the grounds of philosophical or religious belief? It makes me sick to my heart.
Heck, why stop there? ANY adult over a certain number of years away from the old vaccine days, is going to be at risk. Those suckers don't last forever, as those of us who pondered any potential leftover effects of our old smallpox vaccines know well.
I know (now) that we've supposed to have had boosters over the years, but having them is dependent upon how often one goes to a GP, and how devoted that GP is to reminding people. which In decades past was not such a big deal, herd immunity was good, and it probably really wasn't all that necessary, but now? I need to get in and get a few ASAP...
rosetta|1394986611|3635242 said:I completely agree momhappy. Nobody likes getting shots, I have to have the flu vaccine every year and I still don't like it. Kids who don't understand what's going on are obviously going to hate it.
I wish all vaccines were oral or intranasal!
(Coz I'm a wimp)
packrat|1394938827|3634962 said:kenny|1394930432|3634849 said:momhappy|1394929684|3634841 said:I know. It sucks. I hated vaccinating my kids, but I felt that it was the responsible thing to do not just for my family, but for the greater good.
So why did you hate it?
B/c it hurts. They're little and they don't understand why mom is just sitting there while they get a needle jabbed into them. Impossible to explain to a baby that it's the right thing to do. And it's impossible to explain to your 2 year old who looks at you w/such an expression of betrayal and hurt. But you do it b/c it's right and they get over it and it's fine. But it still hurts at the time.
ETA I should've said heck I didn't hate it at all, I dressed up like a clown and made balloon animals. Shots are fun! I take my kids up even when they're not due for anything and let the nurses practice. C'mon Kenny, you know better'n that.
justginger|1394936256|3634923 said:rosetta|1394930048|3634846 said:Argh! Don't get me started. I want to punch people who think there is a link between measles and autism on the basis of a very poor underpowered and irresponsible so called study. Kids die of measles, some people have forgotten how deadly a disease it can be.
A big fat ditto. The vax debate is the only one that I am like a hungry dog with a bone - I can't walk away. It's a level of irrationality and blatant ignorance that I can't ignore. People are so comfortable with the blessed morbidity and mortality rates we have now, they are blocking their minds to the reality of the past: a past that could easily become the future, with a high enough prevalence of stupidity.
amc80|1394940301|3634967 said:chemgirl said:Ugh this came up at a party last week. A friend isn't going to vaccinate her child because her Mil thinks it causes autism. Friend is upset because no daycares will take her child un vaccinated. Me: "Well hope she doesn't get measels" Her: "the other kids are vaccinated so it's ok" Too many people have this attitude and there's the problem.
Here, most pediatricians won't take an unvaccinated kid either.
kenny|1395000667|3635362 said:packrat|1394938827|3634962 said:kenny|1394930432|3634849 said:momhappy|1394929684|3634841 said:I know. It sucks. I hated vaccinating my kids, but I felt that it was the responsible thing to do not just for my family, but for the greater good.
So why did you hate it?
B/c it hurts. They're little and they don't understand why mom is just sitting there while they get a needle jabbed into them. Impossible to explain to a baby that it's the right thing to do. And it's impossible to explain to your 2 year old who looks at you w/such an expression of betrayal and hurt. But you do it b/c it's right and they get over it and it's fine. But it still hurts at the time.
ETA I should've said heck I didn't hate it at all, I dressed up like a clown and made balloon animals. Shots are fun! I take my kids up even when they're not due for anything and let the nurses practice. C'mon Kenny, you know better'n that.
It's not about me 'knowing better than that'.
It's about not knowing which of two possibilities caused her 'hate'.
Fear of shots is totally understandable.
Not wanting to subject your kid to that anxiety is too.
I just didn't know whether momhappy said, "I hated vaccinating my kids" because of the trauma of the injections, or because of concerns for alleged side effects.
Apparently it is the former.
kenny|1395000667|3635362 said:packrat|1394938827|3634962 said:kenny|1394930432|3634849 said:momhappy|1394929684|3634841 said:I know. It sucks. I hated vaccinating my kids, but I felt that it was the responsible thing to do not just for my family, but for the greater good.
So why did you hate it?
B/c it hurts. They're little and they don't understand why mom is just sitting there while they get a needle jabbed into them. Impossible to explain to a baby that it's the right thing to do. And it's impossible to explain to your 2 year old who looks at you w/such an expression of betrayal and hurt. But you do it b/c it's right and they get over it and it's fine. But it still hurts at the time.
ETA I should've said heck I didn't hate it at all, I dressed up like a clown and made balloon animals. Shots are fun! I take my kids up even when they're not due for anything and let the nurses practice. C'mon Kenny, you know better'n that.
It's not about me 'knowing better than that'.
It's about not knowing which of two possibilities caused her 'hate'.
Fear of shots is totally understandable.
Not wanting to subject your kid to that anxiety is too.
I just didn't know whether momhappy said, "I hated vaccinating my kids" because of the trauma of the injections, or because of concerns for alleged side effects.
Apparently it is the former.
Trekkie|1394952133|3635060 said:We recently had dinner with a very well known, well respected pharmacy professor. He told us about how, just last year, he asked his final year pharmacy students how many of them believed in evolution. More than half of them did not, even though it is taught in their first year biology classes.
How on earth these people can cling to their ignorance in the face of fact is just beyond me.
Asscherhalo_lover|1394985881|3635228 said:I think that unvaccinated children should simply not be allowed to go to public schools. If you want to keep your children unvaccinated keep them home.
ksinger|1394986700|3635243 said:iLander|1394980551|3635170 said:I don't get how people manage to Not vaccinate their kids.![]()
Every school my kids have ever been to demand vac records on hand on day one, or they won't let the kids in. Every year they check the records. From elementary all the way to college, officials WANT those records, signed by the pediatrician.
How are they getting away with it?
Yes, many states have religious and "philosophical objection" exemptions, and still let them in school. Infuriating. And the worst part? The parents who object the most are highly educated and well-heeled - the contingent who is used to their money insulating them from criticism and consequence. In fact, in an amazing twist, for once it's NOT a southern red state that is leading the stupid pack, it's Oregon.They have more exemptions for "philosophical reasons" than any other state. Go figure.
kenny|1395003786|3635394 said:By definition, science does not depend on "belief".
Implying so is an attempt to raise the status of stuff that does depend on belief.
msop04|1395003935|3635398 said:ksinger|1394986700|3635243 said:iLander|1394980551|3635170 said:I don't get how people manage to Not vaccinate their kids.![]()
Every school my kids have ever been to demand vac records on hand on day one, or they won't let the kids in. Every year they check the records. From elementary all the way to college, officials WANT those records, signed by the pediatrician.
How are they getting away with it?
Yes, many states have religious and "philosophical objection" exemptions, and still let them in school. Infuriating. And the worst part? The parents who object the most are highly educated and well-heeled - the contingent who is used to their money insulating them from criticism and consequence. In fact, in an amazing twist, for once it's NOT a southern red state that is leading the stupid pack, it's Oregon.They have more exemptions for "philosophical reasons" than any other state. Go figure.
FINALLY!!! ...I'm from the South.![]()
JewelFreak|1395007324|3635433 said:Our lives in modern times in the western world are so protected that an injection is considered trauma for a baby or child? Do YOU remember your baby vaccinations? Neither do I. Sure, we hate to see little guys crying, but it's over in minutes. If that's the worst trauma they will experience in their lives, they'd do well to grab it. Flame me as heartless, but I hate to think of the mental maiming a skinned knee will cause these protected little dears.
As for the evolution disbelief, I'm in disbelief myself that anyone can be so willfully ignorant. There's evidence all around us. The people who don't think it's real don't hesitate to acknowledge that dogs evolved from wolves, housecats from big cats, birds from dinosaurs, plants from other plants. Only humans, apparently, sprang fully-made as we are. We are still evolving, in fact -- it's not a finite process but a continuum on which we are only one point. I think that's fascinating!
--- Laurie
yennyfire|1395007574|3635437 said:Me too, msop! Can I get an "amen"??!!The bottom line is that no one should be exempt from the rules that have been created to protect the majority of society. Are the exceptions? Of course, but the vast majority of the people not getting their kids vaccinated don't fall into that category. They just think that they are above it all or that it won't happen to them. Do I like taking my kids for shots? No. Every time we go to the doctor, they ask me if they are going to get a shot. I have never lied to my kids, so I tell them the truth. It took 3 people to hold my then 8 year old down for 3 shots. It broke my heart, even though I explained that the shot would only hurt for a second and that if he got sick, it would hurt for many days....
The bottom line is that if you don't want to vaccinate your kids, you shouldn't be allowed to send them to public school, take them to public parks, etc. It's not just school that's risky...it's anywhere your unvaccinated kid might come into contact with mine...the movies, grocery store, mall, etc. Be a responsible member of society and vaccinate your kids. Period.
JewelFreak|1395007324|3635433 said:Our lives in modern times in the western world are so protected that an injection is considered trauma for a baby or child? Do YOU remember your baby vaccinations? Neither do I. Sure, we hate to see little guys crying, but it's over in minutes. If that's the worst trauma they will experience in their lives, they'd do well to grab it. Flame me as heartless, but I hate to think of the mental maiming a skinned knee will cause these protected little dears.
As for the evolution disbelief, I'm in disbelief myself that anyone can be so willfully ignorant. There's evidence all around us. The people who don't think it's real don't hesitate to acknowledge that dogs evolved from wolves, housecats from big cats, birds from dinosaurs, plants from other plants. Only humans, apparently, sprang fully-made as we are. We are still evolving, in fact -- it's not a finite process but a continuum on which we are only one point. I think that's fascinating!
--- Laurie