
The Cupcake Thread!

This is the groom''s cake that went with the cherry blossom cake

Lifeguard Grooms Cake 9-19-09.JPG
Date: 9/27/2009 12:34:40 AM
Author: Jaders731
This is a cake that was shown in a commercial for Publix grocery store. A bride wanted us (not Publix) to recreate it for her wedding.
WOW, your cakes are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE THIS ONE, all super gorgeous but this is my FAV
Ok.. so.. this is totally out of order. At Easter, our bakeshop creates chocolate Easter Eggs that get displayed at the resort. Here are my Easter eggs. My design completely. and I super love them. Hope you like chocolate:

My "little" Robin Egg: its about 20inches tall.
arghhh forgot to attach:

Not quite sure what to call this Egg. It was apricot in color with blushed gardenias.

Another view of the Gardenia egg:

Two more to go...

Now, I must preface this by saying.. Please Please Please make sure you are sitting down. LOL.

I did not make this cake, I just assisted in the process. It is certainly not my design, I wish it was. I was just a part of it!!! but I do like to show it off, because I was a part of it! ha!

Ok.. yes.. it was $10,000.00 .. yep, TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS! Enough cake for 680 people.. and for a wedding that only had 280. The mother of the bride wanted it all to be cake. So naturally, we obliged. I''m sure they are still eating on this cake. It took 3 hours to assemble at the reception venue. It was CRAZY. and I''m pretty sure my boss narrowly missed having a heartattack. Behold: The Monster:

10K Cake.JPG
Oh WOW Jaders!!!
Those are just marvelous!!
I love them all....but especially love the robin egg!
Thanks for sharing your skillful artworks!
And last but certainly not least...its not cake but it involves sugar:

One of the guys I work with is a photoshop genius. The running joke in my bake shop is that I look like Collette from Ratatouille... so he made this picture, and we printed it out in sugar, and mounted it in a chocolate frame for my parents as a gift. I love it.

ratatouille and Jade copy.JPG
So, I''m exhausted. I hope you all enjoyed the show. Thanks for encouraging me to post. I will keep yall updated as the cakes keep rolling in. that was just a sampling of the last six months. I usually average about a cake a day.. sometimes more.

Now, time for me to sleep off this crazy week!

Oops....the 10K is spectacular! WOW!!
And love that pic of you w/ the Ratatouille guy ^.^

WWOWOOOOOWWOWOWOWOWOWWW holy crap that is OUTRAGEOUS, I am blown away!!! Seriously incredible stuff.

Wanna do my wedding cake?!?
31.gif are simply amazing!!! I really like the Nightmare before Xmas cake...that sage color is my favorite!

I was supposed to make banana pecan cupcakes this wkd but it was 95 the whole time! So I''ll have to make them this week...hopefully it cools down.
Jaders - beautiful cakes . . .love them all, especially the sea shells and also the bedi-rose.


Do you mind sharing a little about how you came about doing what you do? I am just really interested to hear, if you get a chance.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME--WOW jaders, you are totally gifted. Amazing work, thanks for sharing!!!!

That chocolate strawberry cake is making me drool and "the monster" cake is so detailed, I would have cried cutting in to it.
What an exciting job you have. I bet it beats sitting in an office!!
Anyone tried, or have a recipe for, a poured fondant frosting ? I am interested in trying it but i am wondering if it''s finicky to work with and/or if it tastes any good. I would hate to go thru the effort of making it and not have it taste good.
jas i have a poured fondant recipe in a book at home... i will try to remember to dig it out later if you still need it. it''s in a cupcake book actually. i read about how to do it because i was intrigued but it seemed fairly finicky...aka your cupcakes have to be pretty darn perfect it seemed, in order to get the pouring right. and i think you had to do like 2 layers to make it thick enough to cover any blemishes? i like the idea of it but haven''t tried it yet.
A M A Z I N G Jaders, thanks for posting

Anyone tried, or have a recipe for, a poured fondant frosting ? I am interested in trying it but i am wondering if it's finicky to work with and/or if it tastes any good. I would hate to go thru the effort of making it and not have it taste good.
Fondant doesn't taste good, sorry to say. I'd use melted MM fondant instead.
Some do add 1 extra tb of water in the melting process to avoid the kneading step, I wouldn't, it only takes 2-3 minutes.
Here's one of the recipes I've used for awhile:

lb of Mini Marshmallows (easier to melt)
1 tsp clear Van extract

1 tsp butter flavor
2 tbsp of Water
2 lbs of Powdered Sugar (sifted)
A little bit of shortening, I use unsalted butter.

Spray a bowl with PAM, add all mini marshmallows, clear vanilla, butter flavoring and water
Microwave for 60 seconds. Remove from microwave and stir until completely melted with fork
If all the mini marshmallows don't melt after stirring, return to microwave for 30 seconds and sitr [repeat in itervals if necessary] - this step is usually not necesary for me.
Add HALF of powdered sugar first and gradually [you might not need all the sugar] and mix with fork until well incorporated then knead on a surface dusted with cornstarch. It should be firm within 2 minutes. Wrap in plastic and cool for 1 hour to firm up, store in the fridge.
Melting for petit fours and candy centers:
Cut premade fondant into small pieces and place them in the top of a double boiler set over gently boiling water. Stir while the fondant melts, and add a teaspoon or two of water to thin the fondant to the desired consistency. Add color of choce. Heat until the fondant is melted, but do not let it exceed 140 degrees, otherwise it will harden or crumble. I've melted it in the micro but since they vary in power I won't advise it.
Thanks for the recipe Camille. So does the MM melted fondant tastes good? Seems like a little too much work for me (in addition to baking and making the toppers) maybe one day when i have hours of free time on my hands (haha--never) i will attempt it.

mara--ya, i usually aim to ger my cuppies baked just below the edge of the liner so the icing is only visible, but i''ve mostly seen poured fondant with dome topped cake--that seems a bit more finicky. Since you would really need to measure your scoops of batter carefully to ensure a uniform look...
ekk, i am over it. They look nice, but extra work and lack of yumminess is convicing me to avoid them

Anyone have a special halloween baking activity? I usually make severed fingers out of sugar cookie dough for my class. I make them skin toned with an almond nail and red-gel for the blood. I serve them in little brown boxes with cheese cloth (looks like medical gauze). Or display them on a cutting board with a butchers knife
. They actually taste good and my adult students love them b/c they aren''t kiddish.
just thought of something...wouldn''t poured royal icing (like what you use for decoring sugar cookies) work on a cuppie (2 layers)
It would be super sweet, but that''s okay. And less work.
jas that is a great idea...i think i saw that in this cupcake book too. plus way easier. just add enough sugar to make sure it dries quickly...yum!!!
Oooh Camille I''m dying to try that!! I''m a bit scared to venture into unfamiliar territory so I tend to stick to the old faithful CC icing
It keeps the masses happy!!

I mentioned a while back about the girl leaving work who requested cupcakes sporting red, pink, orange and yellow all at once. I felt ill at the thought of all those clashing colours, but they turned out ok. I feel a bit silly posting these after Jaders'' masterpieces
But anyhoo, here they are:

WendysCuppies 002.jpg
Whoops, forgot to say that the pink iced one are Red Velvet, and the orange ones are choc mud.

WendysCuppies 001.jpg
...and some I did today for an 18th, Vanilla Strawberry...

RosesCuppies 001.jpg
...and 4 dozen of these suckers for a 21st today also...but GAHH!!! I hate how the colours turned out in this pic

The coraly looking ones are a really delicate baby pink, and the sick, grey looking ones are mauve. IRL they looked alot better! Stoopid camera

How embarrasment!!

RosesCuppies 004.jpg
So cute Andi!! pshaaaaaaw on feeling silly... cakes are simply AMAZING to look at (and eat!) but cupcakes can hold their own too.

I just love those frangis. And I bet that mauve and pink was really lovely together, how did you get the mauve? Violet and pink together?. I have gotten a few calls lately about orders but I just don't have the spirit right now. I am in baby mode I guess. I am looking fwd to fall baking and cooking for us as well as the weather FINALLY starts to turn here. I am supposed to make some banana pecan cupcakes this wkd so hopefully I will post.

Jas did you do the icing on the cupcakes? If so how did it turn out?
Mara--nope , didn''t get around to those cuppies. I had an open house at my place today so i didn''t dare bake and mess up the kitchen.
I am also sooo tired/icky (just newly preggo with #2)
& like you lacking enthusiasm...

Dandi--i think they look gorgeous in the pics so i bet they are SO lovely in person. Wow, you''ve been busy!!!!
Mara, the mauve was a combo of red and blue, but I honestly can''t tell you the ratio! It''s meant to be two parts blue to one part red, but it looked too grey, so it was probably more red than blue! I just fiddled until I was satisfied!

Jas, thanks sweetie... and WOW, congratulations on bebe #2!!!
I made cuppies with poured Glace icing last night (i ran out of meringe powder so i didn''t do the royal icing as planned). It worked well, but takes a *long* time to dry. I might use a bit more sugar next time to harden it up.
The only thing that is sucky about this method is that really you need a perfectly shaped cake (either flat or domed) and good sturdy liners. The icing highlights every imperfection.I think 2 layers would help fix that--but again, lots of time needed to dry ''em out if you do this & too sweet IMO.
The flavor was pretty good. I made reg. vanilla cuppies and the Glace was flavored strawberry with a few tiny drops of candy oil. I think a chocolate Glace would taste really nice (and more ''real''--iam not a big fan of artificial flavorings.

I am in the process of moving so all my food coloring and fondant topper supplies are packed away, i am going to try to do up a quick sample of something cute and post a pic tonight. Jus cause i know some of you would be interested right?