
The funniest/rudest/awkwardest/most memorable comment someone has made about your jewelry?

Apr 22, 2020
Was just reminded of this incident that happened some years ago because of a different post, thought I'd post it and open up the floor for more funnies/commiserations :D

I went out once wearing a bracelet of mine (multiple coloured stones, very big and chunky and in your face but quite price-effective) and ran into an acquaintance who gushed about it for ages. Like, I appreciate a good compliment, but it went on for a WHILE, and then in the midst of the love-fest she asks me the dreaded question, "is it real?!?!"

Before I could awkwardly answer, she followed up with "omg, sorry, no no, that's so rude of me, of course it isn't, I totally understand. If it was real it would be worth a fortune!!!" and it's like, umm, yes it's real, but now I can't say that, and it's actually the least expensive piece of jewelry I'm currently wearing, but if I say that then I sound like a massive braggart so I won't and um... yeah...

I think I just awkwardly smiled at her and said "uh, thanks, you're so sweet" and then had to pry my hand from her grip.

So let's hear yours!
I wore this ring to work one day, and one of my colleagues asked if it was a diamond, and I responded I would not be working there had it been a diamond!

That's how much my work/social circles knew/know about jewellery.

(They were an oval white Zircon and round blue Sapphire sides, all cut by Jeff Davies.)

DK :lol-2:

I remember when we first got engaged. At the ice cream place we frequented in NYC the kid behind the counter who knew us saw the ring and he was like whoa that is a huge diamond...he really loves you. And every time after that whenever we went to the ice cream place he would want to see my ring again and ogle it LOL.

Unfortunately I never took a photo of my original ER. It was an MRB approximately 3 carats if I recall correctly. It was beautiful if you like MRBs. But to me it was nothing special. I wrote about that somewhere here a very long time ago. I knew right away it was not the ring for me.

But I used to get that comment a lot. How my dh/fiance must really love me. (He does of course). I found it funny at the time. But of course the ring signifies nothing of that sort. Big or small it does not show how much your partner loves you. Rather it shows how much they were willing to spend and how much they could afford. And that is that.

Another comment I used to get was OMG I have to have my boyfriend/husband talk to your fiance/husband. LOL

I remember one time my friend Rikki grabbed my hand (when I got my upgraded ring) and she was swooning and wanted to see it up close and asked to try it on...I graciously agreed and then she dropped it. LOL I did loupe it immediately after and it was fine (yes I always carried a loupe in those days haha) and I was not upset with her because she was mortified enough and very very apologetic. But that was the last time I let anyone hold my ring lol

The most flattering comments come from jewelers. A few times I was asked if they could see my ring up close and one or two of them even louped it and said how gorgeous and what a find. This was with my current ring Bubbalah.

I can’t think of any specific comment, but sometimes when a friend or acquaintance compliments it they put their big fat fingertip right on the stone and it drives me CRAZY.
I can’t think of any specific comment, but sometimes when a friend or acquaintance compliments it they put their big fat fingertip right on the stone and it drives me CRAZY.

That drives me bananas too. I have a friend who is allergic to keeping rings clean - hers or anyone else's! She not only does the finger thing to other people but swipes her thumb across the table of her own diamond as a nervous habit (and therefore keeps the ring askew, which also drives me nuts), and keeps her ring on when washing and lotioning her hands, no matter how many times I cringe :wall:
This lady kept asking how much my e-ring cost and when I kept deflecting she finally asked, “Did that cost more than a car?” It was a cheap diamond but big for my social group and people are impressed by size.
I was told by a friend that 'someone would cut my hand off to get my ring!' A rather unsettling comment or warning! Two of my favorite comments - clearly coming from people that know nothing about diamonds - is that it 'so clear and so white'. This sort of thing has been said by more than one person to me. I kind of giggle to myself as I guess that is what many of us are after, but it sounds like such a simplistic description of a diamond!
One of DH’s cousins grabbed my wrist at a holiday gathering a long time ago and asked about the tennis bracelet I was wearing. She was making a big thing about it and I was rather uncomfortable so I told her the truth, it was CZ and I paid like $20 for it at a department store. Not that I was going to pass it off as real but I wouldn’t have said anything about it you know?

It’s funny because of all the jewelry I’ve worn she only commented on that and a pink sapphire ring, two of the lesser expensive pieces of course.
It was once commented that my jewelry choices were "plain." I prefer to think of them as classic...but whatever, I am the one wearing them not her, so...
When I boarded the plane in Dubai, a young Indian FA grabbed my hand and said “Wow, how big is your diamond?” When I told her, she also said “he must really love you”

On a completely different note, we had an elderly patient (she was 92) who said to me “You’ve got nice teeth dear, are they your own?” I told her I was wearing them in for a friend!!!
I once had a jeweler refer to The Brick as "cute." Sucker was like a Super Bowl ring LOL.

Oh the usual "he loves you so much" , "is it real". But I think "best" one came from a colleague, who after learning I sold my 5 carat (6.25ctw) ring, exclaimed "oh that's good, I never liked that ring anyway--looked like a skating rink".

i dont like some of the 'friends and aquantances' quoted on this thread :(2

they mostly read as very ill mannered to me
but you all seem to have plenty of good grace and humor=)2

asking if something was real
asking what something costs
equating monetary worth to degree of love -although i guess this could be
perceived as attempted humor
im especially weary of anything being called cute in America, it seems to mean small as a derogatory condescending comment rather than pretty, how we would mean it

and some of these people are just downright jealous

i'd want to have the b*lls to say mind your own dam f'ing business

and i compliment people on their jewellery daily, costume or higher end -i do not touch other people
this is a jewelry related comment, but a sidestep if you will. I have a very close friend who is very similar in our socioeconomic level. So she’s one of the very few people that I feel like I can share stuff with. So in a conversation about something else I’m doing totally unrelated, she felt the need to out me to her sister-in-law and best friend about how much my 20th wedding anniversary ring cost. Who does that?
this is a jewelry related comment, but a sidestep if you will. I have a very close friend who is very similar in our socioeconomic level. So she’s one of the very few people that I feel like I can share stuff with. So in a conversation about something else I’m doing totally unrelated, she felt the need to out me to her sister-in-law and best friend about how much my 20th wedding anniversary ring cost. Who does that?

Wow, that's completely uncalled for! That would be the end of talking to that friend about these things. That's what PS is for!
I hope sweet but unexpected is acceptable under the rubric of funniest:

The year I got my scarab, AKA RHR for life, I was sitting outside in the sun and a friend said "That ring is just the color of apple jelly." It stuck with me.


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I think it was my own comment when I saw my first paraiba ring.

I was perusing a jewelry case when the paraibas grabbed my attention. I had never seen that intense color in a gemstone before so asked if they were Swarovski crystals :lol-2:
What I'm slow to forgive are comments that go beyond a judgement lapse or nosiness to criticism.

One woman told me, "I'd never spend that much money on jewelry. I'm far too practical." I hadn't even told her what I paid for the piece in question, but regardless, it seemed like she just felt the need to take me down a peg. She also obviously spent plenty on stuff she wanted but didn't need, besides jewelry.

Another woman showed me a ring she'd bought. When I admired it, I forgot how she put it but the gist of what she said was that she was quite reasonable about how much she spent on jewelry, unlike me. There too, she spent plenty of money on other things beyond necessities herself.

In that group, we were all older and had some extra to spend on things we enjoyed, so the judginess was also just stupid. I just don't see how a vacation, a necklace, a car fancier than basic transportation or a bunch of other extras can be ranked as far as how wise, clever or practical the choice is anyway. While the purchases may or may not have residual value, if you're spending for enjoyment rather than as an investment, imo it just depends on what you happen to like.

It doesn't take much of that sort of thing to make me dislike someone. I guess it's good when people "show you who they are" right away, though. If I make room for a new friend in my life, it will be someone supportive, not that nasty competitive crap.

I do feel like very close friends might have "rights" to scold each other if they think the other is one going off the deep end in some way. But to someone who is not doing that, and who they don't know very well anyway, no.
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When DH and I were first engaged, I worked at a jewellery store in our city, which is where he purchased my engagement ring from, knowing it was the one, as I had ogled it for months prior! I was engaged reasonably young (22), perhaps I looked too young to wear a nice ring...? It was a prong set 3 stone with 2 x .35ct sides and a .77ct centre - not big by PS standards, but larger than the norm here, and I was so, so very proud to wear it.

One day at work, a lady came in to our store looking for quotes to have a diamond ring made for her 60th birthday. I showed her a few 3 stones as per her request, and she then spotted my e-ring. She praised it a bit, poked it (grrrr), and then told me that she'd like a quote to have a ring made exactly like mine, but in 'actual, real diamonds'. My boss, who sold my DH the ring was standing behind me and I heard her snort laugh so loudly!

That 3 stone has since been remade into a 5 stone. I have had so many people tell me how lovely it is, and that hubby must reaaaaally love me to buy 5 diamonds and not just one (blergh). I then proceed to tell them that when we were first engaged, the ring only had 3 diamonds, which is when he only loved me a little bit :lol-2:
this is a jewelry related comment, but a sidestep if you will. I have a very close friend who is very similar in our socioeconomic level. So she’s one of the very few people that I feel like I can share stuff with. So in a conversation about something else I’m doing totally unrelated, she felt the need to out me to her sister-in-law and best friend about how much my 20th wedding anniversary ring cost. Who does that?

Good lord, that's so awks :oops2:
i dont like some of the 'friends and aquantances' quoted on this thread :(2

they mostly read as very ill mannered to me
but you all seem to have plenty of good grace and humor=)2

asking if something was real
asking what something costs
equating monetary worth to degree of love -although i guess this could be
perceived as attempted humor
im especially weary of anything being called cute in America, it seems to mean small as a derogatory condescending comment rather than pretty, how we would mean it

and some of these people are just downright jealous

i'd want to have the b*lls to say mind your own dam f'ing business

and i compliment people on their jewellery daily, costume or higher end -i do not touch other people

I love everything about this post, Daisys!!! :appl:
Before Covid I was a good boy, attending conferences in my field.

One colleague, I'll call her Sue, has the social skills of a bull in a china shop.
When mingling at these meetings she'd introduce me to people saying, "This is (my name), look at his DIAMOND!!!", as she took my hand and practically shoved it in their face.

REALLY!?! :doh::doh::doh:
I can’t think of any specific comment, but sometimes when a friend or acquaintance compliments it they put their big fat fingertip right on the stone and it drives me CRAZY.

Oh my god, this! This makes me crazy!! :wall:
I enjoyed (really!) this exchange with my childhood BFF about my faceted chrysoberyl. Copying the exchange from a thread about the ring:
I had coffee with my childhood best friend today. She always speaks her mind, and I love her. She pointed to my chrysoberyl and said, "Is that real?"
Me: Well...yes. Yes, it is. It's a real chrysoberyl.
BFF: Oh. What's a chrysoberyl?
Me: This is! What did you think it might be a real one OF?
BFF: I don't know--a diamond or something?
Me: No, not a diamond. Have you ever seen a diamond this color?
BFF: That's why I asked! What color IS it, anyway?
Me: Kind of chartreuse.
BFF: What color is chartreuse?
Me: This is!
Then we both laughed and talked about other things.

This is not horrible - just indicative of generational differences.

About 20 years ago I got my 3.0 ctw (approximately) diamond earrings for I think my 45th birthday (this dates me!). Set in white gold - beautiful gorgeous earrings. Great cut, clarity, etc. not that I really understood those things 20 years ago.

I was visiting my parents and both saw me wearing my earrings. I was (retired now) a civil trial lawyer. A busy one. My clients were mostly licensed professionals.

Both parents said to me - “you’re not going to wear those every day, are you? They’re just too much. They’re so BIG! They’re dress earrings, right?” Like they’d rehearsed a script together. And studied up on appropriate earring wear for lawyers. Dad was (is) a doctor. Mom - highly educated teacher of the blind who also taught at universities, in addition to blind students in public schools. Both New Yorkers (city.) Both their mothers loved bling. I said I most certainly was (except in trial) going to wear them EVERYDAY and that they were too gorgeous to waste sitting in a safe or safety deposit box. And yes, I have worn them most every day since. And my mom ( who has since passed) soon after got her own pair of diamond earrings (probably 2+ctw) and wore them most everyday too. I like to think I was a positive Diamond influencer before anyone knew what influencers were. And mom started wearing more of her “good” jewelry daily.

That’s probably the worst thing anyone has ever said to me about jewelry. My family knows I love jewelry. Both my grandmothers loved jewelry too and I inherited their love of it. Now my daughter is developing her own love of it.
Not awkward at first but it became awkward over time.

I had an EC set in a chunky unplated white gold setting. It was fun for a time and then I traded it in for an AVR set in a delicate 18kt gold setting. A real 180.

My friend asked, repeatedly, why I parted with my EC. The implication that followed was my AVR and setting was boring. The last time after looking at my set again, she said "I really don't know WHY you traded in your EC".

For various other reasons, we are no longer friends LOL.