Date: 4/8/2010 3:36:08 PM
Author: Bagel_Bandit
Hi! I''m still here, but I''ve reverted back to lurker mode. I started at #115 on the list and am now at #30. Please, keep me on - I''m curious to see what number I''ll reach before SO proposes. Thanks!
I''m still lurking around.Date: 4/7/2010 11:31:44 PM
Author: misskitty
List Update Time!!
Big congrats to FutureMrsMRS (#101) and sapphirepulse (#114)! All the best to you and your new FIs!![]()
Belated congrats to pickydiamondlover, who got engaged back in November! We missed the news in LIW, but it turns out that she posted in SMTR.![]()
Welcome HappyNewLife, entitledpearl22, hisspecialk, jenlev, and anela!''s spring cleaning time. If you''ve got a date next to your name, it means that you''ve got a week to check in (anywhere on PS) before you''re dropped from the list. No hard feelings, just trying to keep the list neat and tidy (and, let''s be honest, it''s been a bit too long since I''ve cleaned this place up). As always, anyone who is dropped due to inactivity may rejoin the list when they return to PS!
The LIW List
1. Galateia
2. nebe 09/17/09
3. Dreamgirl
4. Lexie
5. IloveSpinel
Love your bird, Beezy! What is his/her name??Date: 4/12/2010 3:57:31 AM
Author: beezygal
hi everyone! Misskitty, can you please add me on the list?
We got the diamond 2 weeks ago. My bf is ordering the Tacori setting tomorrow.Now, I''ll just wait for the ''surprise'' proposal.![]()
Date: 4/9/2010 5:25:44 PM
Author: isaku5
Nebe, I''m so happy to see you''re still here! It''s been awhile and I''ve missed you.Even if there are no ''relationship updates'', is there any other news about school, family or what you''ve been up to?![]()
How are you? Your family? What have I missed on PS? Anything juicy?
Hi Nebe!!!Date: 4/15/2010 3:02:43 PM
Author: nebe
Date: 4/9/2010 5:25:44 PM
Author: isaku5
Nebe, I''m so happy to see you''re still here! It''s been awhile and I''ve missed you.Even if there are no ''relationship updates'', is there any other news about school, family or what you''ve been up to?![]()
Hi Miss 5!I missed you too! Ohhhh jeez, what hasn''t happened?! My nephew is 7 (omg!), my parents live together again but didn''t remarry (?), I just found out I can get my B.A. in nursing for $0 and my M.S. in Midwifery for $90k from Yale; annnnnnnnnd... in the last nine months I moved out of the condo (milk for free, anyone?), in with my uncle (a quadriplegic, to work as his PCA), got MRSA from him, and moved back in with FH. We''re currently riding the domestic bliss train, but no ring to speak of. He does talk about it a little bit though, more than I do. I''m pretty focused on just going back to school rather than babbling on about it- lol.![]()
How are you? Your family? What have I missed on PS? Anything juicy?
The M.S. from ANYWHERE will get me about $75k in the door in my area, but if I were to relocate to a larger city I think the name may get me significantly more down the road. I went to an open house for a more local program that ran about $30k but is not eligible for Stafford loans and won''t carry the same prestige. I''ve got time anyway. We''ll see!Date: 4/15/2010 5:42:13 PM
Author: isaku5
Hi Nebe!!!Date: 4/15/2010 3:02:43 PM
Author: nebe
Date: 4/9/2010 5:25:44 PM
Author: isaku5
Nebe, I''m so happy to see you''re still here! It''s been awhile and I''ve missed you.Even if there are no ''relationship updates'', is there any other news about school, family or what you''ve been up to?![]()
Hi Miss 5!I missed you too! Ohhhh jeez, what hasn''t happened?! My nephew is 7 (omg!), my parents live together again but didn''t remarry (?), I just found out I can get my B.A. in nursing for $0 and my M.S. in Midwifery for $90k from Yale; annnnnnnnnd... in the last nine months I moved out of the condo (milk for free, anyone?), in with my uncle (a quadriplegic, to work as his PCA), got MRSA from him, and moved back in with FH. We''re currently riding the domestic bliss train, but no ring to speak of. He does talk about it a little bit though, more than I do. I''m pretty focused on just going back to school rather than babbling on about it- lol.![]()
How are you? Your family? What have I missed on PS? Anything juicy?
It''s soooo good to hear from you!!!You have LOTS of news!![]()
First, the B.A. in nursing for $0.Loving that! Unless the M.S. in Midwifery pays one heck of a salary, I''d pass on paying $90k even if it is Yale, JMHO.![]()
I''m so glad you moved out of the *free milk condo* for a while to help out your uncle, but kind of surprised that you moved back in. Unless that boy was showing me a blingalicious ring with my name on it, I''d be moving on to greener pastures, JMHO though.
I''m not surprised at your parents getting back together, but not remarrying because it''s just an easier relationship without re-doing vows etc. I doubt that they *want more children* so what''s the point? This way they can have fun, share memories etc. without the ''strings''.
A few things have happened here, but nothing too dramatic. DH and I went to Cancun, Mexico for a week in February and had a great time.![]()
Our older granddaughter is doing well in her first year at high school. This week she''s slacking off, though, for a vacation in Samana, D.R. with her parents - 5* all inclusive - tough to take, right? Last September she stayed with us while her parents went to Jamaica. We were all good with that, and our DIL has asked whether we''d be willing to look after Steph again. I''m not sure this time around because now she has a puppy love sweetie
which might cause some ''issues''.![]()
April 6th was our 47th wedding anniversary. No big celebration - we just went out for a lovely dinner....
That''s all I can think of for now, but do check in more often, okay?![]()