
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Elle, I don''t know why, but I saw this and thought of you.

Date: 1/26/2010 7:57:38 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Date: 1/26/2010 4:34:28 PM

Author: TheBigT

Date: 1/26/2010 4:10:21 PM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

So I''m taking an early train down the NYC when I go. I should get in around 11:30 and need to drop off my stuff at the hotel. But then I have from noon until I meet you girls with nothing to do. Any suggestions? I was thinking about going to the Met or the Natural History Museum. I''d like to wander around 5th ave and stuff, but it''s going to be Feb so I''m expecting it''ll still be pretty cold. Thoughts?

I love the Museum of Natural History! I wanna go too!!

Play hookey for the day and come with me!!!!!! I could use a local tour guide!

I ended up with a craving for spinach and artichoke dip, so I made that and added diced chicken to it. It came out more like a casserole, but was yummy none-the-less!

Mmmmmm...HH...I wanna nom your dinner like that cat is nom-ing the bologna!!!

The "Tuscan Lentil Stew" turned out pretty yummy...but next time, it needs more cooking liquid. Twas a bit burnt around the edges...
I''m glad you''re my wife, I don''t know how I''d take that otherwise!
Date: 1/26/2010 8:46:11 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I''m glad you''re my wife, I don''t know how I''d take that otherwise!


In other news, elle, this TFLN made me think of that woman in your office who asked about sexting (that was you...right?):

(707): he told me it was a naked video of him so i opened it. i just got rickrolled while sexting
I''m the first one here??? Never happens!

Good morning everyone!
I''m here lurking
Date: 1/27/2010 9:29:36 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I''m here lurking


Morning, Bia! Morning, Wifey!!!

Sorry I''m late...we totally forgot until we got home last night that A''s car was in the structure at work, so I had to drop him off this morning.
Oh, and before I forget...HAPPY BIRTHDAY SQUIRRLY...wherever you are...

morning wife! I''m sitting on the phone on hold with Toyota right now. I need to do some work this morning. **sigh** SO I won''t be around much until this afternoon.
Date: 1/27/2010 9:36:10 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
morning wife! I''m sitting on the phone on hold with Toyota right now. I need to do some work this morning. **sigh** SO I won''t be around much until this afternoon.

Sounds thrilling.

I''ll miiiiiiiisssssss yooooouuuu!
I just found out I have to go to a meeting this afternoon

grrr...I have so much stuff to do before I leave!!!
What''s with all these MEETINGS!?!? I don''t understand why corporate America thinks they''re productive.
Date: 1/27/2010 9:39:57 AM
Author: vc10um
What''s with all these MEETINGS!?!? I don''t understand why corporate America thinks they''re productive.
That''s the Department of Education for you...tons of meetings, everyday, all day...only nothing ever gets accomplished.

It''s BS VC, that''s what it is!
Date: 1/27/2010 9:43:35 AM
Author: Bia
Date: 1/27/2010 9:39:57 AM

Author: vc10um

What''s with all these MEETINGS!?!? I don''t understand why corporate America thinks they''re productive.
That''s the Department of Education for you...tons of meetings, everyday, all day...only nothing ever gets accomplished.

It''s BS VC, that''s what it is!
Makes me glad to work for a government entity that doesn''t really HAVE meetings...97% of our work is on our own.
Okay. So, I really like working from home. And I really like that it''s sunny out today. What I don''t like is that when I work from home, the sun coming in the windows creates a LOVELY glare on my computer screen.
And we don''t have blinds on the windows opposite my desk...just sheers...sigh. Oh well. Could be worse. I could have the day T''s been having (see message on social networking site)...
Very true!
Got the following message from a coworker last night and it amused me:

"Kitty port at my apt. tonight...anyone wanna come watch? Or at least help me keep them off each other."

Apparently her boy cat has now realized that the new little kitteh is a girl kitteh...
Morning sexies! I''ve gotta run out for 30 but I wanted to check in for attendance purposes! Back in a bit....
Morning, WL!!!
So I just found out that half of my old company got laid off! I''m so glad I left when I did!
Date: 1/27/2010 10:56:35 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
So I just found out that half of my old company got laid off! I''m so glad I left when I did!

Oh wow. Well that''s really sad for your former coworkers
but really awesome for you.
Yea it sucks, but the writing had been on the wall for a long time. There was one round of layoffs that I survived before I left. Actually, that''s how I found this job I''m in now. I don''t know the full extent of it yet, the person just said half the company, but she''s prone to exaggeration. The company is a government contractor and was depending on a lot of stimulus projects to support them this year. Those projects have gone nowhere. So nice to see our tax dollars wallowing and not being spent like they''re supposed to!
Date: 1/26/2010 7:57:38 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Date: 1/26/2010 4:34:28 PM

Author: TheBigT

Date: 1/26/2010 4:10:21 PM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

So I''m taking an early train down the NYC when I go. I should get in around 11:30 and need to drop off my stuff at the hotel. But then I have from noon until I meet you girls with nothing to do. Any suggestions? I was thinking about going to the Met or the Natural History Museum. I''d like to wander around 5th ave and stuff, but it''s going to be Feb so I''m expecting it''ll still be pretty cold. Thoughts?

I love the Museum of Natural History! I wanna go too!!

Play hookey for the day and come with me!!!!!! I could use a local tour guide!

I ended up with a craving for spinach and artichoke dip, so I made that and added diced chicken to it. It came out more like a casserole, but was yummy none-the-less!

BT- Thoughts?
Gotcha. Well, I''m glad you got out.

Some people just refuse to see the signs of impending doom.
do you ask for a raise if you''re taking on a lot more responsibility? I don''t know what to do now
I''m stalking Linkedin now, I want to know who got the axe!
I''m here! Thinking about getting some coffee...
Yes Bia I would. I think that''s reasonable. Maybe when you say "sure, no problem" you can add "I''m happy to help out and take on additional work, but I''d like to set a date to review my progress and discuss additional compensation at that time". Then record everything you do, the extra hours you''re working, accolades, etc so you can have them ready to show during that discussion.
Date: 1/27/2010 11:09:41 AM
Author: Bia
do you ask for a raise if you''re taking on a lot more responsibility? I don''t know what to do now

It never hurts to ask, provided the request is reasonable.