
The LIW Small Talk Thread

The vending machine is missing from our office building.

I''m crushed.

Date: 12/23/2009 10:28:22 AM
Author: elledizzy5
The vending machine is missing from our office building.

I''m crushed.

What? How?!
Date: 12/23/2009 10:29:11 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 10:28:22 AM
Author: elledizzy5
The vending machine is missing from our office building.

I''m crushed.

What? How?!
I don''t know what happened to it! I''m so sad!

Surely it could not have been a lack of income, because I''m sure I single-handedly supported their vending company.

There goes my breakfast!
Date: 12/23/2009 10:29:11 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 10:28:22 AM
Author: elledizzy5
The vending machine is missing from our office building.

I''m crushed.

What? How?!
Oh no!!!

Maybe the credit card thingy was broken???
The food and soda machine were gone!
Date: 12/23/2009 10:32:42 AM
Author: elledizzy5
The food and soda machine were gone!
That''s messed up, yo.
I have to go to one of J''s family Christmas things tonight.

Date: 12/23/2009 10:41:59 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 10:32:42 AM
Author: elledizzy5
The food and soda machine were gone!
That''s messed up, yo.

I don''t want to be at work today. Shocking, I know.

Also, I wish people would quit insinuating that I''m going to get engaged this weekend. I don''t have my hopes up (since I think it''s going to be during the Cherry Blossom Festival in March, anyway) but it''s really really hard to keep myself grounded with EVERYONE saying it''s going to happen this weeekend. Argh.
Ooooh the sky is purple right now. Prettttty!

Morning everyone, TGIF!
Date: 12/23/2009 10:44:18 AM
Author: elledizzy5
I have to go to one of J''s family Christmas things tonight.

Do we not like the In-Laws?
Ugh.. VC... I hated when people kept telling me I was going to be engaged. It irritated me so much! "OMG! I Know it''s going to happen this weekend!"

Uh.. no. It''s not. Thanks.

Yay for purple sky, sunnyd! Good morning!
Date: 12/23/2009 10:45:22 AM
Author: sunnyd
Ooooh the sky is purple right now. Prettttty!

Morning everyone, TGIF!
Gmorning, sunny! And that sounds GORGEOUS!!!
People are stupid.
Date: 12/23/2009 10:45:57 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 12/23/2009 10:44:18 AM
Author: elledizzy5
I have to go to one of J's family Christmas things tonight.

Do we not like the In-Laws?
Inlaws are fine - good people!

Extended family, not so much. Same thing every year.

Them: "Jim, does your gf/fi/dw even KNOW who Jesus was?"
Me: "Uhhh, Jesus was a Jew. "

Them: "L probably doesnt know ANY of the carols we're singing right now!"
Me: "Right, because Christmas music does not resonate through EVERY store for 2 months before Christmas"

Them: "Can she eat meat? or Milk? Wait - can she have santa cookies? is that kosher?"
Me: "
Date: 12/23/2009 10:48:51 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 10:45:57 AM
Author: vc10um

Date: 12/23/2009 10:44:18 AM
Author: elledizzy5
I have to go to one of J''s family Christmas things tonight.

Do we not like the In-Laws?
Inlaws are fine - good people!

Extended family, not so much. Same thing every year.

Them: ''Jim, does your gf/fi/dw even KNOW who Jesus was?''
Me: ''Uhhh, Jesus was a Jew. ''

Them: ''L probably doesnt knwo ANY of the carols we''re singing right now!''
Me: ''Right, because Christmas music does not resonate through EVERY store for 2 months before Christmas''

Them: ''Can she eat meat? or Milk? Wait - can she have santa cookies? is that kosher?''
Me: ''
Oh. Em. Gee.

People are ridiculous. But I have to admit, I totally LOL''ed at those.
Always good to know anti-semitism is alive and well...
I don''t even know if they dislike Jews, they''re just SO clueless they don''t know what to say or do around me.

They''re all extremely religious Catholics.

Not going to lie - it was funny the first time. But the same comments every year? I''m sure you realize by now who and what I am. The questions aren''t cute anymore.
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Awww sunnyd, I''m sorry. It''s slow around PS right - lots of people on vacation!

I love them. I''m not kidding either, or just saying that to make you feel better. They are gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Your dress looks PERFECT.

I know we often find little things about our own pictures that drive us crazy, but seriously.. you look so pretty.
Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.

Ooooo! I hadn''t surfed over to BWW yet...**runs over there to look at sunnyd''s pictures!!!**
I don''t think I got many responses either, come to think of it.
I just looked at them again.

Yup. Still gorgeous.
Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Yes, it's stupid of you!

I didn't comment on them because I'm lazy (see my coffee comment), but you looked gorgeous! And your dress doesn't seem to be ill-fitting at all! I don't know why people don't comment on things sometimes -- or why people seem to drool over things that don't look that great to me. But you looked radiant in your photos, and shouldn't let anyone's response, or lack thereof, get you down.
Date: 12/23/2009 11:00:09 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Awww sunnyd, I''m sorry. It''s slow around PS right - lots of people on vacation!

I love them. I''m not kidding either, or just saying that to make you feel better. They are gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Your dress looks PERFECT.

I know we often find little things about our own pictures that drive us crazy, but seriously.. you look so pretty.
Yeah I guess it is slow. It feels so offense, love you guys, but it''s an internet forum and I''m sad that no one is saying anything.
Ugh. Probably doesn''t help that none of our own family members have mentioned that they even got them.
I only put my photos up for a day, but I didn''t really get a lot of responses either. I think there are some people with more PS ''presence'' who get a lot of feedback...
Date: 12/23/2009 11:03:56 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Yes, it''s stupid of you!

I didn''t comment on them because I''m lazy (see my coffee comment), but you looked gorgeous! And your dress doesn''t seem to be ill-fitting at all! I don''t know why people don''t comment on things sometimes -- or why people seem to drool over things that don''t look that great to me. But you looked radiant in your photos, and shouldn''t let anyone''s response, or lack thereof, get you down.
Haha, thanks T. I didn''t want to start a pity party, but I guess I thought more people knew me? Or something. I don''t know.
Date: 12/23/2009 11:04:50 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 12/23/2009 11:00:09 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Awww sunnyd, I''m sorry. It''s slow around PS right - lots of people on vacation!

I love them. I''m not kidding either, or just saying that to make you feel better. They are gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Your dress looks PERFECT.

I know we often find little things about our own pictures that drive us crazy, but seriously.. you look so pretty.
Yeah I guess it is slow. It feels so offense, love you guys, but it''s an internet forum and I''m sad that no one is saying anything.
Ugh. Probably doesn''t help that none of our own family members have mentioned that they even got them.
Sometimes threads just hit at a bad time and people who *know* of you on here miss them. If it gets a bump, I bet more people comment also.

Your family members didnt mention they got them? Thats weird, but I''d attribute it to the time of year. Everyone is crazy busy!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:09:30 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:04:50 AM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 12/23/2009 11:00:09 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 10:55:58 AM
Author: sunnyd
Is it totally stupid of me to feel sad that my wedding pics got hardly any comments? I mean most of them were me. I keep trying to be happy about them and about my stupid ill fitting dress, but the fact that nobody else seems to like them is really bumming me out.
Post wedding blues.
Awww sunnyd, I''m sorry. It''s slow around PS right - lots of people on vacation!

I love them. I''m not kidding either, or just saying that to make you feel better. They are gorgeous. You look gorgeous. Your dress looks PERFECT.

I know we often find little things about our own pictures that drive us crazy, but seriously.. you look so pretty.
Yeah I guess it is slow. It feels so offense, love you guys, but it''s an internet forum and I''m sad that no one is saying anything.
Ugh. Probably doesn''t help that none of our own family members have mentioned that they even got them.
Sometimes threads just hit at a bad time and people who *know* of you on here miss them. If it gets a bump, I bet more people comment also.

Your family members didnt mention they got them? Thats weird, but I''d attribute it to the time of year. Everyone is crazy busy!
Hopefully my comment gives it the bump and the attention it deserves! Sunny, you looked postitively amazing. And ill-fitting schmill-fitting!!! PSHAW.

Re: the fam...I agree with elle. Things are nutso this time of year, and they''re probably waiting to gush over them until they see you in person!
Also...sometimes the bride part of the forum bothers me.
I know! I thought they would at least call or something...

K, I''m done being a baby. Maybe auntie is on her way finally. And I shouldn''t expect all 500 pics to be perfect, right?