
The LIW Small Talk Thread

Date: 12/23/2009 11:12:52 AM
Author: sunnyd
I know! I thought they would at least call or something...

K, I'm done being a baby. Maybe auntie is on her way finally. And I shouldn't expect all 500 pics to be perfect, right?
LOL. No.

One of my pics, a bridal portrait one, I actually look cross-eyed.

J and I laughed about it for like 20 minutes. SO weird.

ETA: The pic was so bad I was concerned! I asked J if I ever had a lazy eye!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:12:34 AM
Author: TheBigT
Also...sometimes the bride part of the forum bothers me.
Ditto... high drama/emotions in there.
Sunny - I adored your pictures and that''s all that matters. Screw those other hookers! Kidding, but seriously your pictures were gorg, people that didn''t comment are just jealous of the fabulous factor!

Morning everyone! Am I the only person that works tomorrow?
Date: 12/23/2009 11:14:34 AM
Author: winelover23
Sunny - I adored your pictures and that''s all that matters. Screw those other hookers! Kidding, but seriously your pictures were gorg, people that didn''t comment are just jealous of the fabulous factor!

Morning everyone! Am I the only person that works tomorrow?
I have a 1/2 day, WL

Good morning!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:14:34 AM
Author: winelover23
Sunny - I adored your pictures and that''s all that matters. Screw those other hookers! Kidding, but seriously your pictures were gorg, people that didn''t comment are just jealous of the fabulous factor!

Morning everyone! Am I the only person that works tomorrow?
Good morning, WL!

And I''ve also got a half day I''ll be around!
Elle/VC - Awesome, we''ll rock this place tomorrow!
Immediately after my 1/2 day I need to go buy all of my xmas presents.
Date: 12/23/2009 11:19:10 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Immediately after my 1/2 day I need to go buy all of my xmas presents.
No, you''re not allowed. It''s not kosher!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:19:10 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Immediately after my 1/2 day I need to go buy all of my xmas presents.
HAHA. I had family Xmas Saturday night. So they''re all done, obv. A is done except for booking a hotel for Friday night...but we might get ice storms here so that might be nixed in favor of lighting a ton of candles at home and cooking a nice dinner.
Date: 12/23/2009 11:22:08 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 11:19:10 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Immediately after my 1/2 day I need to go buy all of my xmas presents.
No, you''re not allowed. It''s not kosher!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:22:08 AM
Author: TheBigT

Date: 12/23/2009 11:19:10 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Immediately after my 1/2 day I need to go buy all of my xmas presents.
No, you''re not allowed. It''s not kosher!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:19:10 AM
Author: elledizzy5
Immediately after my 1/2 day I need to go buy all of my xmas presents.
Awesome! I finished last night! Sucka what? Granted I still have a doucheload of wrapping to do!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:13:40 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:12:52 AM
Author: sunnyd
I know! I thought they would at least call or something...

K, I''m done being a baby. Maybe auntie is on her way finally. And I shouldn''t expect all 500 pics to be perfect, right?
LOL. No.

One of my pics, a bridal portrait one, I actually look cross-eyed.

J and I laughed about it for like 20 minutes. SO weird.

ETA: The pic was so bad I was concerned! I asked J if I ever had a lazy eye!
LOL!! Okay, thanks for cheering my emotional ass up.
I have to find DH''s grandma a purse with compartments. That''s all I have to go by. Disaster ahead! Then exchange the stupid deodorant I got DH for cologne. Who buys $23 deodorant?!?!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:33:43 AM
Author: sunnyd
I have to find DH''s grandma a purse with compartments. That''s all I have to go by. Disaster ahead! Then exchange the stupid deodorant I got DH for cologne. Who buys $23 deodorant?!?!
I didnt even know $23 deodorant existed!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:34:43 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:33:43 AM
Author: sunnyd
I have to find DH''s grandma a purse with compartments. That''s all I have to go by. Disaster ahead! Then exchange the stupid deodorant I got DH for cologne. Who buys $23 deodorant?!?!
I didnt even know $23 deodorant existed!
Ya holy crap, what''s in it? Crack?
Date: 12/23/2009 11:37:59 AM
Author: winelover23

Date: 12/23/2009 11:34:43 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:33:43 AM
Author: sunnyd
I have to find DH''s grandma a purse with compartments. That''s all I have to go by. Disaster ahead! Then exchange the stupid deodorant I got DH for cologne. Who buys $23 deodorant?!?!
I didnt even know $23 deodorant existed!
Ya holy crap, what''s in it? Crack?
Date: 12/23/2009 11:39:28 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:37:59 AM
Author: winelover23

Date: 12/23/2009 11:34:43 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:33:43 AM
Author: sunnyd
I have to find DH''s grandma a purse with compartments. That''s all I have to go by. Disaster ahead! Then exchange the stupid deodorant I got DH for cologne. Who buys $23 deodorant?!?!
I didnt even know $23 deodorant existed!
Ya holy crap, what''s in it? Crack?
Date: 12/23/2009 11:37:59 AM
Author: winelover23

Date: 12/23/2009 11:34:43 AM
Author: elledizzy5

Date: 12/23/2009 11:33:43 AM
Author: sunnyd
I have to find DH''s grandma a purse with compartments. That''s all I have to go by. Disaster ahead! Then exchange the stupid deodorant I got DH for cologne. Who buys $23 deodorant?!?!
I didnt even know $23 deodorant existed!
Ya holy crap, what''s in it? Crack?
It''s D&G Light Blue deodorant. I meant to get him the cologne, but pointed to a small box and I didn''t look at it before I brought it home. Doh!

As a deodorant, it probably sucks too, which is the worst part!
Morning everyone.

Sunny -- Your pictures were beautiful. I love the flowers you picked and your dress is amazing. The elevator and dance pictures are wonderful. Especially the dance. You both look so happy to be together and married.
Good morning, TP!

Back in a bit, ladies. Heading out to go get a big healthy salad to accompany my Lean Cuisine. After 5 days of eating cookies, chocolate, and not really healthy "real" food, either, I need some veggies!!!
Date: 12/23/2009 11:42:22 AM
Author: TooPatient
Morning everyone.

Sunny -- Your pictures were beautiful. I love the flowers you picked and your dress is amazing. The elevator and dance pictures are wonderful. Especially the dance. You both look so happy to be together and married.
Thanks TP. I''m so embarrassed, but I do feel better.
Date: 12/23/2009 12:03:45 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 12/23/2009 11:42:22 AM
Author: TooPatient
Morning everyone.

Sunny -- Your pictures were beautiful. I love the flowers you picked and your dress is amazing. The elevator and dance pictures are wonderful. Especially the dance. You both look so happy to be together and married.
Thanks TP. I''m so embarrassed, but I do feel better.
Don''t be embarrassed!!! I totally understand where you''re coming from. Sometimes people leave hundreds of comments on something, and sometimes there are 5, and the one with only 5 totally deserves way more compliments than the one with hundreds, but because of timing, etc, it just worked out that way.
I need to find a way to stay focused on exercising daily. I''ve been so bad about it lately.

Before I buy new clothes (I HATE shopping for clothes) I want to lose some weight.

Alright. Time to get tough on myself.

Today I will create and print a spreadsheet/calendar to record my weight on twice a day.
Tonight I will step on the scale and write down my weight.
When I get home from work I will ride one mile on the exercise bike. (and do this every week day)
Okay. Momentary vent.

I work at a government office. We have a gym on our campus that we can use for relatively cheap. It has cardio machines, free weights, weight machines, and two rooms for classes. Only employees of the PTO can use this gym.

There is a woman who uses the gym that INSISTS on wearing yoga/running leggings and just a sports bra to work out in every day. I have no problem with the leggings. It''s what I wear, too. But I have a HUGE problem with JUST wearing a sports bra. Yes, it''s a gym. But it''s also a gym AT YOUR WORK PLACE. Your boss uses that gym. Your coworkers use that gym. I understand that you''ve got a sixpack and want to show it off...but that''s NOT appropriate. She is the ONLY person that uses the gym that does this. PUT ON A FRIGGEN TANK TOP.

**end vent**
Totally VC, I''m with you! I''m so conservative at work that it''s weird to wear a strapless cocktail dress to our holiday parties! That is just not right. Put your boobies away!
Date: 12/23/2009 12:25:55 PM
Author: TooPatient
I need to find a way to stay focused on exercising daily. I''ve been so bad about it lately.

Before I buy new clothes (I HATE shopping for clothes) I want to lose some weight.

Alright. Time to get tough on myself.

Today I will create and print a spreadsheet/calendar to record my weight on twice a day.
Tonight I will step on the scale and write down my weight.
When I get home from work I will ride one mile on the exercise bike. (and do this every week day)
TP, weighing yourself that often might be discouraging, as will weighing yourself at night. Take it from a weightloss veteran--nothing can kill motivation more than two pounds of water weight gain on the scale. I''d actually recommend choosing one day a week where you get on the scale first thing in the morning...nekkid, of get the most accurate picture of how you''re doing. I still get on the scale every day, but I only record my weight on that one day a week.

Kick butt, though!!! Get going on that bike and rack up those miles. Maybe set a goal for yourself: "I will ride x number of miles by January 31." etc...
Date: 12/23/2009 12:28:14 PM
Author: sunnyd
Totally VC, I''m with you! I''m so conservative at work that it''s weird to wear a strapless cocktail dress to our holiday parties! That is just not right. Put your boobies away!
Date: 12/23/2009 12:25:58 PM
Author: vc10um
Okay. Momentary vent.

I work at a government office. We have a gym on our campus that we can use for relatively cheap. It has cardio machines, free weights, weight machines, and two rooms for classes. Only employees of the PTO can use this gym.

There is a woman who uses the gym that INSISTS on wearing yoga/running leggings and just a sports bra to work out in every day. I have no problem with the leggings. It''s what I wear, too. But I have a HUGE problem with JUST wearing a sports bra. Yes, it''s a gym. But it''s also a gym AT YOUR WORK PLACE. Your boss uses that gym. Your coworkers use that gym. I understand that you''ve got a sixpack and want to show it off...but that''s NOT appropriate. She is the ONLY person that uses the gym that does this. PUT ON A FRIGGEN TANK TOP.

**end vent**
In a bra at work?

Public (well, regular membership) gyms are bad enough but WORK? I''d never be able to feel comfortable with that.
Wondering who was thinking "oh gross" and who was thinking "hmm. Look at that hot body."
That is the one instance, VC, where I fully support putting the boobies away.