
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Choro, sorry you need to have the D&C. I was fine to drive that evening (or at least felt so) but waited till morning. If your procedure is in the am, I would imagine you'll feel plenty well enough to drive the next morning. Good luck!
Choro - I'm really sorry that you have to have the D&C. I think you would be fine to drive the next day. Sending kind thoughts your way.

MP - Re: weight loss. This RE didn't really say anything about weight loss. Prior RE said not to worry about it, that I was worrying too much about "the process." The nutritionist thinks it would be a good idea to lose 10 lbs and then see how things go from there. I can definitely spare to lose that weight and more, though I am at the same weight now as when I conceived S. The nutritionist even sent me for a glucose test - 2 hours. She thought for sure that I had some glucose issues because S was so large at birth, and I did not gain that much -- I think I gained 23 pounds, and she was almost 10. All of the blood work came back completely normal, fortunately.

So, with the weight that you have lost, do you think you are underweight? The only reference I've seen to being underweight not being ideal for conceiving was in a book related to acupuncture. I tried finding the reference, but have not yet -- the basic idea was that by being underweight, women are not in the best position to nourish a pregnancy. Also, I found this: Maybe that's what your dr meant? Or, maybe she perceived that your BMI was already within ideal range and didn't want you think losing weight would be necessary?

With all of this said, I am sure you are fine!! I am worried now about working out because I don't want to disturb growing follicles, crazy, I know!

JGator - I had started taking co-Q10 a while back, but then stopped. I think I felt it was causing me to feel dizzy, but probably not. I started taking it again recently because my clinic recommends 300 mg, 2X day. Otherwise, I just take prenatals and omega 3s.

LC - Did you get to acupuncture this weekend? Hope you got a good nap in!

I had my follicle check yesterday. Twenty. Some 12s and 11s, most under 10. Will know more tomorrow. Retrieval might not be until this weekend. Exciting!

Also, I wanted to post this link for you all. I have been very stressed lately with work and other stuff, so I have been meditating, which has helped me a great deal in the past.
LV, yay, sounds like things are progressing well for you! Keeping my fingers crossed that you have a lot of nice follicles/eggs/embryos in the next week or so! Thanks for the info; I'll definitely check it out. I'm not underweight. I'm pretty much smack dab in the healthy weight range for my height. Ideally, I'd drop another 10 pounds or so and get back to my pre-TTC/pregnancy weight, but I'm not going to try to do that until I'm done TTC.

Choro, big hugs. So sorry this has been such a drawn out loss for you. I think a similar thing happened to Brightspot after one of her losses. I hope you recover quickly. Take good care of yourself!

SB, hoping all is well with you!

Hi LC, Random, Aviastar and anyone else checking in!

AFM, I went in for my ultrasound and blood work today at CD9. Two follicles were ready to go (I was hoping for 3), and she was going to have me trigger tonight for an IUI on Tuesday, but I just got a call that my LH is already starting to surge again, so we had to do the trigger right away and come in for the IUI tomorrow morning. I really wish we could have caught it before the LH surge because this is what happened last time, and it concerns me about our timing. Also, we were told to BD last night, so now, there will be less than 36 hours of abstaining. DH's counts are always adequate, but not huge numbers, so I just feel like our timing is all off.
Wow, this thread has definitely picked up after a lull. I had a rough week and haven't been able to keep up, but I'll try. Sorry in advance if I miss anyone, it's not intentional.

MP, I hope the IUI goes well and this is your cycle. I have asked my RE about weight previously since I'm also a few pounds over where I'd like to be and he said not to worry about it. I think as long as you are in the healthy BMI range you are fine.

LV, it sounds like you like your new RE and have lots of good follicles growing. Our office also has lots of support, including a financial counselor and social worker who are both available free of charge, and it is a huge help. Fingers crossed for you!

choro, so sorry this is taking more time and you need a D&C. I hope it goes smoothly and you can grieve and move on. Hugs.

jgator, good luck with your appt tomorrow. I've taken royal jelly in the past, but haven't kept up with it recently. Just prenatal, baby aspirin, fish oil, and vitamin D.

lc, good luck to you too.

Bright, it is so good to see you and happy everything is going well for you.

AFM, the retrieval went well and we now have several embryos in the deep freeze. It has been so emotional and such a relief to know that DH and I can create embryos together, even if it takes some assistance - this is the first confirmation we've had of that. Unfortunately I did get OHSS and it was brutal. I had to stay home from work all week and it was by far the toughest physical trial I've gone through in this process. Delaying the transfer was definitely the right thing to do. I am finally feeling better and so, so, grateful that we got a good yield so that I do not need to do another fresh cycle anytime soon. I'm meeting with my RE this week to go over a plan for the frozen transfer, and am feeling much more at peace and optimistic than the last time I checked in. Fingers crossed that some of our embryos turn out to be the sticky kind!
Ok, ladies, we are due for a streak a good news on this thread!

I'll start:


Whoa, congratulations, Aviastar! How far along do you think you are? It looks like the test line took all the dye from the control. Very good news!!!

SB, how scary. Glad you are on the mend and have several embryos waiting for you! Best wishes that your wait will soon be over. Take care of yourself!
Thanks, MP! I'm not exactly sure how far along I am; I stopped paying attention to O for our break, and I can and have had 35+ day cycles, so I waited a long time to test.

But based on LMP, I am 6 weeks, due Feb 1, 2015. Already nauseous, switched to sports bras, and having trouble buttoning my skinny jeans :cheeky: First appointment with the midwife, June 23.

Ladies, I was really at the point where I thought I would not be someone who could ever get pregnant- but miracles happen! All babies are special but when you have struggled and prayed for them as we all have here in this thread, they are especially miraculous. All your miracle babies are just waiting for the right moment, or the right med to help them make the journey-- I believe we will all have our miracles, hopefully sooner rather than later!
Wow Aviastar!! Huge CONGRATS to you!!! :appl: :appl: So so so happy for you!!! :appl: :appl: Best wishes for a happy and healthy 9 months!

MP - So you had the IUI this morning? Good Luck this cycle! We are all rooting for you!

SB - Wow, so sorry to hear that you had OHSS. It sounds like it was really bad, but thank goodness you are ok now. I've heard about women having to be hospitalized. I am glad to hear you had a successful stim cycle and have frozens for future success. Do you know when your transfer will be yet?

As for me, I had 11 btw 11-14, and he counted 15 smaller than 10. He said some of the smallers will catch up. I go back on Weds to check again!
Choro, Hugs hugs hugs sweetie. Good luck today with the D&C. Thinking about you and your DH. I know nothing can help you ease your mind. Hope you can take the rest of the day to relax. Honestly right after the D&C, I wouldn't be comfortable to drive by the next day, sure. Is there any way you can take a walk with your little one instead of driving today? Any chance you can get a sitter to come in? I'd highly encourage you to take a nap during the day. For no reason other than to make the day go by faster. It's a hard day and, for me, the faster it was be over the better.

LV, Wow, I'm glad you have a good shot with all the follicles. Hopefully you'll have a really good harvest. I'm glad the RE is feeling good about this cycle. Hopefully everything will go smoothly for you. Fingers crossed.

MP, I can totally understand how you're frustrated with timing this go-round, but I'm hoping you're still OK. As you said your DH never had issues with his numbers so the 36 hrs abstaining seems like more of a suggestion than a requirement. I'm keeping every fingers and toes and doing a yoga eagle pose for you this cycle. Take a deep breath and stay hopeful. Stressing won't do anyone any good. Saying a special prayer just for you and Mr. Monkey.

Avia!!!!! Holy smokes girl that's a BFP! :) I'm so happy for you, and I'm really hoping for a strong sticky bean for you. :) Healthy baby dust headed your way, my friend.

SB, hugs you've had a rough week, but so happy you had a good transfer. I'm glad you're feeling good about the frozen transfer and it's great you won't need to do another fresh cycle. On of those little embryos will hopefully be the sweet baby that you so richly deserve.

AFM, not much to report, just checking in on everyone. Still in the 2WW, so waiting until this weekend to test. No symptoms, but not expecting any (never had them in my
Avia, that might be the strongest BFP I've ever seen. Congrats! Come on over and join us in the JBP thread ")
Aviastar, so happy you finally got your little miracle, and I'll be keeping everything crossed that everything goes perfectly for you and the little one!

LV, sounds like things are going well, and I'm hoping for the best for you and your eggs! Question for you, the RE today mentioned that my follicle count on CD3 was 20. Does that sound like a decent count in terms of IVF? If you know.... I need to do a little digging on that.

AFM, thanks for the good wishes. My 6th IUI is in the books, and it went fine. DH and I had a frank discussion with the RE about where we go from here if this IUI yields the same result as our previous ones. She said one more IUI would be reasonable if we want to go that route, but otherwise, it's time to consider IVF. She confirmed what I've suspected that I respond really quickly and grow eggs almost too quickly, due to my FSH (9) and AMH (1), and that might be contributing to the problem. DH and I haven't had a chance to talk yet and will need to agree over the next two weeks as to what our next step will be. I suspect he is inclined to try one more IUI, but I'm at or very near my emotional breaking point on this IUIs, so it might be time to move on. Maybe I'll feel differently after letting this simmer awhile. Sorry, that was much more of a downer post than I intended. Just feels like a sad day for some reason, even though I'm normally upbeat at this point :(
MP - Good luck this cycle! I wonder if there is something they can do to slow down the growth rate. I really really hope this is it for you. It's been a long journey here for all of us!

My follicle count was also 20 when I went in to be checked before stimming. This is the first link that came up when I googled antral follicle count and ivf: I asked my RE this morning if the idea is that all of the antral follicles will grow during stimulation. He said, they could, that all could grow, or sometimes less do, or sometimes more. LOL! So, I think that they don't all necessarily grow, but they are somewhat predictive of the range to expect. I am not sure how they counted 26 today, but only 20 the other day. For you, I'd be curious how does your AMH count make sense in light of your antral follicle count?? And, why hadn't anyone ever told you your count before? I never knew before now either, not even for IVF#1.

During IVF#1, I had 10 follicles, but was on a lower stim protocol. I say this to point out your stim protocol will also predict your response.

And with all of this, I do not expect more than 1-2 chromosomally normal embryos, given my age. I do not know if I stated that already or not, but that is the realistic expectation for me. Actually, I should probably say I HOPE for at least 1-2 chromosomally normal!

LC - :wavey:
aviastar, congrats! I hope that little bean is sticky and healthy.

MP, I'm sorry you are feeling down. When you've been at this so long, it's hard to believe you'll get a better outcome when it's already failed multiple times. My RE likes to see at least 20 resting follicles for IVF, so I think you are in good shape. (More is not necessarily better - I had 54 and super high AMH and that's part of what got me in trouble with OHSS.) I really hope this IUI is successful and you don't need to worry about IVF.
LV, thanks for the link. Sounds like my AFC was pretty normal, which is comforting I guess. And yes, this was the first time I've actually been given a number. Then again, I've never thought to ask, and this is only my second cycle with an RE. She just mentioned in passing that I had 20-some resting follicles, so it wouldn't be safe to be more aggressive with an IUI. And I have no idea how my AMH plays into all of this. My RE seems to be of the belief that the whole AMH testing thing is still too new and unstudied to fully understand its role in fertility, so she focuses more on FSH, which has been more extensively studied. Age is on my side I guess since I'm only 33, but given my FSH and AMH, I suspect I'd be lucky to get more than a few quality embryos as well. Continuing to send you good thoughts! I really want good news for everyone on this thread.

SB, whoa, I can't remember if you've mentioned this, but were you ever diagnosed with PCOS? No wonder you were able to freeze several embryos and ended up with OHSS. And I know you can relate to how I'm feeling about the IUIs. I really do think this might have to be my last one. It sucks when you get to the point you can't even fathom getting good news. Hope you are continuing to feel better every day.
Aviastar, a HUGE Congratulations!! :appl: Are you going to see the RE for monitoring or your regular OB/GYN?

Choro, so sorry you had to go through a D&C. Not a pleasant experieence. I hope all went well, and that you are on the mend both physcially and emotionally. Hugs to you.

LV, hope your folllies are growing nicely for tomorrow's check. My RE said yesterday of all the things I am taking, the COQ10 has the most studies/promise behind it actually working so I will keep taking it!

MP, good luck in the TWW! I hope that this is your lucky cycle though - lucky 7!!! 7 is my lucky number! I had a 3rd time is the charm experience with K on multiple levels. She was my 3rd BFP (1 MC, 1 Chemical, and then her) and it was also my 3rd cycle with the RE. So, if this time doesn't work out, maybe a 3rd round of something with the RE may be the ticket. And, keep the faith! Age is so on your side. You will get there! I believe it! Wouldn't it be cool if Ev and K had younger siblings around the same time??

SB, I am glad your retrieval went well and they were able to freeze so many embies! That's awesome news! So, sorry about the OHSS though. That must have been a nightmare. Good luck with the FET - I hear they are less expensive and also better for your body due to less medications needed. Will you do genetic testing on the embies? What is your timing for a transfer?

LC, how's the TWW cycle buddy? You get to go first! I'm thinking of testing maybe mid-week next week. I think I Oe'd last Thursday which makes me only 5 DPO. No symptoms here either, but I didn't have any with K either so maybe that's a good thing.

AFU, the RE appt went well. The doctor explained that from 40-43 the viable (chromosomally normal) eggs goes down from 50% to 20%. I am a couple months away from 43 and conceived our daughter at 40.5. So, he said let's see what my numbers show on the CD 3 bloodwork and also do another HSG, and then he'll recommend next steps. I told him I am leaning towards IVF right away due to my age and not wanting to risk a MC and losing cycles and getting older waiting that out. He wrote that down. He also said the genetic testing doesn't really improve pregnancy outcomes, but it does reduce MCs so that is a good thing and does impact a person emotionally and physically so I think he might lean towards that. He also said the genetic testing of embryos isn't 100% due to mosaicism which could mean they check the wrong part of the cell and other parts of the cell would be abnormal. My DH and I were pretty surprised about that. So, basically he would still recommend amnio and/or CVS later in the pregnancy even if they did PGD. He also said multiples decrease drastically with age - I guess if they did IVF they would like to transfer more than 1 since the odds are low that either would stick. So, my next steps involve getting some blood work for infectious diseases, possibly getting bloodwork for recessive genetic carrier information for both me and DH, SA for DH, and getting copies of my mammogram and last pap smear. I'm kind of looking forward to CD1 so I can get this show on the road, but at the same time cautiously optimistic that we won't need to go down this path because we would have to wait 2 cycles to get started due to the testing in the next cycle. And, I'm getting older every day! Oh, and my in-laws are coming for a visit mid-July right when all this would kick off or be in full swing!!! Timing!!!
Wow avia, congrats!!!

AFM- just waiting for the HSG on Thursday. I guess we will see if it does anything. Lately I have found myself just going about normal life, not even thinking about ttc. I just feel like I'm at the point where it's just not going to happen but that I need to finish the tests and options to confirm it. Isn't that bizarre? I can't even picture our family being able to add to it :(

Sigh, anyways, will try to keep my hopes up for open tubes on Thursday. DH has said that he would like to pursue IVF if my tubes are not open so I guess we'll deal with that when it comes...
Random, hugs. I am hoping your HSG goes smoothly and you get an all clear. This is so hard, and I can relate to what you just wrote. I too am having a really hard time imagining good news happening at this point. Obviously, I feel so blessed to have my son, as I know some people never get the chance, and yes, I know we can still live a happy fulfilled life with just our son. But at the same time, I feel like I will always feel sad that I wasn't able to have more children, and jealous of people who are easily able to create the family they envisioned on their timing. I just don't know how you know when you've reached the point that enough is enough and decide to just let your dream go. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that, but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, although I'm not sure that makes it any easier.

JGator, that's great your appointment went well. I'll be pulling for you that you are able to come across some of your best eggs right away. I realize that age impacts egg quality and it's just something you can't do anything about, but you were also more fertile at 40 than I was at 31 (at least in the sense that you conceived a few times on your own), so maybe you have good genetics on your side. I'm happy for you that you are confident in your decision moving forward with IVF depending on how this month and your bloodwork turn out. I'm still so conflicted. I know they say you should try three cycles with a given treatment (and apparently my first 4 IUIs didn't really give us much of an improved chance), but I just don't believe an IUI is going to work anymore. At the same time, I feel very hesitant about moving forward with IVF and whether it's the right decision for us. But if I don't do it soon, it will get more complicated because I have a big case I'm working on that is supposedly going to trial this fall, and I will likely be spending significant time out of state. No easy answers in all of this.
monkeyprincess|1402418615|3690130 said:
Random, hugs. I am hoping your HSG goes smoothly and you get an all clear. This is so hard, and I can relate to what you just wrote. I too am having a really hard time imagining good news happening at this point. Obviously, I feel so blessed to have my son, as I know some people never get the chance, and yes, I know we can still live a happy fulfilled life with just our son. But at the same time, I feel like I will always feel sad that I wasn't able to have more children, and jealous of people who are easily able to create the family they envisioned on their timing. I just don't know how you know when you've reached the point that enough is enough and decide to just let your dream go. Sorry, I didn't mean to go off like that, but I just wanted you to know that you are not alone, although I'm not sure that makes it any easier.

It's a darn shame we aren't neighbors, then we could go out for a glass of wine and commiserate together :(sad
Thank you all so much for your well wishes and kind thoughts!

JGator- I'll be seeing a midwives group- we never got to the first RE appointment. Great news on the appointment for you! Hopefully you won't need all that blood work!

Choro- how are you feeling? I've been thinking about you!

Random- I am convinced that the HSG helped us. I had clear tubes, but wouldn't you know it right in the two month window of increased fertility after the procedure the magic happened for us! Keep your chin up, babe!

MP- I hope you see success with this round of injectibles! I know you've had mixed feelings about IVF- any progress on sorting through your thoughts about that? I know it's a shift in thinking, but have you ever contemplated adoption to grow your family?

LV- keeping my fingers crossed for more than 1-2 eggies for you!

SB- whoa, holy high follicle counts, batman! I'm sorry you have to deal with OHSS, though. Hopefully, you are going to be set up for a very successful frozen transfer!
Hey aviastar, thanks for checking in. Hope things are continuing to go well for you. Thanks for the good wishes. To answer your first question, I'm still going back and forth about whether or not I'm ready to move to IVF. I'm pretty sure, though, that I've had enough of the IUIs and have pretty much lost all faith that they are going to work this time. And to answer your other question, if we exhaust our fertility treatment options, adoption is something DH and I have mentioned, but not seriously considered yet. I just know that the process to adopt is probably even more emotionally taxing than fertility treatments and would likely take even longer, and there are still no guarantees. I do think adoption is an amazing thing and have so much admiration for people on both side of adoption (those that adopt and those that make a decision to give their child up for adoption). I just don't know yet whether it is the right decision for our family.
monkeyprincess|1402509341|3691040 said:
Hey aviastar, thanks for checking in. Hope things are continuing to go well for you. Thanks for the good wishes. To answer your first question, I'm still going back and forth about whether or not I'm ready to move to IVF. I'm pretty sure, though, that I've had enough of the IUIs and have pretty much lost all faith that they are going to work this time. And to answer your other question, if we exhaust our fertility treatment options, adoption is something DH and I have mentioned, but not seriously considered yet. I just know that the process to adopt is probably even more emotionally taxing than fertility treatments and would likely take even longer, and there are still no guarantees. I do think adoption is an amazing thing and have so much admiration for people on both side of adoption (those that adopt and those that make a decision to give their child up for adoption). I just don't know yet whether it is the right decision for our family.

I hear ya. Infertility is a tough road an the 'solutions' are all expensive, emotionally taxing, and not guaranteed. It's not an easy thing to conquer in any sense of the word.

But I do believe that God answers prayers- even if the question is simply "what path do we follow now?". You will figure this out and I don't believe for a second that your family is finished yet!
Thanks, aviastar! I hope you're right. I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion or anything, but I just wish God had seen fit to give us a little surprise instead of making everything such a frustrating struggle or at least would make it a little more clear what path we should follow. I just feel like nothing comes that easily to me or on my timing (marriage, babies, career things), and I struggle to understand why it has to be that way. That said, I realize I'm incredibly blessed in many aspects of my life - more than I deserve. Plus, everyone has their own battles to fight, even if things seem perfect on the outside.

LV, I'm sending good thoughts your way and hoping for excellent news from you!

Random, keeping everything crossed for your HSG!

JGator and LC, fingers crossed for both of you as well!

Hi to everyone else!
LV, SB and others who have done IVF, I have a question for you that I forgot to ask. Do your REs recommend or routinely do ICSI? The other day I was reading about it, and it seems like there is a push to do it routinely even if there are no known sperm issues. But then I read another article that mentioned something about a greater risk of birth defects or neurological problems (although I still think the risk is quite small and it is open to debate about the real cause). Just curious if you had any insight into that.

Also, I'd like to hear some opinions if anybody has any. Honestly, if you were in my situation having had 6 IUIs now (I realize there's still a chance I strike gold with #6), two with injectables, would you agree that it is probably time to move on? Thanks!
monkeyprincess|1402584951|3691575 said:
Thanks, aviastar! I hope you're right. I don't want to turn this into a religious discussion or anything, but I just wish God had seen fit to give us a little surprise instead of making everything such a frustrating struggle or at least would make it a little more clear what path we should follow. I just feel like nothing comes that easily to me or on my timing (marriage, babies, career things), and I struggle to understand why it has to be that way. That said, I realize I'm incredibly blessed in many aspects of my life - more than I deserve. Plus, everyone has their own battles to fight, even if things seem perfect on the outside.

LV, I'm sending good thoughts your way and hoping for excellent news from you!

Random, keeping everything crossed for your HSG!

JGator and LC, fingers crossed for both of you as well!

Hi to everyone else!

Oh boy can I relate to all of that, MP. I sympathize and I'm so sorry.
MP - I have a lot more to say, but wanted to post this link for you: There are many different sides to the ICSI coin. I was just reading about a woman the other day, who didn't even know ICSI was an option, until she got the dreaded no fertilization call. She is 41 and was very upset that her clinic did not suggest ICSI to her, given her age. The clinic is now telling her that she should have it done. ICSI is required for PGD, by the way, if that is something you are considering.

As to your question what-to-do, I feel like we sometimes sugar-coat things in this thread, which is fine, but I will be honest . . . I don't think I would spend the money on the meds for another IUI. Why not just put those funds toward the meds that you may well wind up buying again if you decided to do IVF? Now, if the RE was saying you had 50% chance or something like that with IUI, then my answer might be different. I think the chance of success with each IUI goes down after each one that is not successful, right? Honestly, if I were you, as hard as it would be to make the decision, I would rather take a month off vs. doing another IUI and spending funds there. I would also research the heck out of your RE options and would go after good success rates above all else. Maybe get a second opinion elsewhere?
Hi LV!! :wavey:

I'm rooting for you and I check in often to read your updates. Sounds like your new RE is really good! When I switched myself, I felt I was in much more capable hands.
Thanks, Laila. Always appreciate your support! It's helpful to know there are others out there who just get it.

LV, thanks for the link. I'll check it out. I have only had the general timing of IVF discussion with my RE, but haven't gotten into any specifics about protocol or anything. She did mention I'd probably be on birth control for three weeks before and would be looking at a likely August cycle. But I will definitely discuss the pros and cons of ISCI and genetic testing and fresh v. frozen cycle stuff. There are really only a few clinics in my area, and the one I'm at is the most reputable. I really like the RE's demeanor. She is compassionate but doesn't sugarcoat things. I don't think I'd get better care in my area and going somewhere else for one of the superstar clinics just isn't a realistic option. So, I at least feel confident in that part.

And I do appreciate your honesty as to my other question. That's pretty much where I'm at. At this point I would only be doing one more IUI to check it off the list, but I really don't have much hope it would work. Ironically, I already have enough leftover medication for another IUI cycle, so if we do move to IVF, that medication would go to waste, but that's not another reason to do another IUI. I'd rather eat the $400 loss than go through all the emotional ups and downs and the cost of monitoring and the IUI procedure itself if there's little chance of it working. I think she gave us 20% odds if we do it another cycle, and after that it would go down drastically. She said our odds would be doubled by doing IVF, which is still not that great, but probably the best it's going to get. I don't know why I'm so hesitant to move forward though. It just seems like such a drastic step, and I think part of me is terrified it won't work, and I'll have run out of options. Our RE estimated it would cost $12,000, so realistically, I can't imagine us doing more than one.
MP, my RE does ICSI sometimes but not always - it really depends on the couple's history. For us, since we have never had even a positive pregnancy test on our own for unknown reasons, they recommended that we do half ICSI, half spontaneous. The idea was that the spontaneous ones would be a diagnostic to see if we could fertilize on our own, and the ICSI would make sure we still got some embryos even if the spontaneous ones didn't go. But when I heard that I would likely get OHSS and we'd have to freeze everything, DH and I decided to ICSI all of them to know we did everything we could to get embryos to freeze. I think if we had gone ahead with the split and had good fertilization from the spontaneous half, they would have recommended all spontaneous for future cycles.

Also, my advice to you is obviously biased by my own experience, but I would (and did) move to IVF at your point. You sound frustrated and disillusioned, which to me is a signal that it's time to try a new plan. Hugs...I know this is not an easy decision to make. I think we all wish that something about this process was easy! (oh, and yes, I do have PCOS.)

rt, I hope your hsg goes well.

jgator, so glad your appt went well. The waiting really sucks, doesn't it? We are hoping to do a transfer in late July, but found out yesterday that the RE lab will be closed for two weeks at the end of July and beginning of August, so we may have to push it back to mid-August depending on how things go. Once I start my period, we'll start the frozen cycle and see how it progresses. Also, we didn't do genetic testing since we are both in our mid-30s.

lv, hope your follies are still looking good! when is retrieval?
MP, I would go with doubling your odds with IVF if this cycle doesn't work out. I think the RE needs a good look at your embryos because with your young age and no issues on your DH's side it just doesn't add up that the IUIs aren't working. You ultimately need to do what's best and feels right for you though. $12K is a lot! Does your office have shared risk programs? I think mine has one where you can do up to 6 cycles for a flat fee, and you get a refund if they don't work. I think it's $20k without the meds. I wouldn't be eligible for ours because I am over 39 though.
I will post more later, maybe not until tomorrow.

SB - My retrieval is tomorrow. My last count was 11 follicles ready to go. I can't wait!!

Laila - :wavey: Thank you!!