
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

MP and AMC, things look promising for you this month! Hope we get some fantastic news in 2-3 weeks!

Everyone else, I hope everyone is hanging in there!

AFM, our followup US at 7w3d showed 3 sacs, 3 heartbeats ranging from 140's-low150 and measuring on track. Still have a lot of processing to do. I think I've experienced every emotion imaginable, usually multiple times a day. I go from "I can rock this" to "Life will never be the same" to "So much for my independence", wash, repeat. I should be grateful. I should feel blessed. And I do feel those things yet at the same time the 'be careful what you wish for" creeps in my head. I think the planner in me is unable to process the fact that nothing about this can be planned in the coming months or can know what will happen from here. I hope for healthy babies, a little sanity, and a way to figure this all out. I'm rambling.
SS- Well, congrats on three healthy babies. I completely understand the mixed emotions. I suppose you better start thinking of names...LOTS of names :)
split_shank|1400078055|3672556 said:
MP and AMC, things look promising for you this month! Hope we get some fantastic news in 2-3 weeks!

Everyone else, I hope everyone is hanging in there!

AFM, our followup US at 7w3d showed 3 sacs, 3 heartbeats ranging from 140's-low150 and measuring on track. Still have a lot of processing to do. I think I've experienced every emotion imaginable, usually multiple times a day. I go from "I can rock this" to "Life will never be the same" to "So much for my independence", wash, repeat. I should be grateful. I should feel blessed. And I do feel those things yet at the same time the 'be careful what you wish for" creeps in my head. I think the planner in me is unable to process the fact that nothing about this can be planned in the coming months or can know what will happen from here. I hope for healthy babies, a little sanity, and a way to figure this all out. I'm rambling.

Congrats, SS!!! Having multiples is shocking and it's a lot to process.

I very much want to recommend the book "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets or Quads" by Dr. Barbara Luke. It's got a lot of great and important info in it.


Hi to everyone else! I am rooting for you all, and hoping to read more good news soon. Hang in there ladies.
SS, I can only imagine everything that is going through your head right now. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and for the strength to deal with whatever comes your way. Take good care of yourself and those precious little ones!

LV, my friend with the three kids from IVF/FET is about my age, so I would guess she was about 30 at the time of retrieval, so I suppose that contributed to her having healthy embyros. And yes, you're right, they did check my estrogen yesterday, so I think that is why they felt comfortable holding off a couple more days on triggering. I have just read way to many online forums about people talking about wasting cycles or canceling cycles when using injectables, so I'm a little paranoid (largely because we are footing the entire bill, and it is not cheap!). As far as IVF, I cannot help myself from obsessing about it and reading anything I can find on it. I find all of this stuff so fascinating, I think I missed my calling as an RE :)

amc, good luck to you. Sounds like everything is going just as it should at this point. Good luck with your move. We just moved 6 months ago, and I hope it will be a long time before we move again because it is such a pain!
For those of you who have been on metformin- have you noticed a change in your BBT? I got a positive OPK this morning and am currently having decent O pains...but my temp was 97.33 which is really high for me. It's normally right around 96.8 when I O.
Amc, sorry, I'm no help on your question as I don't temp and haven't taken metformin. Does it have something to with the effect on your thyroid? Like I said, I have no idea. But good luck to you this month! Really hoping it works out this time!

AFM, I went in for bloodwork and an ultrasound this morning, and was told everything is looking great. I think my two largest follicles were 23 and 19. Right after I got to the office, I got another call that my LH was already surging and to do my trigger right away and do the IUI tomorrow morning. So I had to run home and get the trigger medication and go back out to the clinic to get the shot (since DH was busy at work, and I am to wimpy to do it myself). Crazy morning. Anybody else ever have an IUI less than 24 hours after triggering? I really hope we get the timing right!
monkeyprincess|1400179556|3673607 said:
Amc, sorry, I'm no help on your question as I don't temp and haven't taken metformin. Does it have something to with the effect on your thyroid? Like I said, I have no idea. But good luck to you this month! Really hoping it works out this time!

AFM, I went in for bloodwork and an ultrasound this morning, and was told everything is looking great. I think my two largest follicles were 23 and 19. Right after I got to the office, I got another call that my LH was already surging and to do my trigger right away and do the IUI tomorrow morning. So I had to run home and get the trigger medication and go back out to the clinic to get the shot (since DH was busy at work, and I am to wimpy to do it myself). Crazy morning. Anybody else ever have an IUI less than 24 hours after triggering? I really hope we get the timing right!

I think you will be good. If you're already surging you will probably ovulate late tonight or tomorrow AM so the timing should be perfect!
MP, wishing you all the luck in the world, friend. The timing sounds good if you're already surging. Will you take progesterone after the IUI?

SS, congrats! That must be exciting & terrifying at the same time. Wishing you all the best.

SB, thinking of you. I hope IVF does the trick for you, but I totally understand the trepidation about moving forward. After so much disappointment, it's difficult to remain positive sometimes. But you're right that your odds of success are much better with IVF & it will also provide more information. When do you move forward?

LV, I'm glad you like your new clinic. And that makes sense about the great FET success rates when compared to fresh cycles. Hoping your FET results in a bfp (or even better that you conceive on an off cycle again!)

Aviastar, hoping you're feeling better. Mother's Day while your ttc just sucks. Hugs to you.

Amc, I hope you're adjusting to the metformin well. For me, I noticed a direct correlation to eating really fatty foods & stomach issues. Don't know about temp changes, though, but it seems like a good sign that you're O'ing earlier.

Random, hope you're enjoying your vacation. You deserve it!

Cheering all of you on like crazy!!
Hi ladies, I'm back to report.
AMC, mp, good luck!!!
ss, OMG, three healthy heartbeats! Congratulations!

AFM, I think the last time I reported was my HSG. That was 2 days before O. Let me see if I can write it all down.
CD21, 8DPO, I had my blood draw. Testosterone was high, but I ovulate so that shouldn't concern me.
DH's SA came back normal. We're frustrated. I was hoping to have an answer.

12DPO, I get a BFP. I'm shell shocked and did a happy dance. I also had an ultrasound to check my lining. The technician didn't say anything, but at 3W4D, she said it was too early to see anything.
4w0d, I went to get a beta draw.

It took an entire week for my doctor to reply to me. I haven't stopped spotting since the HSG. That's more than two weeks. Doctor said my lining at 3w4d was only 8mm, and that combined with spotting doesn't look good. I cried my eyes out, but all my pee sticks said I'm still pregnant.
I had a follow up appointment anyway for 5/16 (today), which will be 7w4d. She agreed to do an ultrasound if I'm still pregnant.
Meanwhile, 5w0d and 6w1d, my blood draw said HCG was shooting up. I maniacally checked the numbers, and I relaxed a little.

Today, 7w4d, they hadn't changed my appointment to an ultrasound, so they were about to reschedule me. With explanation and tears, she agreed that an ultrasound is a good idea, so they squeezed me in.

The little bean measured only 6mm, 6w3d, no heartbeat. She told me that 6w3d might be too early to see a heartbeat. I know the days are not completely accurate, but 6w3d when I'm supposed to be 7w4d sounds too deviated. Also, with my DS I saw his heartbeat at 6w5d.

Anyway, I'm going to schedule another ultrasound and blood draw next week. DH is working from home to keep me company. Weird thing is, my HCG was skyrocketing, and nausea is attacking me full force. I didn't get nauseated with DS until my 8th week. Obviously I'm clinging on straws here, but I hope to not drag this for too long.

Thanks for reading my novel. I'll be back next week, hopefully in better spirits with an answer.

Cheering you all ladies!!! I have high hopes for you mp and AMC!
Choro - I hope your little bean is ok!! Maybe it was just a little too early to see the heartbeat. The waiting is so hard. Hoping your report back with good news next week.
Choro, oh, that is so hard. I'm sorry you have to deal with all this uncertainty after finally getting a BFP. Are you pretty certain of your dates or is there any wiggle room? Also, was there any explanation for why you have been spotting since the HSG? I know a bit of spotting is normal afterward, but not that long. And did they suggest any sort of progesterone supplement due to the thin lining? Sorry too many questions. Just know I'll be thinking of you and the little bean. Please keep us posted.
Choro, dust that your little bean is sticky. MP had some good questions, hoping your doctor can give you a response soon. And I agree, 6wks is *very* early to see a HB, so I'm really hoping it's just off measurements or something.

Oh Choro, lots of baby dust to you. I'm sorry it has been so frustrating for you :(sad

I'm just back checkin in to see how all you fine ladies are doing. I ovulated while at my mother in laws house and things were so busy we didnt even have time to bd so whatever. Just waiting for AF so I can go in for CD3 bloodwork and schedule an hsg. It sounds like the plan is if my tubes are clear, we'll be trying a natural cycle with clomid first so I'm keeping everything I can cross crossed for clear tubes!!!

Also the hsg I'm getting is called femvue. I guess it's supposed to be less invasive and less painful than the traditional route. Instead of shooting only saline up there, they use saline with bubbles and they watch to see if the bubble can make it all the way through on the ultrasound. Should be a good time lol
rt, i hope your hsg goes well and you get the go ahead to move forward.

choro, i'm so sorry that you're in limbo, that's the pits. thinking sticky thoughts for you.

bright, thanks for your support. i know you can understand how i feel at this point. I really hope I get a happy ending someday like you!

mp, i really hope the injectibles do the trick for you and this is your cycle. Thanks for the support, I appreciate it. I hope you don't end up needing to do IVF at all.

amc, good luck!

ss, wow, that must be overwhelming. Sending healthy thoughts for all 4 of you.

lv, thanks the support and for the offer to answer questions. I will take you up on it if I need to! I hope your FET is a success with the new RE.

aviastar, hope you're doing ok out there.

AFM, I'm starting the stims tonight and crossing my fingers that everything goes well. I'm undecided about sharing the details at this point, I guess I'll see how I feel as the cycle progresses. I'm on a variety of new meds based on the results of my repeat bloodwork so hopefully this new cocktail will be the right combo for me. Please send good vibes, I feel like I need all the help I can get!
SB, sending all kind of good thoughts and vibes your way! I'm so sorry this has turned into such a struggle for you. It's not fair, and it just plain sucks. That said, I'm so hopeful for you that this cycle will finally pay off. Good luck with all the shots and new meds. That part alone must feel like a full time job. Take care of yourself! I'll be thinking of you whether you decide to share more details or not!

Random, good luck with the bloodwork and HSG! That would be awesome if your tubes are open and clomid helps.

Choro, still thinking of you!

Hi to everyone else!
We bit the bullet; we have our first consult with the RE in 4 weeks. We're not committing to starting up any treatment yet, just info gathering so we can start saving and all that. It will depend on what the first steps they recommend are: lap for endo, go ahead and schedule that puppy! IUI- nah, we'll wait till fall.

It's been a huge relief to just walk away from it all, truthfully. I still have sad moments, but I gotta say Denial is a super relaxing place right now and I'm not sure I'm ready to let that go just yet.
Thanks everyone for your thoughts.

RT, sending good vibes!

SB, good luck with the shots.

mp, the spotting has finally stopped, but we aren't discussing that yet. OPT, BBT, and my implantation temp drop all says my dates are on track, so really I see no wriggle room for the little bean. It's all moot now because...

AFM, I had my follow up ultrasound yesterday. As I suspected, the nausea and the rising HCG were playing cruel jokes. The bean has not grown and still no heartbeat. Dr. advised against a D&C because of past history, so she prescribed me cytotec. They used this on me when I had DS, and I remember what it was like. At least that time the midwife put it in me, and I was giving birth. I know the little one is not alive and it makes no sense, but I couldn't bring myself to shove it in me.
So, because I'm a wimp, we're waiting for it to happen naturally. Of course we won't wait forever. Any advise? Is it better to just get it over with?
avaiastar, Good luck with the RE. Are you still going to try until then? I hope you get some answers.
Choro, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Something just wasn't quite right from the beginning it sounds like, and it sucks that your body hasn't quite figured that out yet. I hope it doesn't take to much longer for the sad process to begin. Big hugs to you, and I hope before long, you will have a much happier outcome. Take care of yourself.

Aviastar, sounds like a good plan. Even if you don't feel ready to move forward, it's a good idea to get the wheels in motion and hopefully get more information about what might be the explanation. I regret not consulting with an RE earlier because I do feel like we are getting better care and information than I got from my obgyn and NP. But at the same time, you really do need to be emotionally and mentally ready to start treatment. Thanks for keeping us posted.

Hi everyone else. I'm in the middle of the 2ww, and getting to the anxious part. I really don't want to have any expectations, because chances are not great anything different will happen this time. I just want to know though!
Choro, I'm really sorry for you and your DH. It totally sucks. TBH, there's no "better way" to get through it, so really just do what feels right for you.

Avia, I'm glad you have an appt with an RE. At the very least you'll feel like you guys have a plan.

MP, How are you holding up on your 2WW? I'm keeping everything crossed for you this cycle. :)

I've been half posting on this thread and on the other TTC thread. My story: got pregnant in Jan, then ended with a D&C in Mar. Since then I've been just waiting. Gah, the whole TTC process is like a waiting game: Waiting to O, 2WW, then if you're lucky to get pregnant waiting between each prenatal appt and waiting for your due date.Wait, wait wait wait. I'm trying to be zen about it and more patient but boy is it hard. Anyway, I'm frustrated and impatient but I know that's not getting me any closer to things so I"m just working through it. Thanks for listening.

LC, yes, I agree with you, the whole process is enough to drive anyone crazy. Big hugs, and as I mentioned in the other thread, I am so hopeful for you that it will not be too much longer until you are pregnant again.

AFM, I tested today at 12dpiui, and it was stark white. After 5 IUIs this time around, I really do not think it is going to work. Supposedly injectables increase your chance somewhat, but I have to think if it was going to work, it would have worked by now because I have had 2-3 follicles 4 of the 5 times. The way my RE's office works is that you come in for labs and ultrasounds on a first come, first serve basis, and then you briefly chat with the RE in the hallway when you are finished. But I'd really like to have a talk with her and just ask her if it is realistic that an IUI is going to work at this point. I still have a lot of reservations about IVF, but at this point, it seems like it's my only shot. I'm not sure if anybody is really participating in this thread anymore, but if anyone has any thoughts I'd appreciate them.
LC, I feel your pain. It really sucks, doesn't it? Particularly with you having such long cycles. I know you will have a baby brother or sister for Ethan soon though. And, when you do have him/her in your arms, you will feel that he/she is the perfect baby for your family. I feel that way with K - I still miss and love her big brother who we lost at 10 weeks similar to you, but I am so grateful to have her, and can't imagine anything different for our family.

Choro, I am so sorry for your loss.

MP, sorry about your BFN today. I think you should have a face to face talk with the RE. Were they happy with your response to the injectibles? If I were you, I would probably lean towards IVF just so they can get a better understanding of what's happening by looking at the embryo quality, but I know you have your reservations so I don't want to push that on you. Maybe talk to the RE about natural IVF - I know some clinics lean one way vs. another on that. But, you would have 1 egg/embie per cycle if you go that way. You also could try this a few more cycles and then consider IVF. But, I'm sure you are getting impatient. Hugs to you.

AFM, I may be sticking my toe in this thread as we made an appt with an RE for June 2. I am thinking we might try IVF as I'm really worried about my egg quality (I'm 42). I'm almost afraid of trying on our own as I fear another MC and wasting cycle time. I want to give K a shot at a brother or sister so that she is not alone as an adult since my DH and I are both in our early 40s. I am happy with our life as it is, and I am finally getting sleep again so I'm probaby insane for going down this path now. I think our insurance will cover 2 IVFs after copays and deductibles so maybe we will try that. DH is on board for trying and seeing the RE, but he seems to think my fertility is all tied to eating healthy. I don't think he really gets that most of my eggs at this point are not good candidates for babies. I"m hoping the RE will help educate him on our odds both with and without assistance so he will "get it" like I do. We were able to get a BFP after 3 cycles with an RE using Clomid and timed intercourse with K, but I was 2.5 years younger then. I'm going to try a new RE as we moved and it would be almost impossible due to traffic for me to go for monitoring in the AM at the old clinic now. The new clinic's IVF success rates are better for my age group, but still very low - Percentage of transfers resulting in live births - 10.2%.
Choro, I'm so sorry this one didn't work out. Thinking of you.
MP, sorry to hear about the BFN :( I think an appointment with the RE might be worthwhile, just so he can give you a very frank opinion on what your chances are with the plan he came up with during your consult. TBH, lots of doctors do not look @ patient files before consults, so maybe the RE just wasn't prepared with your whole story. Now that you've had a few cycles under the RE's supervision, they can re-evaluate the plan and what your chances are. I remember you had reservations about IVF. Honestly I'd work out what you guys feel about IVF before letting the RE continue onto with more invasive. IIRC, you'll be covering IVF out of pocket, right?

JGator, I sometimes get frustrated with how easy DH thinks it is be to get pregnant. It's like he just assumes "Of course, it's going to happen." And OK, I get that we can't *not* assume it'll happen, but I dunno, sometimes it seems my DH's nonchalant attitude towards it is because he's just ignorant. Anyway, I guess just want to say, you're not alone. I hope the RE appointment goes well next week.

LC, this was actually our first cycle with the RE. I suspect she will suggest at least one more IUI with injectables since we only had at best a 25% chance of it working. DH and I met with her for over an hour back in April, and I was impressed that she had thoroughly reviewed the charts of my prior IUI cycles and HSG, etc. So, I do feel pretty comfortable that she had sufficient familiarity with my situation. You are correct that we are completely out of pocket, and it is really starting to add up, especially now that we are working with an RE, and it doesn't help that we recently moved into a new house and I switched to a reduced hour schedule. We are fortunate we have the means to seek treatment, but our funds are certainly not unlimited, and I'm not willing to pursue this at the expense of saving for retirement and Ev's education or having an emergency fund. I can definitely relate to your comments about your DH. Even my DH who has been through this ordeal with me every step of the way, can be so naive sometimes. He is always reluctant to move on to the next step because he thinks it will work if we just keep trying. What's that they say about the definition of insanity??? :)

JGator, thanks for your thoughts. My gut is telling me you right that it is probably time to find out what is happening with our embryos, if we are even getting to that point. Regarding IVF, I was mostly concerned about the idea of creating embryos that would not have a chance at life, but more and more I'm thinking that won't even be an issue for us. I'm glad to hear you are meeting with an RE. Like you said, time just isn't kind to eggs. And it will be helpful for your DH to hear that there is very little you can do to improve egg quality. It was very helpful for DH to go to the RE appointment with me, although he seemed to leave feeling much more hopeful about our prospects than I did. Hoping that you get good information and that you and DH can get on the same page of how to proceed. Keep us posted, and I'll be sending good thoughts your way!
MP- I'm so sorry about the bfn. I know how you feel about having reservations about IVF as I am the same way. Hopefully at your next visit you can come up with a better/different plan of attack before going that route!

So I got a nice little phone call from my doctor this morning…They originally thought I didn't have pcos because I had normal cycles and I was ovulating. All my bloodwork showed otherwise. So back on the meds I go, good grief! I go back in 4 weeks to get my blood tested again to see if my levels are still high. I didn't quite catch everything they told me because I was on my way out the door to work but I believe they said the blood test was called CDAP or DAP. Not sure of the name of the medicine but it had a really long name that started with D. I'm hoping it's not as bad as metformin!
MP, Ah yes, now that you mention it, I do remember you said you were very impressed that your RE was familiar with your story. Sorry for thinking otherwise, I just have a little biased opinion from my experience with my MIL few years ago. So my apologies for projecting.
I hear you what you're saying about the definition of insanity. That's kinda how I feel about the whole TTC process for me. I don't know if it makes any sense. But I guess all I can say is that I am insane = baby crazy. It's humbling how instinctive I feel about needing to have a (in my case another) child.
For me, my insurance does not provide fertility treatment, so anything we'd do would be out of pocket as well. Kind of daunting.

RT, bummer about PCOS. Forgive my ignorance but would this explain why you're having trouble TTC?
RT, that's interesting. The more I hear about PCOS, the more confusing it all gets. I guess that's why they call it a syndrome though because it can present itself in multiple ways. Have you had your HSG yet?

LC, I completely understand where you are coming from on the doctor thing. I've run into that a few times with specialists as well when dealing with some of Ev's medical issues. That's why I was pretty impressed they had done their homework and were very familiar with my history at our first meeting. I'm looking forward to speaking with her again and getting a realistic assessment of our IUI prospects. I'm so hopeful for you that an RE's involvement will not be necessary and it is only a matter of getting you to ovulate again. But having such a long delay betwen your loss and your next cycle would be enough to drive anybody crazy. I wonder if something like clomid would help you with more regular ovulation. I don't think you're to that point yet though.

Ugh, this is why I hate all of this infertility crap! I clearly cannot think about anything else today!!!
Hugs, Choro. So sorry to hear about your loss.

Hugs to you, MP. I am sorry you got a BFN. I was really hoping the injectables would work for you. But maybe they still will--it will usually happen within three cycles they generally say, or otherwise it's time to try something else. You still have two more tries. It sucks you are out of pocket though. :( Maybe going right to IVF would make more sense, but I definitely understand your concerns.

Just a PSA to ask your REs to check your thyroid. Hypothyroid is linked to infertility and miscarriage. Mine was really out of whack, and once it was corrected, I conceived. Obviously this isn't a magic cure for everything, but it can't hurt to look into it. I am grateful my RE does a thyroid panel as a standard test, because I had no idea I was hypothyroid.
My HSG is in about 2.5 weeks. Back in November I was diagnosed with both stage 3 endometriosis as well as PCOS. I had a lap and went on metformin. I switched REs in April and the new one thought since my cycles are regular and I appear to ovulate that I did not actually have it. We suspected the main reason we've been having trouble is due to the endometriosis. They did blood work on me at that visit and tested for PCOS just to be sure. Well the indicators came back that I probably DO have it. So now I have PCOS and endometriosis. I'm finding out if my tubes are blocked in a few weeks here. If they are, we are probably just throwing in the towel as we can't afford IVF :(