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split_shank|1398880218|3663670 said:MP, I've usually heard/read losing 5-10 lbs helps with fertility, but I think more in a insulin sensitivity/hormone balancing situation. I agree though with you, you aren't training for a marathon or anything, and some activity can help out sanity if for nothing else.
AFM, I don't know where to begin. Other than to flat out say that I had our first US yesterday. There were THREE yolk sacs in there at 5w/2d. I.AM.FREAKING.OUT.
Follow up US in 2 weeks to check for heartbeats and development. I have been on every end of the spectrum and I know a lot can happen in the next few weeks, but I have no idea what to do.
split_shank|1398884461|3663728 said:Thanks ladies. To clarify a little bit, they are "thinking" that it was still the 2 mature follicles, the other ones weren't up to snuff yet (but who knows with a trigger) and its possible that one of the 2 split on the way down. Those 2 seem to be right next to each other and the other one is up on top somewhere. Still freaking out.
split_shank|1398884461|3663728 said:Thanks ladies. To clarify a little bit, they are "thinking" that it was still the 2 mature follicles, the other ones weren't up to snuff yet (but who knows with a trigger) and its possible that one of the 2 split on the way down. Those 2 seem to be right next to each other and the other one is up on top somewhere. Still freaking out.
random_thought|1399406422|3667407 said:amc- that is interesting. that is the exact same thing my first RE told me. The one I just saw a few weeks ago said I was misdiagnosed with pcos because i also have regular cycles. I was told if you have regular cycles that it automatically rules out pcos and too many doctors just throw it out there as an easy answer. Mine ended up being endometriosis cysts instead of pcos cysts.
I don't want to sound like a jerky know it all but I would be careful and maybe ask for a second diagnosis?
amc80|1399407376|3667421 said:random_thought|1399406422|3667407 said:amc- that is interesting. that is the exact same thing my first RE told me. The one I just saw a few weeks ago said I was misdiagnosed with pcos because i also have regular cycles. I was told if you have regular cycles that it automatically rules out pcos and too many doctors just throw it out there as an easy answer. Mine ended up being endometriosis cysts instead of pcos cysts.
I don't want to sound like a jerky know it all but I would be careful and maybe ask for a second diagnosis?
That is interesting. The reason I'm thinking he might be right is I have almost all of the symptoms of PCOS- inability to lose weight (especially in my stomach which is not normal for me), skin tags, acne, excess hair on my chin, etc. I'm curious to see if the metformin helps with any of this. But I believe I am going in there in another week to check my lining (since my estrogen was so low) so I will ask him his thoughts.
pancake|1399422774|3667561 said:DIagnostic criteria for PCOS are still a topic of raging debate but technically to meet them you do not need to have irregular cycles. You need 2 of 3 of: 1) no or irregular ovulation, 2) hyperandrogenism (either clinically - eg excess body hair, acne - or biochemically), 3) polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.
By that it sounds like you don't really meet the diagnostic criteria, amc, but I guess your RE is treating you on the basis that you are sitting off the edge of that spectrum.
missrachelk said:AMC - you never know as far as stomach upset with metformin. I have a very easily upset stomach and never had any issues on it.
random_thought said:Just some food for thought. I also have those same issues. They told me that the reason I have the issues is because I let myself gain weight which in turn caused my insulin to get out of whack. They also said the hormones caused by endo can throw it out of whack in addition. My doctor said this explained why I was able to get pregnant with my first after exercising a ridiculous amount, because I lost weight which in turn lowered my insulin.
Like I said, I'm no doctor, I just would hate for you to be dealing with the same thing I am and not have all the facts like I didn't for awhile. Man...infertility is such a b%$#h....