
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

SS- :shock:

That is all I have to say. Sending you happy thoughts.
split_shank|1398880218|3663670 said:
MP, I've usually heard/read losing 5-10 lbs helps with fertility, but I think more in a insulin sensitivity/hormone balancing situation. I agree though with you, you aren't training for a marathon or anything, and some activity can help out sanity if for nothing else.

AFM, I don't know where to begin. Other than to flat out say that I had our first US yesterday. There were THREE yolk sacs in there at 5w/2d. I.AM.FREAKING.OUT.

Follow up US in 2 weeks to check for heartbeats and development. I have been on every end of the spectrum and I know a lot can happen in the next few weeks, but I have no idea what to do.

Wow, holy schnikes! I would be freaking out too. I was kind of shocked/disappointed I was having twins at first. But whatever is meant to be, it will all work out in the end. You can do this. Congrats!
Thanks ladies. To clarify a little bit, they are "thinking" that it was still the 2 mature follicles, the other ones weren't up to snuff yet (but who knows with a trigger) and its possible that one of the 2 split on the way down. Those 2 seem to be right next to each other and the other one is up on top somewhere. Still freaking out.
Good luck SS!
SS-WOW! I hope that all works out for you. I imagine it must be stressful, exciting, terrifying, and surreal considering the possibilities.
split_shank|1398884461|3663728 said:
Thanks ladies. To clarify a little bit, they are "thinking" that it was still the 2 mature follicles, the other ones weren't up to snuff yet (but who knows with a trigger) and its possible that one of the 2 split on the way down. Those 2 seem to be right next to each other and the other one is up on top somewhere. Still freaking out.

A pair and a spare. I bet you wish you could have a cocktail right about now.
split_shank|1398884461|3663728 said:
Thanks ladies. To clarify a little bit, they are "thinking" that it was still the 2 mature follicles, the other ones weren't up to snuff yet (but who knows with a trigger) and its possible that one of the 2 split on the way down. Those 2 seem to be right next to each other and the other one is up on top somewhere. Still freaking out.

Boy, do you know how to knock it out of the park or what?! :bigsmile: I am sending you...coping thoughts? Happy, peaceful thoughts?! All of the above!
Holy smokes!! It must be so terrifying. Sticky dust, happy thoughts, and peace!
Good luck SS!!! Positive thoughts!!!!
SS- Thinking positive thoughts for you!

We leave on Sunday for a 2 week vacation out of town. I think this is really going to help us. The only bad part is that I need to get out of town blood draws done lol. Oh well!
SS, Wow, what a surprise to see three yolk sacks. I can only imagine the excitement and the freaking-out-ness you guys are going through. I'll be thinking about you and your DH during these next few weeks. I'm sure there's a plan somewhere we just can't see it. Hoping for the best.

MP, I'm really glad you hit it off with your RE so well. I'm also trying to get into a workout kick too now that the weather's getting warmer and it's light longer. It's tough with kiddos though. I'm excited you have a plan with this next cycle if it comes to it.
I just got back from my RE follow up. The good news- everything looks fine. He did a water ultrasound and looked at my ovaries (I'm on CD5 so that worked out perfectly). All of my repeat loss blood work was normal. He believes my hormones are out of whack. He said I likely fall somewhere on the PCOS spectrum (but obviously it's not too bad since I have normal cycles). My right ovary looked completely normal. My left one is more PCOS-y, but still relatively normal (that's the one that is attached to the top of my uterus). He said he is going to treat me as if I have PCOS and is putting me on metformin. I will also go on progesterone suppositories after ovulation.
amc, that's interesting. Did you start the metformin already and does it start working right away or is this just in case this cycle doesn't work out for you? Wishing you a lot of luck that the third time will be the charm.

SS, hope you are holding up alright.That's so crazy about possibly having a set of identical twins. I have a co-worker who had the same situation and was pregnant with triplets last year. She had two eggs and one split, so she was pregnant with a little girl and a set of identical twin boys. The even weirder part is that her husband is also an identical twin. I suspect, but don't know for sure and obviously would never pry, that she was getting fertility assistance, but I do not know if it was just fertility meds or IVF. Anyway, thinking good thoughts for you and know that you will be able to handle whatever comes your way.

SB, have you made any decisions about moving forward? Any idea what your timeline would be for IVF?

LV, hope you are doing okay as well and that you will have a happy outcome when you decide to move forward again.

Hi to everyone else!

AFM, I'm still in limbo waiting on AF to arrive. I had significant spotting and cramping on Friday morning and was sure AF had come, but then as it has done in recent cycles, it completely stopped, so I'm still waiting. My LPs are so weird lately, and I never know what to expect, and they seem to have gotten longer, but with that significant spotting in the middle, I doubt a baby would even be able to implant if I'm even able to produce an egg capable of fertilizing. I'm anxious for this cycle to end, so I can get my bloodwork and hopefully start the injectables. But I also have this nagging feeling that this isn't going to work. I wish I didn't feel that way, but I am honestly having a hard time imagining getting pregnant again at this point. Anybody else have that feeling? I wish I knew whether it was just me being pessimistic or if it is a sign that maybe we need to move on from the idea of another baby.
amc- that is interesting. that is the exact same thing my first RE told me. The one I just saw a few weeks ago said I was misdiagnosed with pcos because i also have regular cycles. I was told if you have regular cycles that it automatically rules out pcos and too many doctors just throw it out there as an easy answer. Mine ended up being endometriosis cysts instead of pcos cysts.

I don't want to sound like a jerky know it all but I would be careful and maybe ask for a second diagnosis?
random_thought|1399406422|3667407 said:
amc- that is interesting. that is the exact same thing my first RE told me. The one I just saw a few weeks ago said I was misdiagnosed with pcos because i also have regular cycles. I was told if you have regular cycles that it automatically rules out pcos and too many doctors just throw it out there as an easy answer. Mine ended up being endometriosis cysts instead of pcos cysts.

I don't want to sound like a jerky know it all but I would be careful and maybe ask for a second diagnosis?

That is interesting. The reason I'm thinking he might be right is I have almost all of the symptoms of PCOS- inability to lose weight (especially in my stomach which is not normal for me), skin tags, acne, excess hair on my chin, etc. I'm curious to see if the metformin helps with any of this. But I believe I am going in there in another week to check my lining (since my estrogen was so low) so I will ask him his thoughts.

MP- I started the metformin last night. I was so nervous to take it, due to things I've read. I tend to have a pretty sensitive stomach, but so far, so good. I did have to hurry to the bathroom this morning (TMI) but other than that it's been fine.
DIagnostic criteria for PCOS are still a topic of raging debate but technically to meet them you do not need to have irregular cycles. You need 2 of 3 of: 1) no or irregular ovulation, 2) hyperandrogenism (either clinically - eg excess body hair, acne - or biochemically), 3) polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.

By that it sounds like you don't really meet the diagnostic criteria, amc, but I guess your RE is treating you on the basis that you are sitting off the edge of that spectrum.
AMC - you never know as far as stomach upset with metformin. I have a very easily upset stomach and never had any issues on it.

Good luck to you!
amc80|1399407376|3667421 said:
random_thought|1399406422|3667407 said:
amc- that is interesting. that is the exact same thing my first RE told me. The one I just saw a few weeks ago said I was misdiagnosed with pcos because i also have regular cycles. I was told if you have regular cycles that it automatically rules out pcos and too many doctors just throw it out there as an easy answer. Mine ended up being endometriosis cysts instead of pcos cysts.

I don't want to sound like a jerky know it all but I would be careful and maybe ask for a second diagnosis?

That is interesting. The reason I'm thinking he might be right is I have almost all of the symptoms of PCOS- inability to lose weight (especially in my stomach which is not normal for me), skin tags, acne, excess hair on my chin, etc. I'm curious to see if the metformin helps with any of this. But I believe I am going in there in another week to check my lining (since my estrogen was so low) so I will ask him his thoughts.

Just some food for thought. I also have those same issues. They told me that the reason I have the issues is because I let myself gain weight which in turn caused my insulin to get out of whack. They also said the hormones caused by endo can throw it out of whack in addition. My doctor said this explained why I was able to get pregnant with my first after exercising a ridiculous amount, because I lost weight which in turn lowered my insulin.

Like I said, I'm no doctor, I just would hate for you to be dealing with the same thing I am and not have all the facts like I didn't for awhile. Man...infertility is such a b%$#h....
pancake|1399422774|3667561 said:
DIagnostic criteria for PCOS are still a topic of raging debate but technically to meet them you do not need to have irregular cycles. You need 2 of 3 of: 1) no or irregular ovulation, 2) hyperandrogenism (either clinically - eg excess body hair, acne - or biochemically), 3) polycystic ovaries on ultrasound.

By that it sounds like you don't really meet the diagnostic criteria, amc, but I guess your RE is treating you on the basis that you are sitting off the edge of that spectrum.

That's basically what he said. He also said that my left ovary had "more going on" than my right. So it sounds like I'm borderline.

missrachelk said:
AMC - you never know as far as stomach upset with metformin. I have a very easily upset stomach and never had any issues on it.

That's good to know. I've been pretty good so far. But I go up to 2000MG a day next week, so who knows how that will go.

random_thought said:
Just some food for thought. I also have those same issues. They told me that the reason I have the issues is because I let myself gain weight which in turn caused my insulin to get out of whack. They also said the hormones caused by endo can throw it out of whack in addition. My doctor said this explained why I was able to get pregnant with my first after exercising a ridiculous amount, because I lost weight which in turn lowered my insulin.

Like I said, I'm no doctor, I just would hate for you to be dealing with the same thing I am and not have all the facts like I didn't for awhile. Man...infertility is such a b%$#h....

Isn't that the truth! I will bring it up to my RE when I see him, which will be either Friday or Tuesday for a lining check.
Pretty quiet around here, but I hope everyone is doing okay! I know Mothers Day can be a particularly challenging time for those who are trying for their first. Hang in there ladies and know I'm thinking of you!

amc, let's hope the metformin helps your ovaries out a bit even if you do not necessarily meet the PCOS criteria. I don't seem to have indications of it, but I sure wouldn't mind blaming my blemishes and the few extra pounds around my waistline since having my first on it! Good luck this cycle. Thinking good thoughts for you!

AFM, AF came shortly after I last posted, so I had CD3 bloodwork yesterday and did my first Gonal F injection last night. It was a piece of cake compared to the trigger shots in the butt. But expensive. The drugs alone were nearly $1000, which sucks, but I guess if I'm going to spend money on something, the pursuit of a child is worth it. I'm on the lowest starting dose, so I'm really hoping it will give me 2-3 nice follicles, so we can try another IUI. One piece of good news (or about as good as the news is going to get for me), I had my FSH tested yesterday because the RE was concerned my result from September (which was 9.4) might have been inaccurate or artificially low she didn't have estrogen levels to compare it to, and she was expecting it to be 11 or 12. It came back slightly lower at 9, which is still high for someone my age (33), but I guess she was pleasantly surprised. I have no idea what that means for me other than if FSH had been higher, she likely would have upped my Gonal F dose.
I've been quiet because I'm on vacation! I still have 9 days left before I have to go back to yucky work!
I was supposed to go in yesterday for CD3 bloodwork but I had a horrible stomach flu for the last 3 days and couldn't stop vomiting so I was worried it would mess around with my results and skipped it :sick:
ooof, today is rough. Just needed a safe space to say that outloud.

Love you all, my ladies.
Popping in to give all the ladies here a big ((((HUG)))). I remember all too well how much Mother's Day sucked when I was TTC. I'm rarely around these days, but keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I hope with all my heart that by next Mother's Day you're all either hugely pregnant or holding new little ones. xxxx
Hi all. I haven't been around much because I feel like I'm in a pretty different place than most of you who are posting these days and I don't have much to contribute. I've had 4 people announce their pregnancies in the past 3 weeks, and combined with Mother's Day yesterday and getting ready to start IVF, it's been tough to keep my chin up. I should be optimistic that we're trying something new with a higher chance of success that also might give us more information about what has been going on, but I'm mostly just worried that this will be a new way to be disappointed.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we all have success soon!
SB - Sorry I haven't been around much. Let me know if you have any questions about IVF. I wish you all the luck in the world for success!!

Tammy - Sweet of you to check in!

Aviastar - I am sorry to hear yesterday was rough. Take care, and pop in whenever you wish!

Random - Sorry to hear about the flu. Hope you are feeling better and are able to enjoy the rest of your vaca.

MP - Good luck to you! Lots of women have success after moving to injectables. I HOPE you are one of them!!

AFM. I took this cycle off, have switched RE's and am working on moving our embryos to the new clinic. I really like my new clinic. It is less convenient, but I am much more hopeful at the new place. A transfer is significantly less expensive at the new place, and their success rates are much higher (not sure how much difference they can make at this point since they follow nearly the same protocol after the transfer, as far as I can tell), but I am optimistic about the future there. I will be having blood work to look at my insulin levels to see if anything looks off in that regard.

I am in the 2WW now. Hopeful as ever, given that my daughter was conceived during one of these off-med cycles.
Aviastar, hugs. I hate that Mothers Day (and Fathers Day) is a tough day for a lot of people. Whether it relates to the loss of a mother or difficult relationship with a mother or loss of a child or infertility or whatever the reason. But I hope you made it through okay, and I'm so hopeful for you that soon it will no longer be a painful day for you.

SB, I will definitely be sending you good thoughts for your upcoming IVF cycle. I share your fear about IVF because there are obviously no guarantees, and it is such a big step, and a last resort kind of thing. However, it does seem to be the best option to bypass whatever the problems might be and to gain a lot of information about egg quality and any potential fertilization issues. I would appreciate hearing any information you decide you want to share because unless injectables work some magic for me, that will be my next potential option. I know of several stories of ladies who were finally able to conceive with IVF after everything else failed, and I'm holding on to hope you will be one of them!

Tammy, good to hear from you. Thanks for the good wishes! I hope all is well with you! You are right in the middle of the really fun part of babyhood :)

Random, hope you are feeling better and enjoy the rest of your vacation and time off from work.

LV, I'm glad you found a clinic you are happier with. And I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get a BFP one way or another very soon. I was reading somewhere that FET can have pretty good success rates, and sometimes higher than a fresh cycle. Best wishes to you!

AFM, nothing new to report for now. I should have more information tomorrow about the state of my ovaries, and I'm anxious to see how I've responded, as I know it is kind of a trial and error thing.
MP - This is exciting! Let us know how things are looking? RE: FET success rates, there does seem to be movement among some practices to shift more to FET. Do the IVF cycle, but hold off on transferring. This is one of those issues where it really depends on who you talk to. Some REs (like my former RE) might say they monitor your estrogen levels, and if too high, then that is a reason to wait, but otherwise, no need to. Others seem to be marketing delayed FET as a major development. In the end, it's really a numbers game. Chances are I have 1-2 good embryos. We've only transferred one so far. Presumably, it was not one of the good ones. Time will tell. Perspective comes so much easier when I am not in a cycle.
LV, yes, that's what I was reading about FET too. Very interesting. Really hoping your remaining embryos are healthy and strong. Or better yet, that you manage to get a BFP again on your own in the meantime! I have an acquaintance who just had twins from FET. She has a 2 year old as well from the fresh cycle, so all three came from the same cycle. That's weird to think about. Do you think you will implant two or just one? I guess it probably depends on how they do the thawing process. I'm trying to learn all I can about IVF, in case we need to broach that subject in the coming months. I'm so conflicted but leaning toward giving it a try if IUI doesn't work....

AFM, I apparently already have one follicle that is pretty much ready to go and a couple more up coming up behind.I always respond so fast - I'm only on CD8. She wants me to stimulate for two more days to give the others a chance to catch up and come back in on Thursday. I'm paranoid I will somehow ovulate early before then or before I'm able to trigger and get the IUI, but I know I should trust the doctor because unlike me, she didn't get her degree from google :)
MP - They look at your estrogen levels too, which should give insight into when you will ovulate. I am sure if your estrogen level indicated it was time to trigger, that your doctor would do so. How old is your friend with all of the great embryos? Or, I guess how old was she almost 3 years ago when the 2 year old was conceived?

We will have to transfer the two. There is a third, not as good quality, but I still don't know what the embryology report states on grading. That will be a discussion to have with new RE. It really becomes a numbers game at this point.

To your point about learning what you can about IVF, I would almost say don't, but I understand that we are all planners and researchers here, so I completely understand!!
Hi ladies. I had my lining check today and it was at 11. The RE wanted it above 8 so he was happy. I have one follie measuring at 15 on the right and another one on the left that is a bit smaller. I'm on cd13 and I'm guessing I'll O in another 4 days.

I've been reading along but we are in the process of moving (ick) so sorry for not replying to everyone.