
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

amc, that is interesting. It does seem like you have had more than would be expected considering you have had them three out of the four times you've been pregnant. The one thing with your most recent loss though is that if you hadn't been testing so early you might not have even known you were pregnant, so I have to think these really early losses might happen more than anyone realizes. Regardless, it just sucks, and I really hope the next time you are pregnant, you stay that way.
monkeyprincess|1396541336|3646636 said:
amc, that is interesting. It does seem like you have had more than would be expected considering you have had them three out of the four times you've been pregnant. The one thing with your most recent loss though is that if you hadn't been testing so early you might not have even known you were pregnant, so I have to think these really early losses might happen more than anyone realizes. Regardless, it just sucks, and I really hope the next time you are pregnant, you stay that way.

I've definitely considered that. But with each CP, the bleeding hasn't started until after AF was due. So even if I would have not tested until 15DPO I still would have known. Just not for quite as long.
monkeyprincess|1396450014|3645796 said:
I always think that when I see MTHFR too.

MLK, are there precautions you can take if you get pregnant again knowing you have the gene mutation? I remember your son was born quite early, right? Hope you are doing well!

Hi MP, yes you are correct, my son was born at 30+6, so just a smidge over 9 weeks early but is doing pretty well. I must pop in to the mummy thread and update!

The drs treat MTHFR with high dose active forms of b vitamins, particularly methyl folate instead of folic acid and B6 and b12. It is also common to have other deficiencies such as zinc so I am on that too. Apparently those vitamins need time to work so they say to wait 3 months before TTCIng. As I am still at a high risk for pre-e again,50%, they also say to take calcium supplements and baby aspirin. I have also read studies where women with MTHFR, certain variants of it anyway, where also told to take baby aspirin to prevent clotting and some were even given injections of heparin or lovenox to prevent the risk of clotting, miscarriage and stillbirth. I think they also give these to women who have the other clotting disorders which amc was tested for.

Wishing you, amc and all the other ladies on this thread the very best x
Wow, I've missed a lot this week. It's been crazy recently with work and tons of monitoring appointments, but I'm happy to report that after a very long cycle, I'm finally triggering today on CD18 with a lovely and sufficiently thick lining - hooray! IUI on Sunday and everything crossed that this is a good one.

Sorry that I don't have time to respond to everyone individually right now, but I'm wishing you all well!
SB, that's excellent news! I'm so glad you did not run into those pesky lining issues this time, and I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed that this is your lucky cycle! Good luck and keep us posted!

MLK, so glad to hear there are precautions you can take before and during your next pregnancy. I read or heard somewhere that MTHFR is actually not all that uncommon but the severity varies. Thanks for the good wishes, we can certainly use them around here!

amc, yeah, somebody who was actively TTC would probably notice if they were late. Although when I talk to my friends (who just took a let's see what happens approach to TTC), it seems like they just went by their LMP and had no idea about all the intricacies of ovulation and didn't test until they were several days late. But you're probably right that people who are actively trying wouldn't miss multiple CPs. Any idea when you will get your test results back?

Hey to everyone else!
amc80|1396538570|3646611 said:
lizzyann|1396493022|3646308 said:
AMC, I am sorry for your losses. You may remember that I had similar fertility issues. Two early losses before getting pregnant with my first son naturally, then four early losses before getting pregnant via IVF with my second son.

Sounds like you have done all the right testing that I remember doing. One thing you may want to ask about doing is the Clomid Challenge. i don't remember all of the details but they do a blood test before and after taking the Clomid and the results will show your egg reserve. So if you have a low egg reserve that will mean that the egg quality is lower.

I really hope that you can go on to get pregnant naturally, but seeing as though you seem open to and insurance will cover other fertility methods, I will tell you that in my case, by doing IVF, they were able to select the best quality embryos and my RE felt that by implanting the BEST quality is what did the trick for me. IVF worked for me on the first transfer. Good luck to you. I will check back in, so if you have any other questions please don't hesitate to ask.

Thinking of all of you ladies...

Edited to add...there is also a blood clotting condition that they can test for as well that can lead to miscarriages.

Lizzy- Thank you so much for chiming in. I really hope that I just am having some bad luck and that everything is fine. But I feel much better knowing that I do have options if something is wrong. I'm really fortunate to have such good coverage. I'm sure this latest round of labs will bring me up to my $250 deductible, and after that everything is "free." I would totally be freaking out right now if I didn't have that coverage. But yes, I'm open to whatever the RE suggests. Because you had egg issues, did you still have to do IUIs before jumping to IVF? I know that's usually what happens, but it seems in the case of an egg issue an IUI wouldn't do anything to help.

Hi AMC, it's interesting because my egg reserve/Clomid Challenge test came back fine. We still don't know the true reason why I had miscarriages, but my RE felt that egg quality probably was the issue. I also had very good insurance coverage so I did what was recommended/what I was comfortable with. I believe I got pregnant two out of the four losses by doing an IUI with Clomid. Now trust me getting pregnant was never the hard part for us, the staying pregnant was the hard part. My RE felt that a monitored Clomid/trigger and IUI cycle would be worth a shot. They would be able to see how many follicles I would have. Now the thing is that Clomid doesn't necessarily make the egg quality better, but my RE said that by using it, being monitored, and triggering...results in better quality. Because you are triggering at the exact point when the egg is mature enough. Does that make sense? She said that sometimes eggs are released too early or too late in its maturing process. After my two losses using that method, she felt the fastest way to have a baby at that point was IVF. She just didn't want me to have to endure any more losses. It was the best decision I ever made. I actually had 4 embryos/blastocysts that were high quality. We transferred one and froze the other three. Just a couple of weeks ago we made the decision to discard the three frozen. It was a hard decision but in my mind I justified it because I felt that if I didn't do IVF I could have had many more losses before becoming pregnant. Good luck to you lady!
Thanks Lizzy, that does make sense. I'm very curious to see how all of my labs come back, especially my AMH.

Speaking of, I've gotten some of the results back already. Anyone want to chime in?

Anticardiolipin IgG, IgM, and IgA: <9 (negative)
TSH: 2.3 (lab messed up and didn't do thyroid panel, they are adding it so I should get those results fairly soon)
LH: 5.9
FSH: 6.1
Prolactin: 5.2
Estradiol: 9.2

That's all I've got so far. I think the only thing that is out of whack is my estradiol. Dr. Google tells me low estradiol is associated with PCOS, which I don't think I have (I ovulate every month, have normal cycles, and don't have polycystic ovaries).
amc80|1396650152|3647527 said:
Thanks Lizzy, that does make sense. I'm very curious to see how all of my labs come back, especially my AMH.

Speaking of, I've gotten some of the results back already. Anyone want to chime in?

Anticardiolipin IgG, IgM, and IgA: <9 (negative)
TSH: 2.3 (lab messed up and didn't do thyroid panel, they are adding it so I should get those results fairly soon)
LH: 5.9
FSH: 6.1
Prolactin: 5.2
Estradiol: 9.2

That's all I've got so far. I think the only thing that is out of whack is my estradiol. Dr. Google tells me low estradiol is associated with PCOS, which I don't think I have (I ovulate every month, have normal cycles, and don't have polycystic ovaries).

Sorry for poking in here. AMC- I take synthroid and am followed by an endocrinologist for my thyroid issues. I insist on maintaining my TSH at, or as close to 1 as I can. When we started TTC number 2, we followed my labs a little more closely to adjust my medication and sure enough when we got to 1 I got pregnant again. I am extremely sensative to changes in my thyroid levels (I can see it emotionally, physically, etc) so I don't accept the "normal" range as ok or me. I know 1 is best for TTC and I know it's best for my personal well being so I stick with that, and fortunately my dr agrees. Sorry so long. It's something I'm very passionate about because doctors will say "normal" for a large tsh range and although it can be, I don't think it is for everyone. Good luck. I really hope you find some answers soon!
Thanks for chiming in. I've heard that about tsh and how "normal" isn't really normal for TTC. I should get my full thyroid panel back Monday so I'm curious to see what that shows. It's definitely something I'll bring up at my follow up.

DH and I are deciding whether or not to take this cycle off. If the CPs were just bad luck then obviously I want to try. If there's something going on that's causing them then I'd like to wait until we talk to the doc and have some sort of game plan. I just don't know if I will meet with him before O time.
Just butting back in for a second to say I completely agree with everything which Petite has said. My dr always wanted it between 1 and 2
SB, I'm so excited for you! Fingers crossed!

AMC, sorry you found yourself back here. I didn't know that multiple CP is unusual. Hope you get some answers.

Random, I saw your update about your parents on the other thread. hugs to you.

AFM, I had my HSG yesterday. My friend told me it hurt like heck so that scared me out of my wits. I popped one pill of Aleve and sent a goodbye text to DH when I went in. It was quite anticlimactic. 3 minutes, I was out. It was just as uncomfortable as a pap with the doctors trying to divert attention by pretending to be interested in my education, but after that it was so quick.
My tubes are open and clear, so there is that. Yesterday was CD11 with +OPK on Thursday through Friday, so we BD against the nurse's advice. My temperature hasn't spiked yet so we'll try to BD again tonight.
We suspect DH's count but he has to figure out a time to get his SA. All that's left for me is my 21 draw, blood count, and pelvic exam. I hope they can get to the bottom of my early spotting problem. If my hormones are out of balance, I'm weaning DS.

PP and mlk, thanks for the TSH issue. I'll keep that in mind.
Hi Choro - Glad you found the HSG easy-ish. I always thought it was too. Good luck this cycle! Hoping this is your lucky month!

SB - Yay for great lining!! Thinking implantation thoughts for you!!

AMC - Sorry that you find yourself here, as well. :blackeye: I am glad you are getting things checked out.

MP, BL and RT - :wavey:

Sooooooo, recent posts prompted me to check my TSH level -- it was 2.38 back in August. No one said a thing to me about it, and my labs were read by two REs (if anyone recalls my brief time at a different RE office.) I assume it's nothing to worry about, if other levels are ok??????

Annnnnnddd, I'm in the 2WW . . . by a few days, plus 5. We did a 5 day transfer on Tues. Hopeful, but not overly so.
Loves Vintage|1396742790|3648130 said:
Hi Choro - Glad you found the HSG easy-ish. I always thought it was too. Good luck this cycle! Hoping this is your lucky month!

SB - Yay for great lining!! Thinking implantation thoughts for you!!

AMC - Sorry that you find yourself here, as well. :blackeye: I am glad you are getting things checked out.

MP, BL and RT - :wavey:

Sooooooo, recent posts prompted me to check my TSH level -- it was 2.38 back in August. No one said a thing to me about it, and my labs were read by two REs (if anyone recalls my brief time at a different RE office.) I assume it's nothing to worry about, if other levels are ok??????

Annnnnnddd, I'm in the 2WW . . . by a few days, plus 5. We did a 5 day transfer on Tues. Hopeful, but not overly so.

Honestly, I would say ask an endocrinologist if you can. Just before we conceived number two my doctor asked if we had plans to have another. As soon as I said yes, he said the ideal for conceiving, and maintaining a healthy pregnancy, is closer to 1, so we needed to up my dose. I have my blood checked every 4 weeks during pregnancy to make sure my levels stay pretty even. In my experience only, 2.38 would have be way too high for me to conceive and my cycles would be irregular. Ok, popping back out! I'll keep you all in my thoughts!
Re: TSH, mine was 4.3 in December 2013. Waaaaay too high!!! My RE put me on 50 mcg of Synthroid and I conceived in February 2014. When I went for a re-check it was 1.5, so much better. Now that I am pregnant, I had to boost my dose to 75 mcg because my TSH was creeping up again. :(( Very scary and sad to think that my miscarriage in November was caused by my hypothyroidism.

DUST DUST DUST to Loves Vintage and Short Blonde and everyone else in the 2ww!!!
Petite - Thanks. I go in tomorrow for blood work, so I am going to ask that they test my TSH as well and then take it from there. I did some quick googling last night, and it seems some REs are saying anything less than 2.5 is ok. But, certainly worth exploring this issue more. I would hate to keep having costly/time-consuming/emotionally disruptive procedures if there is a simple fix!

Laila - Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. Had you ever had your TSH tested before? Does it fluctuate much? Thanks for the dust! How many weeks are you now????
Doing a cross post from TTC. I'm sorry I haven't been posting over here as much but felt weird posting the same thing in both forums, ykwim? Anyways, here is today's test- SMU - 12dpo, also attaching my chart :bigsmile:


Random thought, CONGRATS, I definitely see a line!!! How awesome!

LV, I'm 10 weeks today. I had my TSH tested before with the same RE for my last pregnancy in 2012 and it was normal back then. So I think the hypothyroidism is a relatively newish development. Apparently after multiple pregnancies, some women can develop thyroid issues. My RE said anything under 2 is good. Yours isn't too bad, I know some REs won't even do anything. But still, it never hurts to ask. Do you feel sluggish and tired a lot? Any excess weight gain? Crossing my fingers and toes that your IVF worked!!!
Laila619|1396820667|3648541 said:
Random thought, CONGRATS, I definitely see a line!!! How awesome!

All my other sticks today have been negative so fingers crossed it is still positive tomorrow!
RT - Cautiously optimistic for you! Fingers Crossed!!

Laila - Yay for 10 weeks! You're a 1/4 of the way there. :appl:

Yes, all of those characteristics apply, except no real recent weight gain, though I have been over my ideal weight for many years. :knockout: But, none of these are really new characteristics for me. In fact, quite a few years ago, I asked to my regular doctor for a thyroid panel, and everything came back normal. Who knows what normal was then? I did ask for TSH, T3 and T4 this morning. She said it might be a day or two for the results. I'm thinking the fact that two REs didn't raise a concern means that I'm passable. No idea if that is ideal. Glad it's on my radar now though.
I got my thyroid panel back:

TSH- 2.39
T4- 8.1 (range- 4.5-12)
T3 Uptake- 20 (LOW- range 24-39)
Free Thyroxine Index- 1.6 (range 1.2-4.9)

So my T3 Uptake is low and my Free T seems like it is on the low side as well. Thoughts?
Hi, everyone, chiming in on TSH. I had hypothyroidism during pregnancy. When I was pregnant with K, my TSH was 2.73 and my RE put me on Synthroid immediately. I was also monitored/treated by an endocrinologist who specializes in pregnancy. I found this recommendation for him by trimester online.

If trimester-specific reference ranges for TSH are not available in the laboratory, the following reference ranges are recommended: first trimester, 0.1–2.5 mIU/L; second trimester, 0.2–3.0 mIU/L; third trimester, 0.3–3.0 mIU/L. Level I-USPSTF

Here is an interview with my doctor on pregnancy and thyroid issues -

I was put on 25 mcg of Synthroid (lowest dose) and was able to maintain good TSH numbers throughout pregnancy (fluctuated between .93 and 1.80), but you should keep getting monitored as it does go up and down during pregnancy and dosage changes are common.

LV, I'm pulling for you - hope the IVF does the trick for you.

RT, that looks like a line to me. Healthy, sticky dust to you.
I believe the line yesterday was a faulty test but the line today looks like the real deal :) This one is from fmu

Random, I see the line right where it should be! Huge congrats & lots of sticky dust coming your way! Hoping you're kicking off a string of bfp's!

LV & SB, sending you loads of dust your way during your 2ww.

Amc, good luck with all of the testing. I hope your RE is helpful with the thyroid issues. (I wish I could be of assistance here.)

MP, cheering you on as always. I hope your first appointment with the RE goes well (I'd bring your DH if you can) & that s/he has a great plan for you moving forward.

Choro, I'm glad your HSG went well & wasn't painful. Good luck with the rest of the testing (though I hope you don't need it!)

SS & aviastar, hope you guys are doing well.

I'm cheering all of you ladies on like crazy!
Random- now that I'm on my phone I can see the line even more!
Bright - :wavey:

Random - I see the line! Have you tested again? Congrats to you!!! :appl: :appl:

JGator - Thanks for posting all of that info. Hope I have my results tomorrow (of the thyroid tests). Thanks for the support. I sure hope I'm lucky!! My beta isn't scheduled for next Tues, but I am sure I will test sooner!!

AMC - Have you discussed your results with your dr already, or will you need an appointment for that? Have one upcoming?
LV, I'm cheering you on! Hope to see some good news from you soon.
Loves Vintage|1396911716|3649251 said:
Bright - :wavey:

Random - I see the line! Have you tested again? Congrats to you!!! :appl: :appl:

JGator - Thanks for posting all of that info. Hope I have my results tomorrow (of the thyroid tests). Thanks for the support. I sure hope I'm lucky!! My beta isn't scheduled for next Tues, but I am sure I will test sooner!!

AMC - Have you discussed your results with your dr already, or will you need an appointment for that? Have one upcoming?

I just got off the phone with the nurse. She added Free T3 and T4 so I'm going in for more blood work. Basically, the doctor won't look at anything until all of the blood results are in. The office was closed but I'm to call in the morning and schedule a follow up. I'm hoping I can get something early next week. That way, if by chance he doesn't see any issues, we'd still be able to try this month. Who knows if I will be able to get in that early, though.
So, I tested this morning. BFN. ::Sad Face::

I had planned to test on Thursday, but bumped that up to Weds, and then started really wanting to test on Monday. So, I felt like Tues was a fair compromise. According to this link , I'm at day 7 - Fetal development continues and hCG continues to be secreted. I was going to wait til day 9, but then started reading on-line about women who got bfp's on day 7 after a 5 day transfer, and unbelievably, some even sooner. But, I am pretty sure I am not pregnant. I feel like I know how it feels to be pregnant by now, and I do not feel that way. I know things can change, but I just don't think they will.

ETA: Oh, and Hi Puppmom! Very nice to see you 'round these parts!
Aww, LV :((

I really hope you are wrong! But if not, I am really sorry. From that link you posted, it says hCG levels will be high enough to be detected 9 days post 5dt. So it could still be a bit too early. Were you able to freeze any embies?
LV, I'm so sorry about the bfn. It's still early so I'm holding out hope for you, but I definitely understand how devastating a bfn is, especially after going through IVF. Big hugs your way. Sending you tons of dust for good news in the next couple of days.