
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Ladies, you have been a source of knowledge, support, laughs, and tears over the last year. For that I am so grateful.

We had a bad week. I had an atypical HSG experience; my cervix is apparently quite small and it was very painful and remained painful for me for about 24 hours. The good news is tubes appear to be open and normal.

The metformin was, simply put, a disaster. I've been taken off of it.

We're stepping away. I need to know I can be happy again, so we are taking a break. After DHs coaching season is over we will see about contacting the RE where I was a donor.

I wish babies for all of us and my thoughts and prayers will be with you all even if I am not actively posting. Lots of love, luck, and fertility for us all!
Aviastar- I'm sorry to hear that things did not go how you would like. Even if you are not posting I will be thinking of you and your DH *big hugs*
Aviastar, I'm really sorry you had a rough experience and are having a hard time. I hope taking some time off will help you feel better, and like Random said, I'll still be sending good thoughts your way. Hopefully when you are ready to start again, the RE will have some good solutions for you. Take care.
aviastar, I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. I hope you can have peace and relaxation during your break. We'll miss you and wish you well, in babies and in life!

rt, hope you feel better soon.

mp, so strange about AF but glad it finally came. The lack of answers really is frustrating, isn't it?

AFM, BFN as expected. I'm really debating whether it's worth doing another IUI cycle or just moving to IVF now. On the one hand, I haven't had an ideal injectable/IUI cycle due to my lining issues and maybe I should give it one last try with the smaller dose and more time. On the other hand, I am unconvinced that IUI will work for me at all after four failures and I just want to get this over with - my emotional reserves are completely tapped out and I'm getting to the end of my rope.
Popping in quickly . . .

Aviastar - I hope that you have a good break and take the time you need to get back to feeling ok. This takes a tough toll on us, sometimes even when we don't realize it. I am glad that you see you need a break and that you are taking one. We are here for you when you need us.

SB - I am sorry to hear of your BFN. I really hope I am not out of line with this suggestion, but I would strongly suggest that you get a second opinion from another RE. It seems like if your lining issue was resolved, an IUI might work for you. It is so much less time-consuming, less costly and less stressful than IVF. What is your RE's plan to help your lining if you were to do IVF? Also, I know I've mentioned estrace before, but just for example, I am taking estrace now, as part of my IVF protocol. It would be interesting to hear from others whether they have taken estrace during IUI and IVF cycles. I do not mean to question your doctor, because I am not one, but I would for sure seek a second opinion before signing up for IVF.

I wish I had sought another opinion before deciding to stay at my clinic (though I am happy with the nurses and dr and am comfortable there.) If this cycle does not work, I will almost certainly be switching to a clinic (either locally or elsewhere) that has higher success rates for my age group.

Also, thank you for the suggestion to pull each days meds together into little bags. I did that after I took my first dose of the menopur, and it has made my life much easier. There are 5 different components that go into each bag. I NEVER would have thought of that on my own, so thank you for mentioning it!
Aviastar, I hope you can find some clarity in your break. I have moments pretty much every cycle where I say "Should we even be doing this to ourselves?" and then get sucked back in by a hopeful exam/scan. Check in often, and come back when YOU are ready. Hugs.

AFM, what a crazy month! I'm not sure if you call it two cycles in 6 weeks or one cycle or what but after 3 days of moderate/light flow AF (If you call it that) stopped with a remaining 6mm thickness, a remaining cyst/follicle, and a potential on coming on the left. Labs where all over the place so they couldn't tell if I was coming or going, ovulating or 'cysting'. Held off on the Femera and rescanned in a few days to find the cyst/follicle was 30 mm. Estrogen was increasing which I figured was from that, but they said BD in case this was an egg. L ovary decided to grow a follie that was 16 mm that day, so we triggered it 2 days later. Definitely feeling that now at about 48 hrs after the trigger. Hopefully something develops. The right side (cyst side) was very painful and crampy this weekend but has been very quiet the last 2 days so hopefully it popped or is shrinking or whatever. Guess I"m in the 2ww??? AGAIN. I know I need the triggers but man it makes the 2ww wait even harder to bear because I hate seeing false positives! You really do have to wait 2 weeks! Ugh. :)
SS, wow, that is crazy. I'm kind of surprised that they had you trigger with all of the confusion of this cycle, but hey, maybe it will all endup working out in the end witha nice BFP. Good luck!

LV, hope everything is going well with you and that you found a system that worked for all your meds. Fingers crossed big time!

SB, so sorry about the BFN. I know all too well how frustrating it is to go through four IUIs with absolutely nothing to show for it and no real answers. It's so devastating. I also understand your dilemma about whether to do another IUI or move straight to IVF, and I honestly don't know what I'd do in your situation. IVF is a pretty extreme step, but unfortunately, IUIs just don't work for some people. LV makes a good point though that before moving on to IVF, you should definitely have a talk with your doctor about how he intends to address the lining issue because you'd hate to go through the whole protocol only to find lining is still an issue. And since you didn't have lining issues before, it seems like there must be a solution to that. Hugs.
MP - I hope you are well and the wait is a nice break for you. Sorry for another confusing cycle, but maybe it's a sign your body needed a break? Always looking for silver lining . . . .

SB - One more thing -- I think I can answer my own question. If you were to do IVF, you could do a retrieval, freeze embryos and then transfer the next cycle. I actually saw one RE's website where he was advocating "delayed transfer" as a method of improving success rates. In a regular cycle, this would happen anyway if hormone levels were too high, lining was too thin, or other issues occurred that would indicate waiting to transfer. So, perhaps that's what he would suggest? I think I would still want to check to see if there are other opinions. Good luck!
LV, good to see you here - I'm glad you checked in and happy to hear that the baggie suggestion has helped. Of course you're not out of line suggesting that I seek a second opinion. I think that is probably a good thing for anyone with multiple failed cycles to do before starting IVF. Just to clarify, though, we have discussed how to improve my lining and have a plan both for the IUI and the IVF - it just doesn't involve estrogen because my RE doesn't think that's the key for me, and that makes sense to me based on our discussion and the data from all my prior cycles. I've only done one IUI with injectibles (and resulting thin lining), but I had three prior IUIs on Femara cycles where my lining was just fine and those still weren't successful. So there is something else going on beyond just the lining issue in the most recent two cycles that is making me question whether IUI will work for me and my DH. But I do think that your reminder that we all have a choice in who is treating us and that opinions may vary is an important one - just one more thing to research and figure out in this process! I am keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle of IVF is it for you.

ss, I've never heard of anything like that, but I hope it works out!

mp, thanks for the hugs - I need all I can get right now. I'm sorry that you are in the same boat with failed cycles and disappointment. I wish that we all had a crystal ball that would help us see how this all turns out in the end - it would make some of these decisions easier.
LV, yes, that's a good point on my body probably needing a break. Nice attempt at finding a silver lining :)

SB, glad to hear you have address the lining issue with your doc. Do you think you'd feel better and that you had exhausted all of your options if you had one good injectable cycle before moving on to IVF? Or do you feel like you can't bear another one? I do know what you mean though about questioning whether an IUI will work. In my case, it worked the first time we tried it last time, so it seems like it should work. But this time around, we have had two out of four cycles that seemed ideal where my lining and DH's counts were good, and I had at least three follicles. So, I just have a feeling that something mroe is going on that an IUI can't address. Here's a few more hugs for you. Keep us posted on what you decide to do.
Well we're about to move on to the have sex every single day method. EOD wasn't doin it for us and neither was SME.

If I haven't died from exhaustion, I'll let y'all know if I'm pregnant in 3 weeks :bigsmile:
Random, forgive me if it's obvious to everyone but me, but what does SME stand for? So many acronyms in this crazy TTC world, but I don't remember seeing that one. And good luck to you. I hope things work out better this cycle for you guys than the last few have.
monkeyprincess said:
Random, forgive me if it's obvious to everyone but me, but what does SME stand for? So many acronyms in this crazy TTC world, but I don't remember seeing that one. And good luck to you. I hope things work out better this cycle for you guys than the last few have.
Sperm Meets Egg!

EOD until +opk, then ED for three days, then one day off and one more BD.
mp, glad AF came. How strange! What options are you exploring past the IUI?

Aviastar, I'm so sorry for how you are feeling. I hope you can reconnect and find happiness.

sb, I second the second opinion. Sorry about the BFN. hugs hugs. :blackeye:

ss, fingers crossed! Good luck!

random, hope that works for you :D

AFM, 8DPO, My temperature took a 0.01 F dip and spotting started. :roll: oi oi oi. My sleep schedule is all over the place so such temperature variance is unreliable anyway. Two more days until I get a consult :)
amc80|1395259249|3637471 said:
Sperm Meets Egg!

EOD until +opk, then ED for three days, then one day off and one more BD.

Thanks AMC. I had no idea that was a "thing" :) Seems logical though. Other than the very last BD session, I guess that is pretty similar to what DH and I have done throughout our TTC history. Hasn't worked for us, but good BD timing has never been our problem.

Choro, I definitely wouldn't read into the very minor temp drop. The spotting is frustrating though. Is that typical for you? Good luck at your appointment. I'm so jealous you only have two days to go. I still have almost 4 weeks until mine. To answer your question, I honestly don't know what we're willing to do beyond more IUIs and possibly adding injectables into the mix. I have some personal reservations when it comes to IVF, although I'm softening a bit to the idea as my situation becomes more dire. We have no fertility insurance coverage, so it would be a big financial undertaking as well. Hopefully, in your case, some minimal intervention will do the trick. Keep us posted.
Yikes mp, I can't imagine IVF without insurance. I guess I should look into what our insurance covers :?
Spotting is something that I've had since AF came back after giving birth. It progressively increases that it's hard to pinpoint CD1. I should be used to it now, but I still get a sinking gut punch every time it happens. And each time I still foolishly cling to the hope that it's something else. Right now I'm so hungry and tired that makes me wonder about symptoms, but the rational scientist in me knows my uterus is embryo free.

Aviastar, HUGS again.

SS, are you going to test early?

Random, hope you are tired and sweaty (coz that's more fun :cheeky: ), but not too tired to keep going :naughty:
choro72|1395346850|3638143 said:
Random, hope you are tired and sweaty (coz that's more fun :cheeky: ), but not too tired to keep going :naughty:

Hahah *drinks a red bull*
It's only been 1 day and I'm already ready to be done!
rt, hope you are still keeping your energy up! Every day is quite an undertaking...

choro, did you have your appointment? how did it go?

mp, thanks. I'm sorry you are in the same boat wondering what is going on this time - it's the pits.

I decided to do one more IUI cycle, in the hopes that we'll get a good injectable cycle this time before moving on. Since we've tried a different protocol each injectable cycle, I also think this is still a learning opportunity about how my body responds to the drugs that can help us fine-tune things for an IVF cycle.
SB, I think I would have made the same decision. Let's just keep our fingers crossed that your lining and everything else looks good this time around and that it finally works. And that's a good point that even if it doesn't work, hopefully, it will help your doctors know what the best protocol will be for IVF.

Choro, let us know how your appointment went when you get a chance. I hope you have a plan of action in place.

Random, hope everything went well for you. Have you been able to confirm ovulation yet?

LV, any updates from you? Keeping my fingers crossed!

Hi to everyone else!
SB - I hope you have a successful cycle! It is very true that we learn more and more re: how we will respond with each cycle.

MP - Thanks for asking about me! I am still taking meds, but all is looking good. I wish I had a way to contact you more privately, because I would tell you every last detail in email!! I am just not too keen on sharing all the details on here.

Choro - How was your apptmt? Was it with an RE or an ob/gyn?
Choro I feel like we're in the same boat. This time spotting and cramping started about 7 DPO, but according to my progesterone level of 2.5 today, I don't think I'm post-anything. Medications, trigger, and still no ovulation? Consider me stumped and put in my place.

My test result came via automated email, so I don't have a Dr's take on this result or plan until tomorrow.

Beyond frustrated.
Today is CD 14 so ov should be coming anyday now. I'm predicting it will come tomorrow or the next day but what do I know :))
Here's my chart right now if anyone is interested...

Random, here's hoping O comes soon. It looks like your chart is moving in the right direction for that to happen soon. Good luck! I'm about to O in the next day or so too because I had a positive OPK this morning. Your BDing has been better timed than ours because we had company at our house this weekend. I'm sure we'll BD the next couple of days, but I'm not going to push it since I don't feel like we have much of a chance of making it happen before our RE appointment anyway. If it happens, it happens.

SS, I think you just need a reboot after this crazy cycle. Must be very frustrating. Hopefully things will be more on track next time around.

LV, I understand your desire for privacy. Just know my thoughts are with you, and I hope you'll have good news to share soon.
monkeyprincess|1395770206|3641113 said:
Random, here's hoping O comes soon. It looks like your chart is moving in the right direction for that to happen soon. Good luck! I'm about to O in the next day or so too because I had a positive OPK this morning. Your BDing has been better timed than ours because we had company at our house this weekend. I'm sure we'll BD the next couple of days, but I'm not going to push it since I don't feel like we have much of a chance of making it happen before our RE appointment anyway. If it happens, it happens.

That was our cycle last month. I think when I told DH that if we didn't get our act together this month that I was done trying really made a big difference. It's horrible but it kicked his butt into gear...

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!
Random, glad to hear your DH is on the same page as you this cycle. I know that the next few cycles are critical for you after your endo surgery, so let's just hope it happens this time! Fingers crossed.

Honestly, in our case, it is me who is being the holdout lately. DH is pretty much always on board to BD and tries especially hard to make it happen when he knows it's around O time, but I'm subconsciously or sometimes consciously finding excuses or doing things to prevent it from happening if that makes sense. That's been the case the past couple of months, and I really have nobody to blame but myself. But at the same time, the chances of us getting pregnant on our own have to be pretty slim. I think we've tried about 25 times total on our own with either perfect or at least good timing, and it just hasn't happened. The only time I got pregnant was with clomid/IUI, but the other 4 times we tried IUI, it didn't work. I guess I shouldn't just throw my hands up in the air and give up because I know that there is always a chance it could happen and has happened in more hopeless cases than ours, but I guess I'm just frustrated and am having a hard time imagining I'll get pregnant again. Hoping my appointment next month gives me renewed hope.
Random, Glad your DH is cooperating :appl: Good luck!

sb, I hope you at least get more answers with this cycle. Good luck!

ss, is that ng or nmol? Either way that's super annoying! Keep us updated after the doctor's visit.

mp, I understand your reservation. After 25 times of timed BD I don't blame you. The obgyn told us mushy stuff about bd because we love each other, but meh. I'm excited for your appointment though! So far awaaaaaayyyy.

AFM, thanks everyone for asking. We met with the OBGYN on Friday. After a 1.5 hours wait and no validation for parking, we thought about different options. Once we met her, she had us hooked. She (seemed like she) cared a lot about each of us. We don't like the medical center but we'll stick with her for now.

She ordered a 3 and 21 day blood draw, a pelvic exam to check for cyst (I did with my DS), SA, and HSG. My temperature plummeted last night so I'm debating if I should count today as CD1 or tomorrow as CD1. My spot (is it even spotting?) is so bad that I can't even tell when CD1 is :(sad Either way, I'll go in for the blood draw on Friday (CD3 or 4), and make an appointment for the HSG. Busy month, but I hope we can get to the root of the problem.
Looks like I ovulated yesterday. Not ideal timing but it is what it is. So we hit 0, 0-2 and 0-3. Just in case we'll bd today too. (Yes I like to plug in future dates just to see ;)) )

On another note, I almost had to go to the ER due to ovulation pains. Yes, ovulation pains. I was about 99% sure I had kidney stones until my temp went up this morning and the pain eased. Good lord that was horrible.

Random, I think you had good timing this cycle. Yikes, sorry about the ovulation pain. Perhaps you should mention that to your doctor. I never really feel any ovulation pain, so I have no idea what that would be like, but it sounds awful. Really hoping things work out for you this cycle.

Choro, sorry it has come to this point for you, but it sounds like they are having you do all the typical tests, and hopefully, you can get to the root of what is going on. As far as what to call CD1, I have always been told it is the first day of actual red flow, but believe me, I get what you mean about the spotting. Sometimes I have what appears to be CD1 only to have it stop later that day or the next and have to start figuring it out all over again. Hope all of your tests go well!

AFM, I'm pretty sure I will ovulate today or did so yesterday based on my OPKs. I will almost certainly have one more cycle after this before I can start any more treatments since I will get AF the week before my RE appointment and it will be too late to do anything for next cycle. Lately I've been trying to get used to the idea that our son might be our only child. It's not what I want or imagined, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. A lot will depend on what kind of odds the RE gives us.
Choro- I'm happy that you are finally getting some answers! Hopefully when you know what is going on you'll be able to get pregnant very soon!

MP- I understand about starting to think about your child as an only child. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't had the same thoughts. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm at the same level of accepting it as you are. I'm still pulling for both of us!
Random, believe me, I'm far from accepting the idea and still get teary-eyed when I think about it, but I'm just trying to be realistic and force myself to see that as a possibility. So much of this is out of my control, so I want to make sure I can be "okay" with the idea of having an only child. I'm not quite there yet, but like I said, it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world, and we would still be a happy family, albeit a much smaller family than we'd planned. But I'm not ready to give up just yet, depending on what the RE has to say.