
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Of course I don't hate you, Random! All valid points and considerations!

Doc wanted to do the HSG first and her reasoning was sound to me; but neither of us have ruled out the lap as a next step! The metformin was what surprised me the most, but she went through the possible negatives and they seem mild compared to the potential benefits in the long run; I am so happy to hear you think it's helping! I've had weird blood sugar things since my early twenties, but never enough that it triggered any doc to look for diabetes, so it would not surprise me at this point if it makes a difference, I just never thought about it.

She also ordered another CD21 blood work progesterone, because I have one that's 2 and one that's 10; she wants a tie breaker before I start taking it so she can reasses my levels herself. That seems to me to be a conservative course of action and I like that luteal phase defect is at least on the table for discussion.

Of course, I'm a huge advocate of listening to your own intuition, too. So far, DH are taking everything in ( we did not expect this today) and we will continue to assess and re-asses every step as we go forward. I need y'all's experiences so I can do that effectively, so thank you!
aviastar|1394501434|3631408 said:
Of course I don't hate you, Random! All valid points and considerations!

Doc wanted to do the HSG first and her reasoning was sound to me; but neither of us have ruled out the lap as a next step! The metformin was what surprised me the most, but she went through the possible negatives and they seem mild compared to the potential benefits in the long run; I am so happy to hear you think it's helping! I've had weird blood sugar things since my early twenties, but never enough that it triggered any doc to look for diabetes, so it would not surprise me at this point if it makes a difference, I just never thought about it.

She also ordered another CD21 blood work progesterone, because I have one that's 2 and one that's 10; she wants a tie breaker before I start taking it so she can reasses my levels herself. That seems to me to be a conservative course of action and I like that luteal phase defect is at least on the table for discussion.

Of course, I'm a huge advocate of listening to your own intuition, too. So far, DH are taking everything in ( we did not expect this today) and we will continue to assess and re-asses every step as we go forward. I need y'all's experiences so I can do that effectively, so thank you!

Ah that makes more sense then :)

Do you have a child already? I couldn't remember because it's been a few years since I've been on ps. I also have the sugar level issues and I didn't conceive my son until I lowered my insulin levels naturally through working out (I'm not suggesting this, I just happened to start working out a lot at the time as I didn't know I had any issues) so I'm convinced there is definitely something to that notion as well.

On that note...I need to start working out again lol...ohhh how I hate working out! I probably need to start eating better again too lol
Aviastar, interesting information. It seems like an HSG is a sensible first step, so you at least know if your tubes are open. I don't know much about endo, but I have heard that if you have endometriosis, even if your tubes are open, the endometriosis sometimes make your body more hostile to conception. She might be leaning the IUI or IVF route because supposedly even if you have surgery to remove endo, a lot of times that doesn't fix your fertility problems and you end up needing IVF anyway. Like I said, I don't know much about endo though, so I guess you have to trust your doctor on that one. I did want to say one thing about the progesterone. I would be very careful about blindly starting it on CD21 or having your blood drawn just because it's CD21. You are really supposed to have it tested 7 days after ovulation, and you are supposed to start progesterone supplements about three days after ovulation and then stop when you get AF or if AF doesn't come, after you take an HPT 14 days past ovulation. Your progesterone supposedly peaks on 7dpo, so if CD21 is not on or around 7dpo, it really won't give you the information you are looking for. Hope that made sense.

SS, darnit, I'm sorry you had a short unsuccessful cycle as well. So frustrating. What's the next step for you? I am having that same thing I had a few cycles back where AF starts and then disappears again. I assume it will start for real in the next couple ofdays. That is something I will definitely be asking the RE about.
Yes, I feel like it came on with a vengence and is just kinda putzing out, although still here, just lighter than I thought. My last US showed my lining was 12 mm... I would think this would be a heavy one? Maybe thats unrelated, but one would think theres a lot that needs to come out! They wouldn't say much on what the next step is until I get my US tomorrow morning. I think a lot has to do with what that cyst is up to. They have thrown out the HSG idea a few times lately, which I'm not totally against, something to cross off the list. For as troublesome as this cyst has been hormone-wise, I haven't felt a thing on that side (R). Everything has been on the left, or the central uterus region more than anything. Cramping has been much worse than usual this month.

I have to laugh when I picture them doing a HSG, like they are blowing out leaves out of a gutter or something. I dont' know why I get that visual. Anyone, does this hurt or require much downtime?? I can handle pain, but just like to know what to expect.
SS, I've had two HSGs, and I found them both to be no more uncomfortable than a pap smear. I was told to take ibuprofen beforehand. Both times I had one tube that was slow to open, but even then, I really didn't feel much of any discomfort. I guess certain people just react differently or something because I remember being terrified the first time because I read horror stories online of people saying it was really painful. That just hasn't been my experience though. I guess it doesn't hurt for you to have an HSG, but since you were able to get pregnant within the past few months, it seems clear that at least one of your tubes is open and functioning properly. Some places make you get an HSG before an IUI, so maybe that is the reasoning?

Also, a few months ago when I thought AF started and then it stopped, the NP could tell I still had a lot of lining that I needed to shed, so I suspect you will find the same thing. How long have you had your cyst? Have they suggested any treatment for that? Are they able to tell if it is just a functional cyst or something different?

PS - One thing I forgot to mention is that the worst part of the HSG for me is that it is super awkward because there are like three people in the room and you are all exposed for quite awhile. I definitely did not view it anything like blowing leaves out. so that was a funny visual.
SS & MP- have you guys tried B12 for cycle length? I did it awhile ago and it actually increased my cycle by about 5 days, just a suggestion :) :read:
SS- I just had an HSG on Friday. I was nervous because I've read it can be anything from like a pap to OMG screaming in pain. I really didn't find it bad at all. Very similar to a pap. The only pain I had was for about 30 seconds, and that just felt like bad AF cramps. There was also some bleeding for a few hours after (more like heavy spotting). I like your "blowing out leaves" analogy. I thought of it as cleaning out the pipes, which is partially what it is doing.
random_thought|1394557484|3631777 said:
SS & MP- have you guys tried B12 for cycle length? I did it awhile ago and it actually increased my cycle by about 5 days, just a suggestion :) :read:

Random, I hadn't heard of taking B12, only B6. Glad it seems to have worked for you though. BTW, I tried taking B6 this summer, and on my second cycle, it delayed ovulation and caused me to have a 6 week cycle, compared to my normal 3.5 week ones. I was probably taking too much and for too long periods of time though, so it was probably my fault. I've pretty much sworn off self-prescribing any more supplements after that.
monkeyprincess|1394558861|3631793 said:
random_thought|1394557484|3631777 said:
SS & MP- have you guys tried B12 for cycle length? I did it awhile ago and it actually increased my cycle by about 5 days, just a suggestion :) :read:

Random, I hadn't heard of taking B12, only B6. Glad it seems to have worked for you though. BTW, I tried taking B6 this summer, and on my second cycle, it delayed ovulation and caused me to have a 6 week cycle, compared to my normal 3.5 week ones. I was probably taking too much and for too long periods of time though, so it was probably my fault. I've pretty much sworn off self-prescribing any more supplements after that.

You're right, it was B6. I think I am losing my mind lol. I'm sorry it didn't work for you :(
I usually don't have a problem with cycle length. Again, it seems to be the cyst making up its own hormone factory. I put all blame on this cycle (if you can call it that) on that thing. It looked black on the US, like the other follicles, so the tech didnt think it was blood filled, but I'm sure they're going to study the crap out of it specifcally tomorrow. Those things change so much over the course of a month.

MP I kind of thought the same thing about being PG 3 months ago, and apparently from the R ovary, so that tube was working at the time. My regular OB said that right away too after the MC, along the lines of "well at least we know that tube works!". We'll know more and have a plan after tomorrow morning's appt. I'm going to be a little bummed if we have to call off next cycle to let things calm down (I've officially hit the 1 year TTC mark and getting impatient with my body at this point), but I understand we have to do what we have to do to get back to baseline. My body obviously does not like medicating 2 months in a row.
And thanks ladies for the HSG reports. Helps to know it was bearable!
Good news ladies!

8dpo and gassy lol!

I'm getting carried away aren't I :halo:
I keep meaning to ask this, and I keep forgetting. For those of you who have seen an RE, what happened at your first visit? I have a feeling it is going to be a lot of them asking questions about our TTC history and medical history, etc. I'm hoping that because I've had a lot of the testing done already - FSH, AMH, HSG and DH has had multiple SAs, that we will able to skip some of the initial stuff that people who have not had any fertility treatments have to do. But who knows? And did you bring your husband to your first appointment? I would like DH to be there, so we can get a realistic assessment of what are options are and the likelihood of success, etc. Would it be weird for DH to come to the first appointment?
monkeyprincess|1394570411|3631925 said:
I keep meaning to ask this, and I keep forgetting. For those of you who have seen an RE, what happened at your first visit? I have a feeling it is going to be a lot of them asking questions about our TTC history and medical history, etc. I'm hoping that because I've had a lot of the testing done already - FSH, AMH, HSG and DH has had multiple SAs, that we will able to skip some of the initial stuff that people who have not had any fertility treatments have to do. But who knows? And did you bring your husband to your first appointment? I would like DH to be there, so we can get a realistic assessment of what are options are and the likelihood of success, etc. Would it be weird for DH to come to the first appointment?

I'd bring DH. Mine was supposed to come but had to work overtime at the last minute. I'd bring all of your test results and print outs of any charts you have. The first visit was the RE going over my history (TTC and other medical stuff), looking over my charts, and giving me the "sperm + egg + uterus = baby" talk. Then, we went into the exam room and he did an ultrasound. I went right after ovulation so not much more could be scheduled at that time, I just had instructions to call on CD1.
monkeyprincess|1394570411|3631925 said:
I keep meaning to ask this, and I keep forgetting. For those of you who have seen an RE, what happened at your first visit? I have a feeling it is going to be a lot of them asking questions about our TTC history and medical history, etc. I'm hoping that because I've had a lot of the testing done already - FSH, AMH, HSG and DH has had multiple SAs, that we will able to skip some of the initial stuff that people who have not had any fertility treatments have to do. But who knows? And did you bring your husband to your first appointment? I would like DH to be there, so we can get a realistic assessment of what are options are and the likelihood of success, etc. Would it be weird for DH to come to the first appointment?

I didn't bring DH along because he really doesn't care to be there when I get paps and I did have one done that day.

I had some bloodworm drawn and they had me discuss all the symptoms I had been having, I mentioned what I suspected was the cause and they also agreed so we whipped out the ultrasound machine and checked out the ole ovaries. A month later dh had his SA. In that first month I had CD21 and also the CD3? testing as well as an insulin fasting test. I got started on the metformin for the first month because they wouldn't do the lap until my blood sugar levels leveled out. A month later I was able to schedule my lap and now we're just giving it time.

I hope that helps?
Very very light pink on my toilet paper yesterday at 8dpo, so light I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't looked at it. Only the one time and gone since then, exhaustion, bad cramps today at 9dpo. PLEASE PLEASE LET THIS BE IT!
nevermind, looks like im getting af a week early instead :( sigh
Random, darn. That seems to be the trend around here this cycle. I think I'm about 12dpo, andI have had spotting on and off for the past week and am still waiting on AF to officially arrive.

Random and amc, thanks for the info on your first appointments. It sounds like it would be a good idea to have DH come along. He was there for childbirth and some of my IUIs, so if they decide to do an exam, I'm pretty sure he can handle it or step out of the room. But this is just as important to him as it is to me, so I think he will want to be there to get the information first hand and to ask any questions he might have.
MP, at my first RE visit, we met with the RE in his office. I did not get an exam, and I think it was beneficial for DH to be there.
Thanks JGator, good to know. Just over a month to go. I think I can make it :)

Argh, I'm frustrated with my body at the moment. I was so sure AF had started on Monday because it was definitely more than spotting, but since then it is just MIA. I took an HPT this morning just to be sure there wasn't something more going on, but it was of course BFN. Hopefully, it will start up again in the next few days so I can just move on to another cycle. That, or maybe I am having an annovulatory cycle? I really hope there is something the RE can do to get me pregnant. I'm started to feel like my body is just broken.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I think SB is in the 2ww, right? Anyone else?
MP, how many DPO are you? I think you will get some renewed hope and optimism when you see the RE and he/she comes up with a plan for you. I really hope they can get you in early, but maybe you won't need an RE.
MP, ditto. ditto. ditto.

Mine stopped today too. My US showed my lining was still 7 mm yesterday. My estrogen was through the roof, which I interpret as the evil cyst taking over. Another US tomorrow to see what the cyst is doing, what my estrogen and progesterone levels are doing, and then see if we should try femera again. I just feel like this is not the end of this cycle yet, like I will start AF all over again on Monday, which is when AF should have come. I am a hot crabby mess today, so one of the hormones must be crashing!!!
MP, I'm sorry to hear about the AF confusion, I hope you get a clear verdict soon. I'm going to tell you the same thing my RE told me this week: don't panic! You have the huge advantage of knowing that your body can achieve a healthy pregnancy, so I think it is just a matter of time for you. My first visit to the RE was the same as jgator, just an office visit with no exam and I brought my husband. I think you'll be able to get going pretty quickly since you've already had lots of the testing done too.

rt and ss, so sorry about the early AF. hang in there.

aviastar, it must have been hard to get so much information you weren't expecting, but it sounds like you and your doc have a good course of action. how is the metformin going so far? I hear it can be tough.

lv and brightlight, hope you're both doing well.

Afm, still trucking along in the 2WW. I met with my RE about my lining and he said not to panic. He thinks the main factor is time, since I have triggered earlier with my injectable cycles than with Femara. He wants to try one more injectable/IUI cycle with even smaller drug doses to develop my follicles more slowly and give my lining time to catch up. If that doesn't work...he says it's time to move to IVF. I'm still wrapping my head around that and hoping that this cycle or next cycle will work.

Oh, and he still doesn't want to do estrogen pre-ovulation, but said we can discuss post-ovulation again after we see how my lining looks next cycle.
SB, that makes sense about the timing and the lining. Interesting though because I already am ready to trigger by CD9 or 10 with clomid and femara, so I'm guessing I would need low doses of injectables if I try them. Here's hoping this cycle or next works for you. I've got everything crossed. If not, is IVF a realistic option for you? And it sounds like you have a wise doctor. It's hard not to panic that things aren't happening the way they should, but he's probably seen a lot and knows that you are by no means a lost cause. And thanks for repeating that to me. You are so right that my body has done this before and hopefully can do it again with the right kind of help.

SS, so strange. Let us know what you find out about that cyst.

JGator, I think I'm around 13dpo. The past few cycles when I was on fertility meds and prometrium, I had like 17 day LPs, but my typical unmediated LP is less than 11-12 days. I had these weird start and stop AFs a few months back before I started triggering and using prometrium, so maybe this is my new normal.
Aviastar, hang in there. I hope the test will come up with something at least.

MP, darn, I was really hoping that the bleeding would stop. That's so weird that it stopped. How is your temperature? I start spotting around 8dpo, and progressively gets into bleeding but it never stops.

Random, sorry about AF.

SB, fingers crossed for you! How do you feel about IVF?

AFM, my temperature shot up last night. We only had a O-1.5 session this time, because I don't think our O-6 whim counts. I don't have much hope for this cycle as with the other cycles, but next Friday with the obgyn can't come fast enough. I hope I can push for action rather than the "first get to know each other' talk.

One of my mom friend just had her second. Three more moms with their second on their way, one who I just found out about yesterday. I put on a very big smile and squealed up and down and got all the details. I think I did very well.
Choro, you just never know. I have heard many stories of people who have fallen pregnant waiting for an appointment with an RE or IVF, etc., and hopefully that will be you. I don't happen to be one of those people, but it does happen :) I am experiencing the exact same thing with you with friends and acquaintances who had their first around the same time as me and are either heavily pregnant or have already had their second. It's sometimes hard not to be jealous, but I do my best to happy for them, and don't get me wrong, I am happy for them, but it's hard to see others getting what you want so easily. Hang in there.

AFM, I'm stumped. AF still has not resumed since Monday. I guess it's possible something was up with my lining and I just had a super short AF of less than a full day and not that heavy? Anyone ever had that? Or maybe it is still waiting to come in full force this weekend. I thought I felt a little crampy this morning, so who knows. I guess if nothing happens by next week, I could see if the NP would let me come in for an ultrasound to see what might be happening.
Thank you so much mp. I'm truly glad for my pregnant friends, but it feels good to let it out here. At the same time I feel guilty for despairing already. Compared to many of your experiences, my 8 months seems like nothing.

That's so strange about your AF. I had AFs like that when I was on birth control pill, but not naturally. Hope you get some answers soon!
choro, I can definitely relate to the feelings of jealousy about others who are pregnant and then feeling guilty about it. I'm happy for them, but I'm so ready to be happy for me too. I hope that you have success soon, either with or without the RE.

mp, I hope you were able to get some clearer news about your body this weekend.

You can add me to the strange cycle club this month - I typically wouldn't expect my period until Wednesday or Thursday this week and don't spot leading up to it, but I started spotting very lightly yesterday afternoon and it's already heavier this morning. Very strange since I'm also on progesterone this cycle. I haven't taken a preg test yet, but I'll take one tonight I guess - I'm sure I'm out. I am so tired of all of this. IVF is a possibility for us and we'll probably go ahead with it for a few cycles, but I'm not looking forward to it, especially since I'm not even sure what our problem is that makes it necessary. This all feels so hopeless. I keep trying to focus on the fact that my RE still thinks we have a good chance of conceiving one way or the other, but I am having trouble believing it.
Well, CD6 and just getting over the norovirus. PRAYING and crossing everything that DH and C don't get sick with it this week (aka sex week) as well. Bleegggghhhh *crawls back into bed*

No sympathy needed, just thought I should give an update of sort :wavey:
Choro, when you are ready to be pregnant and it doesn't happen within a few months of trying, I think it is completely normal to feel like you do. Sure you haven't been trying that long in the grand scheme of things and haven't yet started any treatment, but it still sucks when things don't work out they way you had planned. I'm very hopeful for you that it will happen very soon. Hang in there.

SB, argh, the unexpected spotting is so frustrating, especially when you are taking progesterone. I would still take a pregnancy test to see if the spotting might have a more interesting cause, but if not, I'm really sorry. Infertility diagnosis is so frustrating because in a lot of cases, you just don't get very good answers as to what the problem is. I wish there were better ways to monitor and diagnose our reproductive systems. The good thing about IVF is that it bypasses so many of the potential infertility causes, even if you aren't able to pinpoint the problem.

Random, sending you good health thoughts. Just do your best. DH and I have had to BD through illnesses, etc. a few times, because sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta. Good luck!

AFM, I'm happy to report that today is official CD3. AF arrived on Saturday. I have no idea why I would start spotting so early in this cycle and then have a 15 day LP. Super strange if you ask me, but pretty par for the course for me lately. I am sure I won't have anything more to report for the next month, but I'm sure that won't stop me from continuing to post :)