
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

JGator|1409065416|3739506 said:
LV, good luck today. I hope you get your forever baby/embie today.

MP, I totally get it, but try to stay "cautiously optimistic". That's what I did with K after my loss. But, I really sighed a breath of relief at around the 12 week mark. Every day is a day closer to your dream, and every day AF stays away is a good sign too.

LC, glad you were able to relax with friends.

RT, hope you caught a good egg!

AFM, we are in Maine. It's been hotter than I expected during the day, but we are stil having a nice time. K did great on the 1.5 hour flight - I think her ears hurt when we were descending, but that's the only time she cried. I think I have had lobster every day so far - last night I had 1, the night before 2. The prices are unbelievable - like $10.99 for one or $14.99 for 2 lobsters! We are planning to take K blueberry picking today. No sign of a positive OPK, but I am only on CD 10. Oh, and K and DH survived my trip last week. She was up late and had McDonalds for dinner, but survived without me without any scratches!

JGator, we just got back from Wells, Maine last week! I think I had seafood - lobster, fried clams, steamers almost ever day of the week! When we got home I was ready for a steak! Ha ha! Enjoy your stay! Good luck on the OPK's!!!
LC, thanks. Those are good suggestions. I've been turning to prayer, which is about the only thing I know to do this in situation. And no matter the outcome, we will just keep forging ahead, because there's really no other option. I have to say that you and JGator and others who have experienced loss but still try again with optimism are heros in my eye. I cannot even imagine the anxiety that comes after that. Thanks for all the support as always!

JGator, yay! Sounds like so much fun. We never took a real vacation this summer, and now I regret it, but it was hard to plan with all the fertility treatment stuff. Enjoy the lobster and sun! Oh, and glad to hear K and your DH survived the couple days without you. Big step for all of you :)

Random, darnit. We've definitely had a few instances like that in our TTC journey. The pressure of timing things perfectly is just too much sometimes and life gets in the way. Hopefully, you still were/are able to get some bding in within the window.
I haven't had much time lately, but wanted to do a drive by to send good vibes to everyone in an active part of their cycle or waiting for news right now. Fingers crossed for you all!
Hi Everyone,

Transfer was today. Our little embryo was day 6 and hatching. I am so so so hopeful. I really believe this will be our baby. I am trying to stay positive and relaxed! Taking it very easy today, and will take it moderately easy tomorrow.

MP - I know you will feel better as time goes on. Try to focus on your daily activities. I hope that you find prayer helpful.

JGator - Sounds like a fun vacation. I'm jealous of the blueberry picking! You will have to get a copy of Blueberries for Sal to read with K. Good luck this cycle and enjoy your trip!

LC - I hope you are doing ok.

RT - Sorry to hear about the bad timing.

SB - :wavey: Hope you are doing well.
LV, yay! I hope that blast is settling in for a long stay right now! I'm also SO hopeful that this is it for you!

SB, hope things are going well and that you're gearing up for your next FET.
Hi, SB! :wavey: Hope all is well.

Congrats, LV! Stick baby stick! When will you go in for a beta? We will look for the book you recommended. K's a big fan of blueberries. One of the few foods she will eat.

MP, I know exactly what you mean about fertility and timing taking over your life and not leaving room for vacations. That's what happened with K. This is our 2nd vacation this year - the first was with the in-laws though so not sure that counts! Unfortunately, my DH has been working and taking calls several times a day so he's not completely on vacation with us.

Hi, Lizzy! :wavey:

RT, looks like you might be okay with your CD 17 action. Stranger things have happened! Good luck with the TWW.

AFU, not much new to report. Blueberry picking was a success. My DD is waking up super early here as the curtains are mini blinds and her room is really sunny in the AM. She usually gets up around 730 at home and she has been getting up before 6am. So, my temps are not consistent here either. Will have to rely on the OPKs.
Thanks, MP and JGator! My beta is scheduled for NEXT Thursday. Hahahaha! I figure I will test on Monday, though I think it might be possible to test sooner . . . the only test I have is a digi from who knows how long ago, haha, so I am going to try not to buy any. Can't test if you don't one!
LV, I think it's a good idea to keep the tests out of the house. Surprisingly, I had several leftover tests from my IUIs, but I really wasn't even tempted to test until beta day (8dp5dt). If I were you, I'd hold out as long as you can - maybe Tuesday or Wednesday (but I'm guessing that won't happen!). Since it's an FET, I assume you didn't need a trigger, so at least when you do see a line, you'll know it's the real deal. Take it easy today!
Good advice, MP. All I can say is "we'll see" haha! I will stay out of the dollar store through the weekend! :saint: Any other tips for me? Did you eat pineapple core? I have a whole pineapple, but haven't started yet. I just took a nap, and then woke up worrying my blanket was too warm . . . sigh.
LV, I don't really have any tips. I truly think it all comes down to a receptive uterus, implantable embryo, and pure luck. I was told to stay lying down for the first 24 hours except to go the bathroom. The next day I could've resumed normal activities, but since all I had planned to do that day was a CLE, I skipped it, and stayed at home and took it easy. After that, I did whatever I wanted, but I tried to avoid lifting anything heavy, including my son. No pineapple for me. I even ate a few frozen fruit bars with Ev, even though I later read advice saying you shouldn't eat anything cold! Hoping this is it for you.

I'm completely pretending I don't have my ultrasound tomorrow. Easier just not to think about it. I almost wish they'd just wait until next week, but I guess this is their standard procedure at 5w6d. We are traveling home for my nephew's baptism this weekend, and I'm worried, it's going to be really hard if we get bad news.
These doctors make me crazy! My RE told me yesterday it would be better if I was sitting up because of how it would position my uterus. I did lie down for the first IVF. They told me it was ok to be at 50% activity today, so I made muffins with S this morning. Then, started thinking, huh, what am I doing making muffins? Maybe that's too much. Crazy time. I haven't run a marathon today, so I'm guessing I'm ok! I do tend to agree with you, luck is what I need most at this point!

I didn't realize your u/s was scheduled for tomorrow. I will be thinking of you. And, you better start thinking how great you are going to feel this weekend knowing that everything is just fine!!
LV, exactly! Making muffins is completely fine! And much more fun than laying around. I read so much advice that is the opposite of what I was told - that is better to resume normal activities immediately for better bloodflow. Who knows. I just decided I'd do what my doctor told me and not second guess it. And yes, I am trying to stay cautiously optimistic about tomorrow. It really can go either way at this point, and I'll be so thrilled if this baby decides to stick around.
LV, lots of baby dust!! I'm pulling for your little embie to snuggle in tight and STICK!

MP, best of luck tomorrow. I have a good feeling for you, I really do.
LV, I'm praying for a sticky little embie for you! And muffins are a *great* way to to ease into your normal activity. I just had to chuckle a little bit since you're doing (hopefully) double-duty baking!! ;))

MP, Gah! I'm going to obsessively check this thread tomorrow! I'm sending you so much happy healthy sticky baby dust you're probably sneezing right now. Praying for everything to be just fine. I remember how dramatic the start of Ev's pregnancy was, maybe this baby doesn't want you to rest on your laurels either.
So, I didn't find out anything definitive today. There was a gestational sac with a yolk sac, but no heartbeat yet. They weren't concerned and said it is 50/50 whether they'd see a heartbeat on this first scan. If it's not there by next week, then it's a problem. Still waiting to hear back on my blood work, and that might give me more information whether things are progressing as expected. So the wait continues. I can't help but feel a bit bummed, even though I knew this was a likely outcome.
That's great news, MP!! Everything is there that should be there...most times a hb is not detected until the 6th week! Keeping you in my prayers!
MP, I think you should try not to stress about not seeing a HB at 5w6d. I wish they would have just had you come in next week. Hopefully, the blood test results will alleviate your fears and help you get through the weekend. Keep us posted.

LV, bake away!
MP, seeing a gestational sac and yolk sac at 5w+6d is awesome! The same thing happened to me at my 6w ultrasound. My OB had me come in 2 weeks later, and there was a strong HB by then and everything looked normal. Hope you can relax a bit when you get your blood results back, but I have a really good feeling for you that this is Ev's little sibling! And like LC said, try to remember that you are totally pregnant!!!

LV, can't wait for your update next week!
Thanks, guys. I hadn't heard back about the bloodwork and was too nervous to call, so DH called for me. They told him everything was fine and to come in next week, but he rightly told him that I would want to know a number, so they told him it was 3214. That's just so low for almost 6 weeks, and it was only doubling every 70 hours. They told DH they don't worry about doubling every 2 days once you reach 1,000. But I had such a sinking feeling when I heard the number. I really wish I could be happy and just stay cautiously optimistic, but just don't think this is going to be a healthy pregnancy.

ETA - DH called again after talking to me and talked to the doctor. She said, we'll tell if you we are concerned. Right now we are not concerned and have seen numbers like this. I guess I just need to calm down and see what next week brings and prepare myself for whatever outcome. Sorry to be such a drama queen all the time.
MP, you're not a drama queen at all. Your DH is so sweet and knows you so well (what a keeper!). Believe me we ALL understand how you feel and your anxiety. We also understand the "expect the worst, that way you're not disappointed" defense mechanism. But for now I hope you can find some small joy in the fact that you are indeed pregnant. Everything else now is out of anyone's hands and the only thing we can do is send dust/thoughts/prayers that a healthy baby comes from this. You've said you've turned to prayer during this time, I encourage you to continue if it helps YOU. I'd also encourage you to start something to help you relax and center and just shift your mind from the anxiety. Now that you ARE pregnant, your health is the utmost importance and the only thing you can control. Sending you calm thoughts and healthy baby dust.

LV, I'm anxious to read your update next week. Hopefully you can take this weekend to enjoy your family and stay away from the pee sticks!
LV, sticky sticky sticky dust!!!!

mp, I truly understand your disappointment. But you're only in the 5th week, and I didn't expect to hear from you about a heartbeat anyway. I'm so thrilled they found the sac!! I personally wouldn't even ask for an ultrasound until the 7 or 8 week. But oh, the wait!!! It's so torturous. Your DH is so sweet. I'm still very hopeful for you. Also, I wouldn't read too much into the beta anymore. I hope this won't add too much to your anxiety, but my beta was jumping up SO much. See how that ended.
Good luck, MP - I understand the need to "cushion" yourself psychologically at this stage but I agree with the others and with your doctors - if they're worried they'll tell you and whilst I know that it's hard to manage the anxiety, stressing +++ isn't going to make it easier on your body either xxx

LV - good luck to you too!!!

On a side note - has anyone heard from split_shank recently? I have been thinking of her.
MP, when I had K my RE stopped taking a beta after 20 DPO when it was 1304. I think you shouldn't worry about the numbers if your RE is not worried - I know, easier said than done. Take it easy if you can, and try to distract yourself. Maybe a massage or mani/pedi would help! Take care of yourself.
Hi all. Thanks for your sweet messages. I was really sad and disappointed yesterday, but I'm doing much better after a good night of rest. We're taking off today for a trip to see my family this weekend, so that will help keep my mind off things and make the time pass quickly. At this point, my expectations are pretty low. Id love to be pleasantly surprised, but I just have this gut instinct that something's off as the numbers just haven't been doing what they're supposed to do. If it's not a healthy baby, then I would just rather have nature take it's course sooner rather than later. And I know I'll be okay either way. It's just so frustrating to have to jump through all these hoops and not know when and if I'll get pregnant again if this one doesn't work out.

LV, hope things are continuing to go well with you! Fingers crossed!

Choro, how are things going with you? I hope things have finally returned to normal now and that you can start thinking of trying again soon.

Pancake, I haven't heard how Split_Shank is doing, but I'd love to know how her little triplets are! She stopped in a couple weeks ago, so I assume that means all is well.

Hi to everyone else! I hope you all have a nice weekend (a long one for those of us in the U.S)!
Le sigh. 4DPO. And spotting.
MP - wishing you lots of sticky dust! I know it is hard, but as the others said, I hope you can relax. Stressing will not change the outcome.
Litefirecracker, thanks for checking in. I get that stressing will not change the outcome, but it is just devastating to me to realize this little baby probably just isn't going to make it. I wish I could figure out how not to be anxious and worried but I can't.
MP - I'm glad to hear your scan went well and that you are traveling this weekend. I hope that will provide a good distraction for you.
Distraction can be such a blessing. I totally think you're ok, but I know you need more confirmation.

We are on vacation. An excellent form of distraction!! I hope to have good news next week. If I don't, y'all are going to have to pick me up off the floor!
Sending tons of sticky dust to MP & LV!

And big hugs to you both & everyone else here.
MP, I'm glad you're traveling this weekend. That'll be really good to distract you for at least a few days. Too bad Ev's not a touch older. Ethan is now on the Terrible Two's in earnest at 2.5. If you need any form of distraction I can send you a VERY DISTRACTING 2.5 year old.... You'd either be too exhausted to worry, or to angry/annoyed and trying to be calm and patient to be worried. LOL.

LV, I've got so many things crossed for you next week! I really really really am hoping this is it for you. And believe me, this group if phenomenal for support etc. I've been/am at the low of the low, but I still remain optimistic because of all you wonderful ladies here. Sending you so much sticky baby dust!!!!

AFM, hung out with some friends today (university football tailgate). One of the extended friends of the group is expecting at the end of October. So I was very happy for them and doing the whole preggo-baby talk re: names and how she's feeling etc etc. They're both very excited and it's sweet, they have a boy already, he'll be just <2YO when the baby is born. The husband very innocently asked, "So when's your next one, LC?" I just about died 3 times over inside. I just smiled and was like, "We'll see..." Came home and cried in the shower for 15 mins. And now finished 1/2 bottle of wine and 3 cocktails tonight. I know it was all innocent but it still hurts so much.What I wouldn't give to be pregnant with a healthy baby right now...