
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

MP, I'm glad you saw a heartbeat...wait on your beta before coming to any conclusions. When will you/we find out?

RT, chart is looking good.
JGator|1409847653|3744734 said:
RT, chart is looking good.

Thank ya very much! Just so you know, first cycle after I had my polyp removed I ovulated about a week later than normal so I'd bet that the same is true for you :))
lliang_chi|1409793028|3744398 said:
RT, patience! For me, testing early does nothing but make me more anxious, so I always wait until I'm late. Hoping that's the last of evap lines for you.

Yeah that had been my original plan too but I was interested to find out what the bleeding was :)) And then it all just went downhill from that point haha! How are you doing lc?
MP, I know exactly how you're feeling. I saw a heartbeat, they assured me everything was fine even though I was measuring behind and I had a bad feeling, and sure enough I did end up miscarrying. I didn't even have betas to go off of, but my progesterone was only 13. BUT, that said, it really could go either way. You can't be sure yet that this baby isn't viable. I know the limbo thing totally sucks. It never seems like we can just have tripling betas and early heartbeats and be measuring ahead. I remember with our sons, we both had lowish betas and they turned out fine! So I still wouldn't say you are out of the game yet. Hang in there sweetie.
Thanks, Laila. I got the number back. It was 7,162. Doubling every 145 hours now. They still said everything was fine and to come back in for an ultrasound in 2 weeks. Nothing else they can do at this point, I know. But waiting for the inevitable is so hard. I just wish that I could have had closure today rather than waiting another couple of weeks to find out the baby is measuring further behind or there's no heartbeat. I've read enough of these stories to realize how this nearly always ends up. Thanks for the support. It helps to know that others have gone through this and come out the other side.
Ugh, 2 more weeks?! That is so far away. :((

Are they also monitoring your progesterone? If it's going up or staying steady, that's at least a good sign. That was one of my red flags, that mine had gotten so low.
I know. Two weeks is a long time. They are monitoring progesterone, but since I'm on PIO shots, that's always been nice and high and doesn't tell me anything about the state of the pregnancy. I just have to think the numbers are indicative of a failing pregnancy.
Laila, when you had your loss, did you miscarry naturally, or did you have to have a D&C or take cytotec (or whatever it is called)? I'm just thinking ahead and wondering what the best way to handle this will be. I've seen things about people getting Asherman's from D&C's, and that scares me. But the idea of waiting for and going through a miscarriage on my own seems very unpleasant as well. I really want to be able to do another FET as soon as possible, but I'm guessing it will be November or December at the earliest that I'll get to try again. I'm just hoping there's some divine reason for all of this, or maybe I'm needing to learn once again how little control I have over life. I'm so thankful for so many things in my life, and in the grand scheme of things, this is not that big of a deal, and so many women experience it.
MP, just giving you my experience in March I was 6w4d when the HB stopped and my midwife said it wasn't very likely I'd pass the tissue naturally, even with the medication. So I had a D&C. This time we were much further along so obviously medication was out of the question. Sorry things weren't just definitive this limbo is exhausting.

AFM: Had my followup yesterday. I mentioned that I was still having some pregnancy symptoms (heightened smell & sore/tender breasts) so the midwife suggested I get a blood draw. She said my HCG #'s were 300+. I'll go back a week later and draw again. If it's not zero or just at zero she's going to suggest an ultrasound.
monkeyprincess|1409858882|3744865 said:
Laila, when you had your loss, did you miscarry naturally, or did you have to have a D&C or take cytotec (or whatever it is called)? I'm just thinking ahead and wondering what the best way to handle this will be. I've seen things about people getting Asherman's from D&C's, and that scares me. But the idea of waiting for and going through a miscarriage on my own seems very unpleasant as well. I really want to be able to do another FET as soon as possible, but I'm guessing it will be November or December at the earliest that I'll get to try again. I'm just hoping there's some divine reason for all of this, or maybe I'm needing to learn once again how little control I have over life. I'm so thankful for so many things in my life, and in the grand scheme of things, this is not that big of a deal, and so many women experience it.

I miscarried at 11.5 weeks. I was two days away from my NT scan, and I woke up to some bleeding and spotting. They didn't sound worried and told me to come in for an u/s. At the u/s, it was revealed that my baby had died, possibly as long as 3 weeks ago. They think because I was on Crinone, it delayed the miscarriage. I was sent home with a prescription to take, but I miscarried naturally that night. And boy was it brutal. Horrible cramps and pain and sitting in the bathroom for 3 hours. At one point I almost passed out, presumably from the blood loss. U/s the next day revealed I passed all the tissue and the fetus. I was SO lucky (if you can call it that) to not need a D&C. That was what scared me the most because of Asherman's and future fertility. To this day I don't know what the cause was. But I measured behind from the start. I went in at 7w1d, but they told me I was only 6w2d. And it took forever for me to get a dark line on the HPT. Got AF exactly 29 days later and they said I could try again that cycle.
LC - I hope that your HCG decreases on its own. I am sorry that you have to go through all of this. Thank you for your advice yesterday about the tylenol. I was so worried about the fever yesterday, but reassured that the dr said it would be too early to cause harm. What do I know?

MP - I really really really really hope you have a good outcome. I wish this did not have to be so difficult. At my prior RE's office, they definitely would have told me if things did not look favorable. The fact that your RE thinks you should feel encouraged gives me hope. I am sorry that things are not more clear.

RT - Did you test again today?

JGator - Your job sounds ideal. How did you find your nanny?

Laila - I am really sorry to hear about your loss experience. That must have been so devastating for you.

I had my beta this morning. It was 130. I go back on Saturday. I am 9dp6dt.
Thanks, LV. That is a very good beta, right? Congrats! I wouldn't worry too much about your fever and the Tylenol (although easier said than done since I know we are both worriers/researchers). If it makes you feel any better, I caught a horrible stomach flu from my son when I was about 10 or 11 DPO with the twins, and I had fever, chills, etc. My RE told me not to worry at all.
Yes, it is good. The nurse said they would like to see at least 50 by today. I am still amazed that it worked. I love my RE's office!!

Thanks about the flu/tylenol. Google is the worst when it comes to this stuff.
LV-So excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!

MP-I am hoping that all works out and this little one is a fighter, but I hope that you have peace during this process. Two weeks is a long time!

LC-really hoping that your body heals and system resets and you can move forward with TTC when you are ready
LV- those numbers are great but I'm sorry to hear you're feeling so sick :( When I was pregnant with C, I got sick all of the time. From what I understand, when you are pregnant your immune system is actually naturally lowered because it prevents your body from rejecting the baby which it sees as a foreign thing. It's really interesting how it all works!
LV, that's wonderful news!! So excited for you! And how crazy that you know the gender already. Did I miss it or is it still a secret?
I hope you're feeling better soon. And thanks for asking about me. I'm 38 weeks now. Not much longer...

MP, I'm glad you got to see a HB today, but sorry to hear the betas weren't as strong as you'd hoped. Aside from the initial mixup with Ev's betas, were they lower numbers as well? Maybe you're just a slow rising hcg kinda gal. (Also I remember reading somewhere that said that betas tend to be higher in girl fetuses than boys.) In any case, I'm so hoping this one's a fighter & a sticky bean. Being in limbo is so difficult. Hugs, my friend.

LC, I'm so sorry for everything you're going through. Big hugs to you too. I hope that your hcg decreases on it's own & that no further intervention is necessary. Sending lots of healing energy to you.

Laila, so sorry to hear the details of your loss. I hope you & the twins are doing well.

RT, your chart looks great! Fingers crossed! Glad to hear your mom is making some progress.

Jgator, hope you get a positive soon! Glad you had a great vacation.

Choro, I hope your body is back on track soon.

SB, thinking of you. Do you have another FET lined up soon?
LV, yay! Very good news, and I hope (I know) the good news will keep coming. Very happy for you, my friend! I would have loved to go through this with you, but hopefully, I won't be too far behind.

Laila, oh wow, I cannot even imagine. That must have been so devastating. Even though my current situation sucks, I guess I'm glad I know now that something is off, rather than finding out later after thinking everything was okay. I do think that going through this experience will make me more empathetic to those who have had a loss. Before, I could sympathize, but actually going through it yourself is so different. I guess that's how it is with infertility too. Hoping I come out of this stronger and more grateful when I finally have another baby.

Bright, thanks so much for checking in. Ev's numbers did start out low at 17dpo, but then they really shot up fast. I was hoping that's what would happen with this one, but it seems like my hcg is just petering out at this point. I'm just ready for some closure because you're right, being in limbo just sucks. I'm so, so excited for you to finally get to meet your little girl. I'll be stalking you in the next few weeks! So happy your dream is about to come true, and I pray everything goes smoothly!

Bella, thanks for checking in. Hope you are doing well.

Random, Choro, SB, thinking of you ladies!
11dpo. Massive temp drop (still above cover). Spotting. Devastated. Again.
:(sad :nono:
Random, sorry. It never gets easier :(

LC, I missed your update from yesterday. I'll be praying your HCG goes down on its own. So frustrating.
LV, yay for a good beta! Keep us posted. We found our nanny through We interviewed a few before we decided on one and it has worked out well so far. We plan to keep her as K is going to start a co-op preschool 2 mornings a week after she turns 2. She will be K's chauffeur to/from the pre-school, and we'll need her on the days the school is closed for holidays and the summer too.

Laila, I am so sorry for your traumatic loss. I cannot imagine being that far along. I was a little over 10 weeks with our loss on my first pregnancy. I am thrilled for your twin pregnancy now, though. Good luck making it through the last few weeks.

Bright, happy to hear from you. I hope all is well. Can't wait to see pics of your miracle baby soon.

LC, bummer about the HCG. I hope all is well and things resolve quickly and you are able to bounce back physically and emotionally.

MP, can you ask for an earlier ultrasound/bloodwork so you don't have to wait another 2 weeks? The wait has to be torture for you. I am so sorry you are going through this.

RT, so sorry about the temp drop. That totally sucks.

AFM, not sure if I O'ed or not since my daughter is getting back to her regular/later wake up times now, and my temp is higher but I am not sure if it's due to the later wake up or not! Uggh. Never got a line as dark as the control on POAS'ing and I have 6 sticks from yesterday alone! I think the 2 lines from today are a little lighter. I went to my daughter's preschool play date today and saw a ton of mom's who were preggo and a ton of little babies too. I guess preschool moms are in their prime child bearing years! I did meet one who told me she was carrying for someone else which I thought was an amazing thing to do.
Spotting is gone, apparently it's going to be one of those cycles :rolleyes:
I'm making a whole pan of apple crisp tonight and I'm not sharing it with anyone! :angryfire:
JGator, frustrating about the OPKs. Hopefully, your temps and/or opks will give you some clarity. I'm going to see how I'm feeling next week to decide if I should ask to come in early. I feel like if I wait the two weeks, I'll hopefully have more clarity, but it's going to be hard to wait. I truly believe there is something wrong with this baby, so although I'm still doing the PIO shots and taking my extra folic acid and not doing anything you're not supposed to do during pregnancy, I'm no longer thinking of myself as pregnant. I'm actually kind of hoping nature might take it's course on its own between now and my appointment, although I'm not sure how likely that is with the PIO shots.
RT, damn now you're making me want some kinda of yummy tasty baked treat... There's a bakery IN MY BUILDING at work too, so I'm totally screwed now...

MP, I hope the RE will be OK with you coming in sooner. Or they can give you a really compelling reason to wait. I loathe they "We'll just wait and see" statement. I'm not sure if my HCG just takes a long time to come down, but I don't remember having heightened smell or sore breasts etc after the D&C in March. Oh well, I guess we'll see what's what after next week's blood draw.

Choro, thinking about you. Hoping things are going OK for you.

SB, how's things going for you m'dear? Do you have another FET scheduled?

LV, hoping you're over whatever cold you had. :) Still so happy for you.

We're under contract again with a new set of buyers for our unit. REALLY hoping it goes through this time.
LC, yay! Good luck. I really hope the deal goes through for you. I didn't realize your other one fell through. Yeah, I guess I don't know how quickly HCG is supposed to leave after a D&C either. I suppose yours had gotten really high, so maybe it is normal. I just figured a D&C would zero out the HCG, but I guess that's not how it works? I guess that's the only good thing about my super low level. It shouldn't take as long as it otherwise would to zero out. As far as me getting an earlier appointment, I'm not sure how hard I need to push for it. As awful as it sounds, what I'm really waiting for is the baby's heartbeat to stop. Gosh, that just made me so sad to even type that, but it's the truth. Poor little thing. So it unfortunately really is just one of those wait and see things. There's nothing they can do to change the ultimate outcome.
MP, oh yeah, that 1st contract fell through the same day we found out the bad news about this past pregnancy. Yeah that sucked. Anyway, home inspection sounded like it went reasonably well. Fingers crossed.
Temp is back up but spotting is still here and feel like af is coming. On top of that I feel like I'm getting sick. I really hope not, there is a bad respiratory illness running rampant in Colorado right now and we've had 100 kids in the ICU in just 2 weeks from it, I would hate to pass it to C :((

ETA: Test this morning showed this...come on...I just want to move on!!!


mp, My first choice would have been to pass naturally. Then hubby told me about his coworker who waited 6 months for hers to pass naturally, and no way I was doing that. So I used cytotec because I wanted to avoid surgery. I ended up needing two surgeries anyway, but my friend has used cytotec before and it worked for her. It seems like the earlier in the pregnancy you take care of this, the smoother the outcome.
I'm still rooting for you though, even you're not. Two weeks is such long time to wait!

JGator, how frustrating with the opk. Do you have any other signs? EWCM? My son started pre school this week, and I understand. It seems like all other moms are pregnant.

lc, what a horrible experience you've had! Crossing fingers!

Laila, that's such a terrible experience.

LV, hope you're over your cold. Have a relaxing, great weekend!

AFM, twiddling my thumbs waiting for positive OPK.
random_thought|1410014424|3745927 said:
Temp is back up but spotting is still here and feel like af is coming. On top of that I feel like I'm getting sick. I really hope not, there is a bad respiratory illness running rampant in Colorado right now and we've had 100 kids in the ICU in just 2 weeks from it, I would hate to pass it to C :((


Delurking....Could there be something there RT? I see a pinkish area in the first pic, although the line isn't definite. The second pic looks greyer, but could be the start if something. What does it look like in real life?

Still holding out hope for you, MP. I'm sorry you still have so much uncertainty to deal with. How is your DH taking it?
Sha|1410020921|3745984 said:
random_thought|1410014424|3745927 said:
Temp is back up but spotting is still here and feel like af is coming. On top of that I feel like I'm getting sick. I really hope not, there is a bad respiratory illness running rampant in Colorado right now and we've had 100 kids in the ICU in just 2 weeks from it, I would hate to pass it to C :((


Delurking....Could there be something there RT? I see a pinkish area in the first pic, although the line isn't definite. The second pic looks greyer, but could be the start if something. What does it look like in real life?

The pictures I posted are the same test. The first I posted to show the color and the second one I posted to show the line lol It's pink, thick and light in real life but I've been jerked around by hpts before so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I bought some frers to use in a few hours here
random_thought|1410022250|3745998 said:
Sha|1410020921|3745984 said:
random_thought|1410014424|3745927 said:
Temp is back up but spotting is still here and feel like af is coming. On top of that I feel like I'm getting sick. I really hope not, there is a bad respiratory illness running rampant in Colorado right now and we've had 100 kids in the ICU in just 2 weeks from it, I would hate to pass it to C :((


Delurking....Could there be something there RT? I see a pinkish area in the first pic, although the line isn't definite. The second pic looks greyer, but could be the start if something. What does it look like in real life?

The pictures I posted are the same test. The first I posted to show the color and the second one I posted to show the line lol It's pink, thick and light in real life but I've been jerked around by hpts before so I'm trying not to get my hopes up. I bought some frers to use in a few hours here

Well, that sounds promising! Looking forward to a FRER update. :-)