
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

tourmaline, as one of the veterans/"founding members" of this thread, please don't go:-) I think that you are completely welcome and infertility/ttc is hard no matter how many children you have. Hormones and emotions can run high on this thread and in life while TTC. It's possible that you misunderstood MP's comment. There is room for all of us here.

I think we would all agree that there is a special degree of pain involved in infertility when TTC your first child, but that does not mean that it's not hard or painful when the TTC for subsequent children is hard or prolonged--whether it is your second or your fifth or apparently even your 20th if you are the Duggars:-) If you envision another child in your family and that doesn't seem possible, or is very difficult that is so, so hard!

FWIW-If you are looking for community for your journey and don't feel like you are finding it here, this may not be the thread to discuss in depth trying for a certain gender as most of us are just desperately trying to conceive a baby when TTC:-) There are many forums that do focus on that and offer great advice/tips/support, or it would be a great thread to start as you are likely not alone in that experience on PS.

As far as TTC after already having children, this is totally the thread! So stick around:-)

I have two boys (B is almost 6 and joined our family through adoption, E is 7 months and took 4 years of TTC, a surgery, a year of acupuncture and diet changes, and clomid before we got pregnant). Hopefully in Nov/Dec we are going to start TTC #3. Baby E will be 10-11 months then, and since it was such a long road to him, DH and I want to get started (I am 36 and he is 38). We would ideally like 1-2 more children. I feel like a battlescarred TTC veteran, so when we do start TTC I am just coming straight to this thread and counting the 4 years we TTC the first time as my 6 months or more :shhh:
RT, interesting chart. The plot thickens! I agree, let's lasso people back here.

MP, don't go anywhere. I need you as a cheerleader. I don't have any in real life other than DH, and we've been in this together since TTC for E and K.

SB, sounds like you have a good plan in place - a couple of weeks will fly by and you will be on your way with the FET. Good luck.

LV, again so thrilled for you. Can't wait to hear how things progress.

AFM, guess what? I went in for my CD 3 ultrasound and bloodwork today, and I have a medium sized (15mm) cyst on my ovary with an elevated Estrogen level - 175. So, no IUI this cycle because the elevated estrogen would mess with the monitoring. So, another cycle and another wait....we started to see the RE in June - this is so SLOW after all the tests and the polyp - now this! Anyway, we can try again on our own this cycle. I'm getting worried about the timing of next cycle as my mom will be in town visiting for our daughter's 2nd birthday. I haven't totally calculated it, but I'm pretty sure she would be here the day we would actually do the IUI. Totally, not ideal. I don't know what to do. I guess that I am also assuming the cyst goes away, and we don't know that yet. I received my meds Saturday AM so I'm ready to go when/if my body decides to cooperate. The saga continues.
Well...the saga continues lol! A friend is re-lending me their CBFM so hopefully that will help out next month.

Rt, 2 eggs?
yikes i hope not! Lol
Random- You really are gong through the wars! I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I know nothing about charting (I wake up a few times a night usually so I don't think it would be any use to me) but could your irregular temps be from stress?

MP- I hope you know when you are ready to come back, we will be here ready to continue supporting you. This can all be overwhelming, and I know how down we can all get sometimes. I hope you are doing ok.

LV- A heartbeat! :love: Amazing news! I wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy.

JGator- Will your mum be staying with you? You could claim you had a routine doctors appointment and pop out for a while? It truly is hard to fit this all in with all the other going ons in our lives sometimes. I'm hoping it all works out for you.

LC- It sounds like you are still trying to come to terms with your loss. Sending lots of hugs your way.

Choro- Our bodies can be so frustrating sometimes. I hope your body sorts itself out soon and you will get that BFP soon.

Tourmaline- Best wishes to you in your journey.

SB- I hope the next couple of weeks fly by for you. I have my fingers crossed for you.

AFM- CD2 here. This last cycle ended up being 60 days!! Just got a call from my RE nurse, I will be starting letrozole again tonight. Last time I fell pregnant I was on 2.5mg for 10 days, so we are starting with that again. I'm hoping this is all it takes, I have only been "back in the game" for one (albeit LONG) cycle but I am already starting to feel the pressure mounting in my head. Last night I went through the archives of this thread from earlier on this year and it hit me how long some of us have been here. You ladies are a strong bunch!! Why some of us have to struggle so much more than others I have no idea. I hope there is a positive outcome for us all eventually.

On another note, as I knew the possibly of doing a cycle of letrozole was coming up DH and I had a talk last night about what we would do if we ended up with another pregnancy complication (such as what we just went though, or something different like dealing with twins or triplets). It is something we had discussed before, but not since we had Will, so I just wanted to check in and see if his feelings had changed on certain issues. Thankfully, we are both on the same page.
Figured out today that I need a new bbt. Took my temp and it was 97.31. Took it again and it was 97.58. Oi!! Without further ado, here's where I am at. Took an opk this morning and got a line but not a dark enough one so I figure it will happen in the next day or so.

MP - Sorry to hear that you are taking a break, but I completely understand. I hope the other poster's words didn't send you away. You must know that you are one of the most supportive posters in this thread. I often find myself thinking I wish I had the same words as you at times. Anyway, some time away might be good for you. I have taken lots of breaks from this thread, but would always check in, hoping for good news for all. I hope you are doing ok.

JGator - Sorry to hear about the no-go this cycle. My sweet daughter was conceived during a cycle in which I had a cyst that caused the cancellation of an IUI! I hope that give you hope that this cycle can work for you too! You must be really frustrated by the waiting. It's the worst part of all of this!

Random - Good luck this cycle!

Tbaus - I hope the same protocol works for you. Glad to hear you and your DH are on the same page. Keep us posted.

LC - Thinking of you and hope you are doing ok this week.

AFM: Nothing new. I go for another u/s on Monday.
Just looking for some opinions, CD20 and desperate lol. Would you count this as a positive ovulation test?

random_thought|1411697681|3757138 said:
Just looking for some opinions, CD20 and desperate lol. Would you count this as a positive ovulation test?

I just went through this earlier in the week, mine looked like that for 2 days, then they got a little lighter and on the fourth day bam!!! Super dark and a positive confirmed on a CB digi. I was using wondfos. So I would day not yet but keep testing!
Asscherhalo_lover|1411699409|3757149 said:
random_thought|1411697681|3757138 said:
Just looking for some opinions, CD20 and desperate lol. Would you count this as a positive ovulation test?

I just went through this earlier in the week, mine looked like that for 2 days, then they got a little lighter and on the fourth day bam!!! Super dark and a positive confirmed on a CB digi. I was using wondfos. So I would day not yet but keep testing!

I swear to God..if it takes another 4 days, I'm gonna my punch my ovaries into action. Yes, I am going to punch myself in the ovaries. Whatever it takes lol!
RT, I don't think that is positive. Do you think you missed it? Or, could it still be ahead. I have found that I get a darker OPK line in the afternoon than any other time of the day. How many times/day are you testing?

LV, thanks for the info on your daughter. That gives me a glimmer of hope. Let us know how the ultrasound goes on Monday.

Tbaus, are you doing an IUI or IVF? Good luck with this cycle. I'm glad you and your DH are on the same page. Yes, my mom will be staying with us for 10 days. We will figure something out. I don't want to delay another cycle.

AFM, CD 8, not much to report. Just waiting..................the story of my life these days. Hoping the cyst goes away before my next cycle starts.
random_thought|1411700238|3757157 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1411699409|3757149 said:
random_thought|1411697681|3757138 said:
Just looking for some opinions, CD20 and desperate lol. Would you count this as a positive ovulation test?

I just went through this earlier in the week, mine looked like that for 2 days, then they got a little lighter and on the fourth day bam!!! Super dark and a positive confirmed on a CB digi. I was using wondfos. So I would day not yet but keep testing!

I swear to God..if it takes another 4 days, I'm gonna my punch my ovaries into action. Yes, I am going to punch myself in the ovaries. Whatever it takes lol!

LOL! I tested at least 3x sometimes 5x per day once they looked like that to make sure I didn't miss it. On the third day they got a little lighter again so I thought it either didn't happen or that's as dark as mine would get. I randomly tested the next day once and it was a dark as the control. Just keep testing!
HI ladies, thanks for thinking of me. I wasn't trying to make a dramatic exit or anything, but I did feel a bit hurt when it was suggested I was making somebody feel unwelcome in the thread when that was never my intention, and it coincided with a time that I was (and still am) feeling pretty emotional after my miscarriage. I feel like I don't have much to post at this time as I'm still dealing with my loss and not sure when I'll continue with fertility treatments, but in the meantime, please know I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry for those of you (JGator and SB) who have had recent setbacks.
MP, we miss you, and in my opinion, you are one of the most welcoming member of this thread.

AFM, so, I am pretty sure I have a + OPK today on CD 9. Insane for me, but it may be good overall if my cycle is short this go around. Will keep you posted.
I got a very dark OPK last night, it was a definite positive. Thank goodness I finally ovulated and my temp went up today! We BD'ed on O, O-2 and O-4 so timing is pretty good :) Now we just wait :dance: :dance:

JGator|1411746700|3757371 said:
MP, we miss you, and in my opinion, you are one of the most welcoming member of this thread.

AFM, so, I am pretty sure I have a + OPK today on CD 9. Insane for me, but it may be good overall if my cycle is short this go around. Will keep you posted.

Ditto this. You are continually in my thoughts MP, I know how hard this must be for you. I know it is hard to imagine right now, but time does heal these wounds. Take some time, as long as you need. *Hugs*
JGator- I hope this is your month! Fingers crossed you caught that egg. Please keep us posted. We are just doing an ovulation induction this month (letrozole with a trigger possibly). Last time I got pregnant I was on letrozole and never got to the trigger because it didn't seem like I was responding, but since it was successful somehow we are giving the same protocol a go first.

LV- I hope to hear more good news from you on Monday. How are you feeling overall?

Random- good luck getting through the 2ww!

AFM, CD7 over here. Still taking my letrozole every night. We will only start monitoring 2 days after I take my last tablet, so October 4th. Until then I am just enjoying the last of my time at home, getting ready to go back to work in a few weeks. I am also thinking of going back to acupuncture, just like last time I was TTC I have been having some horrible hip pain that is radiating all the way down my left leg. Acupuncture helped manage the pain, so I may go back. Pity my therapist has left the practice though, I will have to find someone else.
tbaus, That sounds like sciatica. I had that just before I got pregnant with my son. And agreed, acupuncture was the only thing that was able to help me with it.

LV, keep us posted. I'm still sending you thoughtss.

RT, sounds like really good timing this month. Hope that's whta you need.

LG, sending you lots of dust this month.

MP, thinking about you my friend.

AFM, not much to add here. I'm starting to really suspect that I still have some tissue or something from my last surgery because I've noticed my nipples are getting really dark and (maybe TMI) but I had some colostrum just the other day. So I set another appt for a blood draw (Tuesday) and we'll see what it shows.

In other news, I've made a pact with myself to just have more sex in general with DH. My goal is 2 or 3 times a week. I'm there's some here that's a "slow" frequency, but we're not that active, shall we say. Hoping this will keep things healthy and try to stir the passion. After a long crap-tastic year, having sex to make babies seems like the last thing on either of our minds. But if to have sex to have sex, or to connect with DH then that's something I can get behind.
Lliang, Just a quick note to say that my DH is dealing with some herniated disks and taking the MCAT for a second time, but by the end of Oct when hopefully all that is resolved I have a similar pact...and 2-3 times a week would be a significant increase for us too:-)
LC, hugs. I hope you get clarity tomorrow about what's going on because that must be so frustrating. I also understand what you mean about your love life taking a hit. Between a sometimes non-sleeping toddler, timing things around treatment cycles, and the IVF/pregnancy, our love life has certainly not been what it should be in the past several months or year. I feel like we are on our way back to things being normal, but it will be just in time to start treatments again. Like you, I really want to make sure we stay connected in that way and not just as parents and would-be-parents.

Tbaus, happy to hear you are starting letrozole again, and I really hope it works again for you. I know it must be scary taking this leap again, but I'm hopeful for you that you will have your happy ending.

Thinking of the rest of you.

Just wanted to share I had a good meeting with the RE this morning. My HCG is down to 6, so I won't need any more blood draws. She told me there was no reason not to move forward with an FET once AF returns, and it sounds like a transfer would take place 2-3 weeks after that. In the meantime, I guess I'll just be waiting on AF.
Just looking for some thoughts. The last 3 days (3dpo-6dpo) including today I had had such bad back pain. Also very very VERY intense menstrual like cramps. Like so bad I had to pop some painkillers I have for my endometriosis. I am officially out of hydromorphone :(( I've also had watery pink type spotting for 3 days straight. What in the what? Are these signs of an ectopic? Early pg signs? God just giving me the middle finger? What in the WORLD is going on?! I had to go home sick yesterday the pain was so bad :((

Random, sorry you're going through that. I have no idea what it might be, but I'm pretty sure it would be too early to be experiencing symptoms of ectopic. Hopefully, it turns out to be something good like implantation though. Hang in there.

LV, I just read back a bit and wanted to say I hope that your ultrasound went well yesterday and things are continuing to go well for you.

Hope everybody else is doing okay!
MP, that's great that your beta dropped on its own. I hope you can move ahead with a FET quickly.

LV, how did the ultrasound go? Thinking of you.

LC, glad you have a plan to re-connect with your hubby. You have both been through a lot this year so take the time you need. Maybe a vacation? Did you ever buy/sell your house/condo? How did the blood draw go today? I hope your symptoms disappear on their own.

RT, do you think maybe a cyst would cause the pain? I'm sorry - I hope you start to feel better soon and that you get your BFP.

AFM, not much new just waiting out the TWW. I'm pretty sure I Oe'd on Saturday based on OPKs - not sure on the temp spike yet and FF hasn't confirmed O either, but it's early. I hate being in this cycle of not being able to make any plans particularly with the holidays coming up as I'm forecasting out my next few cycles. If I wasn't so OLD, I wouldn't be so worried about time and missing cycles!
JGator|1412112722|3759406 said:
RT, do you think maybe a cyst would cause the pain? I'm sorry - I hope you start to feel better soon and that you get your BFP.

AFM, not much new just waiting out the TWW. I'm pretty sure I Oe'd on Saturday based on OPKs - not sure on the temp spike yet and FF hasn't confirmed O either, but it's early. I hate being in this cycle of not being able to make any plans particularly with the holidays coming up as I'm forecasting out my next few cycles. If I wasn't so OLD, I wouldn't be so worried about time and missing cycles!

Yikes I hope not! I don't really think that is it though because this pain is more centralized by my uterus and when I had the cyst in April that sent me to the ER, I could definitely tell it was on my right ovary. This is nowhere near as painful as that was.

I hear ya on not being able to do anything, I am in the similar spot in my cycle :))
jgator, so sorry that the cyst ruined your plans. The waiting is the worst! I hate the inability to plan too - DH and I keep talking about various things for the next 5 years and I am so sick of having to say, well, if we have kids then X, if we don't then Y. In many ways I just want some control of my life back. Keeping fingers crossed for you this cycle.

mp, glad your HCG dropped and you had a good meeting with your RE. I am jealous that you will be able to do a FET within 3 weeks of AF, since my FET prep is more like 6 weeks and I would love to make the time go faster! Do you think you will go ahead right away or do you need more time emotionally?

rt, sorry you are in pain. I hope it is for a good cause!

lc, I'm so sorry to hear that you're still going through the medical wringer. Hoping your blood draw today went well and didn't indicate more issues. Your plan with DH sounds like a good one.

tbaus, I hope your letrozole cycle is successful!

afm, not much to report. I finished my prometrium and am starting to spot, so I think AF will be here tomorrow and I can have the nurses start making up my next FET calendar. I'm expecting to try another transfer in mid-November, assuming that my body cooperates this time. Really hoping this one works, since this is my last shot for 2014 and there's something so painful about going through another holiday season without success. :((
shortblonde- Sorry to hear this cycle wasn't successful. I hope you have some great news to celebrate this Christmas.

JGator- I feel the pressure as well as Christmas gets closer. My clinic closes during December, so realistically I only have one more go this year if this cycle does not work out.

Random- that looks like one crazy cycle you are going through. I agree with MP that it might be too early for pregnancy symptoms, could be implantation?

MP- thank you. I wish I could skip the whole TTC and pregnancy and go straight to giving birth to a healthy baby. That would help me stress less! I'm glad your HCG levels are decreasing, and I hope AF arrives soon so you can move forward.

LC- last time they said it was a problem with my SI joint, but you are right, it does sound like sciatica. I am dragging my feet at booking an appointment as it just costs so much. The pain also seems to have subsided a bit, maybe if it flares up again that will kick me back into action. How did your blood draw go?

AFM, CD10 here. Still taking the letrozole, 2 more tablets to go. Time is going so slowly. Another friend announced her pregnancy today. I'm embarrassed to admit how many times I've cried. I've been seeing a counsellor for the past few months and she has given me the task of writing a gratitude journal. Today I am thankful DH and I finally agreed on a rug for our living room.
Spotting has stopped and pain is gone, thank goodness! Temp went up this morning again. Also, my wondfos come in the mail today :dance: :dance: :dance:
Tbaus, there is absolutely no need to be embarrassed about crying or feeling the way you do. I'm glad you are seeing a counselor if that is helpful to you. I also think it is important for all of us to try not to lose sight of the good things in our lives because experiencing a loss or infertility can sometimes be all-consuming. But please don't be hard on yourself about feeling sad - you've been through something so hard that most of us God-willing will never have to experience.

SB, hugs. I'm so sorry you are experiencing another delay. I have no idea why the protocols differ so much. Have you asked your doctor if there is a particular reason why your protocol has to be so long? All I need to do is start taking Estrace (estrogen) once AF starts for about a week or so. Once my lining is thick enough, I'll start taking PIO shots 5 days before the transfer. She did say I have a history of making good lining, so maybe that's why I am able to do a shorter protocol. At this point, I do think I'll move forward as soon as AF comes. I don't feel like waiting longer (if there is no medical reason to do so) is going to help me. If this next one doesn't work, then maybe it will be time for a break, but right now I feel like moving foward and trying again is the only thing that will make me feel better.

JGator, yes, the feeling that you're just spinning your wheels and waiting is really hard. I just hope that cyst goes away on its own and quickly. I had a cyst when I first started taking BC before my IVF, and it was gone a few weeks later. I don't know if the BC helped or not, but that is also something to consider if it doesn't go away on its own. Hang in there, and I do hope you ovulated or do soon, so AF will get here that much sooner (or not! :) )

Good luck, Random!
Hi Everyone,

I will start with my update. U/S went well on Monday. Everything looks as it should at this point. I go back about a week from now. I am not sure why they do so many ultrasounds (other than that they can, apparently), but I will go to see that all is still ok.

Random - Good luck! Happy to hear that the pain has gone away. When will you test?

Tbaus - I am glad to hear that you are speaking with a counselor, and I hope you find it helpful. Good luck again this cycle!! Hopefully you get a bfp and won't need to worry about the holiday schedule. Do they monitor you? If not, I'd be pushing for an RX regardless, but I am hopelessly impatient by nature!

SB - Good luck with your upcoming cycle!

JGator - Good luck! When will you test?

MP - Glad to hear that you will be able to move forward with an FET asap. I would do the same thing. Sending you tons of luck for your FET.

LC - I hope you are doing ok. Check in with us when you can.