
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Loves Vintage|1412195390|3760100 said:
Random - Good luck! Happy to hear that the pain has gone away. When will you test?

More than likely as soon as the box shows up on my doorstep. You know. Just to make sure they work and all. :Up_to_something:
LV, that's wonderful news!
LV, that's wonderful news! I'm happy to hear everything is going well. I think from reading other's experience with REs, there's lots of monitoring and U/S for the first 10-12 wks, then you get released to a regular OB assuming everything is progressing typically. Til then, enjoy seeing your baby as often as you get to :)

MP, I'm glad things are quickly going back to normal for you. One thing I must say is your body is quite resilient to go back to normal/healthy state quickly. It's like you're ready for the right baby to come along. Hoping that it's soon for you.

RT, Good luck. A fresh delivery of Wondofos is an exercise in self restraint. Does your DH ever think it's weird you stock pile pee sticks? I have to hide them from my husband because he'd be "WTF are you collecting these for?"

SB, I hope mid Nov works for you. I hear you re: the holiday season. Sending thoughts and dust.

Tbaus, Sciatica pain was SO frustrating for me. I did community acupuncture which is much much cheaper than a private appointment. Maybe you can find something like that for you too.

JGator, How goes the TWW? Will you do an IUI the next cycle or go to IVF? I know what you mean by feeling pressure to make each cycle count! I have fairly long cycles and probably have 2-3 less chances in a year than a typical 28 day cycle. We're under contract (again our 1st contract fell through) on our condo, and hopefully will close the end of this month.

AFM, I had my blood draw. My HCG is at 14 as of Tuesday. My D&E was over 6 wks ago. So it's good that it's going down but GRUMBLE it takes so long. I'm spotting and am noticing I'm passing some tissue this time around, so I guess it's a sign that things are resetting back to zero. The midwives want me to go back for one more blood draw to check I'm < 5, and then I'm sure I'll get a scrip for prometrium to restart my cycle. Sigh, it kinda feels like I'm broken... But I don't want to make it sound like I'm all down in the dumps about this. I'm enjoying my time with my son, and am trying to stay connected with my DH (mostly through sex ;)) :naughty: and talking. But talking is hard with a toddler/conversation terrorist ) I'm just thinking aloud I'm going to try to do acupuncture on a weekly basis. I did it when I got pregnant with E so I hope maybe I can have repeat success.
lliang_chi|1412284599|3760841 said:
RT, Good luck. A fresh delivery of Wondofos is an exercise in self restraint. Does your DH ever think it's weird you stock pile pee sticks? I have to hide them from my husband because he'd be "WTF are you collecting these for?"

He caught me peeing on one yesterday and he said...and I'm not even kidding..."isn't 6 days past ovulation a little early for this hun?"

Apparently there is such a thing as being too educated. :wink2:
LC, it sucks that it has taken this long, but I'm happy to see your HCG is going down. Not that this makes it any better, but based on everything I've read, your experience isn't that unusual. It just takes longer for some people, and I'm sure it's because you were further along than me. I think we're in a simlar place with all of this. I am not feeling down in the dumps all the time anymore, and I'm trying to focus on just enjoying my time with my son and DH and hopeful that someday we'll add another member to the family. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that the closing goes smoothly and you can start to plan for your future home. That's exciting!

Random, I agree with your DH :) Give it a few more days, and hopefully, we'll hear good news from you!

Have a good weekend everybody else. Thinking good thoughts for all!
monkeyprincess|1412357314|3761438 said:
Random, I agree with your DH :) Give it a few more days, and hopefully, we'll hear good news from you!

Booooo MP and DH!!!! BOOOOOOO!!!!! You have a good weekend too lovely lady :)

Little side note: check out my temp spike today...
Sorry about the giganto chart taking up all the space!

Where is everyone!!! :wavey:
Random, I think most of us are in a holding pattern right now waiting for another cycle to start, hence, the quiet. But what about you? Did you test???

I'm still waiting for AF to arrive after my D&C 3.5 weeks ago. I hate having no idea when AF come. Could be the end of this week or three weeks from now or another month based on what I've read. I am so ready to get going on my FET cycle.
I've been peeing on things left and right and so far everything is coming up bfn. Today is 11dpo so I'm holding out until 13dpo which is when I got my positive last month. Here's my chart with a suspicious rise in temps today ;))

Also, here is my chart with the discarded temp but I had been drinking the night before I got that so I'm pretty sure that's why...

LV- that is great news! In Australia we don't usually get an ultrasound until 12 weeks, unless there is a reason to be worried but I would have loved more of them to ease my mind. Embrace them, I say!

MP- Thank you for your (always) lovely words. I really am my own worst critic sometimes. I hope AF arrives soon so you can get started again.

LC- I don't believe they do community acupuncture in Australia. If they did I would be on to it. I really do want to start again though, if only to help me manage my stress levels. I'm sorry it is taking so long for your HCG levels to go down. When do you go for another blood draw? I hope that is the last one before you can start the prometrium and get back on the TTC train again.

RT- Fingers crossed!

AFM,CD16. It has been a rough time lately. I am battling with the idea of going back to work. Because I was so far along in my pregnancy I was actually eligible for maternity leave, and so for my own peace of mind I took it. I am very much an introvert and I know no matter what when I return to work I will have to talk about what I have been through repeatedly, or at the very least catch someone looking at me with the "I feel sorry for you" eyes a few times a day. It is times like this I wish I had an office job, where I could just hide in my cubicle and only come out when I feel ready. As a teacher, that isn't really much of an option. I'm not sure what it is, but I have been extra emotional for the last month or so. I feel like I should be making progress but instead I guess with starting the TTC process all over again I'm slipping into that more negative state of mind. A few months ago when DH and I started talking about trying again we were both very positive. Luckily, once we knew there was a problem with me getting pregnant and we got help it only took 4 cycles for us to get a BFP. So we are hoping it will be a similar process this time, but I already feel myself losing hope.

But, it looks like the letrozole is working and my oestrogen levels are going up. We BD last night and I went for another blood test this morning to see if my LH levels have gone up. If not, I may have to go in for a trigger later this afternoon. I'm hoping I managed to ovulate myself just for convenience sake but overall I am just happy that we may be in with a chance this month!
Quick update: Nurse just called and it looks like I ovulated myself. Go me! Haha :dance: Will BD again tonight ;))
Tbaus, that's great that you O'ed your own. Good luck this cycle. I think you will be pregnant soon. I like your new avatar.

RT, chart looks good! I hope this it and you get a sticky, healthy baby in the end. How's the POASing going? We are close in cycles this time around.

LC, our plan is to do an IUI next cycle to appease my DH who doesn't think we need IVF. I already have the injection medications as we were going to do that this cycle, but then a cyst got in the way. TWW is slow going. I'm glad your HCG is going down even though it's slow. Also, I'm sure acupuncture will really be helpful, at a minimum you will get some time to relax. I was seeing a chiropractor for a few months, and I would get 10 minutes of electrostimulation on a roller board thing and it was the best 10 minutes of my day to just be in a dark room and relax. Also, massage is amazing. I need to book one now that I found the best one several months ago, but I haven't been back to see her!

LV, glad the ultrasound went well. Enjoy them while you can as I think they slow down drastically when you switch over to an OB. Do you have a doppler? I know that helped me between visits at a certain point. I don't think we got one though until after the CVS around 11 or 12 weeks. I will likely test in the next couple days - maybe Thursday or Friday, if I can hold out.

MP, yes, I read that BCP can help with cysts. I called my nurse and emailed my doctor when this first happened asking if there was anything I could do to expedite the next cycle thinking BCP, and they said just wait it out for a month. I know sometimes they take more than 1 month to go away though so that concerns me. Sorry AF hasn't show up yet, but I think it was about 30 days for me so maybe you will be lucky and see her soon so you can get the FET going. I think that's a good idea. They say FETs are easier and better for your body with less meds needed.

SB, we are the same way on talking about the future with our without this baby we are hoping for. I hope you are able to get a BFP on your mid-November FET so that you have great news for the holidays.

AFM, I was sick as a dog yesterday. No idea what it was. I woke up with cramps, and I thought that might be a good sign for pregnancy. But, then it turned into stomach pains, gas, vomitting, diarrhea, and a fever. Not fun. I work from home, and I usually still work when I am sick, but I had to completely log off. I tried really hard to sleep, but the pain and discomfort prevented that. I am feeling 100% better today which I am grateful for. I was thinking during it all - do I really want to get pregnant again and have to deal with morning sickness (I didn't have it much last time though). But, you hever know! It was not fun! So, FF says I am 9 DPO and I think it's 10. But, this is only CD 19 as I O'ed really early for me on either CD 9 or 10. So, I think I will wait to test till Thursday. I'm hoping to get the next show on the road quickly as my mom is coming to visit for my DD's 2nd birthday party on 10/23 so it would be good to not have to go to the RE while she's in town or at least minimize the amount while she is here.
Today is 12dpo. AF is due but I've had nothing but very light brown spotting. Temp is still up at 98.55. Tests are still negative. Feeling like punchin someone... :nono:
So, I may be on CD 1 already - it's only a 19 day cycle! Insane. Waiting an hour, but I will call the nurse before 5pm if it looks like AF is really here to stay. If AF is here, it may be good timing wise for this cycle with my mom's visit in just over 2 weeks. Assuming the cyst is gone...
RT, sorry about the BFN. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Tbaus, yay! That's awesome you ovulated on your own. Ovulation seemed to be the big hurdle for you last time, so let's hope it won't be long until you are pregnant again! I hope that your transition back to work goes smoothly when it happens. Just remember that although it will feel awkward at first and people might not know what to say or how to act at first, that won't last forever, and I'm sure they will all try to be as supportive and make you feel as comfortable as possible.

JGator, fingers crossed for you this week, at a minimum, I'll be keeping them crossed that the cyst goes away quickly. Glad you're feeling better today. That sounds miserable. Oops, just saw your update. That's odd. I wonder if the cyst interfered with your hormones. Hoping everything works out timing wise!

AFM, I had a random bout of spotting yesterday, so I got excited that AF might be coming and started doing the math in my head about potential transfer and testing dates, but nothing since then, so it was probably just because my body is whacked out right now. I opted out of traveling for work next week because I didn't want to be out of town in case AF came this week or something, but now I'm thinking that was probably dumb, and I should save my excuses for when it really matters. So hard planning your life around something you can't tell anyone about!
And just like that I'm out :(sad
RT, bummer. We are cycle twins now though.

MP, I hope the spotting turns into something so you can get your FET going. Thoughts are with you. It's very difficult planning ahead. We are trying to decide if we are going to see my family for Thanksgiving, and I am thinking maybe we should just wait till Christmas due to all this uncertainty.

It's CD1 here too. AF started and stopped yesterday giving me a brief ray of hope, but then it started up again this AM. So, I called the RE's nurse just now and left a voice mail for instructions which I assume will be a blood test and ultrasound on Friday to see if the cyst has left the ovary yet. I am concerned that the cycle was only 19 days, but I did get 2 days of + OPKs so that is reassuring.
My post was eaten...

Random, so sorry. I imagine this one stings more than usual after the promise of last month. Hang in there. I'll keep you in my thoughts.

JGator, sorry about AF, but I hope it at least brings you one step closer to success. Keep us posted after your ultrasound. Go away, cyst! I hear on the holiday travel stuff. We are visiting my family for Thanksgiving, so I hope the timing works out. I figure I'll either be depressed if the FET fails or a nervous wreck if it works, so it ought to be a fun holiday.

AFM, just waiting around. As usual.
mp, very interesting that you get to go straight to estrace for the FET - my RE has me do three weeks of OCP first and I start Lupron towards the end of OCP and stay on that while taking the estrace. Really makes me wonder why different docs follow different protocols! I hope your wait is over soon and you can move forward.

jgator, crossing my fingers that your cyst is gone and the timing works out for you to do the IUI this cycle.

rt, so sorry this wasn't your month.

tbaus, way to go! don't you wish you could take credit for ovulating on your own, like it was something you could control or plan! keeping fingers crossed for you this month.

lc, i hope your hcg continues to go down quickly. I'm glad you are feeling a little better and getting back into acupuncture.

not much to report here, just biding my time until I go in for my first u/s in a couple weeks. I have been trying to focus on me recently and getting back into jogging and lifting weights, which feels good. Quitting that stuff hasn't helped me get pregnant, so I figure I need to do what I can for my mental health.
SB, I think it's great you're focusing on making yourself feel better. I have pretty much done no exercise other than going on walks with DH and my son since I had my first RE appointment back in April because she suggested studies show people with less exercise have better outcomes. I still am not convinced about the truth of that because when I got pregnant with my son I had been exercising pretty much every single day for over a year at that point. I think it's probably only true for people who are doing major running or weight lifting type of things, and even then, tons of people like that get pregnant right away. So who knows. All that is to say I agree with you. I probably will hold off adding exercise back in until after this next FET, but if it doesn't work, I'm getting back into at least using the treadmill. Because I like how it makes me feel, and I much prefer my body to be more toned than it is right now. I'll be keeping everything crossed for you that when you start your next FET cycle, everything goes smoothly and you are able to transfer this time.

AFM, more spotting this morning, but it seems to have stopped. I am really hoping this means AF is about to return. Never been so excited for that in my life!
JGator- Sorry AF has arrived already. Has your Doctor given any insight as to why you only had a 19 day cycle? But I'm glad it may have worked in your favour timing wise. Please keep us updated on your ultrasound, I hope the cyst is gone and you are able to move forward with the process. My avatar is my 9 month old puppy :wavey:

RT- Sorry this was not your month. I hope you get your BFP soon.

MP- I hope your spotting decides whether it wants to stay or go soon. How frustrating! How interesting for your RE to say less exercise increases your chances- I would think the total opposite. But I'm sure he/she knows what she is talking about. I'm sure some time on the treadmill wouldn't hurt though. Yes ovulation does seem to be my main problem so I am hoping even if this month is not successful, that it will happen soon.

SB- Yes, I wish my body would just do what it is meant to do (though that is the story of most of our lives in here, right)? I think it is great that you are making time for things that make you feel better, and I personally have found exercise is definitely a great stress reliever during this time. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

AFM, Not much to report, this 2ww is dragging by. I'm only 3DPO so it is way too early to be looking for signs. I am meant to go for a blood test next Tuesday at 7DPO to check how my progesterone is going. Tuesday is also my first day back at work so it will be a busy morning I'm sure. Other than that I'm doing a big spring clean of the house. I've only had, oh, 6 months off work to do it but of course I leave it until the last minute. Trying to enjoy the sunshine and take the dog for a long walk every day to get me out of the house and stop me from obsessing.
Tbaus, no, they didn't explain or seem worried about the short cycle, but I really only interface with the nurse over the phone. In person today, I saw another doctor at the clinic who did the ultrasound. I go to a a huge RE clinic with 21 locations in my metro area so it's kind of a baby factory, but their outcomes are better than the other clinics around me, and they have a location that is a 10 minute drive from my house so I'm okay with it. Good luck with the 2 week wait! That's good that they are checking your progesterone at 7 DPO. I had low progesterone with my first pregnancy, but it was fine with my 2nd. It's funny how it can vary.

SB, that's great that you are focusing on yourself now while you can. Good luck waiting out the next few weeks.

MP, I'm glad you made your plans for Thanksgiving. I hope the FET works and ends up being your sticky, healthy baby.

AFM, I had my blood work and ultrasound this AM. The ultrasound showed 9 follies and a small cyst. The RE said it looks like it is dissipating and is small enough that it should not interfere with the cycle. So, as long as the blood work comes back okay, we will go ahead with the IUI, and I start the Follistim 150 injections tonight! Keeping our fingers crossed. Also, I was able to get to/from the appt in less than an hour, and I made it home before the nanny showed up so that shouldn't be an issue going forward.
JGator, great news about the cyst, and I hope the bloodwork confirms that it won't be an issue. It will be nice for you to finally feel like you're moving forward. As long as AF returns in the next three weeks, there shouldn't a conflict with my Thanksgiving travel, so I'm hopeful that will happen. If not, then we'll just have to delay the FET until the next month. I'm hopeful it won't be too much longer, but I have no clue what my body is doing. I have had spotting like 4 out of 5 days this week, but it is only first thing in the morning. So odd.

Tbaus, keeping my fingers crossed for you. You've got a lot going on, so the time should go quickly. If I don't hear from you before then, good luck on Tuesday!
Got the all clear to go ahead with the cycle and the Follistim begins tonight. Apparently, they only tested me for pregnancy and didn't need to test my estrogen due to the visible small size of the cyst. Wish DH luck with the injections.
JGator, great news. I hope the injections have been going okay!

AFM, CD2, and I'll be starting the Estrace today to gear up for an FET in the next few weeks. Getting AF yesterday was bittersweet because it was the day I had hoped I would be telling our family I was 12 weeks pregnant. But since that couldn't happen, I'm at least happy to know I am officially moving forward again.

Hope everyone else is doing okay. I think of all of you often!
MP, yay for AF coming. Sorry it didn't turn out to be the day you planned though. Hang in there.

RT, how goes it?

LV, how are things with you and the baby? What are the next steps? Are you doing any testing or do you feel confident with the PGD/PGS?

Tbaus, did you have your progesterone tested today? How did that go?

SB, how is the jogging and weight lifting? Do some for me.

LC, how are you? Any house updates?

AFM, 3 days of Follistim down. The needle is super thin, and I can barely feel it. No side effects yet. I had an ultrasound and bloodwork today, and the ultrasound person said I still need time which I said - yeah, I assumed so I have only been taking the meds for 3 days. She said the nurse will call later with instructions based on the blood work results, and they are looking at estrogen to determine next steps. I have an appt for Wed AM for the next check though. Plugging along. For those who have had an IUI before, what's the typical time frame before the actual IUI in cycle days? Assuming earlier O/trigger than usual due to the stimulation? I think we will be fine either way with my mom's upcoming visit arriving on CD 16. Also, do you go in again after the IUI or just wait for a pregnancy test?
JGator, yeah, the injections really aren't a big deal fortunately. My experience on FSH injections probably wasn't typical because I responded really fast. I think I did about 7 days of injections and I was ready to trigger both cycles. I think it's more typical to do a few more days of injections before triggering. I never had to go in again after the IUI. I was just told to start prometrium 3 days after IUI and take an HPT on 14piui. Good luck to you. I hope the timing works out well.
MP - Glad to hear your FET prep is underway. Good luck!!!

JGator - Good to hear you find the injections to be not so bad. I wish you much success this cycle!

Thanks for asking about me. 9 weeks and 4 days today. Today is the last day of my estrogen and progesterone supplements. I will have blood work later in the week to make sure my levels are ok on my own. I saw the baby last Thursday, and all is well. I either have a virus or the flu. Symptoms started Sunday. I worry so much about even a low fever. Any google search turns up birth defects for fever in early pregnancy. Not sure how high it has to get. I am going to my primary doctor today to see if he thinks it's flu. It is probably not, but better safe than sorry at this point. I've had chills, fever, body aches, congestion. My RE suggested that it must be just a common cold. I am not sure at what point in my life a common cold has turned into all of these symptoms! I never used to be this way, but with my daughter in preschool, there seems to be no avoiding constant illness on my part. I have no idea why it seems I have no immune system. My DH gets sick maybe 10% of the time that I do.
Sorry I haven't been around. Last week was just the week from hell. I got a horrible performance review from my boss so I'm kind of keeping my eyes open for a new job right now just in case which is always fun. Then the day after that, my mother had a stroke, got to the hospital and had a second stroke. I got on an airplane that night with C and we stayed through last night. My dad got admitted to the hospital on Saturday morning with a case of vertigo as well. My parents are both doing better but I swear they are going to cause ME to have a heart attack one of these days and I'll kick the bucket before either of them do.

I need sleep, wine, and a beach. stat.