
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Thanks, JGator. It's just been a weird week, so maybe in the end, this additional week delay will be a good thing and give me time to de-stress and catch up on sleep. I guess I do feel a little better that she said that my lining wasn't bad and she would've been comfortable going forward, but she just knows I can do better. I just hope my lining shapes up by next week.

As for your questions, estrace is used to build the lining. In a normal cycle, estrogen increases in the first part of the cycle to build up the lining, but then it goes down when you ovulate. With an FET, they don't want you to ovulate (unless you're doing a natural cycle), and staying on the estrace is supposed to prevent ovulation while building the lining. Then, when the lining is ready to go, you start taking progestone, which your body would start producing when you ovulate. The progesterone continues to build the lining and prepare it for implantation. Because they don't want the estrogen level to suddenly drop, you stay on the estrace after the transfer and possibly after confirming a pregnancy. That's my lay person understanding anyway.

I wasn't in pain after the transfer. I think I felt a little bit of cramping the day or two after, but it was very minor and I wasn't in pain. I suppose everybody is different, but I can't imagine why the transfer would cause pain because it is similar to an IUI. Were they talking about the retrieval? That can cause discomfort because your ovaries are engorged and a little uncomfortable to begin with (although it wasn't a problem for me), and then they poke them to retrieve the eggs. I think the people who have discomfort are the ones who get OHSS, but I don't think you'd be at much risk for that because you don't have PCOS or really high follicle counts. I was a bit uncomfortable and bloated for a couple days after the retrieval, but I wasn't really in pain.
Thank you MP, JGator, RT and choro for the kind words and dust. My betas more than doubled today, so they (my RE clinic) are feeling optimistic. My progesterone also seems normal this time (last pregnancy it was very low) so no suppositories for now. I am happy but trying to not get too attached yet. DH on the other hand is over the moon, already writing a list of all the stuff he wants to get done around the house and telling "Emby" to double double double. I don't want to burst his bubble, and a bit of positivity can't hurt I guess.

MP, I'm sorry your transfer has been delayed another week. It does sound like your Doctor wants to help you get the best possible outcome this cycle. I have kept quiet about the whole FET thing because I didn't really understand it, but now that you have explained it I understand a whole lot more. I have everything crossed that when the time does come you are successful.

JGator, I went on a bit of a youtube infertility binge a few months ago. It really can lift your spirits with all the BFP stories. And ebay is the best, a lot of my friends buy gently used clothes for the kids off ebay. A great idea since they only wear them for a short amount of time before the next growth spurt. I hope your DD has a wonderful party on Sunday.

Choro, I think we have totally different pregnancy test brands here in Australia so I can't comment on which is best. Sending lots of good thoughts your way and hope you have some good news soon.
tbaus, yay! I'm so glad to hear your pregnancy is off to a good start. I know it will be hard for you not to worry given your past experience, but I really hope this time will be different and you will have a healthy baby brother or sister to William to hold in your arms.
Tbaus, yay for doubling betas! I know how you feel, but it's great that your DH is being so optimistic. That has to help you to have the positivity in the house. Good luck getting through the next several weeks.

MP, yeah, maybe you will be more rested and ready next week emotionally and physically once you get a little more sleep. My thoughts are with you as always. Thanks for the info on Estrace and the pain. I wasn't worried about that until I saw the youtube video. I think it was post transfer, but I could be wrong.

AFM, just baking away - hopefully! 4 days post O/IUI. Sounds like if this IUI doesn't work, DH wants to try IUI again before moving on to IVF as we were talking about timing around Thanksgiving and our vacation to visit my family at that time. Hope all is well with you all and any lurkers out there :wavey:
JGator, halfway through the 2ww, right? Fingers crossed. I agree that if it is necessary (which I hope it is not), it would probably be a lot easier to squeeze in another IUI or try on your own than to do IVF around the holidays. Hope things are going well for you and your mother.

Choro, any news? I hope you were able to confirm your squinters with a legitimate BFP!

Hope everyone else is doing well! I'm just loading up on estrace left and right and hoping my lining looks good on Wednesday and that my blasts handle the thaw well.
MP, thanks for the shout out. Yes, 1/2 way there. We have a lot going on this week so I will be distracted. My DH's birthday is tomorrow, and then our daughter's is the next day, and then she starts pre-school. I am going to be the parent volunteer so I'll be there for the AM with her on Thursday. And, then Friday is Halloween. So, this is the busiest TWW yet. My mom is doing well. We are glad to have her with us. So, Wed is lining check and then you would have the transfer when? I will be thinking good thoughts for you for a nice lining and for a good embryo thaw. I heard most embies are in good shape after the thaw now due to the new freezing techniques in the past couple of years. I hope that is the case for your embies.
tbaus, big congrats! I hope everything continues to go well for you this time.

jgator, still keeping my fingers crossed for you this round. Glad you have lots of distraction during the TWW! I didn't have any pain after my transfer either.

mp, here's hoping that your lining thickens up with the extra estrace. I take all of my estrace vaginally and refer to it as the 'blue goo' phase. So many lovely things we get to endure in this process, huh?

choro, sending good thoughts your way. I hear FRERs are the best.

lc, hugs. Don't push yourself before you're ready - maybe it will feel better to wait until the new year for a new start? Hope the move goes well.

I started my estrace on Friday and am feeling all the extra emotions that go along with that. I saw an acquaintance yesterday from across a store and she was visibly pregnant...I ran away rather than have to talk to her. :( I am in a similar place to MP and LC of not feeling like we'll ever have success and being scared to try again and open myself up to the disappointment again. I know it's not entirely rational, but I am so scarred by this process.
tbaus, YAY for the doubling time! When is your first us?
shortblonde, hugs. I don't blame you. Especially for an acquaintance, rather than a friend.
JGator, Seems like your daughter had a great birthday! How is she handling pre school? Mine took a month and a half to sop crying. Sending more sticky dust!
mp, good luck on your lining check today. Hope to hear encouraging news.

Thinking for all you strong ladies and lurkers.

AFM, thanks everyone for your encouragement and suggestions. I used wondfo again, and this time we saw clear bfp lines! :shifty: I would have bought a FRER but the lines were clear enough. We're the opposite of tbous. DH will consider me pregnant when we see a heartbeat. I am bonding with the bean as much as possible. I made an appointment for an us on Nov 21, at 8 weeks so that if there is no heartbeat we'll know immediately, rather than waiting an entire week. Meanwhile, my 2 year old son has already (inadvertently) kicked me in the stomach :cry:
Choro, Congratulations!! You can wait till Nov 21? You are so patient. I would be in for a blood test so fast after a BFP!!! My DD starts pre-school on Thursday. I know the first day will be fine as I'll be there. Next week will be the test. I am sure she will be a crier. She's pretty clingy with me and her nanny.

SB, hang in there. I can totally understand your fear of trying again, but it will be so worth it when you find the right embie and get your forever baby. Good luck with the Estrace and upcoming FET. Your timing for a transfer is mid-November, right? Do you plan to transfer more than 1 embie?

MP, 1 more day till the lining check! Good luck. I hope your stress level is lower this week than last and that Ev is feeling better, too.

AFM, nothing new. TWW continues.
Choro, yay! I figured there had to be something there when you were seeing squinters on wondfos that early. Best wishes to you for a healthy pregnancy. My DH is the exact same way. He feels like it his job to keep my good and bad emotions in check, but it's impossible for me not to become emotionally attached the minute I see the second line. Keep us posted!

SB, it's SO hard. And you have it even harder while trying for your first. I wish I had great words of wisdom, but since I'm experiencing many of the same emotions, all I can say is that I'm thinking of and praying for you and hoping that this next cycle will finally go smoothly and bring you a baby. I've seen many stories where 2nd or 3rd FETs do the trick. It's just a matter of having the right conditions and the right embryo/blast. Take care of yourself!

JGator, hop you are doing well. Do you know when you'll be testing or are you waiting for a blood test? If my lining has improved by tomorrow, my transfer would be next Monday. I need to have 5 days of PIO shots before the transfer because I will be transferring 5/6 day blasts. I'm trying to keep my expectations in check this time and just hope for the best.
Just poppin by to say congrats to Choro! :wavey:

AFM- 2ww here too. 5dpo and seriously sick of eating pineapple core lol
MP, the RE says to wait to test via blood test 15 days after the IUI which to me is an insane wait. I will likely test earlier. I would like to hold out till 12 DPO. I think that's Saturday. So, that is the plan - I hadn't thought about it till you asked, but no way I can wait till 15 DPO. That's interesting that you take the PIO for the duration to get up to the number of days old the embies are at the time of transfer. Hope all is well tomorrow. Can't wait for an update from you as always!!!
JGator, for my IUIs, they always just told me to take a test 2 weeks after the IUI and report back to them with the result. I always have it in my mind that 12dpo is the time when you should have a positive test (and the trigger should be out of your system), so that sounds like a good plan to me. Fingers crossed!

Yeah, the whole FET process is pretty interesting. It's weird to me how you can create an artificial cycle with estrogen and progesterone if you time it correctly. And don't get me started on how weird it is that you can actually freeze embryos/blasts and thaw them and have them work. I try not to think about how unnatural that seems and just hope that if one of those little ones is meant to be our baby, it will all work out.

SB, I forgot to comment on your "blue goo"comment. So true! Of all the indignities associated with fertility treatments, for some reason that one really stands out to me! I just want to get to the point where I can say it was all worth it.
Hello all. Just wanted to say hello here and I wish I could give everyone a hug. I've been lurking on this thread on and off for the past several months, as my husband and I have been TTC since a month after I underwent a D&E for trisomy 9 on 1/2/14. I have another son who is now 4 and who still asks when he will get to meet the baby girl (he knew there was a girl in momma's tummy when I had the abortion at 19 weeks) and I want more than anything to give him a sibling. This month we underwent our fourth cycle of Femara with hcg trigger and prometrium supplements, and I just found out an hour ago that I'm not pregnant. I feel so defeated and lost. I don't know that I have the fortitude to keep going at this. Just wanted to reach out for some support from other women who know how truly awful this experience is.
KSmom, I'm glad you joined us here. I am very sorry for your BFN today. I can understand the pain and frustration that comes with that news. Have you thought about seeing an RE to have further testing done and/or more intervention like an IUI or IVF? Several of the ladies on this board are in the middle of IVF cycles, and LV recently graduated after her second IVF worked. With IVF, you can have your embryos tested and make sure you only transfer genetically normal ones which should increase your odds and reduce your mc chances. I think you said you are AMA like me so it might be something to consider if/when you are ready. I'm so sad for your son who wants to meet his sister. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

MP, thanks for sharing all your IVF/FET details. I appreciate it. I tested the trigger shot out a long time ago - like 2 days after the IUI and nothing was there! Is that unusual? The whole conception/baby making/growing process is fascinating when you think about it, isn't it? Without all the additional things we can do today? It really is a miracle.
Thanks so much for your reply JGator. We actually are seeing an RE now (she's a nurse practitioner, there are no RE docs up here) and she had me undergo a sonohysterogram and a hysteroscopy earlier this month. She is also the one who upped my Femara dose (I did 7.5mg per day from days 3-7) and put me on prometrium. If we decide after regrouping to go further, I will ask her to test my husband as we haven't done that yet. I don't know whether we will go on to do IUI or IVF but it is encouraging to know it has worked for others.

You're right, I'm AMA (I turned 37 in July) and I desperately wish I had more time. I feel like I need a break but have been pushing through every month for fear of missing our chance to conceive when our chances are supposedly higher.

Thanks again for your understanding and support. I will go through the most recent pages of this thread tonight so I can see where everyone is now. Wishing happy endings to everyone here.
Ksmom, I'm glad and sorry that you found your way here. I read your other thread, and cried so many times for you. I didn't reply because I couldn't find the right words. You are so strong, and I hope your son will have a sibling soon.

Thank you JGator, mp, RT. Yes, I'm going to be blissfully ignorant until Nov 21 :cheeky: The doctor ordered a bunch of blood test, so I went to have that done. 4W1D, 243. She didn't order a second draw and I'm not going to ask for one. Everything else seem to be normal. I don't think I can emotionally cope if I find that my beta is not rising. For my previous miscarriage, HCG was 600 at 4W0D and rose beautifully, but ended with no heartbeat anyway.
Hello ladies!

I'm popping in again after my move. My apartment looks like a WRECK, but everything that was in our old home is in our new one. We still have stuff in our storage unit when we culled/emptied for showings that we still have to move in here. Wanted to do that when we moved on Saturday but ran out of time. Ugh! I *loathe* the whole moving process.

Anyway, what wonderful way to come back here and see some super awesome news for Choro and Tbaus!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Congrats to both you ladies! Sending you both the stickiest dust for the healthiest babies

JGator, this week sounds action packed for you. A great way to ride out the 2WW though. Hoping you get some good news too! Glad your mom is doing OK.

Random, Almost 1/2 way through your 2WW so hoping it goes well.

MP, Hoping the lining check goes well and the FET transfer on Monday. Sending you so much dust for healthy embies and good luck. Thanks for the encouragement, friend.

kSMom, I'm glad you decided to come over here. I'm really sorry about the BFN and yes, it can be so so discouraging after all this disappointment. I totally hear you. Your DS sounds so sweet and I'm sorry he can't meet his little sister. I'm hoping there will be a sibling in the future for him and until then this thread is such a great place to get support. How are things going with your grieving? If you ever need to talk about it, you can do so here.

AFM, So we are back to TTC (because we're not exactly preventing), but I'm not fully committing to temping and O-sticks etc. And I'm too chickensh*t to take another HcG draw to check if I'm back down to zero and then get the prometrium to kick start my cycle. So I'm just going to stick my head in the sand and go "La la la la" for a little longer. DH and I are just having more sex and just trying to enjoy ourselves. It's 50-50 if (sorry for TMI) we have a proper finish or pull out. Last night was a proper one and I had some CM. But I have no clue about Oing, so I'm not going to sweat things too much/pin too much on things. I am going to try acupuncture. Went to an appointment 2 weeks ago, but had to skip mine last week because of stupid work. I should try to set one up for this week.

I'm still doing pretty good with my pact with myself to have sex at least twice a week. At the very least, it's helping with DH wanting/initiating sex more too. Which is a very welcome change for us. It was always me who was initiating that was getting old, hence why we went through very lengthy dry spells. I dunno at the very I'm hoping this is some good that has come from the shit-tastic year we had...
LC, that's great everything went through with the sale of your condo, but I agree the whole moving process is such a pain. We bought our new house and moved in last year before selling our old house, and we took like 4 months to completely empty the old one and fix up a few things before putting it on the market (and because we wanted to wait until after the holidays to put it on the market), so the whole process went on forever. I'm so happy to be settled in our new house for the indefinite future. I hope you guys find a great new home. And I hope you continue to you enjoy yourself and not stress out about TTC until you are ready to take the plunge.

Choro, it is always such a struggle wanting more information, but not having to stress out about every little piece of information. I think that's great if you can hold until your ultrasound. All the best to you until then!

Ksmom, I'm glad to see you stop by (well, I wish you didn't have to, but you know what I mean). I'm sorry your most recent cycle wasn't successful. It stings even more when you are actively pursuing fertility treatment and still coming up empty. I think you just have to give yourself the time you need to decide if you want to pursue further treatments and if so, when is the right time for. We all approach this a bit differently, but it's nice to have the support of others who understand what you are going through. I'm hopeful you will have success soon.

JGator, you did ovidril right? I think that is less HCG than pregnyl, which I always use as a trigger. So it might not be unusual for it to leave your system that early. At least now you'll know if you have a legitimate BFP if you see a line. I've never really tested it out, but one month I thought I saw lines around 10-12 dpiui, but I ended up not being pregnant, so maybe I metabolize it slower or maybe it was a chemical or fluky tests. Who knows.

AFM, I got the go ahead to transfer on Monday. I guess I start the PIO tomorrow. My RE wasn't there, so I talked with the other one, and I always feel uneasy when I do that. I just feel like mine knows my history better, so I may try to see if I can get her on the phone to talk about everything and make sure she agrees. I know they probably don't like the second guessing because they work together, but she suggested transferring one because I said I was nervous about the risk of a twin pregnancy, but I want my own RE's thoughts on that, given the fact that we transferred two last time and only one implanted and didn't end up making it. I also want to make sure she's really satisifed my lining was good enough. It only went up to 8.8 I think, but the RE said that was perfectly fine. Ugh. I hate always feeling so uneasy about all of this!
So here's a question. I'm just wondering about this and am not calling the RE to ask since she still doesnt think I had a mc even though she put it in my chart to make me happy. I had the mc not last cycle but the cycle before. The last cycle I had spotting from 3dop-6dpo and then again from 8dpo-12dpo. For those who have had a mc, is that pretty normal behavior?
MP, yay for the green light for a transfer on Monday. I think it's a good idea to talk to your RE and get all of your questions answered. You should not feel badly about that as you are paying them a TON of money so don't worry about what they think. Yes, I did take Ovidrel so maybe that's it.

LC, I feel your pain on the move. Not fun. I hope you are able to unpack and get settled in quickly. We are still not completely unpacked in our house, and it's been 14 months since we moved. I'm glad you are 50/50 trying again. I wouldn't worry too much about the HCG either -just go with the flow and try not to stress too much. I'm sure acupuncture will be helpful, too. And, that's awesome that your DH is taking the initiative more!

RT, when I had a MC, I had a D&C, and I didn't have too much spotting right after the procedure, and nothing the next cycle which was about a month later.

Choro, sticky dust your way. I hope this is your forever baby. Nov 21 will be here before we know it!

AFM, not much new - just hanging in there. I did stumble upon this TED talk on infertility - it's 18 minutes and I think we all can totally relate
Random, are you asking if your most recent cycle is consistent with another chemical or if the prior chemical could result in the spotting in your most recent cycle? I do have a history of pre-AF spotting, but have never had a chemical pregnancy that I'm aware of. I don't think I've had any spotting as early as 3dpo, but I've had it around 5 or 6dpo, and I almost always have spotting around 9-10dpo (if I'm not on progesterone support) with my BFN cycles. Sorry, I'm not much help and am not really sure what you're asking. Crossing my fingers for this cycle.

JGator, I did talk to my RE just now. She told me they are having really high success rates with frozen cycles (like over 60%), and I apparently have a couple that are good quality blasts. She said it would be reasonable to thaw one and see how it does and if it is less than ideal, thawing a second, but I can change my mind in the next few days and let her know. She said I have to decide what would be a worse outcome for me: (1) transferring 2 and having them both take or (2) transferring 1 and miscarrying or not getting pregnant. I don't hate the idea of twins so long as I have a healthy pregnancy (three kids is my dream), and I really hate the idea of going through all of this again and ending up with no baby like what happened with my IVF cycle, so I'm really torn. Obviously, the very worst thing would be having them both take and something going horribly wrong and losing them or having them be premature and have problems. I honestly don't think I'd be lucky enough to have two take, so I feel silly even worrying about this and realize that ending up with zero or one is a much more likely outcome. Also, there is the financial consideration because we have to spend $4-5 K for each FET. Ugh! I just want somebody to tell me what to do, but nobody can do that!
MP, you said a few things that make me think you should go for transferring 2 including always wanting 3 kids, cost of the FET cycle, and the emotional toll of going through this again. I, however, would not have to live with the twins and wake up in the middle of the night so I'm probably not the best person to ask. Okay, I know I am an enabler. :Up_to_something: See what your DH thinks though. I personally would go for it in your situation. That's great you talked to your RE and that she quoted 60% success rates on FETs!
Hi again ladies,

JGator, thank you so much for sharing that tedtalk link. I have forwarded to my husband and will probably send to my close friends soon as well. So well put. When will you test? Is your 2WW coming to an end soon? Crossing my fingers and toes for you!

MP- thanks so much for the wise and comforting words. I think the immediate response when I get a BFN is 'what do i do now??' because it feels like everything is coming crashing down around me (it seems like you are facing a similar paralysis in decision making with your transfer?). I am surprised that I am able to garner enough optimism and hope to reach that point of devastation month after month. I am still weepy this morning but hoping that I will have a sense of what to do next by the time I get my period. One foot in front of the other, right? Did you decide on what you want to do about your transfer? Not that it matters, but I'm with JGator with the enabling- why not increase your chances by transferring the 2? There are worst case scenarios with even a singleton pregnancy. I wish it wasn't so utterly terrifying, and seemingly so life or death. Big hugs.

RT just curious where you are now- are you still in your 2WW? I've had a mc before (or maybe it's a CP since it was so early, barely 5 weeks) and in my case it was just heavy bleeding when I got AF. I conceived a pregnancy the following cycle without any bleeding until after my BFP at 5 weeks (which again I thought was a MC but turned out to be implantation bleeding- that was the pregnancy I ended up having to terminate.) I am crossing my fingers for your BFP this cycle!

LC- so good to see you here, thanks so much for your warm welcome. I can't speak for the others, but in my world there is *no* such thing as TMI especially when the fertility stuff is out in the open! Good for you and your DH for keeping up with sex for the sake of connection and not just baby making. We have fallen into a rut with it being so conception-focused... around my O time we are like 2 teenagers but after O we are an old married couple! :oops: Thanks so much for asking about the grief. I came off the Celexa a couple of weeks ago and have had a few dips in my mood, the most recent being yesterday with the BFN... I'm giving myself 2 weeks to pull out of it, and if I don't, I will get back on the medication. I still see a counselor and will see her tomorrow. Sigh. How are you doing with your grief? Do you see a counselor or take medication? If any of this is too personal, by all means please ignore. And I *hear* you on the shit-tastic year... I kind of want to forget 2014 altogether. In fact it was in that spirit that I told DH last night that I'm not sending out holiday cards this year. Just don't feel like acknowledging the year and pretending it was a happy one.

Choro- thanks so much for your warm welcome, and congratulations to you on your pregnancy! Wishing you a very healthy 9 months. Please keep us posted on how it's going.

tbaus, congrats to you too!

SB- I so understand that feeling of seeing someone you know who is pregnant. I am unapologetically keeping my distance from everyone I know who is pregnant- even my dear friends. I found out a couple of days ago that a very close friend of mine whose first pregnancy was a molar pregnancy (she went on to have a healthy baby girl after that) is now 21 weeks pregnant with another girl and is planning to call me to tell me. I beat her to the punch by texting her my well wishes along with the offer to call her when I am ready, explaining that her news brings up complicated feelings for me. She was understanding and supportive. Ever since my abortion, I've adopted an attitude of 'I'm going to try to take care of myself. Everyone else can go f*ck themselves' which is quite a shift from the people pleaser I once was. I bring this all up to say I hope you don't feel guilty about taking care of yourself. That is what matters most. Those who are capable of understanding will support your decisions, no matter what. Those who aren't, well, they need to broaden their understanding of your experience.
August cycle - mc
September cycle - spotting 3dpo - 6dpo, 8dpo - 12dpo
October cycle - normal so far....6dpo today

I was wondering if it was usual for the September cycle following the august mc to have as much spotting as it did? I'm praying it's not a progesterone issue because I am so not in the mood to deal with progesterone supplements again on top of the dexamethasone I'm taking lol
Just popping in to say, tbaus - congratulations! I am barracking for you and your little bean big time xxx
Random, since you haven't had spotting in this current cycle, I'd just chalk last cycle up to a fluke. And if for some reason, it continues, you could see if your RE thinks it makes sense to have your progesterone tested on 7dpo to see if that's an issue. Progesterone support is not a big deal, but it seems like low progesterone usually isn't itself the true cause of infertility. It's usually another condition leading to low progesterone like ovulation issues, etc.

JGator, thanks. I am still trying to decide what to do. When I think of just doing one, I feel unsettled with that decision and like I might be making a mistake. I wish there was just some way to know if my body could handle a twin pregnancy, because then it would be a no-brainer for me and I'd do two. I honestly don't believe I'd end up with twins, but I would be so heartbroken if both stuck and I went into early labor and lost them or they had severe problems. But I can't figure out how big a risk that really is. I think you hear more about the horror stories than all the times a twin pregnancy is pretty much uneventful. DH doesn't really know what to do. He had assumed we would do two until I brought up the question to him yesterday, and now he's pretty much leaving it up to me I think. His concern is that if I do two and it turns out conditions aren't quite right for implantation, then we wasted two on a bad cycle, which I guess is a valid concern. Ugh.

How are you doing? Only a couple more days until you first test!

ksmom, it's so true about the cycle of hope and devastation. I've become quite jaded about the whole process and have such a hard time imagining a good outcome at this point, but at the same time, I'm still so heartbroken every time a cycle fails. It's such an emotional rollercoaster ride month after month that only those of us who have experienced really understand. Hang in there.
Thanks MP :wavey: I was kind of thinking along those lines too but wanted to verify I wasn't totally nuts for calling up the RE right away lol!

7dpo and haven't peed on anything yet. There's gotta be some kind of award for that!
choro, congratulations!! So no more blood tests until after your ultrasound? Wow, you are strong, lady! Sending lots of sticky dust your way.

MP, I'm so happy your transfer is booked in now! It sounds to me that 2 embryo transfers would be the way to go if I was in your position. I forget, are these your last two that you are debating transferring? In case I don't pop in again before Monday I wish you lots of luck! Keep us posted.

JGator, thanks for posting that TED talk. I started crying every time you could hear the emotion and vulnerability in her voice. It really is a hard subject to talk about sometimes. How are you going? How many DPO are you now?

SB, I think it is normal to go through periods where despite going through the motions you don't actually believe you will ever get pregnant. Especially since this you are trying for your first, so you don't even know if you can get pregnant. I remember the feeling well. Hang in there, I know your turn will come soon. Why some of us are chosen to struggle through this while others go through life so easily is beyond me. And it is totally fine to hide or run away from people you don't want to see. I'm 6 months out from losing Will and I still find it hard to be around babies (and their Mums) the same age that he should have been.

Random, I hope your cycle sorts itself out soon so you can stop stressing. It is very frustrating when your body won't do what it is supposed to.

ksmom, welcome to the thread! I'm sorry you haven't been successful yet. I would strongly recommend getting your DH tested before you go any further. It is such a simple test and if there was problem at least you would not waste any more time and could move onto IUI or IVF. Your son sounds so sweet and Im sure it must be hard. It is not the same but the last time I was pregnant one of my nieces (who is 9 ) was so excited to be getting a baby cousin. When we found out that we would have to terminate I don't think my sister explained it properly to her, she just told him that Will was sick and he might have to go to heaven. Well, after I'd given birth and "recovered" they came over to see me and the first thing she asked was if Will was better yet. I remember keeping it together long enough to explain that he didn't get any better, and we'd had to say goodbye. She was so sad that she never got to even say hi to him, and that she would have to wait so long to wait to meet him up in heaven. In some ways I think it is good if your son remembers Uma, as people say they will live on forever in our hearts, Big hugs to you.

LC, what n awesome thing you are doing for your relationship. I think it will help both of you immensely. I find that DH and I have dry spells, and once we get back into it we both go "Hey, this is pretty damn good! Why don't we do this more often?" Haha. Argh, moving is so not fun. We moved into our place a year ago with the thought of moving again in a 2 or 3 years but the pain of moving is still too raw in my mind and I think I'll drag it out for as long as possible!

pancake, thank you for dropping in. I really, truly hope this is it for us this time. I hope your new DD is settling in well into the family. :wavey:
Just stopping by to say that I hope those of you who have not had your miracles yet have a good day. I know Halloween can be an especially painful time of year since it is so focused on kids and people tend not to invite their childless friends along for the festivities. Anyways, long story short, I'm thinking of you today :wavey:

8dpo, TONS of watery cm and tiniest spot of light pink blood. Hoping this turns out to be a good sign! :pray: :pray: