
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

16 DPO, BFN. This is getting old...
RT, dude, SeRIOUSLY? :confused: Not even squinters? I say if you get to 18DPO just bust out the FRERs.

MP, My gosh I'm so praying for you my friend! I've been thinking about you constantly this whole weekend. Sending you so many prayers and good thoughts. I hope you and your bean(s) get some good news on Tuesday.

Choro, I'm very sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. I'm sending dust for her and hoping you stay healthy. It's a lot to have weighing on you. Hugs from afar.

Tbaus, YES!!! Twins are awesome! I'm so happy for you but yes, I can believe it would take time to adjust. If it makes you feel better, my mom and dad didn't know we were going to be twins until 36 wks. APparently our heartbeats were synchronized and U/S technology *really sucked* back then.

JGator, I'll be keeping tabs on you this cycle, lady. I hope you just need the IUI. Is your mom still in town or will she be coming back for Thanksgiving?

SB, how did the lining check go today? I'm sending dust that this cycle is your lucky one.

ksmom, :wavey: Thinking of you. How are you doing this week?

AFM, AF arrived, so my ignore/fingers in my ears going"la la la" period is over. I guess i'm going to log onto FF for the first time in 2.5 months and at least track my period. This AF seems much lighter than my typical and I'm only filling pantyliners. I'm feeling kinda down in terms of my chances, but I'm hoping whatever's in the water 'round these parts stays. Seems like we've got quite the boom and I hope it stays that way.
I obviously ovulated late, today would be 17dpo and technically it's only possible to get up to 16dpo and not have your period (cant implant later than 12dpo, 3-4 days for hcg to develop). So I wait. lol.

lc- i already have lol, they were bfns! I need to start tracking my cycle again too like you, I tried to just wing it this month and it was a horrible catastrophe lol :wavey:
rt, I hope whatever is going on with you resolves soon. Frustrating!

lc, thanks for your kind thoughts. I am keeping everything crossed that this upcoming cycle is a good one for you.

mp, I understand so many of your feelings. I am sending lots of sticky dust for your beta on Tuesday.

tbaus, congrats! I hope everything continues to go smoothly for all three of you.

jgator, hope your follies are growing well!

afm, my lining check did not go as I'd hoped. Lining is only 4mm and I have fluid in there again. :wall: I'm so frustrated and discouraged - I'm really running out of hope that I'll ever be able to get pregnant and have biological kids with my DH and that makes me so sad. I'll have another u/s and meet with my RE on Thursday to decide how to proceed.
SB, wtf!? I'm so frustrated for you. I would really push for some answers and for a different protocol. Maybe skip the BCPs? Or try a different form of estrogen? I've even heard of people taking FSH instead like a stim cycle to get better lining. There's got to be something else they can try. Do you ever post on RESOLVE? Maybe someone on there would have experience with this or suggestions. Anyway, big hugs to you. That just sucks!

LC, thanks for the good thoughts. I so appreciate it. I'm glad AF finally made an appearance. It's about time. I really think it's going to worth this time and you'll get a healthy baby!

Random, so annoying! Hang in there!

JGator, hope your ultrasound went well!

No news here. Just waited for Tuesday. The stress and anxiety is hard to deal with at times, but I'm trying to just let it go and realize it is out of my control.
MP, I am still thinking of you every day and hoping you have one or two sticky, healthy beans in there. I'm sorry you are feeling down about the whole process, and work sounds crazy at the moment for you as well. No need to apologise, I totally understand where you are coming from, and this is the place to air all your worries (irrational or not) without fear. It does truly feel like it is a luck of draw kind of thing, and some of us are getting our numbers pulled out before others. I truly feel that this is your month as well though, and you will be coming back with some exciting news very soon for us. It would be great to have a twin buddy, so we can freak out together!

LC, Twins are so very awesome! I am adjusting to the thought, it is a lot to get my head around though. I'm glad AF has finally arrived for you and hoping your stay in this thread this time around is a short one.

RT, I forget, have you just been tracking your cycles via FF thus far? I hope it manages to resolve itself soon so you can stop stressing.

SB, how frustrating for you! Good luck on Thursday, I hope your RE can provide some answers for you and come up with a plan of attack going forward. Big hugs to you, that really sucks.

Choro, JGator and ksmom: Hi! I hope you are all doing ok this week.

AFM, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all your well wishes for the beans. DH and I have been on a research bender this weekend and now with a bit of knowledge under our belts it is seeming more manageable. We always knew that multiples was a possibility, but I guess at the time we were both just stressing about the scan (since out last scan with WIll delivered some crushing news) so it kind of hit us unexpectedly. A friend who I confided in this weekend told me to not focus on the what could go wrong, but instead look ahead and think positively to what I will get my children to wear on their first day of school. Thinking of the end game puts you past all the immediate troubles and visualising the first day of school means that I make it passed everything else. So, with that positivity in mind, it is time for me to move to the JBP thread. I'll still be lurking on here though and cheering you all on. I hope to see more of you make the jump over with me very soon. :wavey:
Tbaus, thanks so much. I will be following your story, and I hope everything goes as smoothly as possible. The vast majority of twins do just fine, so your friend was right to tell you to keep imagining your life with them. Very happy for you. You deserve nothing but the best!

So..... I cheated and tested early today, and well, here we go again. There was a second line. Today is 7dp5dt, and last time I waited until 8dp5dt. I'm not going crazy with excitement because it's about the same color as last time. So I don't expect a super high beta. DH is probably going to be mad me for not waiting until tomorrow to test, and I don't want to wake him up yet, so I had to tell you guys :)

MP, I know you are being cautious but........

YAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Sending you lots of good vibes and dust for some healthy, sticky beans!!! :appl:

As far as betas go, my levels were actually a bit lower this time around and I have two this time! The OB said it is absolutely nothing to worry about, and that you can't compare the HCG levels from one pregnancy to another as there are so many variables.

I truly, with all my heart hope this is it for you this time.
sb, that is so frustrating!! Gah! Sorry I can't recall, but is this is a consistent problem with you? I hope they can find someone to sort this out!

tbaus, Hope you check back here some time. I will move there if we confirm a heartbeat on Dec 15.

mp, omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to your beta draws!!! Sticky sticky, stickiest dust! Grow babies, grow!

AFM, thank you for your thoughts. My mother is slowly recovering, thank goodness. My sister figured out that I might be pregnant in 0.5 seconds. Gotta love siblings. She agrees that it will be best not to tell our parents. My only worry is if I start miscarrying while I'm here. It will be more than the clots I dumped out in July, and there is no way I can hide that.
MP - Congrats!! First of all, that is a seriously dark line! And, secondly, I thought we didn't talk about the composition of second lines around here any longer because we know there are too many variables that might affect line darkness! So happy you tested early!! I wondered if you would!! Congrats!!!!!!

Tbaus - Yay for twins! How exciting! I love your friend's advice!! She is a smartie. I'm going to take her advice too!

SB - So sorry to hear about you lining check. I wonder if you would do better on a natural cycle? Have you considered going to another clinic just to see if they would handle your cycles differently. I know my situation was different, but when I changed clinics, it was like night and day for me. I'm not suggesting that you would have to switch, but what if another practice could help shed light on what is going on with your cycles?

Choro - Wow, your sis is good! I hope that your pregnancy continues to go well and that you will be able to share wonderful news with your parents soon. Glad to hear your mom is recovering.
MP, yay for a line!!!! Go MP's embies/blasts! What are they at this point? I would not worry about the darkness either. I like LV's advice on that. 1 more day till a test and then do you go back in 2 days for a follow up beta to see if things are doubling?

Choro, I'm glad that your mother is improving and also that your sister figured it out. I think it would be nice to have someone there to confide in about what you are going through. Sending sticky, healthy dust your way.

Tbaus, congratulations on graduating and your friend's advice sounds spot on! We are cheering for you and those twinnies!!!

SB, sorry to hear about your lining check. Maybe it just needs a few more days?

RT, sorry for your in-limboness. No fun, huh?

LC, how goes it? My mom went back to FL a week and a half ago. So, we'll fly to see her for turkey day and the whole week. I haven't seen my sister and nieces/nephews and my BFF in 18 months so it will be nice to be warm and see my pals/family. I think I had a light AF right after my MC too. This cycle it was super long and heavy, I think from the prometrium. Hope things settle back for you. I know you have long cycles so hopefully this one won't take too long to get an idea of what's going on. Our bodies are so mysterious some times. Hang in there, Mamma. I'm rooting for you.

AFM, I had an ultrasound/bloodwork on Saturday and the technician said I had an 11mm follie on the left and nothing on the right. She didn't sound too encouraging, but she said for an IUI you only need one. So, I went back in this AM for another check and this technician said I had 3 on the left and the largest was 13mm I think, and 1 "under on the right" - I think that means a small one. So, I need to take the meds for another 2 nights and come back on Wed for another check. She also said my lining looks good whatever that means. So, a couple more days on injections in store for me. I only started on Wednesday, but for some reason, this seems slower this time around than last. Oh well, better to have a good slow baked egg than one that is cooked too quickly. It looks like if this cycle is a bust, we will wait till December to do another IUI as I'll probably be in FL when AF is due around Thanksgiving and a new cycle would start. I think my DH is on board for IVF in Jan as we can put our $ into the healthcare spending account and be prepared for it. He is much more practical compared to me. I don't feel optimistic, but I am trying my best to get through the next few cycles before the new year. My DD told me yesterday when crying on the way home from the store because I wouldn't buy her a baby that she wants Santa to bring her a baby and she agreed to teach it to sleep at night, take a paci, and drink from a bottle along with a ton of other activities. I don't think she actually knows the difference between a real baby and a baby doll so I may have gotten more sad than I needed to for her last night.
Wow, lots of congratulations are in order here!!

Tbaus, congrats on twins!! I know you're probably a bit in shock now, but you will be fine! I'm not going to lie, newborn twins are a lot of work but there are lots of great moments too.

Choro congratulations!!

MP, yay, congrats!! :)) That line looks pretty dark to me. Would you pass out if it were twins?! Stick stick stick!

LV, hope your pregnancy is going well! Are you just about in 2nd tri now? :wavey:
Yay MP congrats!

AFM- going on 18dpo (yes I know that's not possible but I don't know how else to write it lol). Even if I ovulated 4 days late that still puts me at 14dpo and no AF. No BFP or BFN because I ran out of tests and frankly woke up not giving an a flying eff. I didn't temp this cycle but temp this morning was at 98.73. And so we continue the wait...ho hum....
Thanks for all the good wishes and support, everyone. I'm so guarded right now. I'm thankful, however, for a little bit of hope, despite the fact there are many hurdles to overcome before there will be any celebrating. DH was really annoyed with me for testing today. I woke up and tested at 3:30 am after going to bed around midnight, so it was sort of a half-asleep decision (I'm lucky my sample was even concentrated enough to work!). He didn't even want to see the test, and then when he did, he said, "Well, we don't know that it's not the other hormones you're taking :roll: , and things could change by tomorrow." Yeah, yeah, yeah, he needn't worry that I am getting my hopes up too high.

Laila, I'm not even going to think about the twin possibility yet. I just want it confirmed there is at least one healthy baby in there! Also, I think my test may look a little darker on here than it was. It was an undeniable positive, but not super dark or anything. I hope you are hanging in there with all the activity you have going on. I know it has to be crazy.

JGator, you're right. Sometimes slow and steady really does win the race with these things. I really hope you are able to get your IUI in, and if it comes to it, it's good to know your DH is at least on board with trying IVF in the new year. You haven't tried that many cycles yet, so keep your head up!

LV, thanks. And yes, yes, and yes again - I am going to do my best to avoid the whole overanalyzing of tests thing this time. What will be, will be, regardless of what those stupid little pink lines have to say about the matter.

Choro, so happy you're mom is doing better and that your sister is there to support you through the pregnancy stuff. Thanks for the good wishes, and I am still sending them your way.

Tbaus, thank you for the support. It means a lot! I'm keeping you and those babies in my thoughts and prayers.

Random, darn, that's the worst. I had one cycle like that where I hadn't a clue when I ovulated and the cycle just dragged on. It's the worst. Hang in there. It still might happen!
MP, congrats!! I'm so excited for you, lady. I totally understand your caution (& your DH's), but I'm just unabashedly thrilled for you. And I agree with trying not to analyze the lines too much (though, I must say, that's a pretty strong looking positive on my monitor... :Up_to_something:) Sending you lots of sticky dust for a strong beta & heartbeat(s) & baby (or babies!)

tbaus, OMG!! What wonderful news about your twins! I'm glad you're feeling more settled about the news now. I think your friend gave you great advice to focus on the positives. I'm sure, especially after what you went through last time, that you're scared. I would be too. But, after everything, you're really due for a miracle & it sounds like you've got one!

RT, ugh, how frustrating! I hope you have some clarity soon. Do you think you might not have ovulated this cycle?

choro, I hope your mom is doing better. Continued sticky dust to you!

LV, hope you're doing great & baking away!

Laila, congrats to you on those beautiful twins! (Sorry I haven't stopped by the other thread in a while.) I'm sure it must be pretty chaotic with 4 little ones now, but hope you're adjusting & getting a little sleep too. ;)

SB, I'm so sorry, honey. How disheartening & beyond frustrating! I heartily agree with LV's recommendation to try a different protocol, perhaps a natural cycle FET. I think, for some women (myself included), less is more in terms of meds. It seems like your body is pretty sensitive to the meds, so maybe something less invasive would actually work better. My ultimate success was on the least invasive protocol I ever tried. Also, I understand your feeling more hopeful for other people than for yourself. I came to feel that way as well.
And I always had mixed feelings when reading the pep talks from people who had been successful. But parenthood is in your grasp, one way or another. Hugs.

LC, I'm sorry AF is here, but glad you can move on to the next cycle. Hoping for a super sticky bean for you soon. I think it's coming...
Also, I can't believe your parents didn't know you were a twin until 36W! Wow! It must be wonderful to have that twin connection, though.

JGator, yes, I do think slow & steady wins the race. I'm super hopeful for you. I'm glad that you have a plan to move forward if this is not the cycle, though. And hugs to you about your DD. It makes me sad to think I probably won't be able to give mine a sibling, but we can only do the best we can & some things are out of our control. (Though I really think your DD will have a little brother or sister on the way soon.)
BrightSpot|1415640411|3780694 said:
RT, ugh, how frustrating! I hope you have some clarity soon. Do you think you might not have ovulated this cycle?

I'm fairly certain I did ovulate because my temps have been pretty high when I've been randomly temping, I'm just not sure when it happened lol
MP, yay!! :appl: Looks like a strong line!! Sending you well wishes that this is IT for you lady!
19dpo- fairly certain I'm out. No af but no bfp either and if I was going to get one I'm fairly certain I would have by now even if my dates were off. This sucks. Just waiting on AF now.
Um, my beta today at 8dp5dt was 275....
Holy Moly, MP!!! Twinnies in there!! Stick babies, stick!!! Do you remember me telling you a long time ago I imaginged or dreamed you were having twins one day??? I'll have to go find that post.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats MP!!!!!!!!! And, kudos to your RE's office for getting the results to you (and us!!) so quickly!!
Back on 6/27 -
JGator|1403885836|3702139 said:
MP, I forgot to tell you I have a feeling that you are going to get preggo with twins from IVF. And, then you will feel complete with the family you always wanted. I just feel it. You need to do what you feel comfortable with, and I think it's really just the fear of failing with IVF that is holding you back. Remember you have age on your side so I'm sure your eggs are just fine. You should definitely have a good, long conversation with the RE before doing anything else. ....Keep the faith, MP!
MP!!! That's fabulous news! I just wandered over to betabase & it looks like your beta is solidly in the (strong) twin range for 13dpo.
So incredibly excited for you! Continued sticky dust coming your way!

RT, ugh, how annoying! I hope you can move on soon.
monkeyprincess|1415721551|3781305 said:
Um, my beta today at 8dp5dt was 275....

Oh boy! Twins :halo:
monkeyprincess|1415721551|3781305 said:
Um, my beta today at 8dp5dt was 275....

Huge huge congrats! FWIW, my beta with this pregnancy was 100 at yeah, I'm thinking twins.
There's so much going on here! I have twin brothers and they are so much fun, congratulations to all of the ladies here and best wishes! I hope this train keeps on rolling for you all :appl:
Shh, you guys are freaking me out! You know me though; I'm pretty sure I'd be freaking out no matter what the initial number had been. Even though I knew my line seemed suspiciously dark this morning compared to last time, I was thinking it would be great if I got a nice 75 or 80 or something like that. I almost feel like I should call back and ask if I heard her right. And obviously this first number really means nothing. It needs to double appropriately by Thursday, and even if it does that, there are so many hurdles to overcome. For now, I'm just going to do my best to stay zen and hope for the best and for at least one healthy baby out of this. But please, no more than two. (I only say that because I saw a story not long ago about a couple who transferred two and ended up with both splitting, but that's a 1 in 70 million odds type thing, so I know that didn't happen).
MP, you crack me up! 1 in 70 million odds! I think you have 2 nice babies in there baking away and enjoying the residual Halloween candy sugar!
Ack, JGator, don't freak her out about the sugar! :wink2:
Woohoo MP!! We're gonna be twin mummas together :appl: :appl: :appl:

ETA, Thanks everyone for the well wishes. We're obviously on a twin bender....who's next? :Up_to_something: