
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

I knew it! I was right to cheer in plural. That's higher than my beta at 14dpo. Grow babies, grow!! I'm so excited for you and tbaus :D
MP, I can't wait for your next beta update tomorrow! Time seems to be moving so slowly.

AFM, I had an ultrasound/bloodwork today. There are 4 follies on the left and again 1 under on the right. Doc said to come back again tomorrow AM for another check, and I'll likely trigger tomorrow night and have the IUI on Saturday. Getting tired of the blood draws, but I guess it'll be worth it in the end if it works.
JGator, wow, sounds like things improved follicle-wise. I hope things look ready to go by tomorrow! And yes, the monitoring does get old, and it's annoying you have to come in two days in a row, but you do what you have to do. And ha, your and Bright's candy comments cracked me up. It/they haven't been exposed to too much sugar since that initial post-Halloween binge, but I still feel badly about that!

Random, so sorry you're still in the dark, and it sucks that all you can do is wait it out. But you just never know maybe you caught the surge just at the right time. Hang in there.

SB, how are you doing? Curious if you've had a chance to talk to your doctor. Thinking of you as always.

Thanks all for the good wishes and support. I think it's way, way too premature to assume it will be twins at this point and even more so that they'll both stick, but I appreciate all your encouragement. I'm worried about tomorrow because that's when I first knew things had gone sour last time around. I guess there may be more ambiguity because it is far more likely both implanted this time based on the huge difference in beta (41 v. 275), so even if it doesn't double, I guess that could still mean one of them is doing okay.
CD35 for those keeping track...lame...
RT, sorry about CD 35. That's insane and unfair! I hope you get good news out of this cycle? Are you testing daily?

MP, thinking of you and waiting for your beta update. Sending positive thoughts your way.

SB, did you hear anything from your RE on your FET/lining issues?

Hi, everyone else :wavey: And, the lurkers :wavey:

AFM, I went to the RE again this AM. Will trigger tonight and have the IUI on Saturday. I'm glad to have the IUI on a Saturday so we won't have to sneak around the nanny with our RE visits. I've been able to do all the monitoring before she shows up in the AM so that has worked out well.
Random, what a pain! Hang in there, lady.

JGator, great news! I'll be keeping everything crossed for you, and I'm glad the timing worked out better for you with the Nanny situation. I hope you catch one of those eggs this time!

AFM, just got the call, and my beta was 748! So far, so good. Thanks for you continued thoughts, prayers, dust or whatever you have to spare!
MP!!! :appl: OMG!!! Congratulations!!! I'm thrilled for you!!! Please take a moment to celebrate! I know it's hard with your history, but that's some great news!!!!
MP-I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really hoping that this is a sticky bean/beans!

Grow little monkey, grow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
748, holy cow MP! You must be very happy and relieved. Your betas are very similar to what mine were, and well, you know what happened... =)

JGator, best of luck with your IUI! I hope this is it for you. Dust dust dust.
MP!! EEEeeee! Such beautiful betas!! I was really excited when I read that you were on board with transferring two and I am crossing everything possible that those little beans keep on growing! When is the next beta draw? So sorry to be ignorant since I've followed this thread forever and should know better, but how many beta draws do they typically do? Then when would they schedule the first u/s? I'm assuming they do another couple of beta checks, then the first u/s is at 6 - 7 weeks? I know you don't want to get too ahead of yourself, I'm just being really nosy because I'm excited for updates.
yay yay yay MP!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl:
Thanks so much, everyone! I am so relieved right now that at least we are still very much in the game. No celebrating yet, but I definitely feeling hopeful. Let's say cautiously optimistic. The funny thing was when she told me the number I got confused and was thinking that in order to double I had to get to 750, so I was all concerned it was only 748. But then I was like, duh, it only needed it to get to 550.

NEL, thanks for checking in. To answer your question, because my beta doubled appropriately, the aren't doing any more bloodwork until I go in for my first ultrasound. For some reason my clinic schedules the first one for 5w6d, which is the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Last time they told me it was 50/50 whether you'd see a heartbeat at that time. I'm debating whether I'm going to just request to move it until the following week when a heartbeat would be more definitive, but at the same time, it would be nice to have a little more information before Thanksgiving, so I could at least know things are in range or on track. I'll have to do some thinking on that and get DH's thoughts.

Keeping all of you ladies in my thoughts and prayers. Nothing would make me happier than if we could all clear out this thread for awhile and go through a pregnancy together!
MP - Woo-hoo!!! :dance: So happy for you!!! Regarding the early ultasound, I hear you. I was told that by 6 wks 1 day, we would definitely be able to see a heartbeat. I skipped over the 5 week u/s. However, in YOUR case, wouldn't you be able to see yolk sac vs. sacs at 5 wks 6 days? Hmm, it's too bad about Thanksgiving, because I guess I would have voted for the 6 wks 1 day (since it's only two days after what they are suggesting), but that would fall on TG, right?

JG - Good Luck with your IUI!! Fingers crossed for you!!

RT - Sorry about the long cycle. I know how frustrating this must be for you.
MP, I think I would keep the early ultrasound appt more to find out if there are twins in there. Then, go back for your heartbeat ultrasound later. Keep expectations low for that first ultrasound. Congrats again!!!
Woohoo MP, congrats mama!!! I'm sorry you can't be more excited due to your history, but I'm really excited for you. These are the best betas you've ever had, including the ones for Ev, so this is absolutely a good sign! I know you're worried about the higher risks of multiples, but I think JGator is right, and your family will be complete with these twins. ;)

Ahh, the uncertainty of the early ultrasound! If I were you, I would go ahead and keep the 5w+6d ultrasound to see how many sacs you have, but realistically tell yourself that if there isn't a heartbeat or two, that everything is still okay. My first one was at 6w, but I know I O'ed later than CD15, so I wasn't actually 6w. There was only a gestational sac and a yolk sac that measured something like 5w+3d, no baby yet. My OB made me come back at 8w (I had to fight back my temptation to call and move it back to 7w) and the baby with heartbeat was there by then. I know you are an information junkie like I am, so that's why I think you'll want to keep the 5w+6d ultrasound. Plus you'll have a really good reason or two to be thankful on thanksgiving!
That is SUCH good news MP! I'll celebrate for you :dance: because I am very optimistic about this pregnancy for you!

CD36 over here. Thought AF was starting, had pink watery spotting which has disappeared completely since around 10am. :rolleyes: I've been getting BFNs since yesterday so I'm fairly certain I'm out, just waiting for AF to show now!
Yay, MP!!! Such amazing news! I'm so happy for you. I agree with the others about keeping the u/s appointment as scheduled so you know how many little monkeys are in there! Tons of sticky dust headed your way!

Jgator, good luck with the IUI! So hoping this is it for you!

RT, ugh. So sorry about the uncertainty. That sucks.
Yay MP!!!! I would usually say skip the 5 week ultrasound and wait until you can see a heartbeat, but since it is coming up to holiday season I would probably want to know and find out asap too. If you do go for the 5 week ultrasound when will you go again? Six or seven weeks maybe? I'm so excited that we might be going through twin pregnancies together! :appl:

Just remember to think positive! What will your twins be wearing on their first day of school? Here in Australia every one wears uniforms so my two beans will be wearing little red polo shirts and navy shorts/skirts. They have to show their personality through shoes and school bags :lol:
Random, argh. If nothing else, I hope the spotting means you will get some clarity with your cycle. It would be nice if it was the sign of something more positive though!

JGator, best wishes for your IUI tomorrow!!!

Thanks everyone again for the congratulations! And thanks for weighing in on the ultrasound thing. We are going to be out of town visiting my family from November 26-30, so I do think I'll probably just keep the appointment for the 25th and see where things stand at that point. I so hope at least one of them stuck and is developing on track! I haven't told my family that we even went through the FET. They knew we would be doing IVF last time (but not when), and I told them about the last pregnancy after the betas sucked because I guess I needed the support. But I'm not sure if we'll tell them at Thanksgiving about what's going on or not. I kind of like the idea of waiting until we have more clarity instead of dragging others through the anxiety, but at the same time, it will be hard not to say anything, and I wouldn't mind them knowing and keeping the baby in their prayers, or in case we get bad news. DH's family lives in town, but he didn't want to tell them about my first pregnancy with Ev until after the first trimester. They have no clue about our fertility treatments. How do you all handle telling your families about this stuff?
AF FINALLY showed last night so I'm relieved to be done with that business!
At least for this next cycle, I should still find out if we are pregnant before visiting my parents for Christmas. I so so wish I could surprise my mom with a pregnancy, she is back in the hospital right now with pneumonia :(
MP, Bright, LV, and Laila, thanks for the well wishes on the IUI.

MP, glad you will keep the appt just to give you some reassurance hopefully pre-Thanksgiving holidays. We haven't told our families anything, but we live far away so it's not that hard. We probably wouldn't tell anyone again until after 12 weeks or so, but I can undertand wanting support. Maybe tell your closest sister if you think she can keep a secret. I'm sure everyone will be thrilled for you like we are though!

RT, glad you have some closure on this cycle, but I'm so sorry it's not better news. I hope you get your BFP for Xmas. That would be nice to be able to share with your mom.

AFM, not much new. IUI is tomorrow. DH and I are in an argument so not the best of times over here. I think I have less patience with him when I'm on the meds, and he feels like he can't do anything right and that I am picking fights. So, hopefully, we will be in a better place by tomorrow. I don't like conflict, and he is stubborn and shuts down so not a good mix in an argument.
Random, well, it sucks AF showed, but I'm sure it's a relief to at least have clarity and be able to start over with a new cycle. Best wishes for your mom. I can only imagine how rough it is to have her going through all that while you're also dealing with your own struggles. Take care.

JGator, just wanted to say that I can totally relate to what you're going through with your DH. I think the excess hormones have made me more irritable and overly sensitive at the same, which is a really bad combination when dealing with your spouse. My DH feels the exact same way that your DH does right now. We fortunately can have it out and be fine shortly after, but we have been bickering way more than normal lately, and I hate it! I think we've both just been under a lot of stress with the fertility stuff, and maybe that's what's going on with you lately too. Hugs.
MP, Late to the party but I'm SO SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Have you decided to keep your appointment for the 25th? I do much worse with ambiguous information, but I can see what your reasons would be to know before hand. Regardless I hope you'll have two (or THREE!) very good things to be thankful for :)

JGator, good luck tomorrow with the IUI! Just curious do you get a sitter for K when you go for them? I'm just curious because the logistics of both you and your DH going to your appointments makes me kinda wonder. I'm sorry you two have been kind of annoying each other lately, but I'm sure it's like MP said: stress and hormones. Sucks that you have to go through all that but hoping you get good news this cycle.

RT, Sorry about AF but thank goodness your long cycle is over! Sorry about your mom. Sending some healing dust her way.

SB, have you had another lining check? Where are you in your cycle now? I hope this is it for you. I"m keeping my fingers crossed!

Choro, how are you doing? How's your mom?

AFM, not much to add. I'm on CD7, and I have long cycles, so not expecting to O until earliest Thanksgiving, if not in December.
LC, we have never hired a sitter for K. We need to, but that's another story. So with the IUI, my DH has to drop off a container of sperm 1.5 hours before my appt. So, last time, we both had appts on a weekday so the nannny watched K and had no idea what we were coming/going for. This time, it's a Saturday, so I'll watch K while he goes to drop off, and he'll come home and watch K while I go for the procedure. For the monitoring, he watches K when I go in the AM early before work and before the nanny arrives. K doesn't like him in the AMs so she cries and looks for me. So, I'm sure that's fun for him. Sorry your cycles are so long and you won't O till Thanksgiving! Bummer. We have had 2 appts where we both had to be there which were during business hours - the first appt and then my polyp removal where he had to drive me to/from the procedure. I guess if we move on to IVF, it will be similar in that I won't be able to drive to/from the procedure for the egg retrieval.

MP, thanks for chiming in. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I feel very emotional and just not appreciated for everything I do. I hope this ends soon.
JGator, how are you feeling? Sticky dust to you! TTC itself takes such a huge toll on our emotions. I can't fathom what it is like with interventions, injections, and supplements. Kudos too all you strong ladies.

LC, hmm, thanksgiving conception! :naughty: Thank you asking about my mom. She has no strength, but now super bored at the hospital so we brought her silly magazines and puzzles. I think this is a good sign!

mp, I'm glad you kept the appointment just because I want to hear your update. But I totally understand your reservation for doing so. You're such a level headed strong lady! When do you go again after the 25th?

RT, I'm "glad" that AF finally showed for you. Here's to hoping for a Christmas announcement!

AFM, now that I'm more relaxed about my mom, I'm very anxious about myself. Something happens every moment that makes me doubt this pregnancy will last. I bumped my head this morning, my stomach is upset, I leaned forward too much and now I'm cramping, I jumped into a hot spring last night, I feel pelvic pressure so I must be dilating, I'm too worried about my parents, I have no symptoms so baby must not be growing, etc.
Every day I'm thinking about Dec 15 and I don't think we're going to see a heartbeat. I'm in a defense mode and overly pessimistic. I need to find my zen and enjoy being pregnant for now. It doesn't help that I miss my son so much. Sorry for the ramble.
LC, thank you! But don't you even start throwing out the number three! I will be so thrilled if at least one of them sticks around and is healthy. I'm thinking it won't be long until you are pregnant again, and this time will be different.

JGator, hope all went well for you today!

Choro, hope your mom continues to improve. Ugh, I can only imagine how you feel not having any more confirmation on how your pregnancy is progressing, although I'm sure everything is fine. I'm nervous already, and I just had betas and only have to wait 10 more days for an ultrasound, although that will be too early to give me a whole lot of assurance. Hang in there. Nothing you're doing is going to change the outcome. And it must be so hard to be away from your son. I don't even think I could do that.
Oh, MP, I am so so so thrilled for you! I've been stalking this thread hoping for this exact update! Congratulations!

Back to lurking...
Oh MP, I meant 3 counting Ev. Not triplets. :bigsmile: Anyway, hoping the best for you guys! I know it's hard to relax but do try. Gosh I still can't tell you how happy I am for you.

Choro, I'm glad your mom is doing OK. Being bored enough for silly magazines is a good sign. Prayers she will be out of there and recovering comfortably at home soon. I can only imagine how much you miss your son. It's a long time to be away. And you should try to enjoy being pregnant. I doubt I'll O around Thanksgiving, but if I do it might be a little difficult or just odd. My sis will be crashing with us for the holidays and she'll be sleeping in the room next door (sharing with Ethan). I suppose DH and I can always utilize the shower.... :naughty:

JGator, OK that makes sense. I'm sorry for prying I just know it's a little more difficult when you have to find coverage for an active toddler. It's not like you can bring K with you. Anyway, it'd be nice to see your mom and family over the Thanksgiving break. Hoping you guys get some nice weather so K can enjoy the beach.

MP, we told both sets of parents about a week after we found out. It has been a hard year for both sides of our families, and we felt like they would both love some good news. Also, knowing what we've been through I knew that if something did happen again I would be relying heavily on both my Mum and MIL, just like I did last time.

Choro, I'm sure being away from home and all the other stresses you are going through at the moment are not helping. Big hugs to you. I hope your mum continues to improve. I know December 15 seems so far away but I am sure with everything coming up during the festive season it will fly by and your scan day will be here before you know it.

LC, I like your thinking re: the shower! Sounds like things are going well for you and DH then. :Up_to_something: I have my fingers crossed for you this cycle!

JGator, all this fertility stuff is really stressful. DH and I were the same, and it is still lingering now during early pregnancy while my hormones are still over the place. I hope you are feeling better. I have my fingers crossed that your IUI is a success and that there is a healthy little bean growing inside you right now!

Good luck to everyone else!
Choro, sorry to hear you are missing your son. I cannot imagine being that far away for so long. Hugs to you. I'm glad to hear your mother is improving though.

Avia, hi :wavey: . How are you doing? You must be pretty far along now.

LC, no worries about prying. Our plans did change on Saturday as they called in the AM and changed our appt times to be an hour apart. So, my DH went first for his appt, and then I drove to the office with K and he took K to pick up lunch while I had the procedure done. Our RE office has a no children policy. I have heard others allow them, but then a lot of the patients don't like seeing them so I guess I likely wouldn't bring her even if our office did allow it. I'm really hoping to take K to the beach again. She loves sand and water!

Tbaus, thanks for chiming in. I hope your pregnancy is going well. Keep us updated on your twins.

MP, how is the wait to the ultrasound going? Do you have any symptoms like morning sickness yet?

AFM, things got better with DH on Friday night/Saturday so I am now in a much better emotional state. We had the procedure done on Saturday, and now we wait. I have a blood test scheduled for Dec 3rd which is over 2 weeks after the IUI because that's the first day we will be back home from our vacation. So, I assume I will know for sure one way or another before that date based on AF and/or a home pregnancy test as there is no way I can wait more than 2 weeks! The procedure went really well. I had another doctor I haven't met before who was very positive and caring and knew my complete history. She said - "we have a great sample, let's get you pregnant!". She also said DH had the best specimen/sample of the day with counts, motility, etc so I think he was happy to hear that. I think she said he had 26-million post wash and all the other things they look for looked great too. So, we have something going for us!