
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Congrats MP!!!!! I am so excited for you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Oh I'm so happy for you mp!!!! Happy thanksgiving, and happy nine months!! Are you going to announce?
MP, I'm so happy for you :appl: :appl: Double congrats!! :love:
Yayyyyyyyyyy MP!!! That is wonderful news. I'm so glad you got to see their little heartbeats. Will you be sharing the news with your family?
Just delurking to say a HUGE congratulations to mp!! I am sooooooooooooooo excited and happy for you!! :appl: :appl:

Best news EVER!!!!
MP!!! For some reason I thought today was the 25th, sorry I'm late in congratulating you!! I am just so excited for you, I cried when reading your update! I know it's early and I know how naturally cautious you are given this journey, but I just feel like this is the absolute best outcome and I'm feeling really optimistic that you're going to have your 3 kids. I couldn't be happier for you!
I'm just popping in because I FINALLY got some good news in my life! It's not ttc related but I figured that was ok since you ladies know how my year has been :rolleyes:
I was offered a graphic design (digital production coordinator is the official title) position at my company! I went to school for graphic design and have been looking for 7 years to land a full time position. Also, I get to keep my salary (which is approx. 15k more than an average designer would make) and I get to work from home as often as I need to. I'm BEYOND thrilled :dance: Hopefully the good luck will continue! Also, I got news that my mom is completely off her oxygen and can resume her chemo treatments soon :bigsmile: Things are lookin up!
Awesome news, mp and random!! :appl:
Random, congratulations! I'm so happy for you. That sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Best wishes for contributed good news.

Jgator, I've been thinking of you and hoping for good news!

Hope everyone in the US had a nice Thanksgiving.

Thanks again, everyone! Still feels pretty surreal, and I just don't want to get my hopes up too high at least until the next ultrasound. I have been feeling kind of lousy the past three days, which I'm hoping is a good sign the babies are still growing. I spilled the beans to my mom and sisters, even though DH and I were going to wait awhile longer. Oops. They were all curious how I'm doing after the miscarriage and with trying again, and it was pretty hard to hide that I was only drinking water and feeling queasy. I'm glad that they know, but I also feel like I jinxed myself somehow.
RT, I'm glad things are looking up for you with your job and your mother's health.

MP, still thriled for you and the twins.

AFM, today is CD 1 so IUI #2 was a bust. We are still out of town so I don't think we can do anything this cycle. I am sick too. My sister's kids were all coughing on Thanksgiving so I think I have it now, and our DD has a fever so she may also be coming down with this.
Oh, JGator, what a bummer! I am sorry you'll probably have to take this month off. But maybe that's an okay thing with all of the holiday busyness. What do you thin your next step will be? Hang in there!
JGator, dude talk about the Thanksgiving sickies! DH and I both got sick this week too! Thank goodness my sis was in town to pinch hit on the parenting duties. Although DH for *some* reason always had the lie-in and I had to get up with Ethan. Each and every day... :angryfire: Funny how the "I'm sick, I need my sleep" excuse just doesn't work for mama....

MP, I'm glad your mom and sisters know. I think it'll be a wonderful support for you during this early time when everything is so nerve wracking. I'm praying you and your sticky beans stay healthy for the next 9 months!

RT, Congrats on the new position, and the good news for your mom. Hoping your news will continue with a BFP

Choro, how are you doing my friend? Are you still in Asia or back home?

SB, Sending you thoughts and hugs during Thanksgiving. It's such a family centric holiday and you're bound to get the nosy-WTF family members that ask you, "So SB, when are you going to finally have a baby?" Dude, STFU and mind your own business! Gah! I know i'm going to get that when I go to visit family for the holidays. I'm thinking I'll just tell them, "Actually, I've been pregnant multiple times this year. Thanks for bringing all that emotional heartache up again..."

AFM, like I told JGator, both DH and I got sick over Thanksgiving week. Needless to say any BDing was totally kibboshed this week. I doubt I'll be getting any action until like late next week. So I'm going to say this cycle is done-skis. Men are such babies. I would've powered through, but DH was like no-effin' way.... :rolleyes:
LC and JGator, I can relate to the Thankgiving weekend illnesses as well. Ev got really sick on Saturday while we were out of town and couldn't keep anything down all day. It really put a damper on our weekend, and DH and I took turns lying ont he floor with him and trying to give him sips of Pedialyte to keep him from getting dehydrated. Fortunately he woke up feeling like himself again on Sunday, but it was just in time to get in the car to go home. Hope everyone is feeling better now!

LC, darn, I hope that you and DH are still able to get lucky with your timing this month! Are you tracking or just going with the flow this month?
MP, boo, I hope Ev is better after a few days. I'm totally winging it, and just going by my previous timeline-ish for median O date. I had some decent EWCM last week, mid week, and nothing since. I'm pretty sure I'm way past O-ing but who the heck knows. Maybe my body decided to delay a week since I got sick. My uterus is like, "What's the big deal? You used to have 45 day cycles all the freaking time... Whatevs..."
JGator - Sorry to hear this IUI was not a success and timing won't work out this cycle. I wish you the best of luck for TTC'g this month. Don't discount the fact that you could have success on your own!!

LC - Hope your timing works out ok this month. Sorry that you've both been sick.
MP, I think our next step will be another IUI or IVF in late Dec/early Jan. We will take this cycle off. Sorry Ev was sick over Thanksgiving too.

LC, sorry to hear sickness hit your house too. I think I have bronchitis - going to try to get to the doctor today. My DH doesn't get up with K ever, and it would be nice if he got up when I was sick, but knowing her she would cry for me so it wouldn't matter which is why he says he doesn't get up, but I know better (and it's a vicious cycle with her expecting me and being used to me). I tried to pass K off on my mom in the AM, but that didn't work either - she wanted her sleep!

AFM, not much new. I called and canceled my pregnancy blood test from the airport yesterday, and I need to call the nurse back to tell her we're taking a cycle off today. We are back home. Still sick. Making doc appts for K and me today.
Hugs, JGator. I'm sorry you and K are sick and that things just aren't going that smoothly right now. I'm thinking it will be good to get a bit of break this month for you, even though I know how frustrating that is. I agree with LV that you never know what might happen if you decide to try on your own, and you've got a lot of options to look into for your next steps. Hope you feel better soon!
JGator, sorry to hear about the bronchitis. Boo, sucks! I hope you and K are back on the mend soon. I think taking a break this cycle is a good idea. If I remember correctly, LV did the same and it helped her get more zen about her IVF.` You have a lot of options so I'm feeling very positive for you.

AFM, not much to add here. Just waiting to get through the holidays. I think I should be getting AF sometime around then.
Hoping everything is OK with all of you. Starting CD1 here. Hooray for a 30 day cycle! But I guess we'll try again... I just punched in my dates in FF and the predicted fertile period is.... Christmas. Awesome. That would be when we're going to be crashing at family's for the holidays. Nothing like trying to get busy with a house full of family members, as a guest in someone else's house. Ugh... Shoot me! Guess we'll be looking at trying in Jan.

I got some therapist recommendations from my midwife. I realize that I just don't feel right and I'm pretty sure it has a lot to do with the pregnancy misfortunes we've had this year. So I figure it's best to talk about it to someone.
LC, that's great that your cycle went down to 30 days. Bummer about timing of next O though. I'm glad you have plans to talk to a therapist.

AFM, not much new. I think I may O this week. I haven't been temping as my BBT batteries no longer work. I'm feeling conflicted about our next steps. I'm not sure if we should just at this point be happy with our 1 DD and scrap any further intervention plans - part of it is age - do I really want to go through the newborn (sleep deprivation) phase again at 43/44? and potential risk for a child with a trisomy and MC. I wIll discuss with DH this week and see what he thinks since we need to sign up for our healthcare for next year and this wil be a big factor in what we do. I really want a sibling for K, but I'm not sure how far I want to go to achieve that. I feel like I'm possibly rocking the boat and messing with the good thing we have already.
LC, I'm proud of you for considering going to see a therapist. You had a really crappy year, and I hope it will be helpful for you to have somebody to talk to about it and not have to pretend everything is okay, because it's not. I really hope it gives you some peace and helps you feel better moving forward. Darn about the potential timing of your next cycle, but I hope you are able to give it a go this month somehow.

JGator, big hugs. Only you know how far you want to go with this and what is best for your family. There are really no easy answers. I'll be thinking of you as you figure all of this out.

I'm contining to keep you all in my thoughts. Random and SB and any others, I hope things are going okay with both of you. This is such a tough time of year.

Quick story I had to share. I had an appointment at the RE's office this morning, and there was this woman there who was dressed in really tight pants, 6 inch strappy heels (it's winter) and a white fur coat. She looked totally out of place. But then she starts unabashedly taking selfies of herself and full on posing and not at all being discrete about. She even stands in the middle of the waiting room and posed in front of the Christmas tree for more pictures. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. DH and I could not keep straight faces. My first thought was does this woman really want to be a mother???
MP, how did scan go today?????
JGator, the scan went well, thanks for asking. Both babies have grown by exactly two weeks and they had strong heartbeats in the 160s. I still feel cautious (and honestly a bit freaked out by the twins thing), but it is such a relief to know that everything is right on track. I cannot tell you how much your support through all of this has meant.
MP :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: grow babies, grow!!!!!!!!
MP, congratulations on the scan update today! :appl: I'm thrilled for you. You went through so much to get to this point. You will be an amazing twin mommy just like you already are to Ev!
LC, I started seeing a therapist this year and found it really beneficial. I think it is a matter of finding the right one, but hopefully you get a good one straight away. She has really helped me realise how negative I was being to myself and my body, which I felt was failing me. I hope it is a positive experience for you. That sucks about the timing of your next ovulation, but maybe you can see it as a way to find a secret place to :Up_to_something: Spice things up little maybe?? ;)

Good luck to the rest of you ladies in here. I still try and pop in here to see how you are all going.
LC, how are you doing recently? I Have you met with a therapist?

mp, YIPEEEEEEEE! I am so excited for you!

AFM, I'm back. It's been such a nerve wrecking month. With no real symptoms and painful cramps, I prepared overnight pads and hoped that I would be able to go through the worst without my parents noticing. I ended up not needing it, and today I finally had the ultrasound. Little wriggling guy, heart-rate at 160 bpm, measuring 12 weeks. I will express more of my thoughts on the bp thread, but I would like to stick around to watch every one of you attain your success stories. I'm not in the clear yet so I'm reluctant to fully close the door behind me. Your support had meant the world to me.
Choro, Congrats! 12 weeks is a big milestone! Keep us posted. Will you find out the gender?

AFM, not much new. I think I O'ed early this cycle - I got a decent line but not dark on an OPK last Tuesday/Wed and then it never got any darker so either I missed it or haven't O'ed yet which would be odd - I think I'm about CD 17 or 18. We're going to move forward with something next year - not sure what yet. I'm totally onboard with 1 or 2 IVF tries, but my DH is now saying why don't we try Clomid with timed intercourse like we did with K! That's a step back from IUI which isn't working so I don't think that will get us anywhere but just waste more time. We'll see what happens when the next cycle starts which should be around Christmas/New Years. I would rather just go for it with IVF, and not drag this whole thing out any longer.
JGator, ugh, my DH was always reluctant to move to the next step as well. I think my doctor suggested doing up to 3 IUIs with injectables (she didn't think my first 4 counted because they were with clomid or femara), and then moving on. In the end, we only did two IUIs with injectables because it was just getting to be too much for me, and since we have no insurance coverage, I figured our money was better spent on IVF to increase our chances. BUT we probably wouldn't have been able to move on at that point if it hadn't been for the four IUIs we did before switching to an RE. I hope you are able to get on the same page with all of this next cycle. In the meantime, I thinking of you and sending you good thoughts.

Random, I hope everything is going well with your new job, your parents, and TTC.

SB, thinking of you and really hoping you are able to go forward with a transfer soon!
I'm doing ok, just got AF a few days ago at 8dpo so that was a bummer :((

Still cheering on the rest of you, things have just been crazy and my endo has been acting up so I'm tired most of the time, kind of just ready for the holidays to be over already :rolleyes: