
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

JGator, that's so great everything went well on Saturday! Whenever DH had something in the 20 million range post wash, they were always really happy with that and said anything over 20 doesn't improve the chances. DH was always so funny about wanting to see the sheet with his stats. The great thing about IUIs is only the best ones get put back in, so let's hope they did the trick! I'll be keeping everything crossed the next couple of weeks fly by for you and that you get a good result! No symptoms for me at all. I only had a little bit of queasiness around 8-9 weeks with Ev though and never any real morning sickness or sore boobs or tirendess that others complain of, and I'm not even 5 weeks yet, so I'm trying not to worry about that.

Tbaus, that makes sense, and I bet your families were so thrilled with your news. I hope things are going well with you.

LC, thanks. I'm generally much more relaxed this time around and have a better feeling about things, but I occasionally let my mind get carried away and start worrying about the possible things that could still happen and wondering if there are two or one and what if neither one looks good, or what if they both make it, could I handle twins, what if something goes wrong with one or both..... When I start feeling like that, I have been able distract myself with something and remember that so far everything is going as it should. Thinking of you and hope you have a shorter cycle this time and don't have to wait forever to ovulate.

Aviastar, thanks so much for checking in and the good wishes! You must be getting close to having that baby, right? I forget when you first posted that surprise HPT. Wishing you good thoughts as you get closer to meeting your little one.

SB, I'm not sure if you are taking a break, but I just wanted you to know I'm thinking about you, and I really hope that you are able to get another FET in soon. I really think it is just a matter of time before all the pieces come together for you and you get a BFP. But I know how hard it must be in the meantime. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Random, hope things are going okay with your mom!

AFM, I'm hanging in there and trying to stay positive. DH and I have both been in better moods and less nervous than last time, but we are both careful to remind each other that it is still early, so we need to stay only cautiously excited. I had a little incident overnight on Saturday when I went to the restroom at like 3:30. I did my usual TP check (a habit I will probably never be able to break after over three years of doing it every time I use the restroom!), and I noticed there was a (TMI) brownish glob of CM mixed in with the lovely aqua CM that I get from having to use estrace as a suppository. I wiped again, and there was just a little bit of tan. I had a minor freak out, but then just calmed myself down and went to bed. I haven't seen any spotting at all since, so I assume it was just some irritation. I called the RE's office on Sunday morning just in case there was anything they thought I should do, and they were not concerned at all and told me I only need to call them again if I have bright red blood that doesn't go away after I hydrate myself and lay down for an hour, or if it is soaking through a liner. They said spotting is very common at this stage. To reassure myself, I took another FRER, and the test line came back super dark and fast, and the control took awhile to show up and was pretty light, so I assume my HCG is still going up as it should.
MP, glad you decided to keep the appt. on the 25th. I think it's better to go in with the expectation of not seeing a heartbeat (heartbeats). If it were me, I'd still want to know if there is 1 sac or 2. If you didn't see a h/b, do you think they'd schedule you again in the first week or two of December? I don't know, I'm just hoping that maybe they'll want to keep a close eye on the development, especially since it does seem like you're going down the path of multiples, even though it's still very early. Thinking about you tons and am still so, so excited for you.

JGator, thought about you on Saturday and am so happy it went well!

Good luck to all--I'm ducking back out, but think about you ladies all the time!
Thank you, MP and J. I actually miscarried at 10 weeks back in July and have needed to step back significantly since then. So we are back on the hamster wheel again. We have a pretty full plate at work, so while we certainly aren't preventing, we have shelved any aggressive TTC until the summer time. It's better for my metal and emotional health to not ride the roller coaster in the winter; too cold and dark for positive thinking!

But enough bad news, I came here to celebrate all the GOOD news! And I am just over the moon for all the lovely positives!
Oh, Aviastar, I had no idea, and I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so heartbreaking, and even more so when you have difficulty conceiving. I'll keep you guys in my prayers that you will be blessed with another pregnancy very soon. I know what you mean about the winter.

NEL, if there isn't a heartbeat next week, they'll have me come in a week. If there is a heartbeat. I believe I'd come in again in a week or maybe two. You do get extra monitoring when you're seeing an RE. Thanks for the good thoughts. I so hope this is going to work out this time!
mp, congrats! I'm so glad everything seems to be going as it should this time and really hoping that at least one of them is a sticky one.

jgator, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this cycle is the one for you as well. I too get really emotional from the meds and stress and it can be hard on relationships. Hopefully we are all done with this process soon.

aviastar, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'll be thinking good thoughts that you have quick success in the summer.

lc, i'm hoping that this cycle is a good one for you. Could be fun to get a little creative at Thanksgiving if you have to...

Thanks for all of your thoughts for me. We are trying injectable estrogen to see if I respond to that, though no one understands why I responded to the estrace on the first FET cycle but not the last two. Unfortunately, natural cycle FET is not a possibility for me since I don't ovulate on my own. If this round doesn't work, I will be seeking a second opinion.

Sorry to be such a downer - I feel like I don't really fit here with all the recent happy news when I'm stuck in the same old depressed loop. It's probably time for me to take a break for a while.
SB, I'm glad you will at least be trying something different this time. I hope that works! But if not, and you're not feeling confident in your RE, it's definitely worth getting a second opinion. I know it's hard seeing others get good news when you're still struggling and questioning whether it will happen, but this is the last place you should worry about being a downer. That's what this thread is for. I hope you'll keep us posted on your upcoming cycle. But even if you do take a break, know that I'll be thinking of you!
SB- please stay! You can be a debbie downer with me! I haven't had any luck lately either *hugs*
Avia, I am so sorry for your loss. I wish you the best going forward, and completely understand wanting to avoid the ups/downs of this struggle over the holidays. My thoughts are with you.

MP, I hope all is well with your twins. We are all really pulling for you and them. We can't wait to see how the next ultrasound goes next week. I didn't have many symptoms with K either - just a very small amount of nausea, but nothing to write home about. Oh, and the heartburn! But, that didn't start right away, I don't think.

SB, good luck with the injectibles. Please don't leave. We need people to keep this thread hopping.

RT, hi friend! :wavey:

Choro, hi, how are you feeling?

LC, hi! :wavey: I'm glad your sister is visiting for the holidays. I know you are very close, and you must miss her now that she moved. Any chance she will move back?

AFM, nothing to report - TWW-ville over here. Taking my progesterone twice a day. Not much else is new. Oh, remember how I told you all about the lady in Australia who did IVF and lost her husband the day before she got her BFP after 7 years of trying. She has received almost $20K in funds from and also an Australian news program is working to fix up her house for her now. She is 8 weeks along right now and afraid to go in for her next ultrasound as the baby was measuring small and had a low heartbeat at her last ultrasound. I really hope she gets a good outcome.
JGator, I actually checked out that lady's story while I was on bedrest (after you mentioned it). So tragic. I'm sorry to hear her baby is measuring behind and has a slow heartbeat, that is often not a good sign unfortunately. But hopefully the baby will pull through. And thanks for your sweet post. I'm happy I didn't need extra beta monitoring this time, but I still have almost a week to go before I get another update, and the anxiety is starting to get to me. We are so much more optimistic this time that I worry what will happen if we get bad news. But I know I have to go through this time of uncertainty to ultimately bring home a baby. I feel bad still posting on this thread, but I just dont' feel comfortable moving over the JBP until I get some confirmation there is actually a baby in there. Continuing to send you good thoughts!

Random, hugs. I hope you are hanging in there, and I know it has been a tough year for you.
MP, stay here - you can go to the other thread, but stay here too! I like hearing your updates, and you are SOOOO supportive of everyone here. And, I think your odds are really good with twins since you put 2 embies in. I think you should allow yourself to feel optimistic. I read something recently about viewing your fears analogous to window shopping. You can acknowledge them from a far, but you don't have to go in there and let them overtake you. ETA - here is the quote from a Resolve post -

"As it happens I am working through this with a therapist, so I practiced some of the things we've been working on. Like not going to the dark side of my thoughts and choosing to stay positive (she uses the analogy of window shopping for emotions: just because it's in the window doesn't mean you have to buy into it)."
Thanks, JGator. That's a good way to look at it. After 1.5 years of failed cycles, and especially after the miscarriage, I guess it's hard to believe that something good (fertility-wise) will actually happen to me and that it is possible I'm actually going to get a baby out of this. Which is probably why I found myself googling "blighted ovum with high doubling betas" and "twin blighted ovums" at 4 am this morning. Why? Because I apparently like to torture myself, I guess.... In general though, I do have much more of a sense of peace about this pregnancy than I did last time. I'm just doing my best to stay hopeful and not needlessly stress myself over things I can't control. Somebody else over on Resolve shared something her therapist told her that resonated with me. I'll have to try to find it again, but it was something about how worrying that the worst is going to happen won't actually protect you from hurt if it does. That's not quite, but it was something like that.

Hope you're hanging in there and the 2ww is going by quickly. I haven't been super busy this week, but I wish I was so the time woudl go faster!

Hope everybody else is doing okay!
monkeyprincess|1416506150|3787316 said:
Thanks, JGator. That's a good way to look at it. After 1.5 years of failed cycles, and especially after the miscarriage, I guess it's hard to believe that something good (fertility-wise) will actually happen to me and that it is possible I'm actually going to get a baby out of this. Which is probably why I found myself googling "blighted ovum with high doubling betas" and "twin blighted ovums" at 4 am this morning. Why? Because I apparently like to torture myself, I guess.... In general though, I do have much more of a sense of peace about this pregnancy than I did last time. I'm just doing my best to stay hopeful and not needlessly stress myself over things I can't control. Somebody else over on Resolve shared something her therapist told her that resonated with me. I'll have to try to find it again, but it was something about how worrying that the worst is going to happen won't actually protect you from hurt if it does. That's not quite, but it was something like that.

Hope you're hanging in there and the 2ww is going by quickly. I haven't been super busy this week, but I wish I was so the time woudl go faster!

Hope everybody else is doing okay!

I think there's a lot of intuition that goes into it as well. Last time, you knew early on that things weren't right. The same thing happened to me with my CPs, especially the one before the last one. My numbers were rising, but not doubling, and I just knew it wasn't going to last. The doctor insisted it was fine but I knew it wasn't. I can't wait to hear (read) the results of your U/S.
Just popping in to send an early congrats to MP, and those numbers are looking pretty familiar…..

Good luck with your US next week. I just want to let you know, after I had 2 good betas that I did not get any further testing until an US at 7 weeks. I hope you see a heart beat, but if you can't and everything else looks good, try not to worry and enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Firecracker, thanks so much for stopping in! Hope you and your little ones are doing well! They must be getting big. I am trying to have very low expectations for Tuesday because of how early it is. I'll be both relieved and disappointed at the same time if it just one, if that makes any sense. I just really need one of them to be growing nicely!

I had a smidge of brown spotting on TP in the middle of the night again, which TMI could have something to do with constipation (lovely progesterone), but I noticed it again just now after we ran errands. So it has me a little rattled. I'm just glad I'll get a peek on Tuesday.
MP, sorry about the spotting. I can only imagine how anxious that must make you feel. Hopefully, you haven't seen any more or anything red. I hope your fears are alleviated on Tuesday. I can understand how you would feel relieved and disappointed. You will be able to handle it either way, but I hope you are able to get healthy twins at the end of this adventure. I will be thinking of you and wishing you the best on Tuesday, and I'm sure I will be checking my phone religiously for updates from FL.
JGator, thanks. Haven't had any more spotting in the last 24 hours, so in guessing it was just isolated like last week. When do you leave? Hope you have a great time and get good news next weekend! I'm jealous you'll be in Florida.
They are doing well, keeping me busy enough that I don't have time to really post on here or think about the setting upgrade for my ering that I would like to do!

I know exactly how you feel. FYI, I had a friend with high betas after her IVF and she ended up with one healthy girl born about 3 weeks ago. So it can go either way. Regardless if is one or two, it will all work out and you will be happy.
MP- I've read that spotting is a lot more common with twins. Just popping in before I head to bed to wish you good luck at the scan today! I'll be checking over here first thing in the morning :appl:
Thank, Tbaus. Fortunately, the spotting I've had has been very isolated, so I'm hoping it has more to do with irritation than anything else. Hope things are going well with you. My RE today told me that with IVF pregnancies they see spotting in probably 50% of pregnancies that go full term, and with twins, the percentage is even higher than that.

Which brings me to my next point. We had the ultrasound this morning, and there was one gestational sac with a yolk sac, and there was another gestational sac with a yolk sac, and there were also two tiny little hearts fluttering. It's still so very early (5w6d), but my heart is pretty full today. I won't go back in again for two weeks, but hopefully, these little ones are fighters. Thanks so much for all the good thoughts and support.

Thinking of you all.
Oh MP, congrats!!!! Welcome to the twins club! Isn't it crazy to go through infertility and then end up with not one but two more?! I know it's still early, but I have a very good feeling for you. Take care of those little ones and congratulations! :D
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! So happy for you!!! How nice of your little babies to show you their heartbeats so soon!!! :love: :love: Now, you can relax and enjoy your Thanksgiving with even more to be thankful for!!
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wonderful Thanksgiving blessing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TIMES 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
MP, congratulations! Amazing news. I am thrilled that you were able to see 2 heart beats today! Grow babies, grow!!!! I'm so happy you had the scan today and I think seeing the heart beats so early is a great sign.
MP, I literally got the chills reading your update. This is fantastic news! So happy they cooperated sending you into the holiday with a full heart. Congratulations!
MP :appl: :appl: :appl: I'm so jazzed by your update!!! Soooooo happy for you guys and I hope your beautiful babies stay healthy and you have a easy boring 9 months. AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Such a HAPPY Thanksgiving!
So happy for you MP! Happy thanksgiving indeed :)) :appl: :wavey:
Yay, MP!!! What wonderful news! Happy thanksgiving indeed! :appl:

It's funny...DH & I were making our traditional caramel French toast the other day & in 2 of the eggs we cracked, there were 2 yolks. I thought about you & tbaus. :cheeky:
MP, I'm so crazy happy for you!!! What a great way to head into the Thanksgiving holiday! Tons of dust that everything goes smoothly from here on out!
What great news, congrats!!
Thank you all so much!!! I'm a little in shock and have so many thoughts swirling through my head right now (how am I supposed to get any work done?), but most of all I'm just really thankful, as cheesy as that is to say right before Thanksgiving. I appreciate your continued thoughts and prayers as there is still a long way to go, and I'm the last person who is giong to start counting her chickens before they hatch!

JGator, Random, SB, aviastar, and anybody else lurking, I'm sending you all my thoughts and prayers right now that you will get good news soon. I know the holidays can be rough when you're in the throes of everything. but I'm really hoping 2015 will bring us all good news.