
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

My first (miscarried) pregnancy was also the second month after an HSG.
aviastar said:
My first (miscarried) pregnancy was also the second month after an HSG.

Now that you mention it, I got pregnant in months 1 and 3 following it. #1 was a mc, we took 2 off, ad 3 just spit up on me.
Popping in to say an HSG worked for us, too. My daughter was conceived right after I had one... Good luck!
Well we had our follow up with the RE today and reviewed all of our land. The only abnormalities were very low AMH (.32) and borderline get high FSH (9). RE is recommending that we start Clomid/IUI next cycle.

Still trying to process it. This was the last thing I thought they'd tell us.
HH, that is indeed a shock, you have my sympathy. From what I know about this, (long term infertility and IVF survivor) your age (if it's sub 38) means that your chances are far from negligible. I'm assuming your younger age range is the reason your experts aren't recommending IVF to start, as they normally would at these AMH levels. Here's an article looking at the usefulness of DHEA supplementation for this kind of issue:üllerian-hormone/program/ Though I'm sure you're already into the serious research! Best of luck.
Hudson_Hawk|1435798602|3897697 said:
Well we had our follow up with the RE today and reviewed all of our land. The only abnormalities were very low AMH (.32) and borderline get high FSH (9). RE is recommending that we start Clomid/IUI next cycle.

Still trying to process it. This was the last thing I thought they'd tell us.

35 is when fertility starts to decline. It is common. IUI can help.
HH, I am sorry to read this. I had almost exactly the same numbers and ended up pregnant with E (now 17 months) on our second clomid cycle. I was also doing acupuncture (for a year), taking a variety of supplements, gave up gluten and sugar, and was doing fertility yoga, and had an HSG and a polypectomy a year earlier, so I am not totally sure what did the trick, but something worked:-)

We are currently casually trying for baby #3 (which will be our second pregnancy) and I am going to try the fertility yoga this month and Clomid in September if we aren't pregnant by then.

I will be 37 this month.

good luck!
Hey everyone, having some rather odd but hopefully positive symptoms. Thought we had missed the O window but my testing was all over the place and I couldn't make any sense of it so maybe we got it just by chance?

Period due today - NONE of the usual sumptoms (strong cramps, emotional/teary, craving only sweet things) instead I feel totally exhausted, bloated and insanely crazy hungry :lickout: Seriously spent the whole weekend either in bed asleep or stuffing my face with savoury food. It's like I cannot get enough of it! :lol: Will test tomorrow morning if still no period but I'm teensy bit scared of being disappointment again.

Please send DUST and fingers crossed. :pray:
HotPozzum|1436757128|3902129 said:
Hey everyone, having some rather odd but hopefully positive symptoms. Thought we had missed the O window but my testing was all over the place and I couldn't make any sense of it so maybe we got it just by chance?

Period due today - NONE of the usual sumptoms (strong cramps, emotional/teary, craving only sweet things) instead I feel totally exhausted, bloated and insanely crazy hungry :lickout: Seriously spent the whole weekend either in bed asleep or stuffing my face with savoury food. It's like I cannot get enough of it! :lol: Will test tomorrow morning if still no period but I'm teensy bit scared of being disappointment again.

Please send DUST and fingers crossed. :pray:
Good luck!
HotPozzum|1436757128|3902129 said:
Hey everyone, having some rather odd but hopefully positive symptoms. Thought we had missed the O window but my testing was all over the place and I couldn't make any sense of it so maybe we got it just by chance?

Period due today - NONE of the usual sumptoms (strong cramps, emotional/teary, craving only sweet things) instead I feel totally exhausted, bloated and insanely crazy hungry :lickout: Seriously spent the whole weekend either in bed asleep or stuffing my face with savoury food. It's like I cannot get enough of it! :lol: Will test tomorrow morning if still no period but I'm teensy bit scared of being disappointment again.

Please send DUST and fingers crossed. :pray:

Good luck and you may want to test tonight after a good hold! My afternoon and evening tests were always much darker than my morning ones!
Thanks everyone but no joy with the test today. Feeling stupid for even getting my hopes up once more. ;( Better luck next month I spose...
Hey ladies, it's been awhile. This is our first cycle with intervention. I just took my last dose of Clomid last night and now we're waiting to get the OPK reading that gives the green light for IUI. Fingers crossed!!
Good luck, HH! Keep us posted on follies. Hoping this it it for you!
Wish I could! They're not doing any u/s monitoring!
Oh no - you are flying blind then! Hope it does the trick. With our daughter, we used Clomid with Ovidrel trigger and timed intercourse and it worked on the 3rd try. And, 3 years later, with my current pregnancy we stepped it up to IUI with injectibles/follistim, and it worked again on the 3rd try. So, hopefully, yours will be quicker. Do you even need a trigger shot?
According to the RE, my body ovulates on its own just fine. I think the Clomid is to up my chances of producing a few eggs vs just one? I started testing with OPKs yesterday and so far they've been negative. Then again, I don't typically get a peak reading until around CD13 or CD14 so I'm still early. And I've read that Clomid can actually delay ovulation and sometimes people don't ovulate at all during their first cycle on it, so we'll wait and see. DH is traveling this month so we've had to dump and freeze in advance of the IUIs, which will likely happen over the weekend or early next week. Right now I'm just trying to relax and not stress about it.

When we started down this path I said I wasn't going to do injectibles. Now I'm on the fence. I see their value but I'm terrified of multiples!!!
HH, if you go the injectible route they will monitor you and see how many follicles you are producing. I would try just clomid for a rew cycles and then go from there. I had a chemical on my first clomid cycle so it worked for me back in 2011, then a negative, then our dd K was the 3rd cycle. I don't think my cycles were that long on Clomid and I took 100MG/day - we usually triggered around CD 13 or 14. Looking at my notes, I had 3-4 decent sized follies every cycle on clomid when I triggered. I think it's interesting that they aren't monitoring you and having you just use OPKs as monitoring might alleviate some of your multiple concerns and also give you a better idea of what's going on - ie follicle count and size and lining thickness. We did end up with multiples on the 3rd IUI with injectibles, but only 1 made it to past 10 weeks assuming a genetic issue at this point.
Good morning ladies,
CD 13 today with another negative OPK reading. Can clomid delay ovulation?? I usually peak around CD13-14, so it's weird to not even get a high reading. Yea, so I'm not sure if my IUIs will happen this week or over the weekend...

Today I'm going to meet with a mayan abdominal massage practitioner. Given that I haven't had any indication of ovulation so far this cycle I'm hoping she'll be able to start today, otherwise I'll do the consult/intake today and then start the actual massages if I get a BFN after my IUIs. My goal is just to use it to help me relax and to help me get more in touch with my body and system. If it helps me get pregnant then great, but I'm not going in fully committed to that idea. Have any of you done it? I'm not a fan of needles and to be honest I have no idea how to determine who is a *good* accupuncturist or not so I figure this is a low risk alternative.
I have not done maya abdominal massage but they offer it at my acupuncturist.

I don't like needles, but did like acupuncture.

Another non invasive option is this. I enjoyed the Restoring Fertility Yoga DVD and think it helped as part of my "Regime" to get pregnant:-) Once I get this herniated disk rehabbed enough to try it again, I am going to start doing it as we TTC #3.
Hi HH, I don't post often but I do follow this thread as I too struggled with fertility issues and I did/do see both a Mayan abdominal massage therapist as well as an acupuncturist. I had never done either prior to trying to conceive. I saw two Mayan abdominal massage therapists before I found the one that worked best for me and I would encourage you to let her know whether you are comfortable with the pressure she applies- it's an odd sensation to have your abdomen massaged, much different than your back or other parts that are more closely apposed to bone. That being said, my current therapist works on my abdomen as well as my back because she believes it's all very connected. With regard to acupuncture, I was referred to the same acupuncturist by two different doctors, one who had undergone treatment by him personally- I would definitely try to get a recommendation if possible, fertility clinics may have some leads on that because acupuncture is often done alongside these medical treatments.

As with any of the healing arts, I think it's critical that you feel at ease with your practitioner (acupuncture, medical, or massage) so let your intuition be your guide. It feels a little funny saying all this 'feel it out' stuff because I am a physician myself :) but just sharing my own experience with this. Wishing you much success.
I've done both. I think a skilled acupuncturist can do wonders! The Mayan massage was extremely relaxing for me. I slept better that night than I had in years. I think it may be more for clearing your tubes and your uterus. I may be wrong about that.
Hey ladies, I hope you're all doing well. CD 14 for me today. Still nothing on the OPKs, not even a high reading, so we're on standby for the IUI. If I go past the weekend without ovulating then there's actually a chance that we can IUI with a fresh specimen vs frozen or even BD. DH has been traveling for work all week and won't be home until Tuesday. Otherwise it's the popsicle for me.

The Mayan massage was AMAZING!!!!!! It was really a fabulous experience and I loved the practitioner. I think I'll continue to see her for body work even if this works. She did a really thorough intake that was almost an hour long. We just talked about my life, experiences, medical and emotional history, etc and then she examined my abdomen to identify any issues. Then she got to work. I loooooved the diaphragm massage she did, it felt amazing. I guess we women hold a lot of tension in our diaphragms (and she even had a theory of how this relates to emotional eating!). My uterus did need to be repositioned, so she did that and she worked a lot on my lower back/butt. It was really relaxing. The only thing I had trouble with was the visualization she had me do. I'm just not sure I'm good at it. She had me try and visualize colors flowing around different areas and I couldn't actually "see" the colors. I dunno...I'm not a meditatator.

Anyway, I'll definitely go back if it doesn't work this cycle and I'll probably go to her for prenatal massage if it does work.
Great news about the Mayan massage experience. How ofen are you testing with the OPKs? I found myself testing 3-4 times/day to avoid missing the surge. Good luck.
My REA said to just do FMU, which I've been doing, but I started doing an early evening check last night just in case. For whatever reason the CBEs this month are coming back negative but I used a wondofo last night and this morning and got a reading both times. So I'm not sure if it was a bad lot of CBEs or what...I had a dark enough reading this morning on the wondofos to schedule the IUI so I'm going in for that later this morning and then I'll have my back up IUI tomorrow morning. I'll see DH this weekend so hopefully I can convince him to DTD just to round things out in case today's IUI is too early. I've been having pretty strong ovulation pains for the past 24 hours though so I'm optimistic that the timing is close to right.
Hudson_Hawk said:
My REA said to just do FMU, which I've been doing, but I started doing an early evening check last night just in case. For whatever reason the CBEs this month are coming back negative but I used a wondofo last night and this morning and got a reading both times. So I'm not sure if it was a bad lot of CBEs or what...I had a dark enough reading this morning on the wondofos to schedule the IUI so I'm going in for that later this morning and then I'll have my back up IUI tomorrow morning. I'll see DH this weekend so hopefully I can convince him to DTD just to round things out in case today's IUI is too early. I've been having pretty strong ovulation pains for the past 24 hours though so I'm optimistic that the timing is close to right.

The month I got pregnant with B I never got a + on the CBE. Luckily, I also testing with wondfos and got a positive on that.
So strange. They worked well for me in previous cycles so I don't get it. Who knows, though, maybe they didn't and those false readings were throwing our timing off? Regardless, the job is done. Now we wait.
HH, good luck with the TWW!
Fingers crossed for a fast TWW for you, Hudson, and may it be your last!
So this cycle was a bust...
Sorry HH. I know how it feels. I hope things turn around quickly. On to cycle 2?