
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Yep, on to cycle 2.
Ladies, please help me I am so confused right now...

Period is late again 4 days now (was due 15/8) Boobs really sore & tender which isn't usual for me. Preg tested on Saturday am - definite negative. :(sad

Out of curiously I tested with ovulation strip last night (17/8) showed a clear, strong positive!? How can I be ovulating when my period is overdue?
HP - Did you take ovulation tests earlier in your cycle so you know you ovulated already? Or, it sounds like you have fairly regular cycles so you know to anticipate AF within a certain number of days. Do you have more pregnancy tests? I really don't mean to get your hopes up (I really hope I'm right here!), but an ovulation test will show positive if you are pregnant: . . . .
Hey LV, yes I've been testing most my cycle to try & ensure we target my ovulation window. Think/hope we did 2 weeks ago! I'm just baffled by negative preg test on the weekend but positive ovulation test now as it shouldn't happen for another 2 weeks!? Read the thread you linked & will retest again tomorrow. Trying not to get my hopes up too much!
FWIW on my first cycle after coming off bc my body attempted to ovulate and failed, then attempted again around when my period would have been due and I actually did ovulate. This is why temping is so important, it confirms the ovulation. I hope this is not the case for you but it does happen.
LH can hang around in your system through the luteal phase. It's not uncommon to get positives.
Did you retest, HotPozzum? What pregnancy test are you using? If your opk has a strong positive, and if it is picking up hcg, you should also be able to get a positive (even faint) on an hpt, especially if your period is late. The other possibility is that it's a pre-AF surge, or that you're ovulating now. Did you get a firm positive on your opk 2 weeks ago, with other signs of ovulation?
I did a pregnancy test last night - got a faint postive! Problem was I tested, waited only for about a minute then got distracted by a phone call and came back after a while. I dismissed this result as possible evaporation line rather than a correct reading. I restested LH again - quite strong positive. No other period syptoms yet (now 5 days overdue) but boobs are still very sore.

So I retested first thing this morning - watched carefully for 3 mins and sure enough faint pink positive again! It's quite faint but definitely there. :dance: Still I'm not celebrating just yet - will wait another week and try again to see if the result is stronger. Feel like I don't quite believe/trust it....
Fingers crossed HP!
Awesome HP! Lots of dust...
I know it's super faint but please tell me I'm not imagining this line... Now I'm starting to really doubt myself but I swear you could see it more clearly IRL... :blackeye: Think I'll buy a digital one for a more obvious answer.


That's a line! And I'm terrible at seeing faint lines, so those are clear as day! Congratulations!
That's not even a faint line! Not for those kinds of tests, the king of kings is the first response early response but you're beyond that, get the digital with the weeks estimator, those were my best friend!
An evap would be gray, those lines are pink. Get a FRER or digi! NOW! Ha. And, CONGRATS!
They are real pink lines!! Cautiously very excited for you HP!! :appl:
Thanks everyone, I did get a digital test and it confirmed I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! :dance: Hubby & I are over the moon.

Verrry early days and I've already m/c once before so I am trying not to get too excited about it yet. I've been cramping quite a bit (comes & goes) so just praying everything is ok and that this one sticks.... :pray:
So many congrats! Sticky dust!
Congratulations! Wishing you a happy and healthy nine months!
Congrats HP! Sticky dust being sent your way.
Congrats, HP! Lots of sticky dust coming your way. (And don't worry about the cramping--totally normal in early pregnancy.)
Aw! congratulations.. I thought I was getting my period and it never occurred to me to think I was pregnant (not really trying to conceive either time - sort of - but not :) boobs hurting good sign.. cramping is your uterus starting to expand.. fingers crossed for you... it's the journey... peace.
Hey Ladies, I'm back again after another m/c :blackeye:

Feeling very fragile and sad that it didn't work out especially as my husband was so happy about this one. His best friend was killed recently and then I found out a few days later I was pregnant - we both felt like it was fate sending us this gift at such a terribly sad time. Obviously that was not to be ...

Wish us luck next month - hopefully third time is a charm! :pray:
I'm so sorry HotPozzum. There are no words that make this better, but I am thinking about you.
I'm so sorry for your loss
so sorry for your loss Hotpozzum

Ladies I was briefly posting in the TTC thread back in Dec/Jan. I stopped posting cos I felt it was adding to excitement and then disappointment which I didn't think was helping my chances. Its now 8/9 months later and still no luck so i thought I'd pop in and say hello. I'm about 9DPO now, we gave it a good hot steamy go this month (I still feel bruised) as I think we'll be seeking professional help if it hasn't worked. I stopped doing the pregnancy tests as the negative were so depressing and now just wait for my period which I guess is due sunday/monday. I'm tempted to test today but trying to resist.

Anyway hello :wavey:
So sorry Pozzum. I'm going through something similar as my mom passed away a few weeks ago and we are going to start trying again this cycle. I'm hoping for fate to send me a miracle too. I'm sorry yours didn't work out the way you hoped :(sad
well I did end up testing 9DPO and got a negative so I had little emotional breakdown and booked with a GP (appt in 2 days) to talk infertility. Now after 9 months of trying I am 1 day late and the proud owner of a positive pregnancy test! Its obviously still super duper early so I hope it sticks. I guess I will keep the appt in 2 days time but now for a much happier reason. Coincidentally its exactly 9 years ago to the day (maybe even the hour) that we went on our first date.
Congrats Hippi! Sticky dust being sent your way.
Question - how do you cope/brace yourself/respond when well-meaning people seem to constantly bring up/ask about children, not knowing you've been desperately trying? I work amidst a group of very devoted parents, some with children under 2 and/or more on the way, and as a relative newcomer to the building in my 30s I get asked ALL the time if we have kids or plan to have them. It got brought up again today, and as I'm 10dpo w/ pretty much no illusions that this will be our month and I'll get to skip my scheduled US with saline scheduled for the end of the month, it hit a very raw nerve. I find myself biting my tongue to keep from saying something like "no kids yet...we haven't had much luck in that department". Maybe it's because I'm somebody who usually finds talking about things to be a way to cope, but at the same time these aren't people I really want to bring into the loop. Maybe the issue is I want them to realize it's a sore subject and to stop asking? Maybe I just want a moment of sympathy? Whatever the case, is there any good strategy to protect your heart/gut when the topic comes up?
I went through the same thing back when I was dealing with infertility. I'm really sorry.

Maybe you could say something like, "Oh, that's such a personal question! I don't like to discuss my private life" or something like that. People are so inappropriate sometimes.