
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

NEL, thanks for the update on LC! That's wonderful news, and I'm so happy for her and her family!
So happy to learn about LC's new baby girl!!!
NewEnglandLady|1447086442|3947300 said:
amc80|1446501827|3944901 said:
monkeyprincess|1445544132|3941156 said:
Anyone have contact with LC? She seems to have disappeared. I hope she is doing okay and finally got good news after having a couple losses.

I was just reading over some old threads and realized I hadn't seen her on here in a while. Hope all is okay.

I was hoping LC would see this and reply, but not sure if she comes here anymore. She gave birth to a little girl last week (November 3rd), so she most certainly has her hands full these days. I thought about messaging her to ask her to update you all, but I hated to do that when she has a brand new baby on her hands. So I hope she doesn't mind me sharing the good news.

HH, so sorry for your loss. Thinking about you tons these days! Does your insurance cover any IVF treatment? Not sure if that would factor into your decision making.

Insurance does cover IVF and we are considering it. But now that we know we can conceive we are likely going to do a few natural cycles before that route. Were just not 100% ready yet.
Yay congrats to LC!!

HH, I'm so sorry for the pain you are going through. I've been there and it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to go through. My heart goes out to you *hugs*

MP I'm so happy to hear about your twins but how terrible for your daughter to be stuck in the hospital for now :(( I remember when Cayden was born, he had to spend a week in the nicu and the feeling of going home without them while all of the other moms around you got to bring their babies home is the worst. I hope she is out soon but glad she is in the right hands!

SB- So sorry to hear of the struggle you are fancing. I know the feeling all too well of nothing ever works out like we want. I'll keep sending good vibes your way!

AFM- I need to get back on the diet train and maybe that will help. We took a break from ttc while moving into our house but now that things are finally starting to settle down, we might be ready to jump back into trying! Also, I recently made a huge decision to go back to school to get my masters degree in marketing (I got my acceptance letter a few weeks ago). I decided instead of waiting for something I know will make me happy, I'm going to do something else that will make me happy in the meantime :)) I'm so excited (and slightly terrified)!
I'm a week and a half post-op and, after throwing myself a pity party on my birthday a couple days ago, today I decided I should use the holiday to focus on the good and what I have to be thankful for. Turning 34 with no children, sutures in my belly, orders against any fooling around, let alone TTC, for 6 weeks, and no answers to explain our not conceiving, was a hard day. I was doing ok after surgery not thinking about babies, stayed really positive... and then my SIL went into labor and my niece was born at 2am on my birthday. All ability to not focus on our state of affairs went out the window with that news. I know babies aren't in fixed supply..we aren't competing to conceive them..but it sure did sting to be sent newborn photos on a day my heart and fears were feeling so raw and exposed.

So, right, today I am trying to focus on the good and look forward with optimism. For one, I have a beautiful new niece. My doc did the surgery through a single laparoscopic umbilical incision, so I am thankful to already be up and walking around mostly pain free and will have a tiny, well-camouflaged scar around/in my belly button. She was able to remove the fibroid on the back of my uterus that was buried down in my pelvis and acting like a anchor. So, I am thankful the high risk of uterine incarceration from it is gone, and my uterus is nice and mobile now - I'm already noticing less discomfort, even as I'm continuing to heal. She decided to leave the slightly larger fibroid on the front of my uterus. Its removal would have required a large incision and much more invasive open surgery with a long recovery. She confirmed it isn't intruding on the shape of my uterine cavity (so it shouldn't affect fertility) and by itself it doesn't pose significant risks during pregnancy, so she decided the possible benefits of removing it just didn't justify the hard recovery, increased risks, and scarring (inside and out) associated with taking it out. I'm thankful for a doc who weighed the big picture and made the best call for me and my desire to be a mom, even though she had permission to fully open me up if she felt it was warranted. She checked my tubes and they are open, she didn't find any evidence of endo, and my uterine cavity and lining look good and healthy. The pathology came back as run of the mill fibroid. So, while I didn't get any answers from the surgery about why I have been spotting and why we haven't gotten pregnant, I am thankful to be healthy. I am also thankful that we only have to wait 6 weeks (now 4.5) before we resume TTC.

Happy thanksgiving, ladies.
ladyciel|1448577254|3954521 said:
I'm a week and a half post-op and, after throwing myself a pity party on my birthday a couple days ago, today I decided I should use the holiday to focus on the good and what I have to be thankful for. Turning 34 with no children, sutures in my belly, orders against any fooling around, let alone TTC, for 6 weeks, and no answers to explain our not conceiving, was a hard day. I was doing ok after surgery not thinking about babies, stayed really positive... and then my SIL went into labor and my niece was born at 2am on my birthday. All ability to not focus on our state of affairs went out the window with that news. I know babies aren't in fixed supply..we aren't competing to conceive them..but it sure did sting to be sent newborn photos on a day my heart and fears were feeling so raw and exposed.

Happy thanksgiving, ladies.

I understand completely how it feels to be excited/happy for others, but a bit sad for yourself. My baby sister is half way through her pregnancy with her second. Both children were conceived after we began trying for our second. We had an early loss (6-7 weeks) a little over a month ago. Trying to be supportive of her while she complained about her hyperemesis, during my miscarriage process...I definitely felt conflicting emotions. Logically I know I have so very much to be grateful for, and most days I do feel genuine joy and gratitude, but that doesn't stop me from having the occasional pity party.
PT-Very sorry to hear that you are still walking a difficult road and that you had a loss, but very happy to hear from you. Huge hugs and best wishes.
PT, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It is so hard not to feel a bit jealous or resentful of those seemingly on the easy track to parenthood, even though you wouldn't wish your pain on your worst enemy, let alone your loved ones. I hope your heart can find some peace and that your rainbow baby is on the way soon. <3
Thanks for the supportive words. Any sadness/envy is usually fleeting, so I'm actually in a good place, despite our reproductive challenges. For now, I have a myomectomy scheduled (an existing fibroid has grown to a whopping 10 cm). The silver lining, is that the way scheduling works out, I will have physically recovered from the procedure by my 40th birthday, but it will be too soon to do an embryo transfer, so I can take a lovely vacation without worrying about timing issues. DH and I have been discussing Hawaii.
PT, a vacation sounds HEAVENLY. We honeymooned on Maui back in 2008, and it was amazing. I hope you don't mind the advice, but please make sure you leave yourself plenty of time after your surgery before any trips. I was told 1-2 weeks completely dedicated to recovery (no work), and 6 weeks before exercising, for my laparoscopic myomectomy. I'm just over 3 weeks post-op, and while I feel pretty good overall and returned to work this week (took an extra week because I could - NO regrets), I still find that fatigue comes out of nowhere if I'm up on my feet without a break for longer than 20 min or so. My incision is only an inch long (though the internal ones are larger). Before surgery I was told to plan 4-6 weeks completely dedicated to recovery if my surgery had to be converted to an open procedure w/ a c-section type incision, so I can only imagine how much longer after that the no exercise rule and fatigue might have applied. Have an honest chat with your doc about when you might be ready to travel - I'd hate for you to plan an expensive trip and not be able to really enjoy it. Now, if the plan is to park yourself at a resort and do nothing but lounge on the beach or by the pool, then of course your timeline could be shorter than if you wanted to surf, hike, snorkel, etc!
Is anyone still posting over here? I had posted in TTC for awhile since this thread seemed dead but now that it's turning to talk about timing between 2 kids, it's just too much for me. I wish I had that option to plan...but c'est la vie :(sad
I am still lurking here...nothing really to report.

I am wrapping up my first Clomid cycle this time around. It has been pretty miserable as I seem to get all the side effects--eye pain, headaches, hot flashes, cramping, VERY emotional...I was hopeful that maybe it meant it would work, but I think I'm about 11DPO and got a negative test this morning. So, I am sadly expecting to start 2016 with AF.

DH and I have been having a rough time lately, likely due to my very emotional Clomid-taking self.

Trying to muster positive thoughts for next cycle, but right now not too thrilled about the thought of it:-) I tried so much during the 4 years we TTC E, I know that I don't have time or resources to do weekly acupuncture like I did for the year before we conceived E and I can't even remember the extensive regime of supplements I had myself and DH on then either.
just wanted to chime in here that it's so so hard. I'm right on the line moving into the post 6 months territory TTC and am now thinking it's time to start doing the more medical route but am so freaked out by it all. Anyway, Random_Thought, I hear you on wanting that option to plan & bella_mezzo, I'm eagerly reading up on your clomid experiences as I think it's likely to be what I'm put on. It's great to know you've successfully done the whole TTC thing before. sending strength to you both.
RT, I feel ya. I'm still lurking in both threads, swinging wildly between crazy optimism and the blues. Our good news is I didn't have a speck of pre-AF spotting this last cycle and our 6 week post-op ban finally ended the beginning of this week. Yesterday (Tues) was the darkest OPK I've ever gotten, so we've got our timing covered for this month (cuz, well, months of forced abstinence makes it much easier to follow the BD-every-day plan). On the flip-side, AF was weird, with 6 days of regular flow followed by 4 days of tail-end brown bleeding/spotting. I've read that TEBB can be a sign of low progesterone, an issue previously raised as a possible explanation for my pre-AF spotting before surgery, so I'm not sure what to think. I figure I'll see what happens this cycle (hoping for a miracle BFP, of course), and if I get the TEBB or pre-AF spotting again on the next cycle I'll get back in touch with my doc and ask for a hormone work-up. Oh, and I guess the other thing feeding my hopefulness is that I haven't had any post-BD spotting, an issue that was cropping up more and more frequently before surgery. So, most signs point to my system being healthier now than before the fibroid was removed, which has my hopes way up, but I'm also terrified that it won't translate to a BFP.

Bella, the Clomid side-effects sound miserable. :(( I turn into a pissy emotional wreck just before AF, and it has definitely turned into more than a few heated arguments with/attacks on DH. The stress of TTC is bad enough without losing all emotional control. I don't think I know your back story - did clomid help you conceive the first time around?

Chatbandit, we're approaching a year of TTC, and I remember that transition to 6 months quite well. I don't think it's ever too early to learn what your body is/isn't doing well. Have you been charting or using OPKs? Records of your cycles/attempts are a great resource to take with you when you approach your doc. I think that more than with almost anything, knowledge is power when it comes to TTC.
Bella- if you don't mind me asking, how come they have you taking clomid? I'm only asking because I'm seeing a new doctor next week and I think he might try clomid for me as well, I've never tried it. I totally hear you on the time and energy to devote thing too. Before we had Cayden, we had been doing p90x for 4 months, DH lost 25 lbs and I lost 15 and I know neither of us are back to that weight yet!

CB- when you first make that decision to cross over, it's so hard and emotional, we're all here for you if you need or anything or have any questions. I feel like I could write a textbook about IF by now lol! Please keep us posted on your journey!

Lady- Fingers are super duper crossed for you, that opk sounds really promising especially if you just had surgery! My mind is so bad, can you remind me what you had done? Was it a laparoscopy? I know right after I had mine is when I got my first positive test since Cayden so anything is possible!
Hi ladies, just catching up on the threads while I have a day off. Just wanted to say that I have a special place in my heart for the ladies on this thread after having spent so much time here myself. I know the end of the year is a particularly painful time for those of who are experiencing infertility, not to mention the fact that you just endured the holiday season which also is a painful time when you're yearning for a baby. I so hope that 2016 brings many pregnancies to this thread.

Bella, when did you get your BFP last time? I remember you thinking you were out last time you took clomid and then ending up pregnant. Keeping my fingers crossed that history repeats itself. DH and I haven't had the easiest time recently either, so I sympathize with you. Sometimes life just gets in the way and you aren't able to spend time connecting as a couple, which is so important when life gets stressful. I hope that things slow down a bit for both of us!

Ladyciel, good luck to you. It would be so great if whatever issue you were having was solved by the procedure!

RT, big hugs, lady. Being able to plan and time a pregnancy seems like such a luxury when you are experiencing infertility. You've been through so much. I read that you were getting a workup in Colorado. I really hope that will be the ticket for you. They are supposedly one of the best!

PT, I'm so sorry about your loss. We had a loss after our fresh IVF cycle, and it just seems especially cruel to have that little bit of hope only to have it taken away. Our next FET was successful, and I'm so hoping the same thing will happen for you. Hang in there and enjoy your vacation!

chatbandit, I know it's hard to accept when you realize medical intervention might be necessary, but you just have to take it one step at a time. And really, the more information you have, the better. Good luck!

SB, I still think of you often!
random_thought|1451492950|3968461 said:
Lady- Fingers are super duper crossed for you, that opk sounds really promising especially if you just had surgery! My mind is so bad, can you remind me what you had done? Was it a laparoscopy? I know right after I had mine is when I got my first positive test since Cayden so anything is possible!

RT, I had a laparoscopic myomectomy done on 11/16 to remove a 4-5cm fibroid that was acting like an anchor on the back of my tipped uterus. It was on a stalk and buried down in my pelvis, causing uterine immobility and various "bulk symptoms". I also have a 6cm subserosal fibroid on the front of my uterus, which causes milder symptoms now and again, but it isn't intruding on my uterine cavity and doesn't affect mobility or cause serious concerns for pregnancy. Removing it would have been an open/super-invasive surery. It seems the removed fibroid might have been contributing to my spotting issues (the after-BD and pre-AF could be the immobility resulting in cervix or lining irritation, but that's just a guess). Whatever the case, it had to be removed before we continued TTC, because my doc was severely concerned it would cause uterine incarceration (i.e. uterus stuck in the pelvis in its tipped configuration...nowhere for baby to grow) if we DID get pregnant. There was never any promise that surgery would actually help our fertility, but obviously it's impossible not to hope the fibroid was "the cause". Doc didn't see any signs of endo during surgery, my uterine cavity was clear, tubes are open, and I've never observed any anovulatory cycles. But, before surgery my OPKs usually faded in and maxed out at slightly lighter than the control line. I was pretty shocked at how dark the line was this time, so maybe it means a "stronger" ovluation, like what they sometimes prescribe clomid for even in ovulating women. It should be my second ovulation since surgery, but I didn't monitor the first one closely since we were on post-op restrictions. If it's not the fibroid(s) causing us issues, then we're currently unexplained IF.
Lady Ciel, Welcome back to the BD every day plan:-) Glad that you are recovered from the surgery and hope that you graduate from this thread soon!

Chatbadit-It can be discouraging (I am right there with you at the moment:-) but one of the things I love about this thread are the amazing and inspiring stories of women's journeys to becoming mothers. So many women have spent years in this thread and eventually welcomed their new little one(s). Sometimes when I am feeling extra discouraged, I read back through their stories and it helps me to have faith and hope as I move forward.

PT-Thinking of you and sending huge hugs all the time! I hope you get good news soon and that you have a wonderful holiday with A!

MP-You have a good memory! It was a little late. With E I tested at 10 dpo I think and got a negative and then I can't remember if I got my bpf at 12 DPO or 13 dpo, and it was very faint.

RT-Here is the (sort-of) cliff notes version of my journey:

My older son B is now 7 and joined our family through adoption when he was almost 3. Our younger son E will be 2 in January.

We TTC for 4 years with charting, temping, OPKs, supplements, etc. I had severe prolonged uterine bleeding at several points over the years which complicated things. Eventually the bleeding got to such a point where it went on very heavily for months, I went to an RE, they prescribed clomid to stop the bleeding, and the second month of clomid we got pregnant. I had also done weekly acupuncture for a year, taken 2 courses of chinese herbs, was taking a whole regime of supplements that I don't even remember anymore, doing fertility yoga, and had surgery to remove a uterine polyp and "a lining of tiny polyps" in my uterus in the year prior to getting pregnant. I don't know if it was the clomid or a cumulative/additive effect with all the other things I was trying. I was prescribed 100mg of clomid, but knowing how I react to meds I took 50mg. The first month it stopped the bleeding and the second we got pregnant.

My pregnancy was pretty miserable with constant hyperemesis from week 5 until he was born at 36 weeks 6 days, and after delivery I learned that I was VERY severely anemic and needed IV iron therapy. Since E was born, I have had regular periods starting at 6 weeks postpartum and my iron levels are now normal. I am still nursing him briefly once or twice a day most days, but we are gradually weaning and I think he'll be totally done in the next few months.

DH and i would really like 3 or 4 children in our family. DH is 39 and I am 37 and we definitely feel the clock ticking:-) We have been casually TTC since E turned 1 so I asked my OB for Clomid at my December appt.
Wow, I don't how I missed your backstories ladies! Gives me hope listening to bella talk about the clomid though, I really am hoping my doc will let me try it and put me back on metformin as well. The only concern I have is that they probably will want me to stop my anti-depressants and I just found a good one about 3 months ago :nono: But it would be worth it as long as I don't drive DH completely insane.
I was one of the OPs for this thread (Steal started it when we didn't really fit in the regular TTC thread anymore) so my initial backstory is pretty far back:-) and then getting pregnant didn't happen for several years.

I am 15 DPO and my period is officially late and I am still "Not pregnant". I was hoping that 2016 would start with a BFP and this could just be easy for once, but that's not happening:-) So, now I am just waiting for AF to show up and start a new cycle. I am considering figuring out my exact regime from last time and starting back on it to see if it works again...

Hope that 2016 brings lots of BFPs and wonderful new babies to the amazing ladies in this thread.
It's good to have goals. Today my goal is to not throw up from the endo pain. It's been SO BAD the last 3 days now. The worst it's been since before my last lap. I could easily go on down to the ER to get pain meds, but then I'd have to cough up $1000 for the bill. Trying to hold out until my appointment on Thursday and praying my doctor will give me something to help.
Still no AF, and tests are all negative...was not expecting this my first month on Clomid. Did I somehow not ovulate? Not exactly sure when to call my Dr or what to ask for in terms of testing.
Bella_mezzo|1452098485|3971655 said:
Still no AF, and tests are all negative...was not expecting this my first month on Clomid. Did I somehow not ovulate? Not exactly sure when to call my Dr or what to ask for in terms of testing.

Did you take ovulation tests?
Ditto RT. Did you do anything to confirm ovulation or what are you basing that on? I'm guessing you may have ovulated later than you expected....I would think you ovulated with clomid.... I hope you get some clarity soon.
My tests were "almost" positive on CD 16 and 17 but didn't quite look positive (and I realized after the fact expired in not sure how accurate they were). They got lighter after that, so I stopped testing around CD19 and figured that I had just missed the surge or the tests were a little weak since they were old. I had EWCM and ovulation pain so figured it happened.

I am now CD36...

I am ready with smiley face OPKs for this cycle whenever it starts:-)
Today's the day! Waiting on pins and needles to go see the new RE! I'm dragging DH with so hopefully we'll get all of the testing done in one shot!
Good luck today, RT!
They didn't see anything that indicated endometrial cysts thank God! The bad news is that it looks like all of my eggs are backed up and not being released from my ovaries. The good news is that they said my eggs look really great! Lol Oi. Anyways, we're doing all the testing for PCOS, I'm back on metformin and they mentioned dexamethasone which I adamantly declined. I'm going in for an hcg on jelly? :dance:
RT, I'm glad your trip to the RE proved enlightening! you maybe mean HSG? I am not jealous, if it's the latter... I avoided the actual HSG thanks to surgery (not sure that's a good trade-off, but checking my tubes was a side item), but I had the saline sonohysterogram, which is the same sort of thing. Getting that catheter placed was NOT fun w/ my tilted uterus + "stovepipe turn" cervix, as my OB called it. Hopefully it is quick and painless for you!

AFM, I'm 9 or 10dpo...not sure which because I overslept my alarm on the 2nd morning after my positive ov test and can't trust that the high temp was actually a temp shift. BFN frer this morning.
ladyciel|1452387875|3973464 said:
RT, I'm glad your trip to the RE proved enlightening! you maybe mean HSG? I am not jealous, if it's the latter... I avoided the actual HSG thanks to surgery (not sure that's a good trade-off, but checking my tubes was a side item), but I had the saline sonohysterogram, which is the same sort of thing. Getting that catheter placed was NOT fun w/ my tilted uterus + "stovepipe turn" cervix, as my OB called it. Hopefully it is quick and painless for you!

AFM, I'm 9 or 10dpo...not sure which because I overslept my alarm on the 2nd morning after my positive ov test and can't trust that the high temp was actually a temp shift. BFN frer this morning.

Yeah I meant HSG lol! My last one was not so pleasant and I had the saline one as well. I asked about that this time as well and they said it's not as effective as the blue dye hsg so we're doing that one. They clamped my cervix last time so I'm hoping it goes better this time lol