
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Ooof, that clamp is THE WORST!! :doh: They used the saline for me because they weren't intending to check my tubes, just trying to find the source of my spotting/bleeding. Doc checked my tubes with dye during surgery, so I can't see any reason for another saline or HSG being done in the next couple years, even if we continue to have trouble. I'm SO very glad about that.

I'm 10-11dpo..didn't want to waste another FRER this morning (trying to save the next for 12-13dpo), I'm out of real Wondfos, so I used one of the expired fake wondfos I still have sitting around just to satisfy my itch to POAS. BFN, but for all I know these knock-off tests wouldn't show positive until 10wks. :snooty: I'm handling the BFNs better than I was before...staring at spotting day in and day out was NOT good for my sanity, and the BFNs just tended to push me over the edge. Now I'm back to good old wishful thinking/bargaining with the devil. Yay!
ladyciel|1452437002|3973674 said:
Ooof, that clamp is THE WORST!! :doh: They used the saline for me because they weren't intending to check my tubes, just trying to find the source of my spotting/bleeding. Doc checked my tubes with dye during surgery, so I can't see any reason for another saline or HSG being done in the next couple years, even if we continue to have trouble. I'm SO very glad about that.

I'm 10-11dpo..didn't want to waste another FRER this morning (trying to save the next for 12-13dpo), I'm out of real Wondfos, so I used one of the expired fake wondfos I still have sitting around just to satisfy my itch to POAS. BFN, but for all I know these knock-off tests wouldn't show positive until 10wks. :snooty: I'm handling the BFNs better than I was before...staring at spotting day in and day out was NOT good for my sanity, and the BFNs just tended to push me over the edge. Now I'm back to good old wishful thinking/bargaining with the devil. Yay!

I had my tubes checked a year ago and they were open and looking great.

Fast forward today and both tubes are a complete mess. Just something to keep in mind,
Just found out our only option to get pregnant is IVF. Guess that's it for us because we can't afford that frown emoticon HSG confirmed it. Both tubes are dilated with fluid :(sad First endo, then pcos, polyps which they found again today and now the tube issue. Maybe I just wasn't meant to have another baby :(sad Feeling extremely depressed.
Random, I'm really sorry you got bad news today :( You certainly are dealing with multiple frustrating issues. Are they saying that a pregnancy is impossible or just highly unlikely? I'm hoping that the fact you've gotten pregnant on your own a few times in the past year or so means there's still a small chance. Also, as far as IVF, you can't afford it now, but maybe you can figure out a way to finance it or do it in another couple of years? It is very expensive (I know firsthand) and you certainly need to be smart about your finances, but I'm hoping that if you still want to have another baby, you'll find a way to make it work somehow. Again, I'm really sorry. I can only imagine the disappointment and frustrating you are feeling.
monkeyprincess|1452547028|3974401 said:
Random, I'm really sorry you got bad news today :( You certainly are dealing with multiple frustrating issues. Are they saying that a pregnancy is impossible or just highly unlikely? I'm hoping that the fact you've gotten pregnant on your own a few times in the past year or so means there's still a small chance. Also, as far as IVF, you can't afford it now, but maybe you can figure out a way to finance it or do it in another couple of years? It is very expensive (I know firsthand) and you certainly need to be smart about your finances, but I'm hoping that if you still want to have another baby, you'll find a way to make it work somehow. Again, I'm really sorry. I can only imagine the disappointment and frustrating you are feeling.

It's highly impossible to conceive naturally. The fluid will kill off the eggs and sperm and prevent implantation. Odds are still extremely low even with IVF because the leftover fluid can drip into the uterus and kill of the embryos :(sad

I got pregnant last year but that was when my hsg showed my tubes completely open and no issues at all. I guess a lot can change in a year :nono:
Hi RT, I just want to say: a lot can change in another year too! From what I've read and understand, you're a young woman under a lot of stress and on some medications. The young part is likely your golden ticket for a nice long while, and the stress and medications parts may be producing the type or the extent of the type of problems you're seeing.

Is there an expert you can address about what might be occurring in your tubes and why? Could it be related to any water-retaining system going on that might be exacerbated by certain medicines that you've started taking in the last year?

With greater understanding you will be able to swing the whole system in the direction you want. You're down but not out, not by a long shot.

I'm waiting to hear back from the re about what exactly he thinks is going on.
After doing some research, *ahem* google *ahem* lol and talking to other people, I found some of these options as well.
It may not be fluid in there but actually endometriosis.

If that's the case, they can possibly remove the endometriosis if I see a specialist in Atlanta. It's less money and I would have a 0.01% of the endometriosis coming back if we can exercise it. The downside to this option is that the recovery period is about 6 weeks and we would have to travel 20 hours away.

Another option is to remove the tube that has the fluid/endo throughout and use it to reconstruct the tube that only has fluid/endo by the ovary. I would be left with one tube, but at least it would be a good tube.

Of course option 3 is remove both tubes and go for IVF.

The last option is that the hsg is all I needed and by some miracle I get pregnant on my own.
Alright gang, got my bloodwork back. The good news is that every test for pcos came back as negative. I likely do not have it. The bad news is that my tests for hypothyroidism came back positive. So that's fun. But at least it is all sorted out now. The GREAT news is that my FSH score came back as excellent! Super news if we go forward with IVF for sure and really just in general.

So, just waiting to find out where we go from here from the doctor.
Just got the best email EVER!!

I emailed Dr. B, Your left tube is open therefore we can still do an IUI cycle as long as you ovulate on the left side. Dr. Bush also recommends that you have a SHG procedure done to evaluate possible polyps prior to seeing him. This procedure like the HSG will need to be done cycle day 6-12. Please let me know if you have any questions.
This thread looks like it's been quiet for a while, but I wanted to pop in to offer good wishes to any ladies out there who are still trying, and also share a bit of an update and hopefully a bit of hope as well - our transfer in November was successful and I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. My husband and I couldn't be happier and feel incredibly lucky and blessed. I truly thought that this wouldn't happen for me and was resigned to the idea of using a gestational carrier, so I still have moments where I pinch myself when I feel him wiggling around in there. I still hold my breath for every ultrasound and check up, but have my fingers crossed that everything continues to go well.

I hope you are all well and wish you peace no matter where your path takes you.
shortblonde|1458314066|4007398 said:
This thread looks like it's been quiet for a while, but I wanted to pop in to offer good wishes to any ladies out there who are still trying, and also share a bit of an update and hopefully a bit of hope as well - our transfer in November was successful and I am currently 21 weeks pregnant with a baby boy. My husband and I couldn't be happier and feel incredibly lucky and blessed. I truly thought that this wouldn't happen for me and was resigned to the idea of using a gestational carrier, so I still have moments where I pinch myself when I feel him wiggling around in there. I still hold my breath for every ultrasound and check up, but have my fingers crossed that everything continues to go well.

I hope you are all well and wish you peace no matter where your path takes you.

OMG, shortblonde, how wonderful!!! Best wishes for a smooth, healthy 19 weeks to go! Congratulations on baby boy-to-be! :appl:
SB!!!!! This is the best news ever!! Sending you a huge hug & hearty congratulations. I don't post
much anymore but check in often hoping for good news (especially from you!) and this made my day. Thanks for popping in & sharing your news.

Enjoy every moment of your pregnancy & please come back to tell us about your darling little boy when he arrives.
Just so very happy for you! (I think I started feeling much more secure around the 20w mark as well so hoping your worries are (mostly) a thing of the past).

And I hear LC has #2--huge congrats to her too!! And Jgator as well. Sorry I've been remiss in posting. I do think of all of you often, though.

Sending good wishes to all of the other ladies on this journey.
SB, best news I've heard in a long, long time! I'm overjoyed for you and your DH. Prayers and good wishes for you and that long awaited little man. Baby boys are the sweetest. Oh, this just made my day!!! Please do let us know how everything goes.

And hi Laila and Bright!

Bright, how's your little one? How are you?

Laila, how is life with toddler twins? My little girl has had a rough go and not mobile yet, but little boy is a wild man. I keep imagining chasing after two toddlers and think how exhausted I'll be, bit at the same time, I can't wait :-)
Hi, MP! Continued good thoughts and wishes for your sweet baby girl. She is such a fighter! How is she doing? I bet you are eagerly waiting for cold and flu season to be over. I saw the pics of your twins on the other thread, and gosh are they absolutely darling!! Such photogenic babies! I loved the series where baby girl was just calmly lying there serenely and her brother was rolling and twisting and moving in each shot. Too funny!

My twins are now 17.5 months and they are still pretty challenging at times. At least they talk some now though. My girl seems, personality-wise, much like yours in that she is so sweet, calm, and happy all the time. Boy twin is mischievous, sassy, always on the go, and he has a temper! They fight over the same toy all the time; someone's always crying! The two older kids are a big help though. Having twins sure is an adventure, eh? At the end of the day, when all four are in bed, we are exhausted.

I think about your babies often. Hope your sweet girl is getting stronger every day!
Sorry, I don't want to hijack this thread, but Laila, great to hear from you! I'll post a quick update in the newborn thread about my daughter, rather than talk about it too much here.

Bella, are you still around? I think you and Random are the only ones that have been trying recently. I think about you ladies and hope you get good news soon!

Best wishes to anyone else trying. This thread was always so therapeutic for me as I was trying to build my family.
SB, great news! I am so thrilled for you! Your son will be here before you know it. Good luck!!!

Bright, great to hear from you too. How is little V? How is your sleep these days? Mine is horrible, but I am working proactively to avoid another sleeper like K! Wish we could chat in real life. Let me know if there is a way to reach you - loupe troupe or something. Same for other regular pals on this thread and the other related threads - I feel like I have known you all personally for years.
SB-Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so happy to read your news! best wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy and for a wonderful time welcoming your son into the world! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

JG_I know, it seems PS in general, and FH&H are the quietest they have been since I started lurking 10 years ago. I will likely be putting some listings on LT this weekend.

MP-Thanks for thinking of me! We are still trying, but it is kind of a second tier priority right now as my DH was accepted into medical school and we will be moving across the state, so in the past 6 weeks we have put our house on the market (it is in contract now), gone into contract on a house up there (we close in early April), and I am navigating how I will keep providing for our family (likely keeping my job, working remotely, and flying back once a week...but I am monitoring jobs up there as well). Plus, we are wrapping up a 6 month evaluation and assessment process for B (he has some learning challenges as well as some speech and motor delays) and trying to stay sane with E who is an extraordinarily active/spirited/strong-willed/amazing/challenging 2 year old. To say things have been crazy is a vast understatement.

I took clomid in December and it was a mess. I had all the awful side effects I always get and I don't think I ever ovulated (first month without a cycle since E was 6 weeks old). So, we are basically just DTD when we feel like it now (which is not often) and we'll see if by some miracle we get pregnant. Once we move in June and get settled we will take a more intentional approach again.

Bright-How are you?!?!?!? How is V? How is life?!?!?!
What exciting updates! Congrats to all who are pregnant!

I've been posting over in TTC because this thread has been so dead. I just started femara last night and will take it for 5 days. After that, I go in for my cd12 ultrasound on the 31st and my trigger shot if it looks ok. Otherwise we'll trigger over the weekend and do the iui then :)) As of right now, if we get pregnant this cycle, the due date will be on December 25 so I'm praying super hard for an early Christmas miracle!
Rt, keep us posted on CD 12 results! Hope your follies grow nicely and you have lots of them.
Not really an update but a forewarning to anyone with endometriosis who might consider femara.
It is going to HURT like a million s.o.b.s
I normally have pretty bad ovulation bad with my endo, but this is a whole new level.
Thank God they gave me extra codeine to help with the pain, oi!
RT, good luck with the IUI! Jgator described the process well. As for the actual procedure, it feels like a pap. I'm sorry about the pain with the femara. Keep us posted on your progress. I hope you're feeling better soon & that you get your Christmas miracle.

It's so good to hear from you ladies! I've missed you. Sorry for being an absentee PSer. I have a Loupe Troupe listing if anyone wants to connect offline.

Hey MP! I'm sorry your little girl has had such a rough go. Sounds like she's a sweetheart & a tough cookie. Must take after her mama. I'm glad your boys are doing well & hope things are calmer soon.

Laila, I'm glad to hear you & the kiddos are all doing well. I don't know how you do it with 4--I'm exhausted with 1!

Jgator, I'm sorry sleep has been such a disaster. Are you going to do sleep training earlier this time? Wishing you peaceful nights in the near future! And thanks for connecting with me on LT! Will write more soon.

Bella, congrats to your DH on his med school acceptance & on selling your place. (Though I'm bummed to hear you're leaving! Let me know if you're up for a get together before you go.) It sounds like you have your hands full right now. Good luck with the interventions with B (& keeping up with E!) I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible & that you have a pleasant surprise in store soon.

AFU, V is doing well. She turned 18mo today. I can't believe how big she's getting! She's off the charts in all measurements & the new words are coming fast & furious now. She loves to sing & has the sweetest smile & laugh that just melts my heart.
She's a very passionate & enthusiastic person in all she does which is, at times delightful & other times quite a challenge. She's funny & adorable & also strong willed. She's constantly on the move (running, climbing, etc). Some of her first words were "boom" & "up" & she had stitches at 9 months! So she's keeping us on our toes. Unfortunately she's still not a great sleeper despite several rounds of sleep training. She just transitioned to 1 nap, which has actually made nighttime sleeping a bit better.
DH & I both work from home & he's an amazing & very involved father. We're fortunate to be able to spend a lot of time together as a family. I'm also finally on a medication that does a pretty good job controlling the most aggravating symptoms of my PCOS, which is a relief.
Sometimes I think about trying for another baby. It would be mostly for V's sake so she has a partner in crime now & later in life too. DH & I are older, 43 & 40 respectively, and I hate the idea of not being around for as much of her life as I'd like. I'm an only child so I'm used to that dynamic & realize it wouldn't be the end of the world but it's not what we wanted for her.
That said, considering our age &
what we went through last time I don't think it's likely we'd succeed even if we tried again. (And I'm not sure I could endure going through the heartbreak of that process a second time!) I think we'll probably be 1 and done and I'm very grateful for our little miracle.

Sorry for the massive post & threadjack. I'll close with a couple of pics. The first photo with the hat was taken in November (14mo) & the second photo was taken today (18mo).


Good luck, RT! I'm really pulling for you! Sorry, you're experiencing so much pain though.

Bella, congrats to your DH, but man, that is a lot of change for all of you. Sorry Clomid didn't work out for you this time. You could try Femara when you're ready to give it a go again. Best wishes to B. I'm sure you will do everything you can to help him reach his full potential. And I hear you, my second son is such a wild man. My oldest son was much more verbal and less physical as a baby (although that changed when hew as toddler), but I think O is going to wear me out at the rate he is going! Almost walking and not even 9 months old, and he just takes a lot more emotional energy too.

Bright, wow, she's gorgeous, and I'm so happy to hear she is a happy kiddo and that you are enjoying her so much. I think it's good that you are able to step back and realize that being one and done is best for you and your family. I wouldn't change having O and N for anything, but looking back, life was really sweet and simple when it was just Ev, so I can see the benefits of a one child family. It really was a miracle the way that little beautiful girl was conceived after everything you went through. It makes me happy to see her as a little girl :)
Hey everyone,

o pain has kind of calmed down so happy about that. Just counting down until my appointment on Thursday now. I'm so freaking excited I could explode. I'm trying to keep myself in check though because I know statistically there's not a high percentage of success on first iuis. Focusing on getting everything ready for a trip up North a few days after the iui and getting everything ready for iui #2 : :cheeky:
RT. good luck today.
So here's my update.

I have a follicle on each ovary, 15mm on one and 14mm on the other. I'm going back for another ultrasound on Saturday morning to check again, they think it will be at 17 or 18 by then for each one. They also said my lining looks really good and thick. I'm starting to get excited! IUI will either be on Sunday or Monday :bigsmile:
Sounds great, RT! Fingers crossed!! :dance:
Great update, RT!
Best of luck with the IUI, RT!
Great update, RT! Good luck with the IUI.
I went in this morning to do the IUI, our numbers were great! 30 million good sperm to use so we are thrilled about that! I also ended up with my follicle measuring 23 on cd14.

The IUI was pretty painless as well, felt like a pap smear, just like you guys said. I hate the speculum but who doesn't. I've always wondered if it's worse for me because of the endo but whatever, nothing I couldn't do deep breathing through :)

So now....we wait. I'll be on progesterone as well to help along any possible pregnancy.

Thanks for all of the support ladies!!