
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Thanks for the update, RT! Looking forward to seeing your pee sticks in another week :)
Good luck, RT!
RT, so glad it went well & you had a good count. Wishing you lots of luck in the TWW!
RT, I hope this is it for you! Good luck in the TWW.
Whaddya think ladies! Just for fun :)
The left test is from this afternoon compared to a positive from my trigger before IUI. The very right is from this morning when the trigger tested as out of my system. Currently 10dpiui.

RT, I see something!!!! When is your beta? Congrats!!! Sticky Dust!!! :appl:
I see it too!! Congrats, RT!! Tons of sticky dust headed your way. :appl: :appl:
Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you! A FRER would be obvious with a cheapie line like that.
Bahhhhhh got a BFN nothing this morning and with SMU. Must have been an evap or leftover trigger. Poo :(sad
So sorry, RT. Still holding out hope for you that the line will reappear, and then you'll know it's for real if it does. I didn't want to say anything yesterday, but it's always dicey testing early when you've had a trigger. My body always seemed to hang on to the trigger longer than other people on here, so I had a couple fake out positive tests when I was doing IUIs. Hang in there. Always hoping for the best for you!
And just because life really isn't $%#@ing fair, we just found out that my dad has cancer :(sad ;( :nono: :angryfire:
Oh, RT, I saw the stick pictures and got so excited for you, and then the BFN with SMU, and the news about your dad --- hang in there, lady, sounds like life is throwing you for even more loops but you are a tough cookie and fingers crossed it's treatable for him... and early days for you, too. Hugs.
13dpiui and bfn. Expecting AF tomorrow. Drinking wine tonight. Moving on to to IUI#2.
So sorry to hear, RT.... :(( Been lurking and following your story. That's really get the news about your dad....followed by a bfn. :(( I hope his condition Is treatable, and I hope your next Iui is a success.
Thanks for all of the support ladies. We thought we had a bfp last night, even DH saw it, and then this morning, nothing. Today is 15dpiui so I probably should stop the prometrium. I'm just really sick of this infertility crap and ready to have that baby in my arms :nono:
random_thought|1460994317|4020803 said:
Thanks for all of the support ladies. We thought we had a bfp last night, even DH saw it, and then this morning, nothing. Today is 15dpiui so I probably should stop the prometrium. I'm just really sick of this infertility crap and ready to have that baby in my arms :nono:

Sorry, RT. I've often had better luck later in the day. Will you take another test before stopping the prometrium?
amc80|1461003390|4020837 said:
random_thought|1460994317|4020803 said:
Thanks for all of the support ladies. We thought we had a bfp last night, even DH saw it, and then this morning, nothing. Today is 15dpiui so I probably should stop the prometrium. I'm just really sick of this infertility crap and ready to have that baby in my arms :nono:

Sorry, RT. I've often had better luck later in the day. Will you take another test before stopping the prometrium?

I had wondered about that too. With Cayden and the m/c, I got my positives later in the day. I'll probably test again tonight and then stop tomorrow morning with the progesterone if there's still nothing.
18dpiui and still no af....ho hum....still bfn too...just lots of waiting.... :rolleyes:
CD1, blargh!
Woohoo CD1 glass of wine? :| Sorry this wasn't it for your, RT, but dust for next cycle!!
The last few days have been AWFUL. First night of CD1 was spent vomiting from being in so much pain, cold sweats and shakes and unbearable pain. Got prescribed tylenol-3 and I've been taking the maximum dose every 4 hours and it just barely takes the edge off. UGH! I think I deserve a vacation somewhere tropical lol
RT-hope you are feeling better. Not sure if anyone is here anymore, but figured I'd drop by. Today is day 3 of a smiley OPK so hopefully it was a nice strong LH surge and I actually ovulated. We have actually managed to DTD 3 days in a row:-) So, I am officially in the 2ww (and I am going to keep taking opks and we are going to try and keep going every other day for a week or so just in case).
Hi Bella!
I'm here! Keep us updated for sure :)) I'm in the middle of a summer break from treatments, IUI#2 was a bust as well. We're doing one more in the fall and then we'll be considering IVF if that doesn't work.
Just took a stroll down memory lane in this thread. Oh my goodness, this seems like a lifetime ago! :love: :love: :love:

I can't believe Farrah is already 18 months old! Also, lots of dust to those of you still TTC! My unicornuate uterus is officially shut down for baby making. :angel:
Crossposting from TTC

So...I have kind of an interesting update.

A few of you may have seen over in hangout that I had posted about my father passing away on August 13 :(sad My mom had passed away a year and 2 days earlier which meant my sisters and I could look into our inheritance.

It's a fairly good amount. DH and I are going to be able to pay off all of our debt, buy our first home and the big one (well for me anyways)- I can get excision surgery in Atlanta at the Center for Endometriosis Care. This is the gold standard in treating endometriosis. Patients with the most severe stage regain up to 60% of their fertility and are able to conceive naturally. Reoccurance rates of the endo coming back are low at only 12% of patients having their endometriosis grow back and this will dramatically increase my quality of life as well since I am generally out of commission a full week out of each month due to the pain.

I'm waiting for all of the paperwork to get processed but my hopes are that I can schedule my surgery before the holidays. I'm currently freelancing so I don't need to worry about taking time off which is good because recovery is 4-6 weeks.

So, with all of that being said, I'm allowing myself to be a tiny bit optimistic again. Although, the downside is, if we do get pregnant, my mom and dad will never get to meet their last grandchild :(sad
Happy thoughts to you RT!
WOW, LTP how is it possible that she is 18 months?!?!!? So happy for you! What a blessing.
RT-So sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Hope that the surgery goes well and you are able to TTC quickly afterwards.

We are trucking along. This is DH's first year of med school so he's exhausted/stressed/studying all the time, we moved across the state so I am still getting our house set-up working full time and settling into life here, our 2 year old is learning to use the potty, and things are generally nuts. So...we are basically celibate and I am 99% sure I am out this month. Sigh...onto next month...
Here's another update. Inheritance wasn't as much as we all thought. No surgery, no house, but was able to pay off a good chunk of debt. We're slowly getting there. Right now the first priority is getting the credit up and in good shape for our first mortgage and finding a house. Then we'll look into the excision surgery. There is a surgeon in Colorado that does this surgery so I'm hopeful insurance will cover most of it when the time is right. It's not my first preference but it is what it is. C'est la vie.
RT, so sorry for all the challenges and disappointments you've faced.

Keeping my fingers/toes crossed for both you and Bella.

We struggled conceiving our first, and no surprise, struggled trying for a second. It's been about a year since we accepted the fact that our family is destined to have only one child, but we're at peace with it. While one or two more littles would have been wonderful, I love our family as it is as well.