
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Oh Bright, I'm so sad to hear this. I cannot even imagine the sadness you must be feeling. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Bright, I'm so very sorry to hear your news. It's so hard to go through the highs and lows of ttc. I know I just got here but I'm sending hugs and support through cyber space. Here if you want to talk or vent.
Bright, I am so sorry to hear this... I'm sure nothing I can say can be of any comfort right now so I'll just keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Bright, I am so sad for you. I know all too well how agonizing that wait between ultrasounds is and trying to stay positive even though you're almost certain things are grim. You must be emotionally drained so please take care of yourself.

I will be thinking of you.
Hi Bright, I'm so, so sorry. You're in my thoughts.
Bright, big hugs. I'm so sorry. :blackeye:
Thanks so much for your kind posts. They make this difficult time just a bit easier.
Oh man, Bright, I'm so so sorry. There are really no words. Keep the faith though- there is a plan for you and there's hope. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. *BIG HUGS*
fisherofmengirly|1336098835|3187135 said:

I am walking in faith with you. 6 weeks is early, friend. Hold on. Grab faith & hold on tight.

Fisher - I haven't posted in a while, but I wanted you to know that I think of you and your family often. I wish you well in your journey and hope that one day, you will be blessed with a healthy little baby. Lots of warm thoughts and prayers for you.
So sorry, Bright.... It must be exhausting and so upsetting to have to go through this again. :(sad :(sad :(sad Thinking of you...((HUGS))
Bright, I'm so very sorry. I know there's nothing anyone can say to make you feel better. Just know that we're all thinking of you.

I'm so sorry my friend. :blackeye:
Just popping in to say that I've been thinking about you a lot this past weekend, Bright. I am sure it was a rough one. :(sad Sending you hugs and wish I could help you by shouldering some of your pain somehow.

Hi to Prana, Pave, Curly, Fisher, Ltl, Indecisive. Wishing you all a much better Mother's Day next year.
Brigh I'm thinking of you. I'm glad you found some comfort in our messages. I wish somehow we could help you more. My messages never seem to be as eloquent as others, but know we are all pulling for you.

It's been pretty quiet here. How's everyone doing? Check in when you have time :)

I am on CD 1. sigh. My 2ww was terribly long with so many "symptoms". Yesterday I was nauseous all day and actually vomited- I think it's a virus that just happened at an inconvient time. I really have a hard time not being totally obsessed, and I wish I could manage it better. I am going to start a class at the end of May that at least will keep me busy. Hopefully this is a good idea. It will be time for me to get my labs drawn tomorrow and also start clomid. I'm pretty nervous. I did find out that my dr. will be monitoring me, which I was glad to hear. I am concerned that she is starting me at 100 mg instead of 50 mg. I trust her but it seems like other people start at 50 mg. For those whose dh has gotten as SA, did he have "rest" before giving the specimen? Is 6 days too long?
Well that's enough for now.
Bright, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Pavelover, my RE said to "rest" for 48 hours, but not longer than that so the sperm are relatively fresh. Also, I started on 100MG of Clomid per day, and had no issues/symptoms. Good luck with the Clomid.
Thanks JGator for your input. My other post had a negative vibe I think (kind of having a slight pity party) but I just wanted to say I'm hopeful that the Clomid will work and so grateful that I actually have other options to consider/try. Especially on this board it seems like people have had good results with Clomid. Also my dh was supposed to be out of town during my fertile time but his trip got cancelled, so Yay! We get to try this month.
Super quick fly by post because I'm now being watched at work, which sucks because the only positive thing about my work environment was not being hawked over. :angryfire:

Anyhow, just got my U/S results. Going to post them for any and all feedback, please!! I'm sorry I don't have time to clean up the extra stuff in it, just have time to copy/paste the whole thing. :|

Real-time ultrasound images through the pelvis using a transabdominal
transducer. For better evaluation of the ovaries and endometrium, an
endovaginal transducer was also used.

COMPARISON: Ultrasound of 11/2/11


The uterus is anteverted. It measures 10.1 x 3.6 x 4.6 cm. It shows
no fibroids. Is this "enlarged" thing something to worry about or is it not a big deal?

Endometrial thickness of 8 mm. It shows no detectable blood flow. Is this good enough for the day of/day before ovulation?

Right ovary measures 1.6 x 1.4 x 2.7 cm.
Left ovary measures 2.4 x 4.5 x 2.6 cm. dominant follicle measuring
1.7 x 1.5 cm.
Ovaries with small follicles and blood flow. (Again, is this good enough? I'm almost positive I ovulated late the same day of the U/S.)

There is trace free fluid in the pelvis.


Tammy, I don't know much but I'm pretty sure your lining thickness doesn't peak at ovulation and continues to build a bit into the luteal phase so 8mm seems normal. The other numbers are bunch of gobbeldeegook to me! :bigsmile: Whatever they mean, I hope this is your cycle. :))
Hi Tammy I can't really help with your results but can say when I had my sonohysterogram
my lining was 5 mm and that was day 10. I asked if it was good and the sonograper said yes but he didn't give me any range. I'm on my phone so sorry if this post looks wonky. When
do you get to discuss results?
Hi Pave and Pupp,

Thanks for your input. I just got the results today (like 15 min before I posted them).
Pave, so sorry af arrived. Ditto to jgator's post. 2-3 days rest for sa, not longer. I think 100mg of clomid is just fine. Many people seem to start with a slightly higher dose & have great success. 

Tammy, I posted in the other thread about your u/s, but it seems like good news. Anything over 7 lining wise is fine. Fingers crossed for you! And that sucks about work monitoring your ps access. No good!

Mayerling, Laila, pupp, sha, choro, dani, pave, Tammy-thanks so much for your sweet posts. 

Hi to everyone else & thanks so much for your support. I posted a longer post in the other ttc thread but just wanted to check on my girls over here too. 
Bright - It's good to hear from you. Been thinking about you a lot. Hope that you are getting the support that you need.

Tammy - I have no info/experience to share with you for you regarding your U/S results. Were you able to talk to your doctor about them? Any updates?

Pave - I'm sorry last cycle wasn't your cycle, but I'm glad you are moving forward with clomid and the SA.

Pupp - Thanks for chiming in last week regarding the stress I was feeling over TTC. It's always nice to hear I'm not alone!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

I wanted to pop in and give a quick update. I did have a chat with my DH last week, and all is good. He is totally OK with us TTC right now, and we are in a good place with that. I think the guilt I was feeling was self-imposed. So right now, I am just waiting to O. Looks like this is going to be another longer cycle, which may just be my new norm.

I've also started Weight Watchers with hopes of dropping about 10 pounds. Since my m/c in February, I've gained 6 pounds or so (ugh), and I finally decided to do something about it. It's actually really nice to have something other than TTC to focus on, and I think it's helping me feel less anxious/stressed about it (I'm insanely goal-oriented).
Curly, I'm so glad you & your dh are in a good place. Congrats on starting weight watchers. I'll bet it does help to have something else to focus on (& something you have a better chance of controlling!) than ttc. I've definitely been self medicating with food a bit lately & need to watch myself.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you're all well.

Afm, the drugs seem to be working somewhat at least (I wound up taking 2 separate doses) but I don't know of they're working enough.
It just doesn't feel like enough, er, material had passed. I'm supposed to go in for a follow up u/s tomorrow morning to see if everything passed.

I got to meet my newest niece yesterday & she's just lovely. It was really nice to hold her.
Mom & baby are both doing well & extolling the virtues of the epidural.

My birthday is on Sunday as well. Not expecting it to
be a particularly happy one though. Sigh.
Hi Girls,

I don't have much time but wanted to pop in and say that I'm thinking of you all. Bright, hun I'm sorry. I hope that you do have some fun on your birthday. Yes, it sucks and no, there isn't much you can do about it other than try to find some comfort in the love that you and your DH share, your family and your (not fertility related) health. It's SO much easier said than done, but this too shall pass. Know we're here for you, praying for a peaceful heart today and perfect little baby in your immediate future. *big hugs*

AFM: I'm not going to do an AFM. Trying a different approach this month. ::)
Bright, happy early birthday! I hope you are able to enjoy the day and have a little fun despite the general suckiness of everything right now. Congrats on your niece. Very bittersweet I'm sure. I'm happy to hear that the drugs seemed to have worked this time, and I'll be crossing my fingers that everything has passed as it should. It would be so nice if your body could return to normal a little more quickly this time. Thinking of you.

Tammy, keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you!
Bright, Happy Birthday to you! I hope you are able to have a nice celebration with your hubby. I also hope that the medication has done it's job, and you can move along to the next phase of your journey quicker this time than last time. Hugs and prayers to you. With this birthday, I believe that you are turning a corner, and I hope there are great things in store for you in the year ahead.
Bright, I thought I would let you know my husband just asked - "How's your friend BrightSpot doing?" So, lots of people are thinking of you and wishing you the best.
Hi guys. Well, I had my follow up u/s this morning. It felt so odd to be hoping to see nothing for a change. It's not over yet, but my doc said the medicine has worked & the sac is breaking up & passing. (kinda gross & sad but better than the alternative) I really hope everything passes naturally & I can avoid a d&c this time. I also asked him if there were any steps between what we did last time & IVF & I'm strongly considering going with an injectable iui for one cycle hoping for 2-3 targets. If that doesn't work, I think we'll go for IVF but I think I probably have it in me to try one more round of iui with a more aggressive drug protocol.  Though I guess we still have some time to make a decision. 
I'm feeling a little better now that things are progressing. The gorgeous weather helps too!

Oh, jgator, that's so sweet. Thanks to both you & your dh for the kindness & support.  Thank you, as well, for the birthday wishes & positive thoughts for the year ahead. I really hope my 37th year is better than my 36th. (though technically, I guess it will be my 38th year. Wow. I'm old.) Hope you're having a great weekend & your little bean is doing well. 

Mp, thanks for your sweet post & birthday wishes. I really do wonder if my body will reset faster after a natural (though drug induced) m/c than it did after the d&c. That'd be nice.  Hope you & bumby are well. 

Tammy, thank you for your kind, insightful post. I'm going to try to enjoy the weekend & hope better times are ahead. And thanks for the reminder that this too shall pass. Did I tell you my gran always says that? It brings me comfort. 
How are you holding up? I think of you often & hope your ttc journey is over very soon. 

Hi to curly, pave, Trekkie & everyone else. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. 
Brighthi'! Happy Birthday! I hope this year ahead is full of manY great things for you! I hope you are taking good care of yourself and that things continue to progress naturally. I bet it was mixed emotions when you got to see your niece.hugs.

Tammy hope your break is going as good as it can . Are you feeling more relaxed than before? I still didn't understand if you already discussed the results with your doctor or not?

Curly thanks for the encouragement! I'm glad you got to talk to your dh. It's hard to know what is created in our own mind sometimes, huh? Good job for WW. I'm gonna take a class to keep myself busY. This past week was brutal!

JgAtor thanks for always giving me feedback! I am so lucky there's so many helpful people here. I think the clomid was making me feel blue toward the end of the week but hopefully it will continue to improve. Today is way better than yesterday.
If I missed anyone else, sorry and hope you are all ok!

I am on my 5 th day of clomid. Haven't noticed much of anything except I was feeling kind of depressed but that maybe because I was getting my lab results, plus I hardly exercised this week which really helps my outlook. My fsh seems ok (7.2) my AMH was to me pretty depressing (0.76) but guess it could have been worse ? My dh's SA looks fine. I told him that was his birthday present :D . I'll get monitored on day 10 and I'm not sure if she will do anymore u/s after that one. we had a nice weekend hanging out for dh's birthday so I'm very grateful for that. My son really loves to sing happy birthday and it makes me so proud, lol.
Hope everyone has an easy Monday and a great week!

Oh! Anyone ovulate early with clomid? I noticed TMI hat today that seemed like what I have during my "fertile" time....hmmmm
Thanks, pave. Happy bday to your dh too! Glad it sounds like the tests came back well.

I did o a bit earlier on clomid, but I always o'd super late or not at all without (cd20 +). I o'd on cd 17-18 on clomid with a trigger shot. Hope that helps.
Thanks Brightspot for your input! I have to go pick up my req for the u/s today. I lost track of time and was thinking the u/s would be friday but it should actually be Wednesday...oops. Anyway at least I realized it early enough. I usually O later also, around 19. last month I took b vitamins and my o time moved up by 5 days. If clomid moves it up further it could be coming soon I guess?
How are you feeling today? hugs to you.