
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Indecisive, huge congrats to you & lots of sticky dust too! Your line progression looks great! Hope you have a happy & healthy 9 months. 

Tammy, sounds like you have a good plan. I didn't realize you were in N. CA.  My best friend (who lives in Davis) is pregnant. If you like I can ask her for a recommendation. 

Pave, so glad you had an iui. Fingers & toes crossed you have great news for us in 2 weeks! 

Jgator, thanks. I wish we could all hang out in person too!

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, I think it's over or nearly over for me as I'm just kind of spotting now (weird brown watery stuff).
I sure hope so as (as of tomorrow) it'll be 2 weeks of bleeding. Ugh. I have a follow up u/s & bloodwork tomorrow to check to see that everything is as it should be. We got to have a weekend out of town & see the nieces, which was nice. 

I still haven't decided what to do about my mom. I'm considering telling her some info but not all but that's difficult to do as she always pushes for more & it's hard for me to set boundaries. It's something I need to
get better at, especially if we're tying to have a kid!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. 
Hi Bright!

Small world! I like Davis, but it's a bit on the "crunchy" side for my DH. :lol: Lovely city though. I lived there for my first several years in CA and actually worked at the city Parks Department, fun times! I'd love a recommendation, especially if she needed a little push fertility wise in order to conceive.

Edited because I was "submit button happy". Dah!

I'm so glad to hear that you're almost out of the woods with the bleeding. You poor thing, I'm over here whining about bleeding on CD5 still and you're going on your 20th...I'm officially embarrassed at my wimpiness. :oops: I hear you on the boundaries thing with your mom. I think that even if you do spill all, it doesn't foreshadow you being unable to set boundaries when you do have a LO. You'll be amazed at how fast you learn to put your foot down even if you never have before! ;)) I think that you should just be honest with your mom. The worse case scenario is she takes it poorly and doesn't support you. If you go into it with zero expectations other than just wanting to not have to hide it from her anymore, it'll help and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised.
Thank you so much for the congratulations mlk, pave, mp, tammy, and bright. It has not even gotten close to sinking in. Eben seeing the congratulations messages was strange. I just always expected I would feel pregnant right away. I am going in tomorrow for a beta and progesterone test (thanks for the suggestion MP). I am going out of town Thursday-Saturday so my next beta will have to wait for Monday. I was tempted to cancel the trip but if anything happens at this point this point nothing can be done.

mlk- I hope I can join you! We are pretty close!

pave- lots of good thoughts for your IUI!

tammy- I hope you take to everything well! Just make sure to tell your Dr what you are taking. I know vitex and clomid are a no go together. I looked at going to school in Davis and loved the town. You are right, it is so cute.

MP- I wasn't going to call until you reminded me they can test my progesterone levels and maybe take action on that. I am nervous about the betas but I am taking comfort in the fact that I can get pregnant.

bright- glad the worst is over. I am picturing your 3rd times a charm sticky bean!
Brigh,t, Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry tyoure going through this. Again, no less. I will be praying for better days, and I know they will come. And when they do, evenin brief bits of time, don't feel guilty. I remember crying & being upset when I found something funny, when I smiled after losing our baby. I felt so guilty to be enjoying life while my child lost hers. Emotions are nutty, but when I did start enjoying the good stuff of life, the healing increased. I wish you well, girl.

I saw Prana & Indecisive are preggo- congrats. Enjoy every moment! :)

Miracle gave us a blessing we didn't realize when we first lost her: I have ovulated on day 15 since losing her (first cycle isn't considered a cycle, apparently, so we're at the end of cycle 2). I'm very thankful that she is helping to pave the way for her siblings. That's what big sibs do, ya know!

If anyone here enjoys tea, I can't express the changes fertilitea has made. I started it in October (or late Sept, I can't remember) and I attribute it to being part of what helped our Miracle come along. Also, Fortil B12 is awesome & has all the Bs in it. Been taking that a year now.

Hang on to faith & know I'm rooting for you all even though I don't post super often. We are NOT led through what we cannot withstand, so we're a bunch of tough girls here. :)

I've taken to quilting again & that's helped me a lot. I'm working on a quilt for our next child & knowing that I'm working on it with the *exectation* of using it soon has been really helpful in processing the grief & also looking forward to the future. I'm still walking every day & my Paul is, too. I just know we're going to be blessed with parenthood again. I believe for all of us-- faith is a wonderful thing. :bigsmile:
Woah- posting from my phone. Sorry for the typos.
Bright, I am so sorry that you are going through this!

Fisher, it is so good to see you!

I lurk occasionally but don't post here often...

DH and I are beyond blessed to be parents to our 3 1/2 year old son B who joined our family through Ethiopian adoption last summer and we are sort of TTC (technically I think we have to be DTD to be TTC which is challenging with our schedules ;)) :rolleyes: ) and we are also considering embarking upon another adoption later this year.

I have made my peace with getting pregnant/not getting pregnant and will welcome whichever path leads us to our next child, though DH would still strongly like to have the experience of me being pregnant.


I am pretty freaked b/c my cycles have been totally wacked/irregular for the past year. The past 6 weeks included 2.5 weeks of bleeding, 1.5 weeks of no bleeding, 5 days of bleeding, 6 days of no bleeding, one day of bleeding, and now nothing for the past 3 days.

So...I'm trying to get in to see my OBGYN next week to see if he can figure what is going on! TTC is important to us, but much more important is me understanding WTF is going on with my body. Dr. Google doens't have great suggestions for what this could be:-( and I am kind of concerned.
Tammy, yeah, Davis is a cute town if a bit crunchy. I talked with my friend & she hasn't seen a specialist but does use ucdmd & is very pleased so it sounds like you're in good hands. 
Thanks for your advice on my mom. I'd definitely go in with low expectations if I talk to her but I still feel pretty anxious about letting her in & being vulnerable. 
How are you doing?

Fisher, so good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear you're starting to take pleasure in things again.  That's great that you've been o'ing regularly after your m/c. I've heard stories about a loss somehow helping the body regulate. I hope that miracle is indeed paving the way for her sibs. 
Thanks for the support. I've been tying to have faith that I will be a parent someday but what actually brings me more comfort right now is the faith that I'll be ok either way even if parenthood is not meant to be for me. 

Bella, thanks, sweetie. It's good to see you here. I'm sorry to hear about your crazy af lately. I hope your ob can figure out what's going on & fix it! I forget-have you been screened for pcos? It might be something to ask about as it can cause irregular cycles. How is B doing? I'm so happy you're finally a mom!

Indecisive & prana, sending continued sticky dust your way. 

Curly, pave & anyone I missed, hi!

Afm, I had a follow up u/s on Wednesday. Apparently the upper uterus is clear but there's still tissue by my cervix. My doc said maybe 1-2 weeks more. (it's been over 2 weeks already). Ugh. I'm taking some herbs from my acupuncturist & hope they will help speed the process. They also drew my hcg levels, which were around 1,800. I really hope this is over soon. Our bloodwork came back & the genetic tests were all ok for both of us as was my immunology test. Apparently I do have a mild clotting disorder (doc advised me to take baby aspirin next time) but he said since it was only 1 abnormal copy of the pall gene (?), not 2, it shouldn't be causing the blighted ova.
Also, we finalized our plan for next cycle. We're going to try one last IUI with a more aggressive drug protocol (Gonal F injectables shooting for 2-3 follies) before moving to ivf. I really hope the 3rd time's a charm & we finally get our sticky bean. 
what did I do that I cannot see the posts to review while I am posting? I thought before I could see all of the previous posts (well not all of them but a lot of them)? Any help would be appreciated.

brightspotI read your update and I'm so sorry that things are dragging on. It must be hard to say the least. I was excited to see though that you have a plan for another iui. I really hope this one is your time. It's amazing this trip we are on. I guess I feel lucky in the sense that at least there are other options but jeesh it's really draining sometimes.

tammyhow are the supplements going? It's mind bogging all of the different choices there are. I'm embarrassed to say I find it hard to just take my omega 3 and folic acid. But I really am thinking about the coenzyme q 10 (am I saying that right?). Hope you have some good results from them.

[/b]Indecisive[/b]I already wrote to you on the other board but hello again! I hope you are going to get good news and a sticky bean. I'm not good at relaxing versus worrying but like I said on your other post I hope you find a way to feel relaxed...

jgator[/b hope your vacation is going great. A friend is going through Europe in a couple of weeks. I would love to do that. It seems so romantic and exciting. look forward to hearing about your trip.

fisher I remember you from a few years ago and was so thrilled when I was catching up on ttc thread to see you had conceived and then so very sorry to see later that you miscarried. I was amazed by your faith and your grace, and am so happy to see you posting here. you really impact us with your words and your faith, and I hope you know that. I'm so glad to hear that miracle has helped get your cycles working correctly. I hope for the very best for you and Paul.

bellamezzo While catching up on the ttc thread I came to know your story. I love looking at pics of your little guy! So cute. I'm sorry to hear your cycles are out of wack. I hope you can get an appt. soon and get to the bottom of it.

AFM I am 5 dpiui today. Had an appt. yesterday for u/s and they saw that both follicles ruptured so two eggs were released? I was so excited to hear that and was hoping that upped my chances of success but the ob didn't really indicate anything special. She was happy and said she hoped it worked but I'm always looking for that reassurance that just isn't going to come, lol. Anyway. Now I'm just in the 2ww. Felt tired from my trigger shot, and started progesterone yesterday so I feel tired from that. Anyone experience muscle pain from the progesterone? I am having weird leg pain. OH! I forgot to say I got accupuncture the day of IUI and two days later. I am going to go weekly. I must be sensitive but jees some of those needles hurt. Especially in my abdomen! Well that's really it. Just watching obssessively for any signs over here. take care everyone.
Hi Girls,

Sorry I've been so quiet. I still check in, just been super crazy at work and home. I'm turning into the not fun one, and it stinks!

Bella, how are you doing? The bleeding sounds scary. Have you ever been checked out properly for things like endometriosis? I hope you can get in to see a good doctor ASAP!! Please keep us posted.

Bright, how are things going for you? I'm glad that they discovered the clotting disorder. Did they say that could have been the cause for the mc's? I certainly hope that the third time is the charm for you and I'm SO glad to hear that you have a good plan in place for this cycle! I'm hoping and praying for you, as always.

Pave, how exciting for you! I know you're nervous, but you had your IUI, you're on the right medications and you had two follies that ovulated. Can't ask for much more than that in terms of chances, at least I don't think so! Sounds perfect to me. So you're going through an OB for your IUI and monitoring instead of an RE? I'm curious since that sounds like the route I'll end up taking in a few months. Please share your experience, if you're willing. :))

Fisher, you're such an inspiring, faithful woman and I admire you so much. Thank you for posting your thoughts anytime and I hope that you have some more good news to share soon! Interesting about the Fertilitea. I've been thinking of trying it but ovulating on time doesn't seem to be what's stopping me from getting pregnant.

Curly, how are you holding up? I forget where you are in your cycle, but I hope you're doing well.

AFM: Rough week. I'm trying to stay positive and be productive, but it's pretty rough. Work is super stressful right now and money is tight, my husband has the crappiest work schedule as it is, but right now he's working 6 days a week (only one off is Sunday) on top of overtime so he's gone from 11am to 10pm. That means Mommy gets to do almost all of the home care on top of working full time and my older girl is in full blown moody puberty stage so for the first time ever she and I are seriously butting heads. My ex husband isn't actually being a real parent, meaning over at his house it's as much video games as you want, eat whatever you want and don't have to clean up because he doesn't clean up either. :angryfire: So as soon as he gets there, my kids (that I've driven myself into the ground to provide a stable environment for) just ran out the door without even saying bye. ;( Anyhow, yeah. Sorry for the huge pity party. Just a lot of stress.

I am still taking the supplements though. I know that realistically they might not help at all, and if they do it won't be for 3 months. That said, here's my list:

Royal Jelly - taking 1 cap per day this week. I made a huge mistake of taking 3 the first day and it made me feel super uncomfortable. I should have read the directions!
Red Raspberry Leaf - 2 caps
COQ10 - 300mg (I want to take 2 caps but I don't know if that's okay so I'm sticking to 1)
Folic acid - 400mg (I think? I don't have the bottle w/me)
EPO - 1500-2000mg (I recently upped to 2000mg)

I also bought Vitex and it's in transit. DH is taking the COQ10 since it seems like seriously good stuff. He's also taking extra folic acid and a men's high potency daily. So we'll see what happens.

I do wonder if I'll end up w/delayed ovulation from the EPO or screwing my body up with all of the stuff I'm trying. I know it's not ALWAYS the case so hopefully not. DH and I are going to try a little different strategy of "saving up" for a couple of days as opposed to the way we've been, so I'm anxious about not being able to predict O as well as I usually can. I'm on CD10, so I am just going to be more proactive about OPKs, CM and CP this month. Ahem...I think that's enough AFM from me. :oops:
Hi, ladies! Long time, no post! Sorry I have been MIA. Kind of the same old story with me - very busy with work and periodic travel.

Pave - much dust to you!

Indecisive - congrats on your recent BFP! Sticky dust coming your way!!!

Bella - sounds like you have the right mentality at the moment and are focusing on figuring out what's going on with your body. If I remember correctly, didn't you first have abnormal cycles when you travelled for your son's adoption? I hope you can get some answers soon.

Bright - I am so happy to hear you have a plan in place for your next cycle and that you have gotten some good information. Though I don't know what the clotting disorder could mean for you, I am glad to hear the genetic testing came back with good results. I'm not sure if you've thought more about talking to your mom about your TTC journey, but I know when I told my mom (right after my m/c) it actually helped me quite a bit. Not having to put on a brave face around her relieved a lot of my stress. Now she understands WHY I don't want to talk about things. Once I explained to her why it is such a sensitive topic for me, it helped her respect my boundaries a bit more. Not saying you would have the same experience - just thought I would share my perspective.

Fisher - as Tammy said, it is always wonderful to hear from you. Your faith inspires me and reminds me to stay positive, even when I am feeling defeated.

Tammy - awesome to hear from you, as well. I'm curious to hear what kind of impact all your supplements have - quite a list of stuff you have going! 8) Sorry you are slammed with stuff both at work and at home. Just take one day at a time. Hopefully this will pass soon.

If I missed anyone else, I apologize!! Hope all our posters and any lurkers out there are hanging in there!

AFM, not much is new. Just finished our second cycle of TTC since our miscarriage in early February (3rd cycle overall since the D&C). I'm on CD4 right now, and I'm hanging in there. This cycle was actually very odd. My LP is 10-11 days - it's never varied over the last year and a half. But this month, it was 13 days (and my O-date was clear). So of course for a day or two I was very hopeful, thinking it might be it... but then my temp dropped and I knew I was out. I cried in the shower that day but have been OK since then. I think I'm getting better about bouncing back after my BFNs. So... this cycle will be our last try before I make an appointment to see the doctor. In fact, now that I think about it, I should probably call now to get an appointment set for July - she books up quickly.

Other than that, I've lost 4 pounds since my last post. Woo-hoo! And we are in full-on family wedding season. We had one family wedding over Memorial Day weekend, another coming up in two weeks, and then the last of the three weddings in early August (in Boston, which we are making a long weekend out of - yay!). Thankfully, I love both my family and my in-laws, so these events are really fun. And no one pesters us about whether we're having kids, so that makes things a little easier.

Work is as busy as ever, but full of mostly positive things.

So that's it from my neck of the woods!

What I've noticed most with the fertilitea has been a change in my CM. I think the other supps helped with the ovulation, as well as cutting out sugar (artificial, not fruit ).

Anxious for some more good news around here. :) It will come soon.

Pave, I remember you from way back, too. :) I wish you well & hope your time as mama is here!

Bella, I'm sorry about the bleeding issues- definitely get to a doctor! That has to be adding a stress you don't need, along with pain. Hows's your sweet son? :)

I can't remember the others who I wanted to respond to & my phone won't let me review.... so, I will just wish everyone good days & hopeful hearts. Bright, you're on my hearts & I understand wanting to be okay with where you are & I had to do that same thing in coming to terms with the loss of our baby. I refused to believe for days..... and eventually it settled over me & hope reappeared. I will be keeping you in my thoughts!
Bright, I am so sad to see you go though this again. I was thinking about you while logging onto PS and this is so not what I wanted to see. I am glad they figured out you have a clotting disorder, that can be a cause of early pregnancy loss. But I really hope the next go around is better for you.

CurlySue - wishing you luck this month

Tammy - I am so sorry you OB was so rude, but hopefully the next one is better. If you are >35 you should be evaluated 6 months after TTC, that is pretty standard.

Indecisive - Congratulations to you on your BFP!

Fisher - as the others have said, I really enjoy reading your posts. I have to remember to keep the prospective that you have.

Bella - your cycles are not normal at all! I hope you find a good doctor who can evaluate you and figure out what is going on. As you alluded to there are several possibilities.

AFM - I am still TTC. No luck last cycle. I am on day 4 of clomid today, and CD10 if Friday and I go back for an US. There was lots of drama about my time off at work, and it sounds like I was the topic of discussion at a meeting, but was not invited to defend myself :confused:. As you guys know, I don't do a lot of OB related stuff, but I just had one of college bound teen patients come in pregnant. She is not happy about the pregnancy, and despite the fact she is showing signs of a MC, her betas just keep doubling. I was kind of like, wow, life is not fair, can me and her just switch betas? I guess it does not work like that.

I have a question for you all? The nurse forgot that I did not do any meds last month, and when I came in for my day 3 US and there was no activity she stated that often the clomid from the previous cycle leaves residual follicles and that people have to take a month off. I have not seen any of you guys do that, has anyone had that experience.
Ltl, I'm sorry to hear that you've been having a rough time. :( It's nice to "see" you though, please keep us posted! I haven't taken clomid myself, but from the internet scouring I have done, I haven't really heard of taking a break between rounds. I've only heard that they don't like you to do over a set total (6, I think?).

Fisher, thank you for clarifying the CM thing with the tea! ::)

Hi to everyone else! I wish I had more time to write and catch up. I'm sorry!

AFM: I'm on CD13 and waffle between thinking things might be different this month and feeling like there's no way that this cycle will end differently than any of the others. I do have to say that even though I highly doubt it's going to be a magic cure, this new regimen of vitamins plus upping my water is increasing my CM by a LOT. I don't know what's considered "normal", but after seeing the difference this month I highly suspect that mine was lacking before. I want to try to find out how much I should have to try to figure out if it could have been preventing our conceiving, but 1. I'm afraid to google it, especially at work :lol: and 2. I doubt I'll be able to find anything conclusive anyhow.
I don't think there's a certain measurement for the amount of CM, but I do know the amount and the content of the fluid is important. Minor hormone issues can cause the make up of the CM to be off.... as well as scant in amount.

I don't know what the *preferred* amount is, but I do know that before the supps & the tea, I would have fertile CM only a day or so before O and that would be it. I now have fertile CM for several days before O abd a day or two after.

The supps aren't a *fast* cure. They take a while to make the changes. A lot of what you listed off is all in the tea.

I hope your gut is wrong & this is a different cycle! :)
Hi Fisher

Are you taking Fertilitea and FerileAid at the same time?

I am seeing the Dr this week, but depending on what he says and what tests are run, I was thinking of starting to take these and see if they make a difference...but I wasn't sure if I could take them together, or if I should try one at a time.

Hi guys. Sorry for going so long without posting. My body is taking its sweet time coming back to normal. As of last Wednesday my hcg was still at 774 and as of yesterday I've been bleeding for a month. Ugh. Needless to say, I'm ready to be finished with this. It's emotionally & physically tiring & I'd just like to move on. We won't be able to try again until AF comes (which was 7 weeks from my d&c last time) & the process can't even start until this finishes. It's very frustrating. 

Some of you asked about the clotting disorder. I'm a bit confused about it (will ask more at next appointment) but my understanding is that 1 of the pall chromosomes is abnormal but not both so it's a mild disorder. Doc says it shouldn't have caused my miscarriages but advised me to take baby aspirin next time. (I did that on my first pregnancy but not my second). If anyone knows about this & would like to share I'd be most grateful. 

Also, I wound up telling my mom we're ttc. She wrote me a nice email at first, but after a visit this weekend, she seems more concerned about how hurt she was that we didn't share when it was happening & about talking about her own experiences than being considerate or concerned about me. It's what I expected but I'm disappointed none the less. Now she's pressuring me to divulge more info than I want. I'm having a hard time withdrawing now that I've opened that door. 

Tammy, sending your great dust for this cycle. I also hope the job & living situation falls in line for you & your family. Sounds like this could be a great change for you but change is always stressful. 

Bella, how was the appointment with your doc? Any insight into what's going on with your cycles? I hope things are back to normal again soon. Have you tried the fertilitea yet?

Curly, I'm glad to hear your mom has been more respectful of your boundaries after you shared things with her. Unfortunately mine has been even more persistent about trying to get info from me. Sigh. 
I'm glad to hear your cycles have been a little more regular after the m/c. Hoping the next one is super long. Like 9 months long or so. 
Enjoy all of the weddings. What fun!

Fisher, thanks for your sweet post & for keeping me in your thoughts. I think of you often too. I'm glad fertilitea has been so helpful. It makes me want to try it too but not sure if it would interact badly with fertility meds. 
How does it taste? I hope your sticky bean is coming soon!

Ltl, thank you. I'm still a bit confused on the clotting disorder. Right now it just seems to add to the many strikes against us in the fertility department. 
I'm sorry about the drama at work. It does seem like those who don't want to be pg can get ku quite easily while many of us who desperately want to be parents have such a rough road. It's definitely not fair. 
How was your u/s? 

Hi to anyone I missed!
Firecracker, I took Clomid for three months in a row without any issues. The third time was the charm. Good luck to you! I can't believe your co-workers had a meeting about you without you there.

Bright, good to see you back. I think of you often and was hoping you were okay out there. I can't believe you have been bleeding for a month. Geez. Your future baby is going to be so loved and appreciated when you finally get your sticky BFP. Sorry about the troubles with your mom. My mom tends to meddle too. Just tell her you are going to let her know more (hopefully good news when you get a BFP and are out of the woods) when you feel comfortable, but not to expect anything for a while. I did something similar with my mom. As in - "when I do get pregnant again, I'm not going to tell you for a while so relax". And, she actually listened.
Bright, glad to see you posted. I've been thinking of you. I'm hoping your body will return to normal much more quickly this time around so can get back to trying. I am still so hopeful that with a new protocol you will have a sticky bean. Take care of yourself and keep the faith!
Hi girls,

Well I tested at 9dpo, hoping and praying to get a bfp after all of the excitement on the other thread. Now I'm throwing myself a nice little pity party cause of course it was bfn even though we've been at this for 8 cycles now. I feel so defeated. Sorry for the wallowing, I just feel so sad right now and angry. Really, really angry. :(
Fisher- Thank you for the congrats. I think of you often and I keep sending good thoughts.

Bright- I can't believe this is still going on! I hope your new cycle come soon so you can get things going.

Tammy- It is not over until it is over. I had a BFN on 10dpo (I only tested because it was our anniversary) and I had no symptoms at all and then got my BFP 13 dpo.

Good luck everyone!
Jgator, thanks for thinking of me. Yes, if we're blessed with a little one, s/he will be so loved & appreciated. Thanks for your advice re: mom. Mine is trying to interfere even more now that I gave her a bit of info. I like your strategy & might try to employ something similar. 
I hope you & your little bean are doing great over in the big thread. 

Mp, thanks, dear.  This process has taken so much longer than expected already & I do hope my body finally gets back to normal soon. Hoping the 3rd time's the charm. 
Thinking of you & bumby, as usual & wishing the best. 

Indecisive, thanks, and me too! Congrats on the great u/s. A friend of mine had a cyst & she was very concerned about it twisting or rupturing early on. They monitored it over the course of her pregnancy & it disappeared completely mid 2nd trimester. Hopefully yours will be outta here in no time. Continued dust coming your way. 

Tammy, big hugs to you. I'm so sorry. It's not over until it's over, but I know frustrating those bfn's are month after month. It's just not fair. I'm rooting for you like crazy & hope your bfp is right around the corner& that this painful period will soon be a distant memory. 
This too shall pass, right?

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, we just got back from my older niece's christening. It was really nice to spend time snuggling our nieces, but also hard as many people asked us if we were next/gave DH a hard time when they saw me cuddling the babies. (a la "looks like BrightSpot is going to want one of these soon.") Alas, wanting & wishing doesn't make it so. 

Also (tmi alert), the same day a rather large amount of tissue passed,  so I really hope this is almost over. 

PSA-If any of you potential parents is thinking of seeing the movie "We Have to Talk About Kevin," you might want to reconsider.  :eek:
Bright, so funny you mentioned that movie! My sister watched it last week, and she called me and told me not to watch it while pregnant. I have the book but have not read it yet. Maybe I'll hold off awhile. Ugh, I'm so sorry about the comments at the baptism. It just makes a tough situation tougher. You are so strong though, and I admire you for that. It just seems to me that that body of yours is so ready to be pregnant, and with a different protocol or possibly IVF, you will hopefully have a healthy little embryo implant. Thinking of you!

Tammy, still thinking of you as well. It's so hard when there is another string of BFPs, and you feel like you are being left behind yet again. I think you mentioned you are going to give it a go a couple more months before you next appointment, so at least you know that if it doesn't happen, there is hopefully help around the corner. Keeping you in my thoughts.

Best wishes to everyone else!
Hello Ladies,

Bright and MP, thank you so much for being supportive even when I'm being a brat. I feel so self centered, I'm sorry. :knockout:

Bright, thank you for the reminder. Yes, this too shall pass! How are things going with the bleeding? Any slowing down since passing the large stuff recently? I hope so. I can't imagine bleeding for 30+ days. I'm so sorry! I've never heard the movie you're talking about, but after your warning I think I'll pass if it ever comes up!

How is everyone else doing? It's been a little quiet around here. :)) Well, except for my whining and moaning. :tongue:
CD1 and pms is raging. Even I can't stand myself right now! :oops: :rolleyes: :angryfire:
Sorry Tammy :blackeye: I so understand the frustration and sadness. I'm so glad you have an appointment scheduled because it does sound like something just isn't quite happening that needs to happen, whatever that might be. Sending you big hugs.
Tammy, sorry about AF showing her ugly face. I too have been in your shoes as it took us a year to get a sticky pregnancy. Sending hugs your way. And, I am hopeful that the doctor can do something to kick start things for you like he did for me with Clomid.
Thanks Ladies,

I got a flag from FF that said my LP varies too much. I had planned to take off a month from temping until my appt but I'm thinking now that I should just keep track. I suspect it's either weak ovulation (my surge is really hard to catch, if at all - I didn't at all this month even w/testing twice a day) OR endo. Neither are "new" concepts/suspicions, this just makes it seem more likely from what I've found on Dr. Google.

Anyhow, yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing the Dr and really hoping they fast track me at this point. I hope that he prescribes monitored clomid. I don't want to wait around forever and I don't want to spend thousands on diagnostic tests unless I HAVE to, you know?
Mp, I thought the movie was well done  & the story was riveting but a parent's worst nightmare. I think I'd hold off on reading the book too. 
Hope you're doing well!

Tammy, I'm so sorry af arrived. Big hugs to you. It's just not fair, is it? When is your appointment? I really hope something simple like clomid does the trick for you. Thinking of you. 

Jgator, thanks again for your advice on mom related issues. I gave her a little more info on pcos (after she freaked out thinking my hair loss must mean I had cancer & was undergoing chemotherapy) but then told her we needed some privacy & they'd have to trust us to keep them informed when needed.  So far so good. Hope you're doing well!

Hi to everyone else. 

Afm, I think it's finally over! Woo hoo! I don't know how long it will take for my hcg level to zero out but I'm happy to finally be finished with the bleeding, (after 5 weeks!) especially considering the heat wave we're having.  One step at a time. 

ETA: the nurse just called with the results from yesterday's blood draw. Apparently my level is 6.25, so essentially zeroed out.
Yay! (Though I kinda hope I don't get AF tomorrow or something.) :cheeky:
Just a quick fly by YAYYYYY!!!!! I'm SO happy to hear that the bleeding has stopped!! :appl: I highly doubt you'll have an AF after all of that! Does this mean you can start your new protocol soon? Good luck and keep us posted!! 8)

ETA: I forgot to answer your question in my excitement to cheer about your news, hehe. My appointment isn't until August 1st. That's also supposed to be my O date if I don't have another wonky cycle. So maybe with a little luck he'll take a peek by U/S but I doubt it. I was trying to figure out if I should ask for a 7 DPO progesterone draw for THIS cycle since we'll be out of town next month at 7 DPO but one, I don't want to be too pushy too fast and two, I don't know if they'll actually want one at this stage or not. Hmmmm...

In the meantime though I need to just try super hard to focus on anything other than TTC and do some self improvement - mentally and physically. I'm really not happy with my recent changes so I've been doing some soul searching and self evaluation today. It's definitely time for a change... :))