
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Just a quick drive-by post...

Steal - Here are some SA metrics:

Normal results for semen analysis: (From random site on the web)
-Semen volume: 1.0–6.5 milliliters (mL) per ejaculation.
-Sperm count: 20–150 million sperm per milliliter (mL).
*However the total count should be higher than 40 millions/ml.
-Morphology:At least 70% of the sperm have normal shape and structure.
-At least 60% of the sperm show normal forward movement.
**It is advisable to avoid sexual activity 2 to 5 days before semen analysis is done to ensure that sperm count will be highest.

Another random site:
Volume: 1.5-5.0 ml
Sperm: 20 million per ml
Motility: Over 60%
Morphology >14

Another random site:
Concentration should be >48 million
Motility should be >63%
Morphology should be > 12
* That being said, most docs consider < 5 for morphology to be infertile, so there is definitely some wiggle room.

From the University of Iowa:
Volume > 2 million
Motile Sperm/ejaculate: >20 million
% Motility: >50%
Morphology: >11

From the New England Journal of Medicine article on Sperm and infertility:
Fertile Range: >48 concentration, >63% motility, and >12% morphology
Indeterminate Range: 13.5-48 concentration, 32-63% motility, and 9-12% morphology
Subfertile Range: <13.5 concentration, <32% motility, and <9% morphology

An excerpt from the an Oxford Medical Journal article:
"...The pregnancy rate under in-vivo conditions was significantly higher when seman samples had a better sperm morpphology, with significant differences for thresholds at 4, 7, and 14% of strictly normal forms."

I would add that these are really broad. In my research I have found that there is a good deal of debate about what is considered "fertile".
You also need to consider that the combination of factors, ie if volume is really high, they might worry less about morphology.

I hope that helps!
Dreamer: I was trying to temp asap but as I have had hedgehogs make the mistake of trying to mate with my tongue first thing in the AM :cheeky: you are right, it might be best to wait a few mins.

Dcgator: Thanks for the data. I'm such, a nut I love figures. SA is next week. The best of luck to you tomorrow - hog that bed for as long as you like tomorrow post-iui. Bon voyage to your DH's swimmers :wavey: . ( :naughty: )
sign0155.gif ladies!

I'm super annoyed right now with FF. Yesterday it gave me cross hairs at CD15. :angryfire: If it's right, then we completely missed our window as this is early for me. This morning it changed icon_egg.gif to CD16. Then I made a slight adjustment to my temp from Sunday (because of DST) and it changed to CD17. So I might be DPO3, DPO4, or DPO5.

Lauren, I hope you had fun in your miny vacation. It sucks that you may had miss O day, but crossing my fingers for one of the other days to work. I'm really thinking in what you are saying, I have very long cycles so if I miss this one, It's probably going to be the only chance to get a positive before the end of the year, so I really have to plan something when the family is here. So I can have my last shot of the year :saint:

Dcgator, So much dust to you for tomorrow IUI, I will be thinking in you and sending a prayer for a positive IUI. I really wish you could be bless with a baby this year. About your question. I do plan to visit a RE in the future, and possible pursue IUI if that's necessary. I just don't feel emotionally ready for that. I think you need a lot of strength to go trough that process, and I'm just not ready for that.

Lili, How are you cautiously doing? Here thinking on you.

Parrot, Good luck next with in your RE appointment. I really hope you can finally get some answers. I know how confuse is this process, sometimes I feel like this :confused: and it's probably so annoying that your Dr. is not helping you to clear your questions.

Redline :wavey: Glad you came out of lurkdom, we are here to support each other.

CDN, I understand you about getting annoyed with FF, past cycle it told me that I had O so I stopped BDing and after 3 days it change the O day so I only hit -3 :angryfire: . Did you hit any good days?

Well, now you can send me to the Crazy Place. I TESTED :errrr: getting a BFN, the worst part is that I'm CD9 :oops: Can I be more crazy like that?

In my defense, My DH kept telling me (even thought AF visited me past week) that maybe I was pregnant, and that he had a dream that I was pregnant but I did not know I was :confused: . Anyways, he got me crazy and I tested :tongue: . Thank God for the cheap amazon tests :appl:
So one of my most favorite girls from this forum told me about this new thread.... I love the original TTC thread and can't express how much it's helped me have a place to kind of vent, share, hope, dream, as well as be supportive and excited for others along the road to motherhood. However, for whatever reason, I've recently decided that I felt more like a downer there than I should be. Because for the most part, I'm not down. I have my days (don't we all), but I'm completely hopeful most of the time that my husband and I are right at the cusp of parenthood. So, I'm glad this thread is here. I miss the "vets" of the old thread, and I'm so happy that most of the older vets have moved on to the preggo thread or mommy threads. Elation!

It's been a *LONG* time since I had a cycle where I felt pregnant. I mean really, really felt pregnant. I had symptoms coming out my ears, I was so certain that our time had *finally* come along and I was preparing for how to tell my hubs and all that fun stuff. I was even late. :bigsmile: (Found the smiley again, yay!!) And then I was more late. And then more late. So finally I caved and I took a test, certain that I'd see two lines. Um, nope. Only one. I waited another couple days and took another. Still no second line. How lame. So I started googling (which I have a problem with, I admit) and found that sometimes, some women won't test positive for weeks, so I waited again. Eventually I was too late to keep waiting, and I called a doctor office (long story, but my dr. office shut down outta the middle of no where about two weeks before this). And I had an appt. for a Thursday(two days away at the time). I was SO excited. My husband who is always so stable for me through all of the drama of this wait was beyond elated and it just felt SO wonderful. So then Thursday came. And dang it all, my period started. I cried like I have never cried before. If I'm honest, I thought I was having a breakdown over that weekend. It was hard, to say the least.

I had to call the dr. office and tell them I in fact was not pregnant and didn't need an appt. for a pregnancy test after all, and I sobbed throughout the call. The receptionist was wonderful (bless her!) and suggested I come in the following day (Friday) to meet with a dr. who used to be an RE, but stepped into OB/GYN world in order to help women pre-RE. I thought, "Holy cow, there's hope!!" So off I went for a consult; the dr. was a bit arrogant at first, but in subsequent appointments, he's grown on me. He knows his stuff and we'll see where it leads.

I've had blood work again (and happily my FSH is much lower than it previously was, which is a good thing) and though I still ovulate late, I do ovulate each cycle. The dr. surprised me by suggesting we do IUI. Okay, we've been trying for almost three years at this point, but it shocked me. For us, IUI, if we even do it, will be the "end of our road" as for intervention...

So it hit me like a ton of bricks. Really, we'd come to the point of relying on interventions for our miracle? It's a hard thing for me to process.... but the dr. knows his stuff and explained the process well. There will be ultrasounds and close monitoring if we go that route, as is his standard, but would certainly be a requirement for us as we won't do selective reduction. So, it's something to weigh over for the next few months.

My hub's mom is having a transplant next week, so we don't want to add anything to the plate right now. We'll perhaps pursue IUI in the new year. Who knows. I just wish I didn't feel so conflicted over it.

Good to see all you girls again. Although I've been away and not lurking, I have thought of many of you and prayed for the blessing of parenthood to find its way into your lives. I'm confident that we're getting stronger in ourselves, our marriages, and our faith as we take this journey. Blessings to you ladies!
Fisher and others,

I'm rooting for all of you and wishing you all the best! I hope you decide to do the IUI Fisher! I know this is just my opinion, but if anyone is hesitating seeing a RE and getting help, don't! There is nothing wrong IMO with turning to a doctor to get help with conceiving. It's like anything else--if you are diabetic, you need insulin. If you have dental problems, you see a dentist. If you have vision problems, you get glasses. You get what I'm saying. ;)) Having sub-fertility or infertility is just another issue, and there is help out there; sometimes it's just a simple fix. I was very impatient and went to see a RE after trying for only 7 months. We didn't click though, so after one cycle with Doctor A, I switched to Doctor B. And guess what--I conceived on the very first cycle of treatment with him. It was so worth it to me! That doctor was awesome; he really cared. I really thinking trying for longer than a year takes a *lot* out of you, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Bottom line is, don't be nervous about seeking help!
Steal|1289420309|2760273 said:
Waiting to O
Charbie...............................CD3 (Edited)
Po.................................... CD6
Gaby................................. CD9
DCGator..............................CD12 (IUI tomorrow! :appl: )
Lauren the Partier...................CD18
Redlineblueline...................... CD24

In the Two Week Wait

Steal....................................... 8 DPO
Bella........................................8DPO* (approx)

Lurking near the pool:

*Ladies – would you update your CD when you can, sorry if you did already?

Sorry if I have missed anybody - just let me know....
And extra special dust outgoing to Dcgator & LAJenn:

3 DPO here! Thank you for including me Steel/Steal (which one is it? hehe ::) )
Okay so I just learned how to see everyone's posts that I wish to respond to! Yay! haha I am not sure why it took me this long to figure it out, but I finally did. :cheeky:

DCGator - I am wishing you tons of luck tomorrow for a successful IUI! Oodles and oodles of *dust* your way!!! Thank you for the words of encouragement. I truly hope that this cycle works out for you, I am sending my best wishes to you.

Charbie - Sorry to hear about AF - it isn't bad enough that she makes an appearance but she makes a whole production out of it too, but you are right just think of it as a reminder of what you will be missing and hopefully soon enough! ;)) I myself have never experienced a loss, but I am sorry to hear that your MIL and Mom aren't being supportive, maybe it is being hopeful to think that they just don't know how to express emotion to such a delicate situation and could be masking it with ignorance? Either way I am sorry that you are having to deal with that, I bet it is completely frustrating to have to add that to the stress and worry that is this TTC journey. *Big Hugs* to you.

Redline - Welcome to TTC 2.0, I myself have PCOS and have also been experiencing a LPD. I have an appointment with my OB to discuss it as I am always very hesitant to follow Dr. Google's prescriptions :cheeky: , to be fair I have a blood condition and want to be assured by my doctor that I am able to safely take certain vitamins and medications. I am wishing you all the best and hope this next cycle with Clomid is all you need.

Steal - You are too funny, your posts always bring a smile to my face. Your humour and quick wit is a wonderful addition to what can very easily be a very tense and stressful thread. That is too cute that you got a feline baby - perhaps you weren't specific enough :bigsmile: :cheeky: . That little kitty is ADORABLE - I am terribly allergic to cats and I just want to reach thru the computer and snuggle it up. I can understand how 5 would be a bit much though. :wacko: I am sending lots of dust your way for next week - praying your DH gets an A+ on his swimmer report card (as strange as that sounds) haha ::)

Gaby - Wishing you lots of luck sneaking in BD during Thanksgiving. Like others have said you might have to literally GOTF and perhaps send everyone out on outings! hehe :Up_to_something:

LTP - I am so sorry to hear of your loss and of your tube - hopefully you didn't miss your window this month, it is hopeful if you haven't had your spike yet. I am sending you lots of dust and a *BIG HUG*!

CDN -I know how you feel about FF, it messes with me sometimes too! Your emoticons and pictures are so entertaining :cheeky: . WIshing you all the best sweetie.

Fisher - It is *SO* great to see you around these parts. I have been following your story for a while now and was sad to see you take a break from the TTC thread, but I totally understand why. I am so sorry to hear about AF showing up after such a hopeful time - my heart sank as I read that and literally wanted to cry for you. I am still sending my thoughts and prayers your way for a sweet little angel of a baby - perhaps IUI would be all you need to get your miracle. I also understand why you are hesitant and have read your views and opinions on TTC interventions, but would also just like to second Laila that just as with other issues with other systems of the body you ( not meaning "you" specifically ;)) ) would seek help from a medical profession and perhaps getting help with the reproductive end of things would be just what you need. In the end you will do what is best for yourself, but I am truly rooting for you to get that beautiful baby you deserve, however it happens.

AFM - It is 3 DPO and I have the clearest chart I have EVER had and we got a "High" score from FF. I am feeling quite pleased with myself and my bodies abilities. I will post it just to share because it feels like I got a good report card. Yay for my body cooperating! I also noticed this month that I experienced watery CF - which is a first for me, I was very shocked. I also experienced some painful cramping around O time and so I feel very confident that I did in fact O and with a chart as clear as this months I just have a good feeling. This month has been very different as far as temping, CF and symptoms have gone - perhaps things are starting to straighten out and as of this month I have lost a total of 27 lbs - which I am also pleased about. All around this has been a good month.

Picture 5.png
Just popping in real quick to say good luck to DC! Hope this IUI does the trick... sounds like you've got a great chance with three targets. Fingers and toes crossed for you.

Fisher - so sorry to hear about your hopeful cycle after such a long journey. I can not imagine your disappointment (big hugs!!!). I think the fact you are considering IUI is a great thing and I hope you and your DH come to a decision you are comfortable with. Lots of luck!

Steal - good luck holding out on your testing! I am rooting for you... Hoping for great news next week.

Lots of dust to the rest of you wonderful ladies! Love this new thread :)
DC - Keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you!

Steal - I always forget to post where I am on my cycle - currently on CD9

Just a little curiosity regarding those ladies seeking medical assistance - are your employers very understanding about all of the time taken off for doctor's appointments? I'm currently unemployed, so it's been a non-issue, but I have a feeling my old boss wouldn't have been thrilled. My apologies if the question is too personal/inappropriate...
That's a good question, and one I've thought about a lot, too. In my case, while my position requires that other people cover for me when I'm not there, my supervisor and director have never been difficult about approving time off (for vacation, medical issues, and for those with children, school plays and award ceremonies, etc.). I'm not really open-open about what's going on medically with me, but when I'm off for appointments, I'm pretty sure most people know it's about the TTC road. I did let my supervisor know that I may be needing to come in late or leave early some days in early in 2011 (in case we do go with all those ultrasounds, etc.) and the response I got was wonderful: she said she'd certainly be hoping for good news to come soon, followed by more time off for prenatal visits. :bigsmile:

I don't think employers can technically deny medical leave when employees need it, and employees certainly aren't required to disclose what the medical appointments are for. Still, I'm sure in some situations for some women it's not as smooth as it should be.
CDN - I think you and I are somewhere near the same date, then. For the first time, I got cross-hairs on my FF chart. But, as I suspected, we missed our ideal window because FF is saying I O'd on CD16 and I'm now DPO3. So, great. I O'd Monday and spent Friday and Saturday at the in-laws not gettin' down with DH when I should have. I have a "good" score on FF, so at least we squeezed Friday and Sunday in, especially since I think I had ov pain on my left side on the drive home from Houston on Sunday. Hurrumph. I'm in a mood today. :naughty:

FoMG - I'm so sorry your struggle has been so difficult, and reading your entire story was heartbreaking. I am sending lots of dust for you as you reposition to approach TTC with an RE. :wavey:

DC - Everything crossed for you for this coming (no pun intended?) IUI! :bigsmile:

Missjaxon - I think you and I are both on the near exact schedule. I may post my chart, but I'm missing my temps over the weekend because I forgot my BBT over the weekend, so I'm not sure if it's completely accurate. Good luck to you on your 2WW. We can be waiting buddies. :appl:

Charbie - I'm sorry about AF this month, but lots of dust to you for next month.

Po - Hope all is well with you, dear!

PT - Good to see you around these parts! :wavey:

Steal - What would we do in here without you, girl? Every single time you post I learn something new; this time it was that hedgehogs can actually french kiss. Who knew???? In answer to your question, I was diagnosed hyperthyroidal when I was 19, and because supressing your T3 and T4 with Tapozole long term is relatively bad for you, had a radioactive iodine treatment 14 years ago @ 21. I've been on slowly decreasing doses of Synthroid ever since, but yes, when I was pregnant, I had weekly blood draws to ensure my levels were ok. As far as whether it's affected ovulating, that remains to be seen because this is my first ever chart with cross-hairs. I need to get into my Dr. next month for ultrasounds next month to track that, especially since I've met my deductible for the year.

Dust and positive thoughts to everyone else!
Hey Lauren,

Yeah, baby making with the in-laws around isn't the most ideal. But a "good" is still a good, and I'm hopeful for ya!

I'm not seeing an RE, this is a former RE (like just moved from NJ or MD, I can't remember) in the past several months, switching from RE to OBGYN. It's pretty neat because he has the knowledge of the RE stuff without as much as the cost, and the offices are minutes from the house, whereas for an actual RE, we'd be driving to Atlanta and that's not a HUGE drive, but still not convenient, given traffic. So, he does the washing and ultrasounds and triggers and IUI himself and has a special room at the office just for that stuff, which is pretty neat. And, he can still be the doc who oversees the pregnancy, if you choose that. The practice is new to me, but I already have a favorite once we get to that point (and it's not him).

Our story isn't completely heartbreaking though, right? Man, I hate to think that it comes off that way. Geesh, I have some days (and sometimes, a week or so at a time) where I'm a hot mess and very, very emotional and I just feel so defeated. But more often than that, I have hope and faith and joy for what's to come. I choose to see this wait as a longer opportunity to grow into the type of person who will be an outstanding mother. I still don't know when the time will come when we "give up," because I don't think we could, not ever. It's such a strong desire and while I know I'll love our child much more than I can begin to imagine once we're pregnant and then even more so as we watch her or him grow up, but still, my love for this little person I've not met yet is HUGE. I figure God has a plan to rock that out, so we cling to it and carry on.

The reason I came back last night was because I was trying to think of something to do besides worry. MIL goes to the hospital tomorrow and has a marrow transplant on Tuesday. The procedure itself is not a giant threat; the following weeks and months as her immune system builds up and her body accepts the marrow and blood is, however. We're all very nervous, but also very hopeful. The opportunity to have a match is a miracle in itself, and so we're expecting a complete recovery. It will be a long road. They say the first 3 months are the most dangerous. (That's part of why we're putting any possibility of further intervention on hold for a hot minute.)

I've been praying like crazy for her to have a grandbaby to fight for, to be strong for, to survive for. And I've beaten myself up every cycle over not being able to provide that. She's never been hard about our struggle, but I feel horrible about it, especially with her weakened state right now. However, Paul's brother is expecting a baby and now I'm trying to calm down from that constant strivig to provide her with a reason to fight harder, because she has a grandbaby coming.

I just wanted to explain why I popped back after being gone so long and why I may do so again. I don't know. Being away was good for me, but I did miss the ladies here.
Hello my lovely ladies,

I hope everyone is having a good day so far. Mine has been pretty eventful, and hopefully will prove fruitful...hehehe :naughty:

Dreamer and Catluver - Thanks for the well wishes ladies. I hope your respective LO's are baking away in there :bigsmile:

Lili - Thanks for the happy thoughts. I am super hopefully that this will be it too. And of course we read your posts, so do please keep giving us updates! Btw, how is your little rugrat doing? Has she embraced the potty training, or has she brushed it off for now?

Parrot - Don't feel like you are writing too much, we are interested in hearing about you :)) . I am sorry to hear that you and your DH have been trying for so long, especially with an unhelpful/responsive doc. Hopefully the RE will finally give you the attention and concern you deserve. Just a guess, but since you already had all your tests done and tried IUI's with Clomid, I would be inclined to say the RE would order more IUI's, but this time with injectibles (Follistm). If that is the way the doc goes, it seems like most people who do IUI's and injectibles get some good results, so hopefully it will work for you too! Either way, I know the RE will do a better job of monitoring you while taking the drugs/IUI, so that should at least give you some more insight. PS As to your question on the work thing, I do my monitoring at around 7:30 am and am out and back at work by around 8:15 (the RE office is close to work), so that doesn't really take from work time. For the IUI appts, as well as a couple other random appointments, I have just taken some of the sick leave hours that I have been stockpiling for the future baby. I think when you mention fertility treatments, people usually take pity and are pretty flexible (at least in my experience)

RLBL - Good luck with the doc next week. Hopefully they will be able to shine some light on the whole situation. :lol: at the rug comment, to true though. And as for the TTC 2.0 bit, yes, we are more evoloved and have more technology, like ultrasounds and drugs, lol.

Steal - Sorry that you can't keep the little munchkin permanently, but at least you get to keep him for a little while :bigsmile: What are you going to name him? As for the Clomid only, it seems that very few people have luck with just Clomid, or at least those who already ovualte. Most of the successful IUI's tend to come with the addition of Follistm. However, my doc always likes to start with the lesser drugs, so as to minimize the stimulation needed. I think that's a fine approach since you won't really know how someone reacts until you try it out. However, she has been pretty reasonable with all the protocal and didn't hesitate to increase the drugs since I didn't really have a response to the Clomid. And I can't get to excited about multiples b/c my DH is horrified of it, lol. But, I think I would be ok with it ;) So, 9DPO for you, eh? You are getting close to testing day. I REALLY REALLY hope that you will get your BFP this month, especially after all the extra effort that you put into it this month. That would make for one crazy story for the grandkids :o Btw, you have a cleaning fairy too, wow! I thought I was the only one who had one. It's so miraculous how my DH's clothes magically end up in the laundry after hanging out on the floor, :lol:

CD - Sorry for the frustration, but hopefully it was a later O date, so that you have a better chance of catching the eggie!

Gaby - Thanks for the happy thoughts. I don't mean to push on the RE/IUI thing, just curious. But, I totally get the needing to be ready thing. There is a lot of emotional issues that come along with the whole process. So, take your time and do what you feel comfortable doing, and hopefully you won't even have to bother with all that! As for the crazyiness, I have tested at CD5, b/c I just wanted to be sure. Unfortunately, I got a slight positive, which made me sooo bummed. But, it doesn't mean you are crazy, we have sooo all been there ;)

Fisher - It's so nice to see you again sweeite. And you are not a downer, you just needed to vent sometime and Lord knows all of us have been there MANY times. I am sooo sorry to hear about your letdown this month. It's crazy how we fill our selves with so much hope, and manage to do it over again, even though logically, we know we shouldn't. I guess it just goes to show how resilant and strong we as women are. And while I don't share your hesitation about moving to IUI (I am just thrilled that there is some kinda hope for unexplained infertility), I am happy to discuss it more with you if you want. I know it can be a lot to take emotionally, especially since you put a lot more stock into it (one down for me), but it can definitley be a good thing.

Miss Jaxon - Welcome to the TWW :wavey: I will be on your heels, and hopefully together, we can share some happy news in the coming weeks! :bigsmile: Btw, wow on the weight loss, great job :appl: How did you do it? Also big congrats on getting an elusive high on FF. I really hope that your body has indeed started to cooperate and that this will be your month! PS That is a very pretty chart.

RC - Thanks for popping in and for the well wishes. How are you feeling lady? Did you have anymore betas done? When do you get to go for your first ultrasound? Yipee, I am so excited for you :)

LTP - Thanks for the happy thoughts, we shall see...I'm sorry about missing some of hte primetime BD'ing opportunities, but it sounds like you still have a pretty good shot at it. Good luck in the 2WW!

AFM, I had my IUI today. My DH gave a "very good" sample (or so said the RE) and had over 30 million motile sperm to deposit. Woohoo, go get that eggie, boys! :lol: I am super duper positive and just know this is going to work, so remind me of that in about a week and half, lol. Oh, and one more story to share about which would normally be embarresing, but seeing the TTC 2.0 company, I thought you all would get a kick out of it. So, as part of the IUI, you trigger with HCG, which is of course the chemical that makes HPT's light up. So, for fun, (and since I haven't seen a super bright/positive HPT before) I POAS so I could see what that elusive 2nd line looks like, and oooohhh, its pretty. Makes me want it even more...Ok, so that's my share of crazy for today. I hope everybody continues to share and for those of you ladies with RE appts coming up, please let us know how they go. For those of us in the 2WW, hang in there!
CDN: Fertility Frenemy strikes again. I did think you would be something DPO by now and I hope you hit O. So do you think you are TWW’ing now?

Gaby: We have so much in common. I tested at CD 8 this cycle too. Because I was sooooo convinced I was pregnant last cycle, I wondered if AF was just playing with me. Surprise – I wasn’t pregnant either. So, you won’t get judgment from me. It took me a little while to be ok with assistance too, it is hard to give up on the thought that it would just happen.

Fisher: Glad you came over. Thank you for sharing your story. I completely understand how you felt when AF came ahead of the Dr.’s appointment. It is such a sh1tty feeling. I cried for so long when AF came this last cycle – I couldn’t believe it. As I said to Gaby I even tested a week after AF had come – I was so confused. I’m glad you have changed RE/OBGYN – it seems to be par for the course. I hope it is your good luck charm. Continued dust to your MIL and her doctors.

Laila: Thanks for staying around. The step to ART is a big one, but so worth it.

MissJ: You are so welcome. Happy TWW’ing. Thanks for your support. This month is a big step for us so we are hoping for great results. Your chart looks great… Fingers crossed. ***DUST***

RC: How is my preggo friend? How is your pregnancy? Eeek. You know I am so freaking super delighted for you.

PT: Thanks for the update.

LTP: Well done on your BD’ing this month- despite ‘in-law’ shaped obstacles. Thank you for the extra info. Happy 2WWing. ***DUST***

Dcgator: ***dust*** for today honey.

AFM: 9DPO ish - another 5 days until I can start again.
Dcgator: Whoot for fake 2nd preggo line!!!!! I absolutley get why you would do that! So funny. You know that RC had an excellent sample for her BFP...... :naughty: :appl: :naughty: The very best of luck to you.


Are any of you ladies reading the 24 hr thread on hangout? LTP - I know you stopped by. Who has the fake pregnancy? How did I miss that?
Waiting to O
Po.................................... CD7
Gaby................................. CD10
Redlineblueline...................... CD25

In the Two Week Wait

Lauren the Partier..........................3DPO
Steal....................................... 9 DPO
Bella........................................9DPO* (approx)
LAJennifer.................................14DPIUI (but I don't think she is posting here)

Lurking near the pool:
Ladies, please let me know if you want your CD added.
And extra special dust outgoing to Dcgator & LAJenn:
Steal|1289509830|2762306 said:
Dcgator: Whoot for fake 2nd preggo line!!!!! I absolutley get why you would do that! So funny. You know that RC had an excellent sample for her BFP...... :naughty: :appl: :naughty: The very best of luck to you.


Are any of you ladies reading the 24 hr thread on hangout? LTP - I know you stopped by. Who has the fake pregnancy? How did I miss that?

I just went and checked it out.... they are referring to a member who once posted under a name that might remind you of some very happy blue people...... and now posts randomly. I don't know if I can be anymore subtle than that without flat out saying it and subtlety never was my specialty. :devil:

ETA: This might be deleted as I am not great at being subtle and I don't want to in any way negatively affect any member of PS. I am just trying to enlighten as to whom they are referring to and this by no means reflects my opinion or views of the subject matter.
Missjaxon|1289510908|2762367 said:
Steal|1289509830|2762306 said:
Dcgator: Whoot for fake 2nd preggo line!!!!! I absolutley get why you would do that! So funny. You know that RC had an excellent sample for her BFP...... :naughty: :appl: :naughty: The very best of luck to you.


Are any of you ladies reading the 24 hr thread on hangout? LTP - I know you stopped by. Who has the fake pregnancy? How did I miss that?

I just went and checked it out.... they are referring to a member *****Deleted*********quote]

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


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:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :
:wavey: Fisher! Glad to see you here...well, not glad that you are here, but glad to see know what I mean ;))

Fake pregnancy, WHAT?!?!?!? I LOVED the old 24 hour thread and plan to jump right on to this one as soon as I get home from work!

On my end, I went to my Dr today for the physical for our adoption dossier (also had to bring a notary to notarize the Dr's signature on it :rolleyes: ) any-who, it was fine. Everything looks great except for the 25 lbs :eek: I've gained since getting married last year. I started the couch to 5k running plan a few weeks ago, but as soon as my new running shoes get here (my old ones are very old and shot and are hurting my feet b/c the arch support is gone) I am going to up my weekly mileage! I also need to revamp my eating. Since we got married I know that I have unconsciously been eating DH sized portions which is :nono:

Only weird thing in the exam...I had a fever of 99.4 (my temp is usually pretty low, like between 96.7 and 97.8) not sure what that's about. I feel fine...

Nothing much else going on--9ish DPO, same old same old... :cheeky:

DCG-Tons of IUI dust/baby cement:-)
Bella_mezzo|1289515574|2762591 said:
:wavey: Fisher! Glad to see you here...well, not glad that you are here, but glad to see know what I mean ;))

Fake pregnancy, WHAT?!?!?!? I LOVED the old 24 hour thread and plan to jump right on to this one as soon as I get home from work!

On my end, I went to my Dr today for the physical for our adoption dossier (also had to bring a notary to notarize the Dr's signature on it :rolleyes: ) any-who, it was fine. Everything looks great except for the 25 lbs :eek: I've gained since getting married last year. I started the couch to 5k running plan a few weeks ago, but as soon as my new running shoes get here (my old ones are very old and shot and are hurting my feet b/c the arch support is gone) I am going to up my weekly mileage! I also need to revamp my eating. Since we got married I know that I have unconsciously been eating DH sized portions which is :nono:

Only weird thing in the exam...I had a fever of 99.4 (my temp is usually pretty low, like between 96.7 and 97.8) not sure what that's about. I feel fine...

Nothing much else going on--9ish DPO, same old same old... :cheeky:

DCG-Tons of IUI dust/baby cement:-)

Bella - it is gone. There was drama and *poof* it is gone. It seems to be kicking off again on the random comments thread.

It is so difficult to eat less than your DH who piles up the pasta or rice. But once you get used to it - you will get used to it. Try to serve the portions yourself, rather than your DH. It is easier to put less on a plate than scoop it off or leave it.

***Dust*** for you honey. You know I would love nothing more for you that to get your BFP!

ETA: How awkward to be dragging along the notary public :errrr: .

Miss J: You might want to delete that post in case it all kicks off...but thank you for the info!
Why do I always miss the interesting threads?
<--- For you, Steal!

I feel like it's Groundhog Day. Now, I 'think' I'm DPO 2. Thanks for asking. I didn't try the SI this month. Just laziness on my part. I'm tired of taking pills. Btw, I came across this photo and it reminded me of your avatar.


Check out those rolls! Hehehe! Look what you have to look forward to. :naughty:

9 DPO for you, lady! You're almost at the home stretch! hi501.gif
Bwah hahahaha!

I love that picture. Great find.

And I love your avatar - I'm an ol' stuck in the mud and I think it is you. So thanks for humouring me.

Happy TWW'ing. Have you tested yet :cheeky: ?

AFM: I would put money on me not being preggo. Sad but true. So I just want to get this TWW over and done with.
No testing yet. :naughty: I actually haven't had any sort of pee-sticks at home this cycle and I like it.

I'm with you on the wanting 'to get this TWW over and done with'. To be honest, I'm just waiting for my 6 months to be up so I can get my RE referral. I ain't no spring chicken and need all the help I can get!

Speaking of chickens....


Is it weird to be envious of farm animals? :tongue:
CDN: I hope you won't need that referral.
Waiting to O
Po.................................... CD8
Gaby................................. CD11
Redlineblueline...................... CD26

In the Two Week Wait

Lauren the Partier..........................4DPO
Steal....................................... 10 DPO
Bella........................................10DPO* (approx)

Lurking near the pool:
Ladies, please let me know if you want your CD added.
And extra special dust outgoing to Dcgator


Here I am breezing along at 10DPO and I was inspired to test because of my rocking 5 day temping. :rolleyes:
Surprise: BFN! Whoopee! So (sing the 10 green bottles sitting on a wall song with me) there are now 1 cheapie and 1 know it all CB digi test at this house.
Cd: hilarious picture. I want one! (The redheaded kids kill me!)
Dc: oh I'm so excited you have the good feeling of this iui...I have so much hope for you.
Steal: id probably take the bfn and throw it across the room. Stupid f'in test. I can't believe its been 10 days already since your oral examination! Any news on the kitten?
Missj: I caught bits and pieces of the thread...I'm curious what sort of "evidence" was used to determine fake pregnancy. I just want to shake people sometimes.
I know I've missed lots of you girls...but I'm sort of in a rush as explained below....
DHs dear 86 yr old gradnmother was in a head on collision yesterday. She has a broken bone in her neck, and a broken finger from what we know so far. I'm devasted for her. We had just gone to dinner with her the night before. This is the grandma who gave DH her engagement ring to propose very special to us. I think we are going to try and head out to see her in a bit, which is why I'm rushing.
This accident sparked another talk for DH and I. He is having an epidural (should I be the getting one of those...) due to a herniated disc and degenerative disc disease. He is in a ton of pain, and it is putting a huge strain on our relationship. I'm just hoping this will make him pain free and back to his normal self. He isn't happy in his new job...again...our home isn't selling...still....and it is just depressing. So...I asked him what the point was for us to move two hours away if he is still miserable??? turned into him not wanting to get his hopes up about me getting pregnant bc what if it takes long or I have another m/c....I didn't realize those thoughts weighed on him as well. He said he seems hoo humm about TTC bc its easier to handle the disappointment better. :? I was crushed for him! He also said life will be so much more worthwhile with a kid....he won't dwell on his back or his miserable job, since it will be to support more than just himself. And he didn't mean that our relationship isn't great...its just that we both feel that what is missing is a baby.
Ok, novel over. I just cant express those thoughts/feelings anywhere else, so wanted to do it here.

Certainly will be praying for your grandmother. Totally different situation, but my mother-in-law is in the hospital, too and it's such a hard thing for those who love the patients. We can't do a lot, but we can be supportive and pray and try to comfort. Seems like not much, but it does help. Thinking good thoughts for her!

Re: your hubs. Isn't it amazing how well husbands can hold in their feelings and emotions when they feel like it would be hard on us, otherwise? I have the same type of thing with Paul. He doesn't express his feelings (letdown, frustration) over this long wait often. He would prefer to be supportive and positive, but I know it weighs on him, too. I appreciate him being so upbeat most of the time, though. Makes it easier for me to keep the hope, too. Husbands are wonderful! :bigsmile:

Bella, I've thought of you often, lady! Hope you adopt and are prego at the same time!! Have they given you an approximate timeline for the adoption? A friend of mine just got their little girl from China this summer. It was a two year process because the country was changing their policies during the process and they had to keep re-doing and re-processing the paperwork. But, in the end, they have a beautiful daughter who melts my heart.

Good thoughts for you, lady!

DC, keep those positive thoughts. I have no doubt motherhood is near. :bigsmile:

Ryan, are you preggo? I saw someone posted about a beta test.... :bigsmile: ::) ::) ::) ::)

So I can't remember the other posts and I don't know how to see past posts on this new format. HAPPY THOUGHTS FOR ALL!

I am not at work today and have a guilty pleasure of watching "Baby Story" on TLC. Wanted to comment on a commercial I saw for the Duggars. The grandbaby is one now and they're having a special for her bday and the commercial showed Josh saying they had an announcement. Made me wonder if it was them saying they are having another baby. It always (or used to) seems nutty to me to get pregnant before the previous child turned one. Funny how the longer you sit on this road to parenthood can change things, though. In Jan 2008, we said we'd wait two years. In the fall of 2009, we said 10 months. Ha, now we don't plan on doing anything to prevent at all and if our kids are barely a year apart, so be it.

Has this wait caused any of you to re-evaluate the amount of time you'd like between children?