
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

pavelover|1342490349|3235183 said:
Monkeyprincessplease check on us often! Before I started posting I read all the pages here and followed your story. If I remember correctly you went through ivf and had success on your first try, am I right? I like to keep stories like that front and center in my mind. If you have any advice or want to share experiences I am all ears! How are you feeling? I also stalk the pregnancy thread etc and love seeing those growing bellies.

Pave, I'm doing well, thanks for asking. I was extremely blessed to get pregnant on my first clomid/IUI cycle after trying unsuccessfully for about 12 cycles. So while I do not have any experience with IVF, you better believe I will be following along and cheering you all on!Lizzy, who used to post on the TTC thread, suffered several miscarriages before she got pregnant on her first IVF cycle, so you if you are looking for inspiration and more information, you may want to scroll back and look at her story. She should be having her second baby in the next couple of weeks. Wishing you success this coming cycle!
Monkey princess. Thanks for reminding me- I guess I got the stories confused- sorry about that . I'm so happy that the iui and clomid worked for you! 12 months is a long time . Any advice for keeping positive? I will go back and re-read.
Hope all of you are doing well!
AFM my blood work was good- estradiol 262 up from 63. The u/s showed 11 follicles some smaller than 8 mm - others were 10, 11, and 12. Overall it seems like we are on the right track. I have to add in a medicine today to keep the follicles from getting ahead of each other. Feeling fine. Just get bloated more so in the eve.
Sorry about the fly by, all about me post. I'll write more later today to everyone, but my head is swimming right now.

I just got back from my u/s & bloodwork with another doc in my practice (mine wasn't in the office today). Apparently I am responding "too much." I have 3 follies on one side & maybe 5 on the other, but I'm not sure if all of these will be mature in time for the IUI. (Though it's a good thing I complained of my symptoms at 150 iu gonal f & the doc cut my dose in half.)

So, I have no idea what is happening. The docs are going to consult & get back to me later today, but it's possible I might quit the meds, maybe come in for another u/s tomorrow or maybe just trigger within the next day or 2 & come in for the IUI. To make issues even more complicated, we didn't expect the IUI to be happening so soon, so, um, there hasn't been an ideal abstinence period (ie not any). :oops: And with dh's low count & volume, we really need as many swimmers as possible. Now I'm so freaked out that I've been through all of this yuck with the meds & it might all be for naught if dh's sample isn't good. :(sad

Ok, I just heard back from the RE's office. They want me to trigger tonight & do iui tomorrow & Friday mornings. Apparently my estradiol is looking good & there are 2-3 follicles (2 at 18mm, 1 at 17mm) that could ovulate. They want to do it before the other follicles catch up.

I'm pretty disappointed because I wouldn't have minded having another follie or 2 as a target. Also, now dh won't be able to abstain at all. The last 2 times we did iui, his count went way down on the 2nd sample when he hadn't abstained. Now we're starting off with that lower number.

This is so stressful. :(sad
Bright, while it's too bad that you responded a little too well to the meds and need to trigger earlier than expected, I'm still going to think positive thoughts for you. I'm hoping the fact that you responded so much better and faster means that you will have at least one or two really healthy eggs to fertilize this time. And even if your DH does not have super high counts, you are still going to be getting the little guys right where they need to be at exactly the right time. Crossing everything I have that this is it for you!
I have literally 2 minutes but I had to respond. Bright, honey big hugs. One healthy egg, one healthy sperm - that's all it really takes in the end. I know more would be better, but I have faith that for whatever reason now is the time. Think positive sweetie and know we're all praying for you. :))
Bright, I'm sorry things aren't going exactly as you had hoped this cycle...
3 follies is great though. I know you'd prefer dh to have abstained but you'll still have millions of strong guys! I'm going to be sending positive vibes your way on Friday and sat.

Pave, it sounds like your cycle is going exactly as it should be so far which is great!

Sorry for any confusion- my protocol goes like this:
9 days of birth control pill (start tonight)
5 days of birth control pill overlapped with lupron injections
Stop pill, continue lupron injections
When get a period (2 or 3 days after stopping the pill) notify the office then come in on the 3rd day of period for baseline ultrasound and bloodwork to be cleared to start stims
Add stims: menopur and follistim, continue with lupron

I am doing one more retrieval right now to try to "bank" a couple more healthy embryos.

I will not be doing a transfer on this cycle as there are no fresh transfers in the embryo banking program that I ended up joining.

I will be doing a frozen embryo transfer on the cycle after this one, so start all the prep late august then transfer sometime in September. I have to do progesterone in oil injections in the butt daily for that which im not looking forward to as the needle is 1.5" long and very thick! But hey, we do what we have to do!

My clinics success rates are actually a hair higher for frozen transfers than fresh so I'm not worried about that part of it thankfully.

Hi to everyone else!!
Brightarghhh it can be so frustrating all the changes and gosh I understand. I'm sending positive vibes for lots of good swimmers and ripe follies- sounds like they don't want too many targets - I guess I can understand that. I think it's good they are keeping a close eye on you and intervening- I think maybe it would have been worse to have too many and then be cancelled? Big hugs and lots of dust!
Jen thanks for explaining again- sorry if I'm kind of dense...I blame the drugs. I was just trying to do simple math to compare prices of diapers and it was a struggle, lol. That's good the rates are better for frozen transfer.

Afm back at the hospital waiting for my lab results. I'll keep you guys posted.
Good luck to you Bright! I am rooting for you. I really hope this cycle is it for you!
Hey guys, well it's turned out to be one of those days when one thing goes wrong after another. (Currently icing newly black & blue big toe now that I'm home from the concert I was supposed to attend that was cancelled without notice.) It just feels like I can't catch a break these days. 

Thank you for the support & making me feel a bit better. 

Mp, thanks for your support as always. Hmm. I wonder if my quicker response means that things are healthier this time. Wouldn't that be great? We're doing the IUI about 5-6 days earlier than usual. I'm only cd11 today. I guess I should try to stop reading too much into everything & just wait & see. 
How are you feeling? You're looking great, sporting your adorable bump on your tiny-everywhere-else body. 

Tammy, thanks, sweetie. You're right-it only takes one good egg & one good swimmer.  I'm trying to calm down about this, but I'm really not pleased with dh right now. We didn't expect it to be go time for several more days, but still. Ugh. 
How are you doing? Any moving related news? 
I'm glad you have an appointment in a couple of weeks & really hope your doc can figure out what's going on. I'm also holding out hope that you'll be just like prana & one round of clomid will get you ktfu with a sticky bean. Big hugs to you. 

Pave, I'm glad to hear the process is going well & also that the increased dose of meds hasn't made you feel significantly worse than you did on your fsh iui cycle. I've found I feel worse in the evening too. Is that when you're taking your meds? Looks like you have some great follies developing! What's the next step?
Thanks for sharing your post IUI experience too. I'm wondering if I should try to keep my activity to a minimum on Friday or Saturday since I'll likely ovulate on Friday.  
Oh, and yes my doc only wanted 2-3 follies this time so I guess he's being conservative. I was just hoping for a bit more with the injections (I hear of people getting 2-3 follies from clomid all the time.) But you're right that it's better to go ahead with a lower number than overstimulate & have the cycle cancelled. 
Hoping you have good lab results! Keep us posted!

Jen, that's great that you have several good blasts banked already. I don't blame you for trying to get more, though. As I understand, you can keep doing retrievals only until you do your first transfer, right? Might as well push through as long as you can tolerate, right?
Do your have to go on similar meds when you get ready to do your FET? Is the progesterone just post-transfer or before?
Thanks so much for sharing your OHSS experience. It sounds awful-I'm so sorry you had to endure that, but I'm glad it blew over without any long term ill effects. 

Jgator, thanks, sweetie. At least today's injection was the last I'll have to take in a while.

Hi to bella, curly, ltl, fisher & anyone I missed. 
 While I'm so happy we can be here to support each other, I'm really hoping we're all out of this thread soon!
Hi again. One down, one to go. This morning's IUI was more unpleasant than usual. Apparently my cervix was unusually high so the doc had to pull it down with a forceps-like tool before doing the insemination. Ouch. I didn't have this issue with my previous 4 IUI's. I'm hoping tomorrow's procedure goes more smoothly. 
He said we should have 2-3 follicles for sure but maybe as many as 4 or 5. 
He gave us a brief multiples talk, but said it's usually twins, though he had a set of quads in the last 2 years. 
He also said DH's sample was fine (7 million motile post wash.)   How odd that 7 million is actually a lower number for this sort of thing. I guess it only takes one (or 4 or 5!?)

So now I'm debating on whether to do crinone (progesterone) again this cycle. Doc said I shouldn't need it, but it won't hurt. I'd rather not deal with the messiness if it's not really needed but I worry if I don't do it I'll stress out about not doing it. What would you guys do?

Hope everyone's doing well. 
Hi ladies! It's been a while since I poked around in here, but I just wanted to let you all know that I still am rooting hard for all of you.

Bright Good luck honey. I really hope that this is it for you.

Tammy I hope that your move goes well, and your job search. I really think that Clomid might help you. Your cycles sound so much like mine, and I really think you might need that little push.

Hello to everyone else! I hope that you are all doing well and that your TTC journeys come to happy endings very soon.
Hi Girls,

Okay I'm going to try to at least somewhat catch up. It's been very busy, sorry! ;(

Bright, I don't know your DH's count situation, but I'm hoping that the minimal abstain of a couple of days will be enough to do the trick. I think it's really good that you don't have to wait another 5-6 days and endure more injections honestly. I know you're frustrated with your DH but at least you have your mojo back? :tongue: hehe

Pave, good luck with your IVF cycle! Hopefully it'll be the only one you need! :D Same for you, Jen! I'm excited for you to be done with the retrieval and on to an actual possibly bfp cycle, woohoo! :bigsmile:

How's everyone else doing? Any news?

AFM: I'm scattered. DH started the job on Monday and he's so happy with it so far. He's back in his element and everyone there is so excited to have him. Apparently they haven't had a good new guy in a while, so he's hopeful that this will be a really good company for him. If he plays his cards right, he'll be able to move up fairly quickly. I spent a couple of days feeling pretty sorry for myself, not going to lie. AF started at 5 am on Monday, while he was getting ready for his first day. I also found out for sure on Monday that the department I interviewed with went with someone else - via and crappy canned email message. Ah well, at least she told me so I have closure on it. I know that's not always the case. To add to it all, I decided that Monday I also was DONE with being fat after I got on the scale and I'm not saying my weight, but it ended with "7.8". Monday sucked! haha

Well, now it's Thursday. I've stuck firmly to my diet (I'm doing a version of Atkins - 20 to 25 carbs max). I've actually been at 17-20 most days and I'm super happy to report that as of this morning, my weight ended in "2.4". Yes, I've lost over FIVE pounds in 4 days. Yes, I also know that a good portion of that is water, but I don't care! I'm just happy to see movement! ::) . I also feel fantastic. I'm concentrating better, I have a ton of energy and I haven't turned to food for comfort (my huge downfall - apparently triggered by carb consumption, who knew?!).

My goal is to try to lose another 7-10 lbs by my appointment on August 1st. Realistically I have about 60 lbs total to lose, so it's okay for me to lose the first bit pretty rapidly. I want the doctor to take me seriously and not turn me away because my BMI isn't the recommended number. I also know that I did this before I got pregnant with my first daughter, so I'm hoping it'll help me this time too.

About the appointment, I'm a little bummed that I can't get in there sooner cycle wise. It's going to be RIGHT when I'm ovulating. So I can't get anything done really this month and that stinks. I guess he could do a 7 DPO prog check, but I don't think he'll bother with it. I really want the HSG. Does anyone know off hand how many days before you ovulate it's safe to do that? I don't know what else to ask him really. They set me up with the person that's specialized in robotic laparoscopic surgeries for endo, but since then I am really not sure that I have anything like that. My periods stink and I spot for several days after, but I don't have painful ovulation anymore and my cramps truthfully only are bad for the first day. I don't know, I can't figure out what's wrong with me. I'm afraid we'll never find out and be one of the "unexplained infertility" couples. I'm trying not to get too doom and gloom though, I'd LOVE to be like Prana and have one round of clomid for a healthy pregnancy! Okay I have to get back to work, I'm sorry. Again I have another long me me me post. :nono:

ETA: I guess I should look again before posting! Lost of updates while I bounced between work and composing mine. :oops:

Bright that sounds good!!! I'm so glad to hear that you don't have to worry about your DH's count! :bigsmile: Good luck hun, I'm hoping and praying for you as always. This is IT! :halo:

Prana, thanks for checking in on us! I hope you're right too. DH is definitely open to clomid and so am I. I can't wait to get this show on the road.
Bright, glad you have your first IUI out of the way. All in all, it sounds like it went just fine. Oh my goodness, I don't know if you remember, but I had a really uncomfortable/awkward experience with my IUI. Special tools had to be used and I had to get in a really awkward position because the NP couldn't get the tube thing inserted. Darn cervix. Oh, and I almost passed out, so we had to stop the procedure to get me orange juice. :oops: Maybe the difficulties are a good omen??? If it were me, I would probably want the peace of mind of using progesterone, even though I have no way of knowing if it helped me or not. Have you asked about using something less annoying like prometrium? That's what I used, and it wasn't bad at all. Maybe that would be a good compromise. Hoping tomorrow goes well too!

Tammy, hang in there and keep up the good work!
Bright, on my last cycle, I went with no Crinone based on my RE's recommendation and my progesterone ended up being fine. They said each pregnancy is different, and just because you need it once doesn't mean you will need it again. They kept an eye on it. I know I was pretty paranoid about it. I looked up my notes, and they tested the progesterone (along with betas) at 13, 16, 20, 27, and 39 DPO and it went up and down but it was in the high/normal range without the Crinone this time at 36.4, 49.4, 37.1, 28.7 and 35.7 in order. With my MC, my progesterone wasn't checked early and it was 11, 7, and 18 at 25, 30, and 35 DPO. I must have started the Crinone after 30 DPO. Good luck to you...sticky dust headed your way.

Tammy, good plan on losing weight. It definitely can't hurt. I know I gained weight after my MC, and I wish I started my pregnancy at a lower weight as it's creeping up every time I go to the doctor now! Good luck in your job search. I know it's very stressful, and no fun to put yourself out there and be rejected. You will find something great soon!
Bright - I am sorry about your IUI, you are right, it just takes one.

Tammy - I am happy for your husband, but I am sorry things have been so rough for you. I think they would not do my HSG past cycle day 10 if I remember correctly. I had to get the time blocked in the radiology suite, so I think I had to schedule it about a week out.

Pave - I am wishing you luck this cycle, hopefully one IVF cycle is all you need!

Jen - I hope you are able to get a few more healthy embryos.

To everyone else, hello :wavey:

AFM - my beta and progesterone were drawn today, but I won't know the results tomorrow afternoon. This is when checking my own results is good, because when the results do come back, the RE clinic will be closed (they close at 12:30 on Friday) and I would not find out until Monday. I basically went through all the what ifs with the nurse today. If my beta is positive, they will repeat it Monday. If it is negative, I will call the drug company and order the injections. If AF comes on Friday, I have to walk in Monday morning to their office. I doubt that will happen as I am not even spotting, and I usually spot two days before AF. Otherwise if the HCG is neg and AF comes over the weekend, I can call on Monday for an apt.

I will let you guys know tomorrow or Saturday. Tomorrow is my going away party, so I will be pretty busy.
Tammy, yeah I am happy to be finished with the injections. That's a definite upside to the earlier than expected iui. 
I'm glad your dh is loving his job but sorry you're feeling so down. Why is it that bad things seem to come together? I'm hoping you can get moving with testing soon though (my hsg was to be scheduled between days 5-11 if I recall but try to call ahead as places can book up). Congrats on the weight loss! I think that's a great plan. It's something you can focus on & control that's not ttc related & you're already having success!  It should be a nice distraction & it's nice to do something good for your body. (Also I wouldn't be surprised if the weight loss jump started your fertility too.)

Prana, thanks for checking in & for the luck. How are you feeling? 

Mp, I do remember your difficult iui experience & was actually thinking about you during my little complication & wondering if that's what you had to go through too. (Ouch!) I didn't have to move around much on the table but the prying was pretty painful & caused some bleeding too. Hopefully today's is easier. I do appreciate your sharing your experience though. Knowing about a difficult IUI that had a positive outcome made me feel better!

Ltl, thanks lady.  Fingers crossed you have a great beta result. If not, that's good that you have a plan to get started on a new cycle right away. Will you do Gonal f or another injectable?

Jgator, thanks for sharing your progesterone stats with me. That's interesting how they vary so much from day to day & pregnancy to pregnancy. Were you anxious not taking the progesterone this pregnancy? 
So, I was never really prescribed the Crinone for the 2 previous pregnancies. I just asked about it (if it could help)  based on the fact that my progesterone had tested low in a bfn cycle in the past. The doc said it won't hurt & could help & he'd write me a script if I wanted. So I really took it as a prophylactic measure/to make myself feel better rather than because my progesterone was tested & was low. 
So, I don't know if I should do this again to ease worries & possibly help a low progesterone issue should one arise or just wait it out. 

Also, to complicate matters, I have a bit of a morbid fear. We have a beach vacation planned for the last week of August (and my parents will be joining us for part.) Timing wise, if this cycle goes like the last 2, that would be right about miscarriage time, which would mean either forfeiting the vacation or being miserable/not swimming. So I thought, worst case scenario, if I was on the Crinone I could just stay on it an extra week & still take my vacay & deal with the other once I got home. 

Thoughts, anyone?

Happy Friday ladies. Any exciting weekend plans?
Hey guys just a quick fly by.

The quick update, I will be drinking at my going away party. I never I thought being able to drink would make me sad.

The longer update. The HCG was <2 today. It was really disappointing as AF is due tomorrow, my temp went up, and I am showing no signs of spotting. I didn't get to see the progesterone before I left. I called the drug company, the injectables are on their way and will arrive at my house Tuesday. So just waiting for AF to come, it looks like it is coming late this cycle.
Ltl, I'm so sorry. Hugs to you. I hope you can enjoy your going away party (maybe the drinks will help?) Really hope your injectable cycle does the trick.

Hi to everyone else.

Afm, iui #2 is done. Fortunately it wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as yesterday's. I am feeling quite crampy, though, perhaps from ovulation. (pave, I know what you mean about every bump in the road....)

I also asked the doc who did today's iui (not my usual one) about the progesterone & he said it's unlikely to help & I should have plenty of progesterone considering how many follicles I'm releasing. ( =) and :shock: )

So, for now I think I might hold off on the crinone. I'm kind of glad to be off meds & don't really want to start a new one if it's not really going to help.

Happy weekend all! :sun:
Littlefirecracker so so sorry about the hcg results. It really hurts, as we all know :(. I hope you get to enjoy your going away party- were are you headed ? I hope this next cycle is it for you! Well for all of us...take good care of yourself.
Bright I'm glad your second iui was better. The first sounded painful! Now just the patiently waiting...I took it easy after iui but nobody told me I had to. Doc just said avoid swimming, hot tubs etc. I'm sorry you are uncomfortable now- hopefully it will be gone in a day like mine was .
Tammy hugs to you. It's a stressful time you are in so go easy on yourself. I'm glad dh likes his job that's great! Are you guys in the same area now or did he go ahead of you? Hope your job search is fruitful. Not too much longer until your appt right? That should be helpful and give you some more control over what's next .

Afm well I'm cd 9 and my follicles (some of them) are getting big. I think there's about 9 decent ones which is good I think. The egg retrieval is being moved up by two days (gulp). He didn't say this was a bad thing- I hope it's not. Dr seems positive so yay. I need to go see him tomorrow(Sunday) and then go back Monday for retrieval. I'm repeating myself now so Im gonna end this post.
Dust to everyone and hope everyone is feeling good. Sorry if I missed anyone.
Just a quick drop in to wish Bright all the best. Have been thinking of you and have all my fingers and toes crossed that this is it for you.

Best of luck to all you other ladies too, I hope there is no longer a need for this thread in the near future!
LtlFirecracker|1342827750|3237501 said:
Hey guys just a quick fly by.

The quick update, I will be drinking at my going away party. I never I thought being able to drink would make me sad.

The longer update. The HCG was <2 today. It was really disappointing as AF is due tomorrow, my temp went up, and I am showing no signs of spotting. I didn't get to see the progesterone before I left. I called the drug company, the injectables are on their way and will arrive at my house Tuesday. So just waiting for AF to come, it looks like it is coming late this cycle.


So sorry about the beta. However, I have a really good feeling about the injectables for you! Clomid just doesn't work for some people, but injectables have a better success rate, and they don't dry out CM like Clomid can. Injectables were what finally worked for me. Lots of luck.

DUST to everyone. I'm rooting for you all!
I'm so sorry Ltl :( :(

I'll come back later when I'm not on my phone but I wanted to post this blog that I'm fascinated with. I hope it's okay to share here. It's by an infertility doctor.

Big hugs to all!
Bright, good luck to you. Stick, stick, stick! It is up to you on the progesterone, but you can likely do what I did and just see what your first beta and progesterone number are if you get a BFP, and then go from there. The reason I didn't want to take the progesterone was I didn't want to delay AF if it was a BFN cycle, and also the doctor told me not to. It was hard for me particularly as I have a ton of leftover Crinone sitting around just waiting to be used. I was very paranoid about the numbers though, but it did all work out in the end. Interesting predicament about the vacation. I don't know what to tell you. I personally would rather know sooner vs. not know, and hope for the best.

Tammy, I found that blog a while ago. He sounds like a great doctor. Too bad he's in NYC.

Firecracker, sorry about the beta. I really hope the injectables are just what you need on your next cycle to kick things into gear for you. Hugs to you.
Ltl I'm sorry about your beta :blackeye:

I am thinking of all of you on your journeys!
Ltf-I am sorry about the beta :blackeye: Hope that the next cycle is a sticky one.

Bright-good luck and I am thinking of you!!!!

AFM-I have surgery this week to remove the uterine polyp, hopefully that will a-regulate my cycles and b-improve fertility...I'll keep you posted.
Bella was the polyp a new thing? I mean, can it have been there a while affecting your fertility? Do they know what caused it?
Bella, I'm so happy you're getting the surgery this week! I hope it goes well & is minimally invasive. Also hope that it finally stops the bleeding & gets your fertility on track. 

Mlk, thanks for checking me & for the support! How are you feeling?  Hope you're doing well & baking away. 

Pave, thanks. I was really hoping the discomfort would go away quickly but it hasn't & has me a bit concerned. At least I'm finished with the injections & accompanying headaches. 
I'm glad to hear your follies are developing nicely & that you have lots. How was your u/s yesterday? Thinking of you today & hoping your retrieval goes well. 

Ltl, ditto to Laila's comment about cm on injectables. I had a lot more this cycle than either my clomid cycles or natural ones. Hoping they do the trick for you! Have you started yet? Which med are you using?

Laila, that's great that the injectables worked for you! I'm in the 2ww on my first fsh iui. Did you have any trouble with overstimulation on the meds?

Tammy, thanks for posting that blog. I've been reading it obsessively every chance I get. What a great resource!
How are you doing? 

Jgator, thanks for the dust! I too have a full box of Crinone under my bathroom sink & it seems kind of wasteful to not use it. That said, what the doc said about progesterone levels, especially in a medicated cycle, made sense to me. I don't think my docs regularly check progesterone levels (they haven't yet for me) but if I wind up going in for a beta I'll ask if they can do it for me. I definitely agree with not wanting to prolong the inevitable if this cycle isn't going to work out. 
I hope you're still feeling well. Are you posting bump pics? (I lurk in the pregnancy thread occasionally to check on you guys.)

Hey, dreamer!

Jen, how are you? Hope all is going well. Any news?

Curly & fisher, how are you doing?

Afm, I'm continuing to have abdominal (ovarian?) pain, pressure & bloating that has me concerned I might have a touch of OHSS. It's not improving & might be getting a tad worse. (It kinda hurts to bend over today). Apparently the hcg from the trigger continues to stimulate the ovaries even after the fsh injections have ceased. (Thanks again, Tammy for that great blog!) 
I'm not sure that much can be done to improve things other than waiting it out but it might be worth a call to my doc to ask. 
Aside from that, I'm happy to be injection free & hope I can enjoy a relatively calm 2ww. (I guess we'll see about that!)
Bright, I think of you often and I hope you get your sticky bean this cycle!
Bright, I'm sending you lots of dust for a sticky bean this cycle.