
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Hello, all! Sorry for being MIA. I just needed some time away from the forums to chill out a bit.

Bright - I think of you often and am so hopeful that we'll hear good news from you soon. Glad you are feeling better.

Firecracker - I was sad to read that last cycle didn't work for you and that this cycle's meds do the trick for you. I also wish you luck as you transition into your new job in the coming months.

Tammy - Good luck with your job interview!! I can't believe how much you have going on.

Hope everyone else is hanging in there, as well.

So... last cycle was another bust for us, so during my visit to my doctor on Friday, we talked about next steps. Thankfully, we are starting all the necessary tests ASAP. Today is CD3 for me, so I'll go in for bloodwork this afternoon. DH is going to get his swimmers tested next Monday, and I'll have an SHG a week from Wednesday. I'm very, very excited to know we'll have a lot more information within a few weeks. Depending on the results, we may be referred to an RE, but until then, I can have everything done with my current doctor, who I love.

I also discovered someone here at work who is going through all the same testing right now. She had her first child through an IUI using donor sperm a few years ago. She and her DH are going to try to have another, so they have to start all over again. It was great to get her perspective.

The sort of scary news is that during my exam on Friday, my doctor noticed a bit of an abnormality in my right breast, so she's requesting that I go for a diagnostic mammogram, which I have scheduled a week from Friday. She told me not to worry, that it's likely just an assymetric density of the tissue, but... ugh. I am definitely a bit tense about this and praying that it's nothing.

So that is my update. Will try to be more of a "regular" around here now that my work life has settled down a bit.
Good luck at your interview today and tomorrow Tammy!
Curly, good luck with your diagnostic mammogram. I'm sure it will end up fine, but glad they caught it to get it checked early.
Just popping in to say I''m still thinking of you all and praying for your BFP's and sticky beans.

Bright I hope you do get your BFP and sticky bean this month.

Tammy Good luck with your job interview!

Curly Good luck with the next steps and I hope your mammogram results are OK.

I hope you are all doing well and that healthy pregnancies are in your near future! :))
Curly, it's good to see you posting again. I think of you often too. I'm sorry last cycle was a bust for you but very glad you're going through testing so quickly. I hope you get good info to move forward soon. Also glad you found a friend IRL who understands & can talk to you about this stuff. Infertility can be very isolating. 
I'm sorry about the breast issue but am glad you're having it looked at ASAP. Hopefully everything is ok. Hugs. 
I'm glad things have settled down at work so you can spend more time on PS! 

Tammy, thanks, sweetie! I'm so happy to see the positive tone in your post! It sounds like things might be lining up perfectly for you this month! Good luck with your interviews today & tomorrow & have a fun night away with your dh celebrating his birthday. Hoping & praying you have lots of good news to share with us soon!

Mp & jgator, thanks so much for your continued support on this crazy journey. Big hugs to you. 

Prana, thanks! I hope you & your bean are doing well. 

Hot, hey lady! Long time no see! How are you doing? I think of you often & hope you're well. Thanks for the dust!

Afm, I got another bfn today at 10dpo. I was really hoping for an early bfp this round because if I get another faint bfp at 12dpo I'm terrified this cycle will end like the last 2. I guess it could just be a bfn in general too. Ugh. 
On a brighter note, I'm still feeling better (though the excess weight doesn't seem to be going anywhere) & I went to yoga today for the first time in several weeks. I also talked to my SIL today about some of this stuff. It was great to talk to someone IRL who understands (she had 2 miscarriages herself but now has the sweetest baby girl ever.) It gives me hope. 
Hi girls! Posting from the phone but I have two quick things. One, bright don't give up!! I'm praying and crossing everything for you.

Two, I have to thank everyone for the Jon interview dust because it worked!!! I don't have a definite yea of course but they loved me, I loved them and it went PERFECTLY! Such a huge difference from my previous interview!!! :lol:

I'll keep you all posted and write a proper catch up once I'm home tomorrow night. :)
Bright, my fingers remain tightly crossed and I'm not giving up on you yet!

And Tammy, your message just popped up! Fantastic news on the interview!
Tammy, yay! I'm so glad your interview went well! I hope you have an amazing offer shortly!

Mp, thanks, hon. Unfortunately you can uncross now. :(sad

Afm, AF just arrived. I'm stunned as I wasn't really expecting it, especially so soon. This means I only had a 9 day lp this cycle, which is shorter than I've ever had.
With so many follies, the fact that 1 didn't make it just has me flummoxed since I was 1 for 1 on both of my other 2 medicated cycles. Dh did have lower counts this time, so maybe that was it?

I guess a bfn is better than another miscarriage, but still. I'm so very sad. :((
I'm so sorry Bright. :(( I don't know what to say. Hugs to you.

Tammy, glad the interview went well.
Yay Tammy!! I am glad your interview went well and I hope you have a good birthday celebration with your husband! This cycle sounds good too so hopefully you will have lots to celebrate soon.

Bright- Are you sure it is AF? I would just think that if you ovulated more than 1 follicle then you should have more progesterone than a 9 day lp. Is there any way it could be implantation bleeding? I spotted for like 5 or 6 days with my bfp so I am still hopeful for you. Crossing fingers!

AFM-I am still kind of nervously awaiting the pathology results from my surgery last week. I'm going back to acupuncture this weekend and I am pretty sure that she's going to prescribe herbs :knockout: but at this point, I'm interested in trying anything that might help!

I also ordered this Fertility Yoga DVD today added some more um "padding" to my figure.
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: just got the pathology results (I love that my Dr. called me at 9:30pm at home to tell me!) no cancer!!!!!!! Apparently it was a lot of "polypine tissue" so basically lots and lots of polyps all blended together :knockout: .

here's hoping that Chinese herbs, acupuncture, fertility yoga, and regular check-ups with my Dr can 1. keep things moving so that i don't get a recurrence and 2. maybe I have a sticky bean soon! (I know that traditional medicine can't "prevent" polyp recurrence but my acupuncturist seems pretty confident that acupuncture and herbs can help a lot with this.

Interestingly, in the "Making Babies" book, my primary type is "stuck" and this polyp situation completely aligns with that.
Bright :blackeye: Are you sure it's AF? If so, I'm so very sorry to hear this. Something must have been off with the cycle. You have had a bumpy road, but please try to keep faith that there is going to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Do you know what te next step will be? Or maybe you don't want to think about that just yet. Big hugs. I'm so sad for you.

Bella, great news abiut the pathology results. Hope you are able to get your body back in balance.
BrightSpot|1343680832|3243150 said:
Hot, hey lady! Long time no see! How are you doing? I think of you often & hope you're well. Thanks for the dust!


Hey Bright!

I'm so sorry to see that you are sad and AF has arrived. :blackeye: That does suck, but it is better than other alternatives. I'll keep cheering you on from the shadows. THe what seems to be so impossible has happened for other ladies here and i know it is going to happen for you too! **hugs**

AFM all ok here. Everything is pretty much like clockwork cycle wise and AF shows up on time and i don't get my hopes up but every now and then (like last month) she decides to be 3/4 days late, I get my hopes up, buy a test, test negative, only to have her show up the next morning.... urgh. Most months i just keep it all in the back of my mind but this month is different. I'm thinking about it a lot and hoping / wishing / praying this will be the month. Either that, or i am buying a puppy! ha ha ;))
Thanks so much for your sweet posts. I'll respond individually tomorrow, but quickly wanted to say I really don't think this is implantation spotting of any kind. (unless I totally misunderstand implantation spotting). I'm having red bleeding that's pretty heavy (super tampon heavy). Sorry for tmi.

I was also super surprised that, if I o'd several follicles, my progesterone wasn't high enough to give me more than a 9 day lp. That was shorter than my non medicated cycles. Maybe I should've done the crinone. :nono:
Oh bright :(sad There are so many would have / should haves, maybe, could've, might have, didn't, and possible's in this. Please don't do it to yourself. I'll be thinking of you.
I am so sorry Bright :(sad . I think it is still possible to be pregnant with bleeding like that because you never know. I hope your re can help you figure out why your lp was so short and fix it for your next cycle.
Bright I was coming on here to wish you good luck but now I see AF has come. Big hugs I'm sorry to hear that. I know it doesn't get easier and I wish I had something brilliant to say but I don't :( . As always we are here to listen.

Tammy good job! How exciting ! Fingers crossed it's yours! How was the getaway with your hubby? Also I'm hoping all continues to go smoothly with the custody thing and move. And your appt is this week right? Lots of stuff, huh?
Bella that's wonderful news! So happy for you!

Curly glad to see you! Sorry your cycle didn't work out but glad you are able to get all of your testing done. I'll be reading to see how everything goes. Oh and your mammogram- hope it's just a formality and all is o.k.

Littlefirecracker how are you doing? Hope things are going as smoothly as possible. All in all I didn't think the drugs were that bad but I was awfully tired and very thirsty.

Indecisive, MP,Prana , Jgator and hawaiian orange tree thanks for always sending the support and good wishes :) hope you are all well and healthy!

aFM I'm 4dp2dt. I don't feel anything but gassy, lol. Egg transfer went smoothly and I got acupuncture before and after. I have been taking it easy. Hoping somehow the 2 WW flies by for me (and all of us).
Pave, good luck to you! Really hoping you have good news to share soon!

Bright, I agree with HOT, do not second guess your decision about the progesterone. If an embryo had implanted, you would have produced more progesterone, so it's unlikely that was the problem. It sounds like maybe this protocol just didn't work for you or the timing was off this cycle. I know it doesn't make it any easier, but when you think about it, the odds are not in your favor that IUI will work every cycle, just like if you were trying naturally, so many things have to go just right in order to conceive. Keeping you in my thoughts.
Oh, Bright. I am so, so sorry. Huge bear hugs. I'm sure it is hard not to second-guess yourself, but know it is not your fault.

Bella, I am thrilled to read the good news you received from your doctor.

Pave, fingers crossed for you. I hope your TWW flies by!

Tammy, glad to hear your interview went well. I hope you get some feedback from them soon. Happy birthday to your DH!!

AFM, I just heard back from the doctor's office. My FSH was 4.5 and estrogen was 29 - so all looks normal there (at least according to them and according to what I have found out from Dr. Google). They were supposed to check my thyroid but forgot, but they will do that when we do my Day 21 bloodwork. So... step 1, done.
Hi Girls,

I'm sorry that I've been MIA a bit. I've been reading but haven't had time alone with my thoughts enough to write a proper post.

Bright, I just don't understand and I'm so upset for you. I wish there was something that I could do to make this journey less painful for you. :( All I can think of is that for whatever reason, your body can't handle this protocol with the near over stimulation, etc. and your early AF. That doesn't mean nothing will work. It just means THIS doesn't work for you. Please be kind to yourself, and I guess be thankful that at least this cycle went quickly, if you can muster up the grace (I'm sure it's in short supply, I don't know if I could honestly). I wish I could give you a real hug, do something to ease your suffering. This sucks. :( :(

Bella, I'm so glad that your path results came back clear. That must be a huge relief. I really hope that this is just the start of some good fertility news for you! Good luck!

Pave, when will you be testing? Good luck, I hope all is well with you.

HOT, it's nice to see you around. Please don't be a stranger. :) Have you thought about getting a work up, or is that something you're not comfortable with? Maybe it's just something tiny that's easily fixed by modifying a routine, etc.

Curly, I'm glad that all of your preliminary testing looks good. What's your next step after your day 21 bloods?

Have I missed anyone? If so, I'm sorry! I'm at work, trying to multi-task because once I'm home it's impossible to get online, argh!

AFM: My appt is today, in about 5 hours. I'm nervous, excited, scared, you name it. I know it's silly, but it is possible that we'll be moving soon, and I'm closer to 36 than I'm comfortable with, and it's coming up on a year soon of TTC, and and get the picture. I'm a mess. I know it's not ideal timing and I feel a tiny bit bad about actively TTC/moving to the next step while also trying with earnest to get this job but the reality is that 1. I would work through my pregnancy and 2. it's not guaranteed that I'll be able to get pregnant even with help. I just want to at least know what's wrong so I can be realistic about our options.

I don't have a list of questions, but I should. I just keep drawing a blank. Initially my appt was for endo, because I was reluctant to say "infertility" and because I want(ed) to limit my oop expenses (stupid 50% deductible for fertility stuff). At this point though, I don't want to squander what might be my best shot at getting help. So I'm sure I'll end up blind siding the doc, hopefully he is nice. He has amazing reviews on-line and specializes in robotic assisted surgery for gyno issues. I don't know what that means for his knowledge on fertility though. I'm going to ask him for sure about the TEBB, but I don't honestly know what else to ask. I'm 3 DPO (I o'd earlier than I have since I started TTC, hope that's a good sign). We'll be out of town when I'm 7 DPO, or I'd ask him about prog draw. Boo. Maybe I can get the order for next month. I don't know. I really want an HSG, but I don't know if he'll do it for me without a better reason than that I want one. Is there anything else that I should be asking him?
Bella, thanks, dear.  I'm so glad the pathology report came back & everything is normal. Yay! How odd that you had so many polyps. Surely that was what was causing the abnormal bleeding. I hope this gets things back on track quickly!

Curly, thanks for the hug. I'm definitely doing a lot of second guessing but will try not to think about it as much as possible. 
That's great that your preliminary tests came back well & even better that the ball is rolling. What's up next?

Hot, yeah, you're right. I'm going to try to stop beating myself up. It doesn't help matters. I'm so sorry you're not ktfu already! It gets so disheartening as each month goes by. Hugs to you & hoping & praying your time comes soon. And I loved the comment about the puppy. I just said this to dh the other day. And we'd have to dress it in clothes. 

Indecisive, yep, I'm pretty flummoxed. I called the re's office & the nurse who responded said sometimes the hcg shot can shorten the lp. I've never heard this before but who knows?

Mp, you're right. The success rate for iui really isn't that high. I guess because we succeeded (at least with conception) every time before I was kind of expecting it to happen again, especially with so many more targets. But this cycle did seem really off so maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I'm trying to stop over thinking things & give myself a break. 

Pave, thanks, dear. I'm so glad your transfer went smoothly. How many embryos did you transfer? I hope you can relax as much as possible during your 2ww & have wonderful news soon!

Jgator, thanks. I don't really know what to say at this point either. 

Tammy, thanks so much for your sweet post. Yeah, I think you're right about my body not being able to handle this protocol. It makes me nervous about possibly moving forward with IVF since I'm sure it would require even more aggressive stimulation, but perhaps it's good we found this out when the stakes were a bit lower.  Hey, at least this is better than another miscarriage, right?
And please don't discount what you're doing to help. Having you lovely ladies to talk to about this makes s big difference. 
How'd the birthday celebration & 2nd interview go? Good luck at your appointment today & don't be afraid to ask questions. My ob scheduled me for the day 3 & progesterone draws then an hsg once I'd been trying for 6 months (I was over 35 already) so I don't think it should be an issue getting one done ASAP. My doc even said sometime that's all it takes to get a bfp. 
I hope it goes well-keep us posted!

Ltl, hope you are doing well. How are you feeling with the injections? Are you almost finished stimming?

Hi to anyone I missed. 

Afm, I decided to take this cycle off. I just felt so awful on the meds last month & don't want to jump back into treatments without giving my body a bit of a break. Also, I've been not too thrilled with my clinic for a while, so I have an appointment to check out another doc. It's not until sept, though, so I might wind up waiting 2 cycles, but I think I'd rather do that than jump right into IVF. I think we could only afford 1 cycle so I want to make sure it's our best shot. 

I had my appt today and it went pretty well I guess. He doesn't want to do an HSG right now, but he does strongly suggest that I get a hysterscopy and D&C to clear out whatever is causing the abnormal bleeding. I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous about it all. I want to do whatever I need to, but I do wish there were additional tests being run. He said that since I ovulate regularly and have a fairly normal cycle, he doubts that hormones are the culprit.

So that's where I'm at. As soon as the authorization goes through, I'll get scheduled for the surgery. He said it'd probably be September, but possibly late August. So trips back to Sacramento will be in my future, but hopefully wherever I'm employed will be understanding of the situation. I'm obviously not sharing the fertility part with them, just the "female issues" aspect. I think it's fair for me to want to stop the 10-12 day per month spotting, especially now that I know it's truly not normal!

Thanks for the encouragement and well wishes. Nothing new on the job front. I sent out my thank you emails on Tuesday morning for the Monday one, and Tuesday evening for the one that took place Tuesday morning. I wish I could say that I received a response, but nothing. So my optimism is somewhat waning. This week can't go by fast enough!
Bright, I think you're smart to take a break and give yourself time to physically and mentally prepare for the next step. I'm so sorry this path has been so rocky for you, but I will be keeping you in my thoughts and cheering you on when you are ready to start trying again. I think you said you have a vacation coming up, so hopefully, that will be a nice little break for you and your DH.

Tammy, that's interesting the doctor didn't want to do an HSG, but at least it sounds like he is going to try to figure out what is causing the spotting and make sure everything is okay with your uterus and lining. I wish there was just a standard work-up they could do to figure out whether everything is working all at once, but it just doensn't work that way. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get a job offer or two very soon!

Lots of dust for those of you who are in the 2WW or starting a new cycle!
Since I just went through it last week...:-)

Did he do any kind of hystero sonogram if he doesn't want to do the HSG? It seems a little weird to me that they wouldn't want to see what's in there before doing the hysteroscopy and D&C. My understanding was that it was standard practice to do hystero sonogram and/or HSG before hysteroscopy and D&C...
Bella, I just had a regular ultrasound about a month and a half ago that was pretty normal. I asked him about the HSG and he seemed to think it wasn't something we should do right now. My guess is that it's because he's coming from the thought process of "stop the irregular bleed" vs "check to see if she has any blockages for fertility". I wish he would do one though, ugh.

He sent me a message last night that was amazingly thoughtful and thorough though. At 10pm he sent a message saying he'd thought about my appointment and issues more, and suggests that we maybe consider adding a laparoscopy to the mix. Obviously not his wording, I'm short on time lol. How does the lap compare to an HSG?

His reasoning was to rule out the endo and possibly figure out why I'm having so much pain during AF. Would this be a good idea? I just don't know. I want to make the right decision to move us forward, but I also don't want to go overboard on procedures unless they have a measurable value, you know?
Intersting...well, I had crazy irregular bleeding for a year. When I went to the Dr (and the accupuncturist too) the first thing they both said was that I needed to get a hystero sonogram to see if something was growing in my uterus (polyp/fibroid/tumor/other tissue, etc.).

A hystero sonogram fills your uterus with saline and then does a sonogram which allows the radiologist to see much more clearly your uterine lining and anything that might be in there.

An HSG goes one step further, pushing radio active dye through the uterus and fallopian tubes to allow an even clearer picture and to show not just the uterus but the tubes.

To treat my crazy irregular bleeding, my Dr. said treatment option (in his order of preference):
1. go on hormonal birth control for a few months to regulate bleeding (this wasn't an option for me as I react badly and am "At risk" for deep vein thrombosis due to my reactions.
2. to use progesterone cream for a while (this was his recomendation if they hadn't found anything in my uterus)
3. a D&C (which he said was comparatively really invasive and might not solve the bleeding issue if it was hormonal

So, I am suprised that your Dr is skipping straight to the D&C...did he already try the other steps to determine if it was tissue-related bleeding or hormonal bleeding? If not, it seems like the hysterosonogram or HSG would be very helpful before you have to go through a D&C which, while not horrible, is definitely a big deal and can have complications...

In fairness, I am super grateful that the big polyp showed up on my hystero sonogram b/c the radiologist just thought I had had a slightly thick uterine lining when I actually had a bunch of smaller polyps lining my uterus...

In hindsight, I would have asked for an HSG rather than the hysterosonogram, it's basically the same level of invasiveness, but the HSG would have also given info re my tubes and a slightly clearer pic of my uterus.

I'm sure that your Dr has a strategy, since I just went through something similar last week with a different strategy, it just seemed odd to go straight to the D&C...
Hi everyone,

Just a quick post with an update, I will do a more complete post when I have Internet (using the cell phone data plan right now).

Bright, I am so sorry this month has not worked out for you. I am hoping your doc can find another approach for you.

Afm, I took my HCG trigger 2 days ago. I responded quickly to the meds, and did not need any dose adjustments. Five days into treatment, I had 3 follicles. Two on the right, one on the left all about 20.5 mm. I don't think the doctor was expecting that as I could tell by the look on his face he was debating when to trigger me. After going though my record, he had me trigger that afternoon once he knew my estradiol was good. It took 4 sticks to get the estradiol, so my veins are starting to go. I go in for a post ovulation US Monday, so now I am just waiting. Side effect wise, I think the injectables were better for me than the clomid.

Hello to everyone else.
Bright, I missed your update, I'm so sorry! :(sad I'm glad that you're giving yourself a month off to just have a sense of normalcy for a little bit and let your body reset. I am hoping and praying that you'll either have a little miracle before, or that your one IVF attempt in Sept is successful. As always, hoping and praying for your baby to get to you soon. *big hugs*

Ltl, I'm glad to hear that your injections are going better than clomid! Hopefully that's a good sign and you get your sticky little bean this month. Good luck!

Bella, Thank you for chiming in. I have to admit, you have me questioning things and I think that's good. I know that he's pro-surgery since it's his specialty, so maybe he feels like I've done enough hormone etc. testing that this is the next step. I know he's weighing my family history, symptoms and tests up to this point into the equation. I've had day 3 bloods, 2 ultrasounds and a few other random blood tests, and DH has done the SA (which was perfect/good).

At this point, I think I'm going to go for the whole deal, if I can. I say "if I can" because I heard back with encouraging news from the job I want that would mean relocation/insurance/medical provider changes in the near future. :errrr: It's good, and bad. I'm just going to have to ride the waves and go where life takes me at this point. I'm trying to guide things, but realistically I'm at a lot of different people's mercy. The call back, if anyone wonders, was her asking me a few questions. She wanted to know my salary expectations, and she wanted to know my long term plans because "she doesn't want to do this again for a long time b/c it's a lot of work" (said in a happy voice, she seems genuinely awesome). At the end of the call I said "Well I hope that I can help lessen your workload soon!" and her response was that she hopes so too. So while I can't let myself get too attached to the job until I get a formal offer (she said not until end of next week, ughhhhhh), it's really hard to keep myself grounded! :lol: It's really nice to have a distraction from TTC. THat said, I'm 4 DPO and will be at my MIL's all next week. This should be interesting! I'm debating bringing wondfos with me....
Ltl,  I'm glad to hear the cycle went well & that you tolerated the injections easily. When I told my RE about my side effects he thought it was odd & he said most people tend to prefer the injections to clomid. 
I'm crossing my fingers that this is your month!

Mp, thanks for your post. While I'm disappointed that this cycle didn't work, it is a bit of a relief to take some time off. I hope my body will reset a bit & that things will start to feel more normal again. I'd also like to just enjoy some time with my dh. We do have a vacation coming at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to that. I'm also hoping that the new RE might find something the old one missed. (or, at the very least, that his office is more responsive & compassionate) Hope you're feeling well & baking away. 

Tammy, thanks, sweetie. Wouldn't a little miracle on this break be lovely? I'm not counting on it, but I guess stranger things have happened. 
The callback regarding your interview sounds really promising. How exciting!
Crossing everything that you have a firm offer soon (& a bfp a few days later!) I can understand how it's hard to plan for next steps on the fertility front when you don't know where you'll be working/what your insurance will be. Having had both, I can say the hsg is less invasive than the d&c but I don't know to what extent they check for similar things or are mutually exclusive. Perhaps it's wise to be checked for endometriosis though given your symptoms & family history? I don't know how laparoscopy compares to the hsg. I wish I could offer better advise on this one. I am happy to hear the doc is taking s thoughtful approach & is communicative with you though. 

Bella, how are you feeling? I hope your recovery is going well & you're feeling back to normal soon. 

Curly, how goes it? Hope you're well. 

Pave, any early symptoms? (I guess it's probably too soon for that.) Crossing everything that you have a sticky bean in there. 

Afm, my left eye has been twitching like mad lately. I guess it's probably stress related but it's driving me nuts. Other than that, I'm feeling a bit better. I'm happy for a little break from the fertility stuff & am hopeful things will be better with the new RE. (I haven't committed to switching yet but am interested to see how this consult goes.) I'm worried I might love him but that IVF might be much more expensive with this clinic (my current RE gave us a sliding scale discount.) I guess I'll have to try to take things one step at a time.  

Happy Friday everyone.  :D