
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

UGH! Bright I'm so, so sorry for the setback. ;( I hope with all my heart that the antibiotics help enough to bring his sample into good parameters! I know you don't want another IUI and fear a mc, but if they really think this can work then maybe it's worth a shot. IVF is so much harder on your body and while I totally understand your fears with age issues, if the IUI doesn't work then an extra 4 months really shouldn't have an impact on the success of your IVF cycle. If anything, I think it would help. Also, if his swimmers need time to clear the infection, I'd think IVF wouldn't really have a better shot at success than IUI if they think that's a contributing factor. So in that sense, like you said, this will give you the very best shot at a successful IVF.

Are you taking royal jelly? I think I asked but forgot. :| If not, I'd *highly* recommend hopping on that. There are TONS of forum post about how it's great to use in preparation for IUI/IVF and optimal time for getting the most benefit is 3 months. So you could do something too in the meantime to help you feel like you're not just sitting on your thumbs, you know?

ETA: Are you also being treated for infection? From the brief research I did it says that it's a good idea to treat both partners. (Not STD infection, mycoplasma). I don't want you to think I'm insinuating anyone has an STD. :errrr: :oops: This might be a load of crud, but here's a link.

I'll try to check into it more tonight too.
Bright, I'm sorry about the setback. How are you feeling about the possibility of another IUI instead of going to straight to IVF? On a positive note, I'm thrilled that you had a great vacation!

Bliss, you sneaky woman! I had to read your post a couple of times and kept asking myself, "Is she saying she's pregnant?" :lol: Congrats!
Bright, hugs to you. I think you should push for the IVF, and find out more about the infection and its impact on your IVF plans before agreeing to wait 3 months. Also, if it gives you any hope, I am 41. I was 40 when we conceived and 41 when our baby girl was born. So, it can be done, and in my eyes, you are a spring chicken!
Oh Bright, ((((((((((((((((((((((((((Huge hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) I am sorry for this latest set back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know that we're not pursuing IVF, but if we were, finances and logistics would make it a one shot deal for us so I would want to be in tip top shape beforehand in terms of possible treating infections/taking supplements, etc.

If finances aren't such a concern and you are ready now, then push for it!

If not, could you look at the next three months as your prep for IVF and do a regime of supplements, acupuncture, DH antibiotics, etc.?

No matter how you look at it, it sucks and I am so sorry! But maybe that perspective would help?

Much love, prayers and positive thoughts! I know that you will be an amazing mother and that it will happen for you. Sometimes when I am discouraged, it is encouraging to think of JGator, Fisher, DrK, LovelyLulu, Blushing, and all the wonderful ladies who have struggled on this thread but then been blessing with incredible children...

big, big hugs!
I'm really sorry about that recent setback, Bright. :(( How disappointing, especially since you were expecting to be moving forward by this point. 3 months can seem like an eternity when you've been waiting for so long and want something so badly. Like Bella said, I was wondering if you think taking some supplements to help boost DH's swimmers could help in the meantime, if you have to wait? Would you continue to BD in the meantime?

Congrats to you, Bliss! HOpe you have a happy and healthy 9 months! Hope the other new preggos are doing well too!

AFM -Thanks for the encouraging words earlier. I'll probably be just popping in and out of this thread for now, though... I really can't classify myself as ttc at all...well, I"M ttc, but DH is NTNP (he doesn't want to do the scheduled BD thing, long story). I really don't classify myself as infertile or anything, either. I think I can get preggo but unfortunately the BD just doesn't happen enough or at all, around O time. :(( So that's the main obstacle I'm dealing with right now. Anyway, I'll be on vacation from next week (hopefully O week too), so hopefully will get some more 'action' in. Cheers to everyone!
Sha - I really hope you enjoy your vacation, and that the timing works out for you.

Bright - What a setback! I know you must be disappointed. But IVF is a costly endeavor both from the finical standpoint, the physical standpoint (with all the meds and injections), as well as an emotional one. I know part of you wants to get it going, but hopefully waiting will give you the best chance for success when you do finally have to go through the process. I can understand how you feel about the IUI, I would be in the same thought process as you if I was in your situation. Also, if you do injectables with an IUI, and nothing happens, there is a chance that your body may need some time to recover from it (usually only one cycle), which may set your IVF back further. My thoughts are with you, and I am really hoping your doctors do everything to help your IVF be successful.
Bright, I'm so sorry it's been so hard. It does seem like one heartbreak and delay and I hope that our thoughts and support help you and your DH through this very stressful, often sad time. I know that the last thing you wanted to hear was that there was going to be another delay. I wish we could all snap our fingers, get the magic baby dust and be pregnant whenever we're ready. It sounds like you have a great doctor who is really on top of things and wants to give your IVF the best shot possible to take hold and bring you your bean.

Sending major baby dust and prayers your way!!!!!!!!! And hugs. I feel like you guys are my sisters. It's been such a rollercoaster and we've all been through so much together. I remember the 2011 group where several of us all got pregnant together and then many of us had losses in the same month following. Then we got pregnant again but it was a hard road after that loss of innocence! Then as many of us went on to have #2, it was so frustrating for me to wait for my period which took its sweet time. I think I waited almost 2 years for a regular cycle, probably 18 months for my first period since giving birth? We all have worries that we are going to be that X% of people who experience x, y or z. But as we see from the boards, faith and time really do bring wonderful things. :twirl:

Thinking about Fisher's story always brings me me so much happiness and hope for everyone! Thanks also to all the super kind women who cheer us on and support each other! Thank you thank you for the well wishes! :wavey:
Bright- thinking of you and as always, looking forward to the better days ahead. :)

Bliss--- weeee! What's your due date?

To all the ladies here-- wow, it's been hoppin! Best wishes for the newly preggos and faith, faith, faith to those on the road to those positive lines. Love you girls!
Just popping in to say that I'm thinking of you all and hoping you have some sweet little spring surprises soon. 8) *hugs* Also, I am finally ready to part with the Royal Jelly - it's brand new, actually still in the sealed box from the Vitamin Shoppe. I really do think that the jar I used helped us. If anyone wants it, let me know and I'll set up a LT listing to get your address. :halo:
Hey Tammy! Thanks for checking on us & sending your good wishes. Royal jelly is actually on my list to buy & try. If you're willing to part with it, I'd love to give it a shot! Surely the lucky bottle & accompanying baby dust would help...

Hi to everyone else & thank you for your sweet posts & wonderful support. I'm sorry I haven't written a proper post but life has gotten away from me a bit lately (nothing bad...)
Hopefully I can write more in the next couple of days. Thinking of all of you!
Bright, glad to see an update from you as I've been thinking about you. Hoping the next few months fly by for you and you can finally get the show on the road. I swear, you have the patience of a saint, and you have handled all of these setbacks so graciously. Somebody is going to be so lucky to have you as a mommy, hopefully in the very near future. 2014 has a nice ring to it! Please keep us posted on your progress. All of my baby dust will be focused on you in the coming months!

Tammy, what is this royal jelly and what is it supposed to do? I am sure I can just google it and find out, but did your RE suggest it or something? I'm going to need to add that to my list of things to investigate when we decide to TTC #2.

Bella, hope you and your little guy are doing well. Are you still thinking you will try for another adoption? Hoping you are able to add to your family one way or another when the time is right.

Sha, hoping the stars align for you and your are able to get the timing just right.
BrightSpot|1363710338|3408674 said:
Hey Tammy! Thanks for checking on us & sending your good wishes. Royal jelly is actually on my list to buy & try. If you're willing to part with it, I'd love to give it a shot! Surely the lucky bottle & accompanying baby dust would help...

Hi to everyone else & thank you for your sweet posts & wonderful support. I'm sorry I haven't written a proper post but life has gotten away from me a bit lately (nothing bad...)
Hopefully I can write more in the next couple of days. Thinking of all of you!

Hi Bright!

I'm happy to send it to you!! I'll start a LT listing for you over there. :))

MP, Royal Jelly is basically just for egg quality and quantity. It's something they recommend to ladies that are heading to IVF, but also anyone that's of "advanced maternal age" or has known diminished egg quality or reserve. It is super thick and sweet, but I just sort of mashed it down with my tongue and swallowed it whole. It's not terrible at all.

I did notice a difference in my antral follicle count after about 5 weeks of taking it. Prior to starting, I only had a total of 3 (1 on bad side, 2 on good). After 5 weeks I had 5-6 (1 on bad, 4-5 on good). That's also the cycle that I got pregnant from the IUI. It might be a coincidence, but the way I looked at it is this...It won't hurt and it might help, plus it's only $25 so what did I have to lose? :bigsmile:

ETA: I'm going to try again on LT tonight. I just tried and it keeps giving me an error. GRRRR! :angryfire:
MP, I took Royal Jelly while TTC - I took this which has Royal Jelly, Bee Pollen, and Propolis in it. They say to stop taking it around the time you O as the baby could be allergic to bee products. I took this every day - pre-O every cycle. I think it also helps with CM and energy (bee pollen). I also had my husband take it as it couldn't hurt.

Bright, hi!!! Glad to see you post. :wavey: Thinking of you and wishing you BFP dust in the near future!
I've been taking the YS Eco Royal Jelly in's super sweet on its own, but delicious made in "paleo fudge" (mixed with raw cocoa powder, coconut oil, and sunbutter...)

I my switch to the capsules though b/c I need to lay off the "fudge" for a while:-)

We are still talking about another adoption (I am ready, DH isn't), getting pregnant (my cycles are totally out of whack right now), and have pretty much ruled out any assistance from an RE (insurance doesn't cover it and if we are going to pay for a process, we'd rather put those funds towards adoption). So for now, we are TTC the old fashioned way:-)

It's been a rough past month or so, my grandfather passed away just after Valentine's Day following a brutal fight with aggressive bladder cancer, and we learned this week that one of our good friends who is just 2 years older than me, have 3 young children and is pregnant with her 4th has brain cancer!

On top of work, school, etc. we are sad and my body is stressed which I think is definitely messing up my cycles...

I started back to acupuncture this weekend and that was great.
Oh, Bella, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's brain cancer on top of losing your poor grandfather. Huge hugs to you! No wonder your body is so stressed! I hope going back to acupuncture is helpful. Also sending tons of adoption (and/or pregnancy) dust to you, as always.

Are you on the paleo diet? If so, how are you liking it? I'm seriously thinking I need to revamp my diet to cut out lots of carbs & sweets. I know I've said this before (several times, perhaps!) but now something's just gotta give. Also, how have you been liking the royal jelly? Hoping it helps things regulate for you. You're not still spotting, are you?

And thanks so much for the perspective & positive thoughts, about my delays. You're right that we need to give it the best possible shot and if that involves waiting (& taking some steps to get healthier in the meantime), so be it. This is a wonderful group & a source of so much inspiration. ::)

JGator, thanks for the the info on bee pollen. I just ordered some from the link you posted. Hey, it worked for you... :wink2:
And thanks for your post about IVF, etc. I was initially really annoyed about the IVF delay, but I'm afraid if we pushed to do it within the original schedule & it didn't work, I'd always wonder if we would've had better luck if we'd waited. Anyway, you're right that I'm probably not officially too old yet, but it's just another factor on top of our other issues. Thanks for giving me hope, girl! :)) I hope you & your sweet angel are doing great!

Pupp, thanks, lady. As far as whether or not to try another IUI or go straight to IVF, I vacillate a bit. I would certainly prefer to avoid the financial & physical stress of an IVF if possible but I also find the genetic testing we'd do with an IVF reassuring (hoping it would reduce the risk of another m/c). I'm also ready to move forward. So I guess we'll wait & see what the doc recommends.

MP, thanks for your sweet post. As for the doc's recommendation, I pretty much passed along what DH's urologist recommended to my RE & he agreed. I probably could've gone ahead with the original plan, but I guess in terms of a lifetime, 3 months is very short, even though the delay feels long now. Hope you & E are doing great!

Tammy, thank you SO much for posting that article. You know, I came across something similar in the "Making Babies" book & always wondered if some sort of weird infection could be part of the problem. So DH has been taking his antibiotic & I am taking one as well, just in case.I don't normally take antibiotics like this, but I figured this is probably one of the few times it's worth doing.

Thanks for the royal jelly recommendation as well. I ordered some from amazon (if you want to send me your lucky jar as well, that'd be cool, but not necessary.) Do you think it's still helpful to take while I'm on the pill?

Hope you & your little bean are doing great!

Sha, thanks for your sweet post. I've actually been on the pill for a few months now in preparation for IVF (& to help with my hair loss situation a bit), so any BD-ing during our waiting period would be purely recreational (which is actually kinda nice after TTC for so long.) :Up_to_something: I hope you had a wonderful vacation & had some well-timed fun with your DH. And you're always more than welcome around here, no matter your situation. ::)

LTL, thanks for your insightful post. I hadn't thought about needing to take a break after an unsuccessful injectable IUI cycle, though when we did our 1 IUI with injections, I had such a rough time with the meds that I was absolutely ready for a break afterward. It actually makes me a little frightened of IVF, but at least if I have to deal with the side effects again, I'd like my chance for success to be a bit higher. There's a part of me that's paranoid about doing this again since my injectable IUI was my only IUI cycle that didn't result in an, albeit unsuccessful, pregnancy. I hope the meds didn't mess something up in my body.

Anyway, thanks for your support & I hope you & your twins (!!) are doing great!

Bliss, I know, it really does suck that the TTC road is so difficult for so many ladies. And you're right that having a loss does taint the experience. How did you manage your anxiety during your last pregnancy? So thriled you're KU, girl! I hope everything is smooth sailing from here on out!

Fisher, thanks, sweetie. Any chance you'd like to share your experiences with fertilitea? I'm thinking of trying it but not sure it would be worth doing while I'm still on the pill.
I hope you're well & can't wait to meet your little one!

afm, so, I've been trying to distract myself & I apologize how long it's taken me to come back with a real post. I appreciated everyone's wonderful posts so much. That was a rough day. In any case, DH (& I) are nearly finished with our course of antibiotics. I guess we should get another SA done fairly soon after we finish to make sure DH's infection is gone. Then we wait. I think I'm going to try to get the process going again in late May so we're ready to start IVF in June. (With some work events involving travel in July, we may not be able to wait the full 3 months to get started, but I hope 2 1/2 months will provide nearly as much benefit.)

I still haven't decided whether the next cycle will be an IUI or IVF, but I'm leaning towards IVF. I want to give this the best possible shot.

I'm going to start taking royal jelly & have also been wondering about fertilitea. I know Fisher had great luck with it. Anyone else have success with this? Is it silly or counterproductive to take this while I'm still on the pill? (I planned to stay on the pill right up until we start IVF meds). I'm also going to try to reduce my carb & sugar intake in the hopes this will help with PCOS & fertility in general.

In some sad news, my poor SIL had another m/c recently (her 3rd in total). It was her first pregnancy since the birth of her gorgeous daughter, who turned 1 in January, and unplanned. She found out at her first u/s at 9 weeks that the fetus stopped developing at 7 weeks & had to have a d&c. They did genetic testing on the fetus & found out it had trisomy 13, so I guess this was for the best, but I feel so badly for them. (Even though SIL says they weren't ready & it really was for the best. Anyway, the doc said this happened because she was "old" (she's not even 36 yet), so I don't know what that means for their reproductive future, how likely it is to recur, etc. So I'm concerned about them. (It also doesn't make me feel any better about my prospects as I'm 2 years older than she is :eek: !) Anyway I'm not sure where they're going to go from here, but I'm keeing them in my prayers.

Big hugs to everyone & sorry for the novel!
Bright, glad to hear you have a plan in place for the IVF or IUI in May/June. I think you should go for IVF with genetic testing. I would have done that if we did not get pregnant with the Clomid plus timed intercourse. I would suggest possibly adding Vitex/chaste berry to your daily concoctions list. I was also taking that. It is a main ingredient in Fertilitea - it says not to take after you are pregnant so only take it up to ovulation just like the bee products. I'm glad you ordered the bee pollen. Also, our MC baby had a trisomy - trisomy 9. And, any trisomy is just a 3rd chromosome when there should only be 2, and it could come from either the mother or the father. I don't think your SIL should assume that the extra chromosome came from her for any reason, and these things do happen with younger couples, not just older ones. But, you should be in good shape with genetic testing as part of IVF, and we also did the CVS test which checks every single chromosome at about 12 weeks by taking a sample of the placenta material. That gave us piece of mind after having a trisomy miscarriage. We were cautiously optimistic until that point in the pregnancy, and we really breathed a sigh of relief after having the CVS results.
Hey there Bright, glad to hear you are hanging in there. May/June is really not that far off, considering it is almost April. Hopefully the antibiotics will clear up any infection and put you both in the healthiest condition possible moving forward, whichever route you decide to take. I'm very sorry to hear of your SIL's loss. Having experienced your own losses, I'm sure you are a good support to her. My sister had an early miscarriage (her second miscarriage) when her first was just shy of one, and my sister felt really guilty because her first reaction to finding out she was pregnant was to be upset because they didn't think it would happen so soon (because they needed clomid the first time). But when she miscarried, she was so sad because she had gotten used to the idea. I also agree with JGator that while the risk of conceiving a baby with chromosomal abnormalities increases as we age, the vast majority of babies born to women who are 35-40 are perfectly healthy. As always, please keep us posted on your journey and what you and your doctor decide to do. You will be in my thoughts!

Tammy and JGator, thanks for the info on royal jelly. I read a bit about it the other night, and it was fascinating how it is used by bees to make queen bees. Kind of gross, but probably no grosser than eating honey. It's also a little weird that you have to worry about the baby having a reaction to it. I'm probably crazy, but I'm already getting anxious to try for another baby. I know I would feel differently if I wasn't fertility-challenged, but I'm thinking we will move to the NTNP camp as soon as this summer or fall, knowing that there is a strong possibility we will need help to conceive again.

Bella, so sorry about your grandfather, and that news about your friend is just so tragic. I'll send a quick prayer out for her, her unborn baby, and her family. Reminds me every time I hear a story like that I need to not to take my health and my family's health or our time together for granted. I hope your DH gets on board with the adoption plan soon, and that you also get a little surprise pregnancy. Wouldn't that be wonderful!

I LoVeD Fertilitea--- it's good (I prefer cold, but hot wasn't horrible). I would make two servings in the morning, have one hot in the morning and a cold one with dinner. I had no negative side effects because it is all herbal. I noticed better (read:more) CM right away. I also took this is conjunction with Ovex- a supplement that supports healthy ovarian function. Again, no side effects. However, I did notice my cycles settled into a regular cycle within a month of starting the Ovex (it's a pill supplement)-- I also started with my chiropractor (again) when I started the Ovex. For me, anxiety and stress is a big factor in my body-- chiro care helps relax me and I also attribute that to helping.

I don't think there would be any issue taking the tea while on BC because it is all herbal and supports a healthy cycle. I wouldn't take Ovex while on BC, though.

I wish you great success! :)
Fisher, what is Ovex? What's in it and how does it work and did you take it with other supplements? I haven't heard of it before and am intrigued:-)

Here's a link to standard process, they company that makes the supplement. I always ordered from my chiro or amazon because it's much less expensive that way.

Did you get the pic I posted for you weeks ago? The bump is HUGE now and looking back, I'm surprised I felt like I even had one then. Haha. Once ALL you ladies get pregnant, please remember to take frequent pics of the baby bump as it grows. It's such a miracle and I would be so sad if we didn't have these memories to review. Plus, I think kids enjoy seeing pics of their growth pre-birth, too.

Keep the faith, girls! Happy spring!!
Bright, LT is back up and I posted one over there for you. It inspired me to change my avatar too! It's a pic of my old girl, Chloe and my other fav kitty, Einstein. :love:
Thanks Fisher! Your bump is so cute. I can't believe your little one is almost here!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM, the news is not so great.

I made some slightly intense calls today to my RE and acupuncturist b/c I am on day 25 of heavy, heavy 30 if you count the 5 days of spotting before...I am so sick of bleeding all the time! We can't even TTC b/c my body is stuck in constant period. Sorry for the TMI, but today I bled straight through a giant pad and my work! It's like every day I am ruining another piece of my wardrobe. I only wear black pants now and check the chair anytime I sit anywhere.

This SUCKS!!!!!

I want the RE tomorrow to do an ultrasound as well as an HSG to see if there is anything in there (like the polyps I had to have removed this summer) and I want a full blood work-up to check all of my hormone levels, etc.

I am so discouraged, tired, and frustrated!

I've been doing Moxa from my acupuncturist, but the bleeding is showing no sign of slowing and a chunk of ash fell off the end of the Moxa stick last night and burned my toe so now I have a huge burn blister on my big toe.

RE tomorrow, acupuncture Saturday. Please let me be done bleeding by then!!!
Oh, Bella! I am so sorry for all you have been going through over the last few months. I hope your RE can get you some answers ASAP. I have no advice to offer, just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. Sometimes it just feels like you can't win. Hugs!

Bright, I'm also thinking of you. May/June is going to be here in no time, though I'm sure it still feels like a ways off to you.

Hang in there, ladies. We are all sending our positive thoughts and prayers out to you!!
Aw, thanks Curly!

I had an ultrasound which showed nothing abnormal (no fibroids, no polyps, slightly thick lining...same old same old)

Bloodwork came back with no anemia but very low estrogen and progesterone (he didn't tell me the levels but said they were both "flat")

He suggested Clomid and that making sure I ovulate is the #1 priority to get my body to stop bleeding.

Meanwhile, my acupuncturist created a custom herbal formula that should get here early next week that is supposed to provide massive support for my "kidneys and spleen" to stop the bleeding.

I can't take them both at the same time...

So, I guess here is my choice...traditional medicine (Clomid) with acupuncture OR "traditional medicine" (herbs) with acupuncture

I am leaning towards trying Clomid with acupuncture b/c I am so so sick of bleeding and just want a faster stop (plus I haven't tried Clomid yet and if I happened to get pregnant, well, that would be great)...but my body tends to develop weird side effects to meds and I am concerned about what that could be like for me (like maybe it would stop the bleeding but introduce an even worse side effect...)

Oh man! I would give the clomid a shot. It's only taken for 5 days so the side effects aren't that great (though they can be with extensive use). I had severe moodswings, was hot at night and had headaches. My dr suggested taking at bedtime (but at the exact same time each day) so I could sleep off most of the headaches.

I only took I three cycles and that was back in 2009, I believe.

I have read and been told by my dr that it can cause thinning of the lining and that's why most docs don't prescribe it beyond 3 cycles unless it will be coupled with something else (iui, etc.). It can also cause hyper ovulation but they monitor with ultrasound to help determine if that's an issue.

All in all, it's the most non-invasive medical intervention. The herbal remedy may also be helpful for your situation, but may take time....

Thinking of you, sweet lady! Better days are coming! Tell us something fun B does now-- pre-k is such a fun age of exploring and learning new things all the time!

Oh man! I would give the clomid a shot. It's only taken for 5 days so the side effects aren't that great (though they can be with extensive use). I had severe moodswings, was hot at night and had headaches. My dr suggested taking at bedtime (but at the exact same time each day) so I could sleep off most of the headaches.

I only took I three cycles and that was back in 2009, I believe.

I have read and been told by my dr that it can cause thinning of the lining and that's why most docs don't prescribe it beyond 3 cycles unless it will be coupled with something else (iui, etc.). It can also cause hyper ovulation but they monitor with ultrasound to help determine if that's an issue.

All in all, it's the most non-invasive medical intervention. The herbal remedy may also be helpful for your situation, but may take time....

Thinking of you, sweet lady! Better days are coming! Tell us something fun B does now-- pre-k is such a fun age of exploring and learning new things all the time!
Bella, I'm sorry you have been dealing with that. That sounds so frustrating, and I really hope you are able to get to the root of what is causing it. It would be so wonderful if you are able to conceive and treat the bleeding at the same time. I know a lot of people experienced side effects from clomid, but I really didn't notice anything different when I took it (other than my nipples were more sore after ovulation). I was on a relatively low dose and took it for three months, and my lining was fine. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Bright, hope you are hanging in there. It's already April, so you are that much closer to TTC again.
Bella, I didn't have many side effects from Clomid either. I took a higher dosage than most people on PS for 3 months (100MG/day for 5 days), and we had success on the 3rd cycle. I took it at night and maybe felt some brief warmness around my stomach a couple times, but otherwise no issues. We also used a trigger shot to confirm ovulation, but it's probably not necessary. Clomid was really inexpensive also. It's available in generic. Good luck to you. Hope the bleeding subsides quickly!

Hi, Bright, thinking of you! :wavey:

And, hi to Sha also! :wavey:
thanks ladies.

The dr prescribed me 100mg of clomid for 5 days. I kind of freaked about that, so i am taking 50 mg/dya for 5 days.

started last night. bleeding seemed to be tapering off a little but still very heavy yesterday. Today, visibly lighter :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

I have a little headache and some weird stabbing cramps that are brief in the ovary area, but overall pretty much feel fine.

I told DH we are on the every other day plan starting Fridayday :lol: , so we'll see how that goes...
Hey Bella, glad to hear the clomid is going okay so far. I assume you will be having an ultrasound to check follicles? That way you can see how well you responded to 50 mg. That's how clomid I took, and I had 3-4 follicles. So, it's not a bad idea to see how you respond to a lower dose before bumping it up. If lack of ovulation has been an issue for you, this might be just what you need! Crossing my fingers for you!