
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

OH MY GOODNESS! Just popped in and saw Tammy and LtlFirecracker are knocked up!!!! Congrats ladies! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Thank you Mia and Dreamer,

I am not seeing much change from yesterday....I really hope that is not a bad thing.

Firecracker, I really wouldn't put too much stock into how much darker the tests get after one day. I drove myself crazy comparing them, and the worry was all for nothing in the end. There are so many variations - different test sensitivies even with the same kind of test from the same batch, concentration of urine, time of day. My tests were super, super faint until about 15 or 16dpo, and after that they steadily started getting almost as dark as the control line. Give it a few more days, and I'm sure the line will be popping up faster and darker! WHen do you start getting your betas tested? Hopefully that will give you reassurance. Continued thoughts and prayers headed your way. It is so hard not to be anxious after you have tried so long.
Ltl, I agree w/mp though I know full well that it's easier said than done! Check out page 47 for my really faint progression at 11 dpo on the wondfos. They were really faint and not changing much either over a 24 hr period! They also darken a bit (frer) overnight, so those are a little harder to judge in "real time". Wondfos aren't reliable IMO for sensitive progression. Even this late in the game (yes, confession time....) they vary for me. And yes, it still makes me freak out!

All this to say - give it time. They'll get darker!! :D I can't wait for your beta! *hugs*
Ltl!!!! Congratulations! I am so, so, so happy and excited for you!!!

And re: the darkening of the tests, FWIW, mine darkened really slowly over the first several days - there was barely a difference between my first two or three tests, so try not to worry too much about that.
Oh and if you *maybe* saw something on the wondfo yesterday compared to today's, I'd definitely say it's increasing! Thinking of you. ::)
Quick iPhone post. Thanks for the reassurance. I did a google image search and found exactly what you guys said. The fade in was still slow on others people's at this point. Just have to wait for my beta on Wednesday.
LtlFirecracker, I truly couldn't be happier for you! Hoping for sticky, healthy baby/babies!!
Congratulations Ltlfirecracker!!! Thinking good thoughts for you!! :appl:

Hope all is well and lines are progressing nicely Ltl, I'm stalking tho thread for your update! :bigsmile:
Another iPhone post for Tammy. The line on the FR was way darker today. Quant beta tomorrow. Proper post tonight.
LtlFirecracker|1360699646|3378468 said:
Another iPhone post for Tammy. The line on the FR was way darker today. Quant beta tomorrow. Proper post tonight.

WOOHOO!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: So darn excited for you!! YAY!! :bigsmile: I can't wait to hear what your beta is tomorrow!!! So happy!
Sha, Laila619, CurlySue - Thank you for the congrats and well wishes.

I am anxious about tomorrow. I told them I did not want to be called in the middle of clinic, so I will probably find out over lunch.

Tammy, promise an update. Hopefully I will be joining you in the barley preggo thread!
so excited for you!!!!!!!
Me too! I was hoping we'd get to see another test with the darker line, I love those! :bigsmile:

How's everyone else doing? I am thinking of you all, I want EVERYONE to be pregnant and moving over!! ::)

Doctor said they "both may have implanted" but my value is right in the middle so it can go either way.

So excited. Next beta Friday.

Oh Tammy, I have a pic of the darker line, I did not want to bore people.
Yay Firecracker! :appl: I've been refreshing this thread too. Great to hear your news!
LtlFirecracker|1360773737|3379150 said:

Doctor said they "both may have implanted" but my value is right in the middle so it can go either way.

So excited. Next beta Friday.

Oh Tammy, I have a pic of the darker line, I did not want to bore people.

That's SO awesome!!! :bigsmile: Your beta is excellent, so stinking happy for you! I'm grinning from ear to ear and just did a little dance in my chair. ::) Wow, this is WONDERFUL! Come on over to the JBP cause you're DEFINITELY a little pregnant! :lol:

You're 14 dpo right? My 13 DPO value was 156 and my 15 DPO was 400. I know that I only had one egg because I asked the u/s tech the day they triggered me (unless she missed one, or didn't tell me the truth - both of which seem unlikely). So you probably do only have one that implanted, but he's right - you never know until the u/s! :halo:

So, how are you going to tell your DH, if you haven't yet? I wanna hear and psh, darker tests don't bore us...we live for these things! :appl:
Firecracker, what fantastic news! I'm so very happy for you and this much deserved good news. That's a great number. Betas vary so much from pregnancy to pregnancy (mine started off lower than average), so you just never know, you may very well have two little ones growing away in there. I swear I read somewhere that betas sometimes start lower in IVF pregnancies for some reason, but don't quote me on that. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers over the next few days and hope the good news just keeps on coming!
Awesome news, Firecracker!!! Boatloads of sticky vibes sent your way!!! Best of luck!!! :))
Hey Tammy, I am so excited for the both of us. So far everything is looking so good. The OB at my work rightfully told me one step at a time, but as my husband said, we need to celebrate that we have come this far. I did not do anything special to tell him, he knew I was doing the POAS so I told him when he asked. I am kind of glad I did, because I did not tell him about the dark one from yesterday, but he saw it in the trash, and actually picked it up and looked at it! I would not want him to find out like that. We went to dinner tonight at one of our favorite restaurants to have a quiet mini celebration. I wish I was as creative as you in finding a way to tell him.

MP - I still remember your low betas, you were freaking out. But clearly it all worked. For me, it is an honest wait and see.

JGator and Dani - Thank you. I will take all the sticky dust I can get right now.
Ltl, What WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Happy dance for you mama!
Ltl - congratulations!!! I've been following along and cheering you on! So exciting!
254, woot woot!!! :appl: Such great news!
Fire!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Whoooo hooooo!!!! So happy for you!

I'm totally calling the twins card, too!!! Yay!!!!!

How are you feeling?


How are you doing?

I do believe this thread is going to be completely cleared out soon! Faith is all over it, ladies!

I'm going to be praying and thanking God for these sweet little ones on the way!!!

Exciting news on my end--- in the third trimester now and my best friend just found out she's pregnant with #2! Yay!!! And my other dear friend who adopted two years ago will be bringing home her son's bio baby brother in March. So excited for my friends!

Keep on keeping on in faith, ladies!!!
Oh Ltlfirecracker I love that beta! So excited for you! I agree with celebrating each step- I asked my dh if we could do the same thing! Big hugs and sticky dust!!!!!
Awww is it weird that I think it's cute that your DH went looking for the test?! I love your idea of celebrating each little step, so true! I can't wait to hear about your beta on Friday. With a starting number like that, it's bound to be good news! :bigsmile:

Fisher, thank you so much for the prayers, and awesome news about your friends! I'm doing pretty well. Very nervous about my us tomorrow, but am trying to just breathe and have faith that everything is going well. :)

How'd everyone else doing? I hope Bright is having a fantastic vacation in SA! ::)

Oh, happy Valentine's day everyone! :love:
Quickly checking in from vacation (we're having a great time!) :sun:

Ltl, I'm so excited for you! Huge congrats on your bfp & great beta! Sticky dust coming your way!

Tammy, good luck on your u/s tomorrow. Keep us posted.

Hi to everyone else & happy valentine's day to all! :love:
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
Ltl I am so happy for you!! :bigsmile: