
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

I would get the beta, even though I know it would likely stress me out even more.
amc80|1359745067|3369769 said:
I would get the beta, even though I know it would likely stress me out even more.

Oh I'm getting the beta that day no matter what! It's just do I want to pay $85 to get the results Saturday by noon, or get it where my insurance pays for it and wait until Monday at 9am. FWIW, water seems to make the cramps subside and I could tell that today's FRER is darker than yesterdays. So in that sense, I know it's progressing. I just don't know if it's progressing adequately. I need to just focus on work, etc. and keep busy I think.

Pupp, I hate that recycled TP!!! lol
Tammy - just try and keep your self calm. It is considered normal to spot in the first trimester. I would not worry unless anything more happens. I think getting the beta today will just stress you out more. I am thinking positive thoughts for you.

AFM - well I am home! I went in to the doctor's and all 11 of my embryos survived. Most were grade 8B. He said they were "very good" quality. The doctor left how many to transfer totally up to me, reminding me that I am a pediatrician, and I have a real understanding what twins could mean. He advised against a day 5 single blast transfer since I had no "A" quality embryos. I decided on two embryos, knowing that even though I am 33 (almost 34), that my ovarian reserve testing is closer to someone who is just over 35. So the embryos were transferred, and I am supposed to be "taking it easy" today. So I am at home trying to figure out what to do with myself. I have an US picture of their shadow in my uterus :)). Of course I am going to save that and hope to show it to my babies some day.

The beta is not until Feb 13th, the day before Valentine's day. It is going to be a long wait. Trying to think positive thoughts.

OK, only read below if you are interested in day 3 vs day 5 transfers.

Bright and Monkey - From what I understand a day 5 transfer allows you to put a blastocyst in, which is in a better stage of development. At this stage, they are very close to when they want to implant, so the success rate is higher. It allows you to put a single embryo in and have a good success rate, without the risk of multiples. My doctor stated they are not quite ready for that yet, but are hoping to be in another year or two. The lab has to have special culture medium to keep embryos alive to 5 days. That brings up the down side of blast transfers. Embryos do best in the uterus, their natural environment. So some people will not get blasts in vitro, but had they put in the embryos on day 3, they may have achieved pregnancy. I kind of liked the approach my doctor took with me (and he did it only because I asked), he brought me in on day 3, looked at my embryos, and made a decision based on how they looked to try that day or on day 5.
Tammy, I misread your question I think. Honestly, if you are going to have the blood draw anyway tomorrow, I would probably pay to get same day results. It would drive me too crazy knowing they were available and I couldn't see them. I was thinking you were debating between getting the blood drawn tomorrow versus Monday. However, I'm not a good person to ask because I can justify just about any expense or neuroticism when it comes to pregnancy and baby. Sorry, I'm no help and probably just confused you more. That's great that you haven't had more spotting and the FRER is darker. Thinking positive thoughts for you and baby. Grow, grow, grow!

Firecracker, so glad to hear the transfer is completed. I will be praying that one or both of those little ones implants. Thank you so much for the information. Even though we decided IVF was not for us for several different reasons, I find it so interesting, and it helps me understand the thought process that goes into it. Take it easy and think good thoughts! I so hope you finally get your turn!
Tammy, first congrats!

Second, I had bleeding in my second pregnancy, I know its scary. But my midwives told me they do not even consider it spotting if its only internal -- spotting means you see red on your panty liner. They also don't worry unless it is bright red and requires a pad. So, hopefully that helps a little.

I have not been in your exact shoes, but my vote is to sit back and wait and try to relax and distract yourself. I am a bit of a fatalist with pregnancy because really there is nothing we can DO to affect the outcome once we are pregnant :blackeye: So, worrying and seeking additional testing doesn't help much. But obviously, you are not me and do what you think makes you feel better, and who cares about $85.

ETA: I also cramped a lot in the first two weeks of both pregnancies. In fact its how I knew I was pregnant. So I think light cramping is a good thing.

Ltl: I am so happy for you and will cross my fingers. My best friend may be starting IVF soon and so I have been keeping extra track of your experience. Thank you for sharing and also STICKY DUST!!
MP - Thank you. Believe me, if I could have gotten pregnant the way you did I would have taken that over all this anyway. But everyone has their own path.

Dreamer - Thank you as well. Good luck to your friend, I am glad my story has been helpful.

Tammy - Hope you are staying calm.
Sticky dust to all of you!!!
Big hugs from down under!
I do hope that over the next few weeks that things are better and we will have good updates to read!
Argh, PS ate my post, and I have to rush home, but I just wanted to say to Firecracker that I reread my earlier post, and it was inartfully stated at best. I REALLY hope you (or anyone else reading it) did not take offense, because that was certainly not my intent. I know how lucky I am that an IUI worked for us on the first try. And I know there are others who have decided even an IUI is more intervention than they are willing to accept. You are so right that we all have a different path to parenthood, and I'm thankful there is help for those of us who are unable to have a baby in the old-fashioned way. Thinking of you and those little embryos! Take it easy, and please keep us posted!
monkeyprincess|1359758317|3370029 said:
Argh, PS ate my post, and I have to rush home, but I just wanted to say to Firecracker that I reread my earlier post, and it was inartfully stated at best. I REALLY hope you (or anyone else reading it) did not take offense, because that was certainly not my intent. I know how lucky I am that an IUI worked for us on the first try. And I know there are others who have decided even an IUI is more intervention than they are willing to accept. You are so right that we all have a different path to parenthood, and I'm thankful there is help for those of us who are unable to have a baby in the old-fashioned way. Thinking of you and those little embryos! Take it easy, and please keep us posted!

Oh, I really don't hope I came across as offended. I don't know if you remember, but I was very worried about IVF this time last year as well. I actually know someone who was advised to fast track to IVF, and still wants to try an IUI because she is worried about the procedure. What I meant is I really wanted my less invasive cycles to work, but try after try became very emotionally taxing, and I decided to got for the more invasive procedure with higher odds. It was kind of a very last minute decision in November.

And I really think the everyone has their own path to parenthood statement is true, it is not bad. I tell that to my friends who now feel bad about telling me in the past they got pregnant their first month trying, or are afraid to talk about their babies with me. We all have our challenges, and we cannot judge our life based on someone else's accomplishments.

So please MP, no hard feelings. You have been so supportive of me through this whole process.
Dropping more implantation and sticky dust on Ltl. All the ladies on this board are just awesome!! :bigsmile:

Dreamer, MP and Greg thanks for the well wishes. I'm going to do my best not to obsess too much and stop hogging the thread with my neurosis. :wink2:
There is no need to apologise here....

You need the space to do this. here at PS, we are here for you.

I only wish i could do the same- write in this space that is.. I have been forbidden (well, that is what it feels like) to mention anything about our journey. So, i am loving this thread and only wish for more sticky dust your way and that your BETA results turn out really well for ALL of you lovely ladies.
Wow, great news in this thread!!

Ltl, 11 embryos, wow! Best of luck. I so hope those two embies implant and stick! I would have done IVF in a heart beat if injectables hadn't worked for me. I think the whole process can actually feel empowering because you're taking charge and making a big step towards finally being a mom!

Tammy, CONGRATS!!!
Firecracker, I'm so glad you weren't offended. I just felt bad when I reread my comment because I was worried it sounded like I was judging people who choose ivf which is definitely not the case. Hope you are feeling good today and have things to keep you busy in the next coupl weeks.

Tammy, what did you decide to do? Thinking of you and praying for that little bean!
Mp I decided to roll the dice and hope the contracted lab got it there in time. I picked up a box of frer to appease my freak mind (wondfos suck for progression!). The frer is equal to the test line so I stopped worrying about it.

Then at 1:05 my RE office called to tell me that my numbers were 400. My doubling time is 36 hours! :bigsmile: DH is online looking at van prices now, lol!

I know we still have big hurdles to get over but I'm happy with our progression. Progesterone was 19.72 so that's on track now too. Jgator, thank you SO much for suggesting that I push for testing it!!

Ltl, how are you feeling today?

Bella, bright and sha hope you're doing well and enjoying your weekend. ::)

Greg, I don't know your situation but I think I speak for the group when I say that you have a safe place here. Long term longing for a child hurts, no matter the reason for the wait. You'll find this is an awesome group of people. :)
Yay, Yay, Yay!!! Tammy I'm grinning ear to ear! Wishing you the happiest, healthiest 9 months! wonderful news!
Tammy, so glad you got good news...and early too! I'm so happy for you!
Hi Tammy,

Thank you for your support and i know that pSers will always look out for each other.

I have now pluck up enough courage to write and i will be light and brief. i have already said some stuff on just barely pregnant.

I hope that i do not offend anyone here as getting pregnant is a personal journey. I take a chance knowing that PSers on here are supportive of each other, as evidenced in this thread. Each journey has their ups and downs. And, i commend the support that is being shown here.

For us (a same sex couple), it was a long road to our first born. It took 3 years to organise. We were very fortunate with the IVF side and we were very lucky with our first attempt. Our surrogate and egg donor are AMAGING ppl. We have contact with both weekly, and we consider them extended family as they do us. We are in Western Australia and they are in USA. We LOVE our surrogate!!!! She is just selfless and forever thinking of us; as well as being a mum and wife...It takes someone special to be able to do this for us. We are honoured to have her and her extended family engaged in this process. She has her own family, too. We were the topic of conversation at their sons baseball league, when our surrogate was pregnant with our first. And recently, their youngest daughter,now 4, thinks that you get babies by kissing!!!! She saw us kissing when we first met ( she was 2 at the time) and then her mum got pregnant!!! LOL- so cute!!!!!

Our second journey had its hiccups but we are now glad to say that we are at 13 weeks; expected date is 1 August 2013. It took just under 12 months of trying. Our 2x FET were not successful: confirmed heart beat then loss at 8 weeks and another at 2 weeks and; we exhausted our embryos that we could use. We recently made another trip to the US so that we could have a fresh transfer. She has just been released to her midwife and at the last appt- there was still a strong heartbeat and all measurements are on track! We are so relieved to get through to this point. Our surrogate is just amazing.....she is soo supportive, selfless and remains positive. We had several conversations over the failed attempts/ miscarriages. It is a difficult time to resolve the loss: i suspect more so for her as there is that engagement of what was life within and then loss; and the emotional rollercoaster that goes with it. She is just AMAZING and continues to be ever so positive about it all. We could not have asked for more.

So, i read this thread with full of hope for all the ladies and hope that everything goes according to plan.

Sticky dust and thoughts to you all!!!!

Thanks for letting me speak..
gregchang35 - It sounds like you have been a lot to have a family, and I am glad everything is falling into place for you despite the road being rough along the way. Wishing you the best of luck with the second pregnancy.

MP - glad we cleared up any possible misunderstanding

Lalia619 - Thank you for the kind words

Dreamer - I don't know if you are reading this, totally off topic, but I have been shying away from the other parts of PS. I am thinking about setting my pink spinel, so I may be back soon, but I like your ring. Where can I find the thread? I am going to have to reset my e-ring in a year or two, the w-band it eating at the prongs of the e-ring.

Tammy - I am so excited your Beta is doubling, I hope you are relaxing.

AFM - just starting my 12 day wait. All the drugs are giving me a not so nice sneak preview of pregnancy. The IM HCG shot was way different than the sub q one. I actually got "morning slickness' the following day. Now I am on IM progesterone and oral estrogen. I am not sure how much longer I can put up with the progesterone. My rear is HURTING. Not only that, I have the "first trimester fatigue." I have been taking naps on all the days I have had off, and the one day I went to work, I was soooo tired. I don't know how much of that has to do with the fact I have my caffeine down to 50mg a day (down from about 150mg when I started IVF).

So I found this sight, today is day one. I am really hoping those embryos are still holding on in there.
hi LtF,

thank you.

We are excited, and glad that we are on the other side of the first trimester.

Greg, what an wonderful milestone to reach! Thank you so much for sharing. It sound like your surrogate is truly an amazing woman, I'm so glad she came into you and your partner's lives. :)

Ltl, ouch re: the IM shots. I'm so very sorry you have to take them but I'm praying that your little embies are snuggling in for the long haul! Stinks that you have the 1st trimester sleepies for an extra two weeks but I hope it leads to your sticky bfp!! Hang in there, the next 12 days will crawl but you'll get through it! Can you test out the meds to test early or does that not work with ivf?
Thanks Tammy,

As for the testing out the HCG, my clinic begged me not to test, but I really want to have an idea what is going on as I will be at work when the beta will be done, and it will be a long work day. I actually think the HCG will go by the end of the week, as I took the shot on Sunday, so it has already been in for 7 days. When did you start testing out the HCG? I don't even have any pregnancy tests to be honest.

The clinic has made it very clear that even if I get a pos beta, they will not test early no matter how much we beg. So if I do test, I still have to wait until the 13th to have my quant beta drawn.

I tested starting at about 6-7 dpo once a day. It got lighter and almost went away at 8-9 dpo but started to barely fade back in by the evening of 9 dpo. I didn't know for sure it was real for another agonizing 3 days when I was 12 dpo/13 dpt. at that point it was unmistakable.

I guess you have to decide, I guess I can see their point but I've never had te will power to wait. :oops: I at least needed to know that the trigger was gone for sure and I wasn't one of the few women that hold onto the hcg shot for 14 days.

Good luck, whatever you decide! :) if you want, I'll send you my leftover 30-40 wondfos! (no joke, I would!). I thought they were good for testing out the trigger. I also have a bunch of opks left too. I'd just stocked up on those, tampons at costco :rolleyes: and a new jar of royal jelly. I'm nervous to get rid of some of it for fear of jinxing myself, but as soon as I see the hb (fingers crossed), I'm going to offer up my supplements. This is definitely our last baby as long as everything woks out.
tammy77|1359908405|3371137 said:

I tested starting at about 6-7 dpo once a day. It got lighter and almost went away at 8-9 dpo but started to barely fade back in by the evening of 9 dpo. I didn't know for sure it was real for another agonizing 3 days when I was 12 dpo/13 dpt. at that point it was unmistakable.

I guess you have to decide, I guess I can see their point but I've never had te will power to wait. :oops: I at least needed to know that the trigger was gone for sure and I wasn't one of the few women that hold onto the hcg shot for 14 days.

Good luck, whatever you decide! :) if you want, I'll send you my leftover 30-40 wondfos! (no joke, I would!). I thought they were good for testing out the trigger. I also have a bunch of opks left too. I'd just stocked up on those, tampons at costco :rolleyes: and a new jar of royal jelly. I'm nervous to get rid of some of it for fear of jinxing myself, but as soon as I see the hb (fingers crossed), I'm going to offer up my supplements. This is definitely our last baby as long as everything woks out.


You are too funny! I just ordered 25 wondflos today, they will probably be here Wednesday, Thrusday. So I might have to buy some of the more expensive HPTs tomorrow. I am day 7 post HCG today, and day 5 post retrieval. When do you have your first US?
Ltl, I will say to be consistent with whatever you use to test out. My wondfos gave a lot lighter lines than the FRER or Answer ones did. I was surprised at the nice lines that Answers gave though. Wondfos took longer and longer for the line to show up once the trigger was out, then it faded in quicker as the hcg picked back up. The color came faster but didn't come darker nearly as quickly, I hope that makes sense. I'm rambling, it's been a long day. :oops:

Dreamer, I had to wipe the drool off my face after clicking the link for your ring. Holy goodness that's STUNNING! :love:
Hi everyone! So much good news here it's really great.

Ltlfirecracker I disliked the progesterone shots (Im) too :(. I read this affects the absorption so you may not want to- but the nurse applied an ice pack for me about 15 min before- it made it basically not hurt at all- I think my butt was sore a bit that week but to nearly as bad as I had imagined- so maybe try the ice?
I was super tired too but who knows why- then I got really tired in the 2ww and started thinking I must be pregnant and I was right. I even told my dh I think it's twins because I never felt so tired.
I'm pulling for you (always reading and cheeri g everyone one on). Here to listen or answer questions if I can offer any support.

Continued success to everyone else too! Hugs.
Ho-hum, CD1 ;( ...with inexplicable rage over the past week, namely at DH...I can not wait to get back to acupuncture as it really REALLY helped with the PMS mood swings.
hugs Bella! i also love accupuncture. just started again last week. hope it continues to help
Bella - I am sorry about AF, I am hoping you get the acupuncture going again soon.

Pave - thanks for the info on the shots, they are not bad going in, it is just the next day. I actually took a long walk with my husband yesterday, and that pretty much resolved most of the pain, it must of helped move it out. Who knows, maybe I will be joining you with the twin pregnancy. See below, but it looks like my embryos are better than the doctor predicted.

Tammy - just bought some drug store pregnancy tests. I can only test a first morning urine, because I still have to stay really hydrated since I am technically still at risk for OHSS (I think the risk is low, but I am trying to do my part to prevent it). The doc wants "clear" urine during the day, which makes it hard to do a HPT. I will try tomorrow, and than 2 days later. By than the tests from amazon should be here, and I will have one of each to do on the same day if needed.

AFM - I found out some really good news today. Five of my nine remaining embryos survived the freezing process! I was expecting 2-3 at the most. I hope my embryos inside me are doing just as well, but now I am anxious about putting two in.
Hugs Littlefirecracker! It's a scary time all the way around. When I went for my transfer the dr said how good my embryos were. I asked him if that changed how many he would place and he said no.ultimately it was up to us but we trusted him. Some might not agree but we put 4(I'm 41). So we ended up with twins but what could we have done differently? Who's to say which embryos were the good ones?
Try not to worry or panic before its time. I have come to terms a bit more over the past months thank goodness. I try to tell myself there is a plan for us.
I'm not sure any of this is helpful but I hope somehow it was. Hugs again.