
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Thanks, Pupp!! I hope I'm not making a huge mistake by being this excited so soon. I hunted around for more 11 dpo images and you're right, it looks pretty solid. I'm going to try to focus on work now and stop obsessing (at least outwardly). :oops:
Um, no judgment here. I'm embarrassed to even admit how many tests I took the week after I got my first BFP. It was shameful. Be careful not to drive yourself crazy comparing the tests though. I made myself worried sick thinking the line wasn't getting dark enough fast enough.

So, it's a little tough for me to tell on my phone whether the tests are getting darker and darker day to day, BUT if you think they are, you are almost certainly right. I will say that the test from last night certainly appears to be more pink than the day before. Also, I think it is a good sign if the line is popping up faster. For me, it wasn't so much that the tests were getting darker, but that the line started appearing almost immediately that made me suspect I really was pregnant, contrary to my initial lab results.

Dust, dust, dust! I so hope this is it for you!
Tammy!!! That line is definitely getting darker! Hope your doc gets back to you, but I'm sure you won't have a problem continuing to test everyday until your betas on Friday. Plus you don't want your first beta to be so early that the hcg level is on the low side like mine was. That will just stress you out more ;)

Congrats mama! Can't wait to hear more!
Thank you, MP and S&I! I heard back from the RE. The soonest they'll do my beta is 13DPO. So as long as the lines keep looking good, I'll haul my butt in to the lab as early as possible on Thursday morning! ::)
Tammy, the whole TTC thing is so stressful, and then when you do get a BFP, it is even more so because you have to worry about the darkness of the lines on the HPT and doubling betas. But it is all so worth it in the end. My fingerts are tightly crossed for you!
OMG, Tammy! This is looking really promising! From what I can see, the line does look like it is getting darker. Fingers crossed for Thursday's draw!
Yay Tammy! I'm really pulling for you!
Tammy and LFC--

Whooo!! Excitement is a-brewing!!! :bigsmile:

Expecting great things for my friends here. Walk in faith!
Darker tonight on an answer early result that I had leftover from last month. I broke down and told DH, which went great. :) It may not stick, but I'm going to enjoy this little triumph for now and try not to be too scared.

Thank you ladies for the support over this past year and few months. I'm going to hang out here until my betas come back if nobody minds. I can post tonight's test for speculation, but I'm pretty confident. :) oddly the wondfo I dipped was weaker, but the answer came up immediately and bright. There's no way that's the trigger anymore! Oh and opks DO work, got a positive one tonight! I think I've peed on enough things now to just wait for my beta. :oops:
tammy77 said:
Darker tonight on an answer early result that I had leftover from last month. I broke down and told DH, which went great. :) It may not stick, but I'm going to enjoy this little triumph for now and try not to be too scared.

Thank you ladies for the support over this past year and few months. I'm going to hang out here until my betas come back if nobody minds. I can post tonight's test for speculation, but I'm pretty confident. :) oddly the wondfo I dipped was weaker, but the answer came up immediately and bright. There's no way that's the trigger anymore!

Post a pic!!!
You asked for it! :praise:


Congrats Tammy!!
Yay!!!! This is wonderful news! :)

I'm thrilled for you and hope you keep posting-- pregnancy planning and tiredness can pull you away at times. Whoop whoop!

What range are you looking at for due dates? Early October, right? That's when my Miracle was due and I believe it's a wonderful time of year to be born!

:) soooo happy for you, I can't wait to see all my friends leap from here to the preggo thread. :bigsmile:
I'm so happy for you Tammy! Prayers for a sticky and healthy little bean!
Tammy, so excited for you! I really hope the little one sticks!
Tammy! :appl: :appl: :appl: I color you knocked up! I'm seriously tickled for you. I could not wait to get online this morning to check for your update. Sending tons of sticky dust your way.
Holy cannoli! This is awesome!!!!! Fingers crossed for a very sticky bean!

Ooooh Congratulations Tammy!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: Yayyyyyyy!!!! How exciting!!! Lots of sticky dust to you!! :D

I posted earlier, I am not sure what happened...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you!
Congratuations Tammy! Sticky dust!
Thank you ladies!!! :D I think ps had a hiccup. I'd read a post by fisher that disappeared too. I was trying to respond when the website ha an error message come up. Oh well!
Hey, it ate my post too! Tammy, I couldn't be happier for you, and I will be praying for a healthy and sticky little bean for you!!!
Thanks mp! You're right about the wondfo color progression being less noticeable than the amount of time it takes to come up. Thanks for that tip! I think that it's hopefully a good sign that the lines are nice and dark this early. Still nervous but that comes with the territory!

Ltl, I soooo hope your ivf works first shot, it would be awesome to walk this journey with you too. :)

I hope everyone else is doing okay. Have hope ladies, it really can and will happen eventually!! ::)
Tammy!!! I'm beyond excited for you, lady! Huge congrats & hugs & a truckload of sticky dust headed your way. Your lines look great. (My triggers were always out of my system by 9dpo so I'm really confident this is a true bfp for you!)
Keep us posted on your betas today & feel free to hang around here as long as you like.

Ltl, wow, what a great egg count! Sending you tons of luck for your retrieval & lots of fertilization dust! Hoping you have lots of healthy embies & a sticky bfp soon!

Bella & sha, how are you ladies doing?

Gosh, it's going to be pretty lonely around these parts soon! Yay!

Afm, we confirmed our trip to South Africa. I'm really looking forward to it. Then, we're planning to move forward with ivf in either late February or early March. We're going to get some standard pre-ivf bloodwork before we leave (probably next week) & hopefully will be ready to go when we get home. I'm excited but also nervous about all of the shots, side effects, retrieval, etc., not to mention worried that it might not work. I guess one thing at a time.
Bright!!! Thank you so much. :) Enjoy your trip but hurry up and get back so you can join me over in jbp too!! :bigsmile: seriously though, I'd love nothing more than to clear out this thread and have us all growin babie bellies together! *dust*

Maybe I'll come back and share how I told DH last night. I do worry about flooding the thread with my stuff though. I remember all too well that it can sting. I'm sorry girls. :( I hope Everyone has a great day and lot of hope!
Those are such pretty lines, Tammy!!! Congrats again and tons of sticky dust for a sticky bean! So happy for you!
Bright - Have fun on your trip, and try to relax. My IVF nurse told me that there does seem to be a stress component to IVF and their response to treatment, which I thought was interesting. I strongly advise you take it one step at a time, thinking about it all is very overwhelming.

Tammy - once again, congrats. I am hoping to get the same news in two weeks.

AFM - Yesterday's retrieval went as well as you could ask. I was really worried because they only do "conscious sedation" and not full anesthesia. But I went in the room (with 2 valium on board before I went in), and I remember the doctor telling me how to lie on the bed and the embryologist walking into the room. The next thing I remember is them telling me to wake up, and I said "is it over?" and they said yes. My husband told me that the nurse told him I did not need very high doses of drugs at all, and asked him if I drank, which he told them not very much. I stopped drinking about a month ago when I started my OCP.

When I was in the recovery room, the doctor informed me I had 17 eggs! I was not expecting that number at all. We left about 1/2 hour later, I had not eaten for more than 14 hours, and was hungry. So we went to my favorite breakfast place which was still open thank goodness. Than I went home and fell asleep for three hours. They gave me T3 and an anti-nausea med, but I did not need them, I only had cramps after walking for more than 10 min. Today, I still feel mild cramps, but am recovering. I am so happy with how well everything went.

I just received a call from the doctor, 11 of my eggs fertilized normally. Transfer is on Friday. I am trying not to get my hopes up too much, but am really excited. It is nice to at least know that I do have normal eggs that can fertilize.
WOW that's AWESOME news, Ltl!!!! I'm hoping and praying that the 11 (!!!!) little embies keep growing well, that your transfer goes smoothly and of course that it results in a healthy little baby (or two :Up_to_something: ). This thread is hopping! :bigsmile:
Ltl - that's awesome! How many are you going to transfer?

Bright - I'm doing ok, thx. Still on the ttc/ntnp train. How exciting that you have a trip to SA booked! Hope you share lots of pics when you get back. Thinking good thoughts for you for your upcoming ivf too!