
The Official TTC for 6 Months or More Thread

Fisher, I'm so sorry to hear that she passed. ;( I read your post over in the jbp with your baby's latest us shots and wanted to comment but was pulled away before I could. Your little one is SO adorable and I'm ridiculously happy for you and Paul. Thank you also for checking in on us. :)

I haven't posted in a while because of some icky feelings and also because there wasn't much to report! I'm probably going to take the plunge and do a femara/iui this month, but I'm not sure. I know it's not incredibly invasive, but I really wanted us to be able to conceive "naturally". So that's been making me stall. After 14 failed cycles and all the physical issues we know we're dealing with, I know it's time. Argh. I am excited, just terrified that it won't work.

Anyhow enough rambling! I hope all the ladies here are doing well. I think of you all often. :) bright should be heading to her ivf in a short while, I think? Big hugs ladies and lots of prayers that everyone's arms or at least wombs will be full in 2013!
I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL's passing, Fisher. :(( I'm sure all of you took good care of her till the very end...and I'm sure it was a comfort to her if she knew that you were pregnant with that long-awaited loved grandbaby. I'm glad to hear all is well. You need to post a BUMP pic my dear!! I'd love to see a pic of you in all your pregnant glory. :)) Are you guys going to find out what you're having or do you want it to be a surprise? Any hunches either way?

Tammy - sorry to hear about the ickiness and uncertainty right now. I think now might be a good time for the iui too....although I understand the disappointment at not being able to conceive naturally, the way you'd hoped. But if the end result brings you closer to having that baby, I would definitely pursue it.

I didn't remember Bright was about to do Ivf. Sending best wishes to you for a successful ivf, Bright!!

Hi to Bella and everyone else I missed! :wavey:

Nothing really new from me. I've been feeling icky and down about ttc over these last few weeks haven't really been checking in. But still rooting for everyone here!
She really did have great joy about the baby-- we recorded the heartbeat for her on a little play back contraption from Build-A-Bear and she loved it and would play it over and over, smiling and giggling over her grand baby. Probably that's the most precious memory I hold of that sweet woman. I'm very close to my own mother, too, but Martha and I were so much more alike in our interests. It's been very hard thinking of our child never knowing her, but I certainly pray he or she will know her love and kindness.

I post pics of my bump on FB all the time, but hadn't thought to do so here. I also posted a recent ultrasound on the barely preggo thread. I can't get over the wonder!!

I'm home sick today so I'm a little loopy-- hope this post makes sense! Good thoughts and lots of hope and love to my friends here- a new year is always a good thing!
Fisher - I am really sorry for your loss. My mother has passed too, so I struggle with the fact that my future children will not know their grandmother. I am really glad your MIL got to hear the heartbeat, I am sure that gave her something to be happy about in her last days.

Bright - I am really sorry for your loss as well. I hope you are doing ok.

Tammy - I think my and you are going to be on the same med this month, I am really wishing you the best of luck if you decide to do the IUI this cycle.

Bella - I am so sorry about your concussion. Are you doing better? I really hope you are not having any long term effects from it! I am sure your RE will understand. Do youou know how many times I have pushed back appointments because life got in the way?

AFM - I am officially on the "precycle" IVF protocol. I have 2 weeks of OCP and start my stim meds later this month. THe OCPs have made my appetite go up a little, which is good, because I would like to get my BMI up a little before the IVF cycle. My doctor showed me some studies that suggested that getting it up a may help me. He is not pushing it too hard because I have normal cycles, but I want to stack as many of the odds as I can in my favor. I am also on PNVs and I hate those, the iron and my GI system to not get along. But I saw my CBC, and all the blood work is starting to take it's toll on my hemoglobin (I am not anemic, but getting close to the border). The only part I am really nervous about is the egg retrieval and the progesterone, which are IM injections from what I have herd. But overall I am hopeful that this will help me. I no so many women on this thread have had luck with IVF, and I am really hoping the same holds true for me.

I hope 2013 brings us all wonderful things!
Fisher, I am so sorry for your MIL's passing, but so glad that you were able to share the special early days of this pregnancy with her!

LtFirecracker-I hope 2013 is a great year for you and that this first IVF protocol does the trick!!!

The RE called while I was out of town and said I am a little anemic so I should consider taking iron. I'm going to talk to my acupuncturist and see what she recommends. I hate taking iron pills, so might try to make some diet modifications instead combined with a lower dose of iron...
(((Fisher))), I'm SO sorry about your MIL. ;( Breaks my heart.

LtlFirecracker, I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom.
Sounds like this is going to be a big month or two around here. I wish all of you who will be undergoing fertility treatments the best of luck. I would like nothing more than a baby boom next October! Thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Bella - Believe me, I know all about iron. I hate it too. I can tell you from my own experience treating anemia, it can take 3 + months to correct an anemia with full iron replacement because not only do you have to get your Hb up, you have to replace to stores (which I don't think most OBs check). From my experience, once your Hemoglobin normalized, and than about 2-3 months later, your stores come up. You are going to want those iron stores robust when you get pregnant because you need to transfer enough iron to the baby to get them through their first 6 months of life. Just something to take into consideration when you are figuring out what is the best approach for you. I actually just looked at my PNV, and I just realized, I am only taking 10 mg of iron a day (the PNV I am on is suppose to be 3 pills a day, and I forgot and am only taking 1), and I am supposed to be taking 18-30mg depending on who's guidelines you look it. Now I know why I am actually tolerating the iron. I am not happy about this.

MP - Thanks for the well wishes, I hope you are doing well with your little one.

Lalia - Thank you for the kind words.

AFM - Just playing with supplements. I looked at my PNV today and realized I need to take at least 2 pills to get the minimum requirements. I would need to take 3 to make the IVF nurse happy, but I will wait to see if I actually get pregnant before doing that. Right now I just figure I am trying to keep myself from getting anemia, or depleting my stores from the blood draws, and that should not require as much iron as making a new person does. I also bought some Calcium/Vit D supplements. I need those anyways, but I know that will be even more important if this IVF works.
Good luck with your IVF cycle Firecracker! I am rooting for you.

Thinking of you too, Bright. Good luck with IVF this month. Hope you are okay.

Tammy, sending positive sticky vibes if you go IUI or not this cycle. I hope you, your DH, and your 2 girls had a great Christmas.

Bella, good luck with the iron issues and your RE . Hope B had a great Christmas!

Sha, hi! Sorry you have been feeling down. I really hope this year you get your wish of a little brother or sister for your beautiful daughter.

I think of you all often and really wish the best for you. I hope and pray that you are all blessed with BFPs early in 2013.
Hi Girls!

Ltl, I didn't realize that you're doing IVF now. That's fantastic news!! Good luck, please keep us posted! :)) Side note - you're more than welcome to my extra BMI. :tongue:

Bella, I'm sorry to hear about the anemia but glad they caught it so you can supplement!

Sha, I completely understand the ttc blues. I really hope that 2013 brings little ones to us ALL.

AFM: I really hope that Femara works better than Clomid because it's giving me MASSIVE headaches daily. :nono: We did decide to give the IUI a go this month for the first time. I'm nervous, but have been keeping busy to try to stay preoccupied. It looks like the IUI will most likely be either next Friday or Saturday. I'm afraid we'll miss my ovulation and since we have to "save up", might miss the window completely. RE seems quite confident that I'll surge on CD 14 (Friday) but I'm to OPK from CD 11 on. Day of surge I come for sono and trigger, then IUI the next day. From everything I've read that's pretty much the standard, so I don't know what I'm freaking out about. :rolleyes: I do have one question for BTDT ladies, should I push for progesterone supplements in the TWW or just leave it as is? I don't spot before AF, but I do have issues with tail end brown bleeding. The RE said it's up to me, but they like to go with minimal supplements to avoid unnecessary side effects.

In other news, we finally bought a new bed and it's being delivered today. It's a memory foam king (we currently have a queen). I can't wait! ::) MIL comes next week, excited for that too...but brings me to the next thought.

The "baby's room" is gradually becoming the "guest room". Our queen is going into that room for now, and every time we start talking about plans for the room it's rough for me. DH says "well the crib can still go over here, and the bed will fit over there" and I lose it inside. We have basically 3 months worth of tries left, doing IUI/Femara for one (maybe two) then injectibles/iui for the final one. After that we're hanging up the ttc hat and working on being at peace with our family as it is.

OH! I almost forgot to mention something that DOES give me hope. One of my childhood friends has been suffering silently with infertility. She and her husband tried for three years and three months to conceive. On her FB yesterday, she posted a picture of her little boy wearing an "I'm going to be a big brother!" shirt! I'm over the moon for them, not even a hint of sadness...just a whole lot of hope and love. :))
tammy-that is great for your friend!!!!!!!

AFM-sick with an ear infection/head cold/102 fever and I started spotting today. Good news, my cycle this month seemed like clockwork, bad news...we have lots of s*x around ovulation and it seems to be CD 1 now, so, on to the next month I guess...other good news, my accupuncturist recommended a liquid iron supplement called Floradix which I just started taking today. It doesn't taste bad and is supposed to be non constipating...I'll keep you posted :lol:

Sha-I saw your other thread and although I can't believe I am putting this DH's interest tends to be low and TTC can be challenging for us. When he is feeling stressed out or insecure he pretty much is not interested and he's in the middle of a huge career change which is exciting but also really scary for him. So, if he's having a tough time emotionally around when I am ovulating, odds are good we won't have s*x that month. We are both consciously trying to work on this part of our relationship, but it is tough. This past month was great as we were on vacation when I was O (which is why I was really hoping that maybe it would be our month...) so we had a lot of s*x for us (which is still a pretty low number on your poll)...
Tammy, sending postive thoughts your way! I'm so happy you are going to try an IUI this cycle. I too struggled with whether it was the right thing to do because I so wanted to conceive the natural way, and I sort of worried it wasn't the "right" thing to do to mess with nature. BUT now that I have Everett, I just know he was the baby I was meant to have. If we hadn't done the IUI that cycle, we wouldn't have Everett. It is also scary to take that leap when you know that you are going as far as you are willing to go. I so get that. I was terrified it wouldn't work. But at a certain point, you just have to trust that was is meant to be is meant to be, and it really sounds like you are in a good place. Praying that it works for you, and you finally get to add an addition to your family.

Bella, sorry to hear you don't think this was your month. There is nothing worse than knowing you gave it your best attempt, and it still wasn't enough. But hang in there. My DH felt a lot of pressure when we were TTC, which caused quite a bit of stress on both of us. I wish I knew what the answer was for making sure you get the timing right but also keeping the intimacy and romance involved. I think it is probably a struggle every couple with fertility issues goes through. Thinking of you! And even if this was not your month, it is good that your cycle seemed pretty normal.

Bright, I hope you are still checking in. I am thinking of you lady. I know this is around the time of your first loss last year, which I'm sure is so hard.I also hope you are finding some peace after your grandmother's passing. My 2013 be a year of many blessings!

Firecracker, keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you! I so hope IVF is the answer for you. It seems like a lot of ladies on here have had very good results.

Sha, thinking of you too!

Hope I didn't miss anybody! Just wanted to let you all know that I think of you often!
thanks Monkey and Everett is such a cutie pie!!!!

AFM-I had my CD3 blood draw today so I should find out my FSH and estradiol soon. Last month when they did a CBC and also tested my AMH it came back as < .16

so, um, that's not so great.

I am waiting to hear back from my accupuncturist as to what she recommends and to talk with my RE about his thoughts.
Bella, big HUGE hugs about the AMH!! Does that mean it's less than .16? If so, can you get the actual number? I hope your FSH/E2 come back within normal limits, please keep us posted. From all the sleuthing I did after I got my AMH (.57, iirc), AMH is the quantity and FSH/E2 is the quality measure. It's still possible to get pregnant and have a healthy baby! All it takes is ONE good egg, at least that's my mantra these days. Have you, or can you get them to do an antral follicle count for you? Are you taking DHEA and/or royal jelly? My RE said she didn't think DHEA would help my case, but Royal Jelly and acupuncture might (I wish I'd gotten the acupuncture...). I am taking the RJ though and it's not bad at all, just tastes like super sweet honey in a paste form.

The low AMH does mean that time's running out fast, so if you and your DH are able to come up with a "this is as far as we're willing to go" plan with your RE, NOW is the time to follow through with that plan. Personally, after I got my AMH results I told my RE that we were willing to go as far as IUI w/injections but not IVF. Her response was that the first three have the most likely success and we shouldn't delay.

Forgive me for not remembering, do you mind sharing how old you are? I'm turning 36 in March.

MP, thank you so much for chiming in. You're such a sweetie and I am continually thankful that you have your little E. I remember your journey quite well! :))

AFM: May as well update, though not much to report! The Femara headaches subsided after day two (and more sleep, so maybe that's all it was?). I take my last dose tonight. MIL gets here on Wed, so it's a weekend of scrubbing for me! :devil: I love her though, so it's okay...besides I needed to do it anyhow. We also got to sleep on our new bed for the first time last night and I'm in love! :love: I did NOT want to get up this morning, lol.

Bright, if you're ever checking in please know that I too have been thinking about you. I hope that funding was able to come through for IVF. If you want to connect off PS, just say the word and I'll set up a LT posting to get the ball rolling. *hugs*
Thanks Tammy!

I am still processing this and know that it only takes one egg, so am trying to to stress. If we are meant to get pregnant, we will. If not, maybe DH will realize we should start another adoption (which would be a different experience, but amazingly awesome as well).

I am 34, will be 35 this summer.

We are not sure what kind of medical intervention we are ok with and/or could afford, so we'll be talking about that.

I am not taking any DHEA, CoQ10, Royal Jelly, Larganine, or any of the other popular fertility cocktails. I just emailed my accupuncturist about them to get her feedback and see if I can take them along with the iron syrup I just started.

The good news is that since starting accupuncture this summer and having the polypectomy/d&c and doing two cycles of herbs, my cycle seems to be regular now, uterine lining seems great, and in Dec at least I had two "large follicles that looked great" when the RE did the transvag ultrasound midcycle.

And, at least one month I confirmed ovulation with positive OPK, temp, and ultrasound.

So, despite the AMH at least some months I am ovulating...
That's good news! Low AMHers can ovulate regularly (I have every month). We just have less eggs to recruit from, so we end up having a harder time getting a "good egg". My situation is more complicated because I also have other fertility challenges that I've mentioned before, so I won't drone on about that. ;))

I suspect that you will be more than fine to take at least COQ10 and RJ. I ordered my RJ online and it's this one

The jar has lasted me over a month, but I need to reorder soon. There was a thread floating around (I'm sure you can find it too, I would but I need to get back to work). It had a TON of posts from ladies w/low AMH that got great results after taking it for 3 months. I like that it's all natural and the philosophy behind it makes a lot of sense to me! I wouldn't take DHEA until you have your levels tested though, it can be too high if supplements weren't necessary and cause more problems.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, this is a topic I've done waaaay too much research on! :oops:
Okay ladies, I got the rest of my bloodwork back. What does this mean?!?!

You are way smarter about these numbers than me, and this flu has just really knocked me out so I don't have the engery for my normal google blitz of research.

AMH < .16 (from December 2012)
FSH 8.9 (Day 2 from Jan. 2013)
Estrogen (Day 2 from Jan 2013)
What's the # on the estrogen, Bella?

Estrogen is 43.
Bella those numbers are pretty good for FSH/E2! Mine were FSH 10.0 and E2 44.3 (I think?) and my doctor wasn't concerned at all. It doesn't change my protocol (medium/high dose stimulating drugs - Femara and IUI). I will say that low AMH'ers don't have much of a shot at success without meds. :|

As a side note, have you recently had a lap or anything else that would have jostled your ovaries around? If so, then the low AMH might bounce back up (if less than 4-6 wks ago). Also, have you been checked for Endo? It's been thrown around that low amh is sometimes associated with it. Usually there isn't any known cause though.
Nice to see everyone back, and things moving.

Tammy - I am wishing you luck. I really can't comment on the progesterone. I spot a few more days before my cycle, and my last doctor was only going to start it if I had a pos HCG that went over 100. I think he was using it to prevent loss, more than help with implantation. I never got to that point so never used it. For the IVF, I will be starting it after implantation. I herd they are IM shots and am very nervous about it, but I know I need to listen to what the doctors say. I already feel bad about asking to hold on the surgery, I don't wan't to direct my care too much. And I know their IVF numbers are good, so I am just trying to trust. I actually stopped all internet reading about 2 weeks ago. I am glad you are tolerating you injections and that your headaches are gone. I know it can be frustrating that we are dealing with opposite weight issues. I got an inch in my hips (don't have a scale) since I started eating more. Unsure if I actually gained weight or am retaining water from the OCP. Saw a friend yesterday who says I look the same :((.

Bella - I hope that iron works for you. I am on a "non constipating" iron too, and it is not working out that way. I am sorry you are sick. I just got over a nasty viral upper respiratory infection which gave me fevers as well. I stopped my PNVs while I was sick and just switched back to folate. As for the ovarian reserve testing, I have a few friends going through this with me. It is interesting, all of us who are in our early 30's have at least one abnormal lab. My highest FSH is 11.7, but my AMH is great. I have another friend who has a normal FSH/estradiol, but her AMH is off. I am not sure what to make of one ovarian reserve test being down and the other's being normal. But it seems common.

Monkeyprincess - Thank you for the kind words, it sounds like you are enjoying being a mom. Has the fussy behavior improved?

Bright - thinking of you if you are out there.

AFM - I just got a nasty cold this week complete with fevers. I am not shocked. It is winter in the pediatric clinic, and I have a cool test called a respiratory viral panel. I can isolate the DNA of 14 viruses or so. So I have been checking some of my patient's (not all of them, just the ones who have flu like sx or have other medical issues), and isolated about 10 viruses including more than one strain of the flu. I have my flu shot, which is supposed to have good coverage, so I was not too worried about that, but I am not protected against the other 7 viruses. I figure with that many, there is bound to be one I have not been exposed to previously in the "snotty nose clinic." I am just now recovering from it. I am just hoping this will be my last virus before the egg retrieval, and that I got it out of my system now. This is the first time I have had a fever in 2 years, which is pretty good considering what I do...

Other than that, tomorrow is my last OCP. Wednesday is my baseline appointment, and I think I start injections on Saturday. I will know more Wednesday. I am excited to see things finally moving.
Hello Ladies!

Bella, how are you feeling?! I certainly hope that the flu is passing for you. It's scary seeing all of the reports of how widespread it is! :errrr: Thinking of you. :)

Ltl, good luck at your baseline TOMORROW! I bet you're super excited (and probably a little nervous). I so hope that this is it for you!!! :bigsmile: How are you feeling with your fever btw? Poor girls, we need some healthy lady dust to go with the healthy baby dust! I also keep forgetting to mention that I'm actually not on injections yet. I'm just doing 5m Femara orally from CD3-7 and an HCG trigger the morning of my almost positive OPK after they do a follicle scan. If two of the Femara/IUI rounds both fail, then I'll try one combo of Femara/injections/iui (or go all out w/just injections/iui, have to get DH's opinion on this one).

I do have a question that's a little TMI. :oops: My RE suggests that we "let the horses out of the barn" (her words exactly) on CD11 then abstain until my IUI on CD14 or CD15 (she expects me to surge on 14, iui on 15). Does that sound like typical timing for abstaining and for the iui? It seems like too much time elapsed and too late in my cycle if I typically O on CD 15 at the latest. On Clomid I o'd on CD14 both cycles. Yeah, I'm nervous about missing our window and not having any chance at all due to the abstinence! :wacko:
Tammy, if I remember correctly, my NP said it was best to abstain 3-5 days beforehand. So your doctor's advice sounds right to me. I think we only ended up abstaining 2.5 days because of the way the timing worked out, but I'm not positive about that (I can't believe it has already almost been a year since my IUI). If I remember correctly, your DH does not have low counts though, so I'm guessing the timing is not as critical. Sending good thoughts your way!
monkeyprincess|1358268954|3356064 said:
Tammy, if I remember correctly, my NP said it was best to abstain 3-5 days beforehand. So your doctor's advice sounds right to me. I think we only ended up abstaining 2.5 days because of the way the timing worked out, but I'm not positive about that (I can't believe it has already almost been a year since my IUI). If I remember correctly, your DH does not have low counts though, so I'm guessing the timing is not as critical. Sending good thoughts your way!

Thank you for chiming in, MP! Yes, I can't believe it's been almost a year too. You are correct, my DH's count was great. Morph was borderline at 5% strict but otherwise very good overall. Thanks again for the reassurance on timing and for the positive thoughts! :))
Hi girls. Remember me? I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been having a rough time with my beloved Gran's passing & didn't have much energy to post. Plus, I didn't want to bring down the party over here (not to mention that I don't really have any TTC-related news at the moment.) But I've been reading along & keeping all of you in my thoughts.

I really hope 2013 brings much longed for bundles of joy into all of our lives. ::)

Tammy, Ltl, Laila, Sha, Bella, pupp, curly, LGator, fisher & MP, thank you so much for your kind words about my Gran. It was of great comfort to me to have your support. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to acknowledge your posts. I'm just getting to the point when I can talk about things without running my eye makeup. Lots of love to all of you sweet ladies.

Fisher, I'm so sorry to hear about your MIL's passing. It's especially difficult to lose a loved one over the holidays, as you said. I will keep you & Paul & your little one in my prayers. Much love to all of you. I'm so glad that you were all able to share the joyous news & make a memory book for your little one. S/he will surely cherish it! I hope you are finding peace that she will always be with you.

JGator, thank you for your kind words & for checking on me. I hope you & your little angel are well!

MP, you're so sweet to think of me & remember. It was definitely bittersweet on NYE thinking about all of the optimism DH & I had last year after we'd just gotten our 1st BFP. I'm just hoping we will get good news in the future & will be strong enough to appreciate it without too much fear. And thank you for the kind words about my Gran.
How is E doing? I hope he's feeling happier (and you are too!) Big hugs to you.

Sha, I'm sorry you've been feeling down lately. It can be so hard to remain positive about this journey. Sending you a big hug & lots of hope that you have a wonderful surprise soon!

Ltl, I'm so excited to hear you're doing an IVF cycle now! I'd love to hear about the details as things progress. I'm sorry to hear about your cold. That must be so rough to have to deal with that on top of the blood draws & drugs. I hope you're feeling better soon. How are you tolerating the drugs? Best of luck for your ER. I SO hope this is it for you. I have a good feeling...

Oh, Bella, I'm so sorry it's been a rough go lately--a concussion, anemia and now the flu? Bless your heart! I hope you're feeling better soon! I'm sorry that I'm not much help on the numbers. Anything planned soon fertility-wise? Hugs to you & B!

Tammy, I'm so excited that you're doing an IUI this month! My hopes are very high for you. Have your femara headaches subsided? I hope so! Hormonal headaches suck! And that sounds about right about the timing for DH prior to the IUI. On our last IUI (the one with the injections) it was timed sooner than we expected & made a big difference number-wise. (Though my DH doesn't have super swimmers like your DH, so maybe you guys would be ok either way!) Tons of dust coming your way, lady! I SO hope this is it for you!

As for my TTC news, we were originally planning an IVF this month, but our funding has been delayed. Hopefully it will come through in early February so we can move forward. We're planning to take a little vacation with my best friend next month (perhaps South Africa) & then do IVF, assuming all goes well, in late February-early March. I'm still on the pill without placebos so I can be ready to start the cycle at a moment's notice, but, oddly, I'm spotting for about a week every month even though I'm on continuous hormones. Very odd.

I really hope we can clear out this thread soon!
Hugs Bright. 2012 was not kind to you, but you have endured it all so graciously. I hope you are able to stay hopeful despite it all. Have a fantastic trip to South Africa! That sounds amazing. One day you are going to have so many great stories to tell and pictures to show your little one of all of your adventures before he or she arrived. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that your funding arrives soon, so you can start the IVF after your trip. As far as the spotting, I think the hormones in the continuous pills are lower doses, so they are sometimes just not strong enough to stop all the breakthrough bleeding. My sister is on a continuous pill to prevent endometriosis, and she is always complaining about it.
Bright!!! So very nice to hear from you, but I'm sorry that you've been struggling so much. :(sad I had a feeling that might be the case and that your IVF was pushed back a little. A trip to South Africa sounds amazing though and I agree with MP. You're going to have some wonderful stories to tell your much loved little one whenever s/he decides to join you. ::)

Big, BIG hugs!
MP, thanks, dear. I have to say that 2012 wasn't my favorite year. I sure hope things go better this year!

I'm definitely looking forward to the trip, though I'm a little concerned about all the funky diseases over in Africa. Hopefully we'll be ok.

That's interesting about the pill dosage & breakthrough bleeding. I was on a similar pill (a different lo-ovral generic) for 8 years prior to TTC. I took it continuously then & had no breakthrough bleeding whatsoever. Now I'm on esssentially the same dose (I think) & I seem to bleed every month. Very annoying! I hope the bleeding stops soon for your sister. How long has she been taking the pill/experiencing the bleeding?

How's your little one doing? I hope all is well with you & your family.

tammy, thanks, dear. While it wasn't our preferred situation, DH & I are trying to make the best of our relative lack of responsibilities right now to do things we wouldn't be able to do as easily if we had a little one. I've been so sad for so long that I'm just trying to kick the situation in the pants & take as many steps to make myself happy (doing things I can control) as I can.

I'm sending you gobs of dust for your IUI! And I don't think you should worry about missing your surge this month while you're "saving up," but if you are worried, doing the opk's would give you enough warning to get thee to the doc in time.

Ltl, I forgot to mention that I have a few extra pounds I'd be happy to donate to the "increase LTL's BMI" cause. :Up_to_something:
Tammy, 0-4 is still in the fertil window, too, so CD11 should still give you a shot independent of the IUI! Good luck!
Bright, things are going much better with E, thanks for asking. I started back at work, and it is hard being away from him. He is slowly becoming more easygoing, and I find myself falling more and more in love with him everyday and better able to handle his tantrums. Anytime I am tempted to start whining or complaining about our struggles, I think of you and the other ladies still waiting who would do anything to be able to stay up late with a crying baby, and I offer up my frustration for those still waiting.

At least you won't have to be on the pill too much longer (hopefully). Maybe there is a slight variation in the hormones used that doesn't work quite as well for you as the other one you used to take. I'm sure it is strange to even have to be on the pill in the first place when you want nothing more than to have a baby. But at least you know it is gearing your body up for when you start the IVF process. I started back on the pill last month, and it just seems so silly considering that I needed help to conceive E and we have not resumed that part of our relationship yet. I actually resent taking it even though it would be too soon to get pregnant again, so I can only imagine how you feel about it.

Sorry to hijack this thread! I was just so glad to see you update that I got carried away!

All my best to you ladies!